Friday, September 20, 2019


There's nothing quite like a mother's love, and moms from the animal kingdom are no exception.  Maternal instincts can be so strong.  The saying “mothers turn into animals when defending their children” isn't just a phrase, it's reality.  Seeing Styx become a mom made me reflect on my own experience, although she was doing it so much better than I.

Amy Joyce had it right when she said about motherhood:  "It’s exhausting, inspiring, soul-sucking and purpose-giving.  It makes you question everything, while also feeling like you know it all."

"She is a mother. She is vulnerable (just hurt her child, and you’ll see) and she is strong (just hurt her child, and you’ll see). She has been elevated (she is Mom) and she has been demeaned (she is just a mom). She is full (loving a child so completely will do that to you) and she is empty (loving a child so completely will do that to you). Who says she can’t have it all? She has everything." - Sharon Holbrook

Saturday 9/14 - This was to be my last morning to work at the pool.  I checked on and cared for mama cat and then left for much of the day.  It was a little overcast at the start of my shift, but plenty warm.  I was surprised I did not have more customers.

From work I went straight to the barn to meet up with Patty and the Farrier (our new guy) Brian.  This photo is of Zorro's hooves after trimming and Patty applied hoof treatment.

She also braided his mane just for fun.
She is a great Godmother to Zorro.

I made another quick check on mama cat, cleaned her litter box and water bowl, and gave her more kibble and canned food.

The day ended with a night out with the girls at Lake Tansi and dancing to Jeff Allen, one of our favorites.

Sherri, Micki, and I rode together and met up with Patty and Donna, and their husbands.

I was home by 10:30 and after maternityward care went straight to bed.  Joe came home close to 2am, but had had a very successful night of poker.

Sunday 9/15 - Joe was fighting a bad cold and I was tired because of interrupted sleep.  Monita laying beside my computer conveys how I was feeling... too tired, just let me sleep.  But we had planned to depart for Nashville at 9:30 so I had to get a move on.

Mama cat was spotting, some little blood clots, which had me worried.  I also had to get to the barn by 8:00 so Judy could help me give Amiga and Zorro their second fall shot.  Judy did all of the 'dirty' work, I was no help.

I had put the two horses together in the cross ties and gave them some hay to keep them pre-occupied while waiting for Judy to arrive.
Joe and I headed to Nashville at our planned 9:30 departure time.  Once to Courtney's apartment, we picked her up, went to her house, and loaded the SUV with stuff to go to Goodwill.

Joe dropped us two girls off at a furniture store, and while we shopped, he took the stuff to Goodwill.

I tried not to influence Courtney's choice too much, but gave her input when asked.  She ended up picking out a beautiful, and quite comfy couch and matching rug (catalog photo) that we both really liked.  Sadly, she will need to wait until the second week of October to get it.

I think mother's feel their children's emotions to a huge degree, especially the pain and sorrow.  It was nice to feel happy, as Courtney was feeling good about these new furnishings.

Next we searched and searched for a TV stand.  She decided on this sofa table and got two matching side tables as well.  I really like this choice too.

We made a few other stops and then took Courtney back to her apartment.  Joe and I went back to her house and finished clearing just about everything out of her garage.  We had the SUV loaded with stuff to go back to our bunkroom, that we would be storing for Courtney.

It was nice to get home before dark.  We unloaded a few things and decided to do the rest in the morning.  Monita started checking out Courtney's things right away.

Patty had done midday pet care, walking the dog and feeding Mama cat.  She said Styx was not bleeding, so I felt better about that.  Patty even got her to play with one of her toys.  Well when I checked on Styx and the kittens, she was spotting again, and I saw a flea on two different kittens.  Dang it.

Monday 9/16 - I had slept in Britney's room because Joe was hacking and coughing up a storm and I wanted a good night's sleep.  Well Stevie and Monita were way to curious about this new space and me being there.  They both kept me awake exploring.  I decided I needed a sleeping pill, still had troubles falling asleep, but then didn't wake until almost 7am.

We unloaded the rest of the SUV and the cats loved exploring the new things and smelling everything with Courtney's cat's smells on it.  Stevie was hiding in the big Brier horse barn at one point.

It was going to be a catch-up day, even though I was late getting up.  I wanted to finish and get last week's blog posted.  But first I had to check on the kitties.  Thankfully, Styx was not bleeding, was quite playful, and ate and drank heartily.  I also got photos of each of the kittens.  The three gray ones look a lot alike.

This yellow one was first born, is the largest, and quite cute.  But my favorite (without a doubt) is the black one.  It has marbling of white on it.

And look at it's cute little face and stripped legs.  Adorable!

I had intentions to get back into my aerobic classes, working out, riding Amiga, and yard work, but I was feeling really run down. So the only time I went out all day, was to water new grass and plants in back in the morning, and new grass and plants in the front in the evening.  Maybe I was fighting a cold too.

I did spend a lot of time in the sunroom here at my computer, blogging.  Monita was right overhead, napping.  But I had also been out in the garage a lot, starting to handle the kittens.

And I spent time introducing Maggie to the mom cat, slowly, to get mama cat used to dogs.

These photos show the progress made.
Styx was not afraid of Maggie, but also not really interested in her.

I had used cat treats to draw them closer to each other.

Maggie knows nothing about the kittens, except there might be a box of squeaky toys 'that the new cat' is hiding.

Eventually, a little nap was taken by all three of us.
Tuesday 9/17 - There was no relief in sight from the heat and extreme dry conditions.  I finally finished and posted last week's blog and realized how behind I was on this week's blog. 

The hawk down back had caught something.  I watched him tear at it but couldn't get a good photo.

Look at all the leaves that have fallen.

When I took this (video), he decided to leave.
I went to the gym to lift weights, but my favorite Zumba instructor, who was subbing for another one, pulled me
into her class.  She is always so much fun.

Jan came by to see the kittens and then I watered what I had time for, before leaving for work.
My enthusiasm for work is declining, or the heat was getting to me.  I was still fighting a sore throat which didn't help any.  There was a group of 'protesters' working at getting the pool season extended to the end of the month.  It made sense to me because the forecast was for hot dry days the remainder of the month, but I was looking forward to having time off from the pool.  I did feel staying open was in the best interest of our members.

Wednesday 9/18 - Cat chores are a morning and evening event, keeping the cage, litter box and bedding clean.  I went shopping in town all morning.

Toni and her associate (forget the name) from Wild About Cats came to check on Styx and her babies.  She also sexed the little ones.  The black and one gray one are girls.  The yellow and other two gray ones are boys.

Toni took this second photo, I think to get the word out that this mom and babies will be up for adoption.
I want to adopt one, just need to justify a third cat and talk Joe into it.  I snatched a (video) of the kittens, at five days old, while Styx took a break.

Courtney and Mike's house (listing) went on the market.  We hope and pray it sells quickly.
We also wish them both the best as they go their separate ways and embark on new adventures in life.

Thursday 9/19 - I had my morning play time with Styx.
Later I got a call that my thyroid levels were good and that I should stay at the medication level I was now at.  But I have wondered why I have recently really felt run down and tired.  I just don't have my usual energy.  I thought maybe I was being over medicated on Levothyroxine.

In an effort to control the flea population (Toni had seen one on a kitten) I washed all cat laundry and the old moving blanket from off the floor in the garage, and vacuumed the rug out there again.

News that the pool would stay open another nine days was not surprising, but I needed to dig deep for more enthusiasm to work.  I love the job but am ready for a break.

I took Maggie hiking, and jogged some of the level areas because I was pressed for time.  I was frustrated with my body, feeling so tired and out of breath.

Then I worked a very slow 1:15 to 5:45 shift.  This was the coldest day (upper 70's) we had had in two weeks.  I was thankful that my last customer left a little after 5:00, giving me time to clean and still get home earlier than usual.  I skipped evening watering because things hadn't gotten so scorched.

My evening was spent in the garage with cat and kittens.  Videos of Styx playing (link) and the kittens now six days old (link).  I love this photo of Styx pulling one of her babies in closer.  There is no experience so precious as motherhood.  Courtney had come up with temporary names for the kittens using the Styx songs.

This is my favorite kitten, named Babe.  Look at the unusual marking on the back of her neck.

These are the gray 'twins' with Lady on the right and Blue Collar (I'll call Blue) on the left.

They are difficult to tell apart.  I tried to get a facial comparison, but they would not hold still.

This is Renegade, I have nick named Rene. He is the only yellow one, and the last one to lose his umbilical cord.  What a cute face!

And this is Arigato, from the Mr. Roboto song.  He is the gray one with white paws.  I might just call him Gato (meaning male cat in Spanish).  Arigato means thank you in Japanese.

Friday 9/20 - It had cooled off over night and I shut windows in my office/sunroom.  Patty dropped by at 9:00 to help Joe put a new door knob on our garage door.  It is so nice to finally have that done.

While Patty was here, I had her hold the 'twins' so I could get a better face shot.  Lady is on the right.  Her brother (Blue) has more white on his face and tip of his toes.

My Norfolk Pine has died.  It went too long without water too many times.  So I replaced it with this Hibiscus I had bought a few days earlier.  I had the big garage door open and Styx watched from her cage while I did the transplanting.

Of course, my two inside cats were all over it, checking out the new smells.

I did hang out in the garage with mama cat and got this (video) of the one week old babies.  This (video) shows the grosser side of motherhood.  When kittens are first born, the mother will lick them to stimulate the elimination of urine and poop.  In the process, the mom will ingest these items.  And you thought changing diapers was bad.

We had our 'end of the season' party, although were celebrating the pool being open longer and also Eileen and Jackie's birthdays.  I really enjoyed being able to relax and party with my regulars, I wasn't working.

Poker Joe was gone when I got home.  I watered real quick before it got dark, fed all the critters, and showered.  It was nice to relax out in the garage with Styx and then my indoor cats got to snuggle with me when I went to bed.

There is no greater experience than motherhood - being one and watching one care for her young.

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