Friday, September 13, 2019


My week deviated from the normal routine quite a bit.
Each day I did try to get the grass seed watered morning and night.  But I did not do my two Zumba classes or my two Line Dance classes, and I never made it to the gym to lift weights or did any hiking or long dog walks.  And I only took Amiga on one short ride.

Saturday 9/7 - I was moving faster than usual when my feet hit the floor.  I didn’t linger long at my computer, finished packing up things for our trip to Courtney’s, watered the grass seed and headed to work.  Joe was my first customer and it got quite busy because it was so hot.

Deviating from the norm, Mike relieved me almost two hours early.  He is so great to help out.  I hurried home, and soon we were on the road.  Joe had already dropped Maggie at the kennel.  We picked up Patty, who was very willing to help us out at Courtney's house.

We passed this truck, and I couldn't help but think we might want it's (Junk Bee Gone) services.  Our plan was to get the remainder of Courtney’s stuff moved out of her and Mike's house and into her apartment; and to get the house cleaned up and ready to sell.  Mike is moving to Indianapolis for a job and he and Courtney are going their separate ways.

A selfie to show all the cleaning supplies beside me and behind me.  Two hours later we were at Courtney’s new apartment.  A quick tour and then we all headed over to the house.  We worked at Courtney’s house for several hours.  She had been diagnosed with strep throat early Friday morning and was on antibiotics and still feeling really rotten physically.

We needed Courtney to designate what went where while we sorted through everything, so she sat on our lawn chair recliner and we brought stuff to her.

Daniel came and helped Joe with loading some of the yuckier furniture into the SUV and taking it to Habitat for Humanity.  They made two trips.  They also bought Courtney new box springs which they delivered to her apartment.

We sorted through many closets and cabinets, making piles of trash, recyclables, Goodwill stuff, Mike’s stuff and Courtney’s stuff to go to her apartment or into storage at our house.  I took a break to snag some cloths out of the Goodwill pile.

We stopped for a dinner break when the boys arrived with take-out Chinese. 

We were all about out of steam but worked a few more hours.  We filled Courtney’s car and our SUV with her stuff and went to her apartment.

We got Courtney's new box springs onto her new bed frame, under the mattress she had been sleeping on, on the floor.  We did a little more cleaning at her apartment while she played her guitar.  In the process of digging her three guitars out of the back of a closet, she had decided to take the acoustic one to her apartment.

Finally, Patty, Joe, and I drove to Dan and Val’s.  I had brought Tango a toy, and he enjoyed playing with it (video).  We visited for a short while before bed.

Sunday 9/8 - Joe, Patty, and I were up and on our way to Courtney's house before 8am.  We spent all of our time moving stuff out of the house and working at cleaning it up.  A lot of scrubbing was required in the two bathrooms and kitchen.  While Joe was taking a load to Goodwill, we sent him this photo, requesting more scrub sponges.  He also bought a new door knob.  The vacuum cleaner malfunctioned shortly after we started vacuuming, so we sent Dan a text to bring his.

Courtney came about lunch time, bringing lemonade for all, and Dan and Val arrived soon after, with their shop and house vacuums.  It was great to have the young energy of Dan and Val helping with cleaning.  The place was a mess.  Courtney was still sick, tired, sad, overwhelmed, and maybe a little bit frustrated.  She cleaned out the last closet, making more piles.  Below, Joe and Patty making the king bed with the newly washed comforter.  We used all the remaining furniture to try and 'stage' the house the best we could.

While we all cleaned, Joe made more trips, three loads of stuff to Goodwill, one trip to the recycle center and two loads to the dumpster at Courtney's new place.  Joe drove almost 200 miles just in and around Nashville over the two days we were there.

After Courtney had sorted through the last closet, she went home.  Once Dan and Val helped us finish up the last of the cleaning, they too went home.  We loaded the second cat tower into the SUV, then put in all the stuff we had brought (including Patty's wet-vac carpet cleaner and our yard tools) and then squeezed in as much of Courtney's stuff (she wants us to store in the bunk room) as possible.  We ate dinner (left over Chinese and lunch fixins I had brought) and finished cleaning out the refigerator.  We were on the road about 6:30 pm.  It was straight to bed once we got home.

Monday 9/9 - I was very tired when I got up.  With Joe's help, we unloaded all the junk from the SUV.

Joe went to pick up Maggie at the kennel and I went to the barn.  Patty was there holding Zorro while Dr. Perry was looking him over and gave him his fall shots.  While waiting for Amiga's turn, I organized tack into a new bin I had bought.  I added all of Courtney's stuff we had brought from her house.  After Amiga got her shots I took her for a little ride (bareback) instead of hand walking her.  The exercise helps them not get so sore from after the shots.

While watering down back, I watched this big snapper crawl out of the water and towards me.  When I stopped to (video) tape him on the move, he stopped and did not make any more progress.
This truck broke down out front and was there for hours while they tried to get it going.  I offered help, but really couldn't do anything for them.

Later, when cleaning out part of the garage, I offered water, which they accepted.  I asked Joe to see if he could help them.  They tried jumping it and then they decided to try gas.  Nothing worked.  Eventually they got picked up, after pushing the truck off to the side of the road.

In sister Carol's blog two months ago, she said everybody should have a litter of kittens.  Well, that was the only budge I needed to re-connect with "Wild About Cats' and I immediately called and offered to foster a pregnant cat.  The very next day I was contacted about an outside cat who was soon to deliver.  Long story short, the cat had her babies somewhere outside before they could catch her, and the babies could not be found.  Well, last week I was asked about another pregnant cat.  I said I needed to wait until after the weekend because we were in Nashville.  When Toni (from Wild About Cats) called to say she would be bringing the cat at 4pm, I went out to prepare a spot for her.  We had no idea how wild she was, or if she had parasites, etc. so she would be staying in the garage.  Notice the cat tree we are keeping for Courtney until she gets a larger place.  This will be fun for the cat family.

The pregnant cat was delivered at 3:30.  Toni had taken her to the vet on the way here, and Dr. Dan said she was only 6 to 8 months old herself.  She was already dilated and he said she should be delivering in the next day or two.  Her name is Styx, after the band, but because she was found in a pile of sticks.

I got her all set up in our dog crate (cage) with a fan to help keep her cool in the 90+ degree heat.  Then I headed off to Mirror Lake Blast.

I met Shirley and Patty there and Joe also joined us.  This was the last Blast of the summer, a seasonal routine I hated to see end.  And yes, as customary, there was lots of dancing going on.

When I got home at 8:30, I decided to see how tame Styx was.  It didn't appear that she had left the cat carrier yet.  I gently talked to her and slowly put my hand into the crate and let her smell my finger.  And in no time, she leaned into my hand and let me pet her.  And then she was ready to come out of the cage to visit and explore.

And next thing I know, she is wanting to cuddle and be pet.  She was purring and rubbing on me just as affectionate as could be.  I took this (video) to post on Facebook.

She did some exploring in the garage, and now looking back, I think she might have been searching for a good 'den' to have her kittens in.

It was getting late, so I went in to bed and let Styx spend the first night with us, alone out in the garage, safe in her cage.  I thought I would just let nature take it's course if she had her babies.

Tuesday 9/10 - I checked on Styx and there were no babies.  It seemed her belly had gotten larger over night.

She sure did like to be pet and snuggled with (video).  What a sweet heart.

And then while I worked at my computer I had brought into the garage, she did a little exploring.  But boy what a distraction she was.

As I mentioned, I watered the grass seed morning and night, everyday, all week.  It had just started to germinate.

I introduced Maggie and Styx to each other.  The cat arched and fluffed up so I made Maggie lie down and stay.  Right away Styx did not feel threatened, and laid down.

I moved Styx to a larger dog crate that Toni had left with us.  Now she has a larger litter box and cat carrier.  The board above the carrier gives her something to scratch on and another place to lay down.

Because I thought I had seen a flea on Styx, and you can't use flea meds on a pregnant cat or kittens until they are twelve weeks old, I decided to give her a bath.

Patty agreed to help with this endeavor.  I held the cat while Patty clipped her nails.  Styx never struggled, or made a noise, she is so sweet.

Next we cleaned her ears which made her do quite a bit of head shaking, but she didn’t struggle to get away.  There was still no hissing, growling or biting.

Finally, we gave her a bath in the kitchen sink.  Even with the bath she was very calm. She didn’t like it but did not struggle much at all.  I had a white towel in the sink for her to stand on.  There were several black specks, but we never saw any live fleas.  After her bath I combed her with a flea comb and she seemed to like that.  Again, no fleas found.  Here she is, getting some treats as she dries off.  Patty said, even though we are strangers to her she was very calm, didn't put up a fight, and was so good about it.  She will make a wonderful pet/family member. Patty was very impressed by her temperament!

I scooted off to work at 1:15.
Coming home from work at 6:30, I had to stop for these deer crossing the road at the Lakeview dip just two lots down from us.

A quick peek, and there was still no action in the maternity ward.  Styx was staying cool up on top of the cat carrier.

After watching several cat birthing videos, even though chances for problems is slim, I decided it would be better if I slept in the garage with Styx, just in case she encountered difficulties.  I wanted to keep and eye (and ear) out for any complications.

I set up 'camp' in the garage, a bed, card table for my computer, and a light.

Styx will remain in the garage so she isn't exposed to my two cats, and they aren't exposed to her.  I hope to bring her inside eventually once I know she doesn't have any 'parasites or germs to share' and she and the babies will be safe from anything my two cats have.

It was nice to snuggle while I read, but back into the cage she went when I was ready for lights out.

Wednesday 9/11 - Never forget 911.  Styx woke me at 3:00, crying and scratching to get out of the crate.  I chose to just lay and listen and wait and see if she continued.  She used the litter box and then it got quiet again.  But I couldn't get back to sleep, so got up at 3:40.

I worked at my computer while Styx explored the garage.  I got down on the mat and snuggled with her some, and took this (video).

Joe and I met Jan at the barn at 8:00 and then went to work on the Holly trail.  We got a lot done, but only worked at it a little over an hour because it was just too hot.

Look how green it is getting where I seeded, except this one section on the hill.

So I added more seed and more dirt on top.

I have no idea what I did all day.  I know I did extra watering of all my plantings in the back.  I also spent a great deal of time with the mama cat out in the garage.

She was larger than when she had come on Monday.  I watched her a lot, pet and snuggled with her, and took a nap out on the mat in the garage.  This very pregnant cat seemed to be looking for a place to have her kittens (video).

She had not liked the new cat carrier for some reason.

Having watched all the birthing videos, I really thought she was in pre-labor and this would be the night (video).

She tried the carrier for awhile, so I felt encouraged.  But then her search in the garage would start up again (video).  I then decided to give her a second option with a box inside the crate.  I had the opening facing a different direction than the door of the cage.  She gave it a try, but still did not settle.

When I sit at my computer in the garage, I leave the cage open and Styx can go where she wants.  She likes laying near me.

Once it was lights out for the night, she settled somewhere in the cage; atop the litter box, in the cat carrier, in the cardboard box, or on the floor?  I don't know where.

My inside cats were wondering where I had gone.

Thursday 9/12 - my sister Cathy's birthday.
Styx had me up several times during the night, crying and pacing, but nothing had happened yet.  Still no babies.

This photo shows her cage, my computer table, my temporary bed, the fan, and the cat tree.  The cage is by a window so she can look out and to get air flow for cooling purposes.

Another very hot day meant a busy shift at the pool.  Here is Joe, and another customer, catching some Z's.  LOL

Most of my regulars at the pool know about me fostering Styx and were inquiring about her and giving me helpful suggestions.

When I got home I checked on Styx, and nothing had changed... except maybe her belly was even bigger.  Still no babies, which was no surprise because they usually deliver at night.  I think she was very uncomfortable.  I was 9 months pregnant the end of July, and understand.  Also, she would look at her belly with big eyes when I could see the babies moving... I think she was wondering ‘what the crap.'

I have been feeding her kitten chow (higher protein) both dry and canned food, so while she was out eating and then exploring, (still looking for a place to hide her babies), I revamped her 'den' again.  A lady at the pool suggested putting a sheet over it.  This seemed to please Styx and she went back in and settled in her birthing box after getting a drink and using the litter box.

Every night after it gets dark and cools off outside, I put mama kitty into her cage, open the two outside garage doors, and turn off all the lights to keep bugs out of the garage.  Then I do my nightly routine (PJs on, brush teeth, wash face, etc.) while letting the garage cool off.  Well Thursday night when coming back out to the garage, I shut the doors, turn on the lights, and open the cage door for Styx to come out.

She was in the box, comes out of it, and out of the cage, and lays down on my make shift bed.  And what to my wondering eyes do I see?  She is leaking fluid.  So I grab a paper towel to place under her.  And I say to myself, she needs to be back in the box.  So I grab it out of the crate and she is even farther along in labor.

This whole time she had never cried once. (In all of the videos I watched, the mom cats (called queens) were crying a fair amount.)  I gently scooped her up, put her in the box, and put the box back in the cage.  Before I could get the door shut, Styx pops out and back onto my bed, and I see that there is no sign of a baby coming out of her.  So I look in the box... no baby.  Well shoot!  I hoped I hadn't stop her labor.  I put Styx back in the cage, closed the door, covered the opening most of the way, and sat at my computer trying to type.

Twenty minutes later, I hear a little baby crying!  I turned off the fan, tried to peek in but couldn't see Mama cat, so listen.  The baby had quieted down and I heard chewing and then licking.  I hoped that was the umbilical cord getting severed and the placenta eaten, and the baby cleaned up.  Curiosity was getting to me, but I didn't dare check and stop labor again.  I just prayed all was going well.  After maybe another hour, I was ready for sleep.  It had been very quiet so I decided to take a peek by sticking my hand in the cage with my phone and taking a photo to see what was going on.  Mama was sleeping and the first baby was nursing.  I wondered when the next would arrive, closed the cage, turned the fan back on, and as I drifted off to sleep, hoped not to be woken by any distress sounds.

Friday The Thirtenth - I was woken by the sound of a crying kitten and looked at the clock each time - 12:10, 1:30, 2 something, and 4am.  The crying lasted several seconds and then quit, with no other sounds all night.  I figured it was our first little one each time.  After walking the dog at 5:00, I came back into the garage and Mama cat was eating from her dish.  I quickly pulled back the sheet, opened the door, and stuck my hand in and took this photo.  Five babies had arrived!  Technically, the yellow kitten was born on the 12th and the four dark ones on Friday the 13th.

Upon closer inspection, I felt that the towel was quite wet so I quickly and carefully moved the babies into the bottom half of the cat carrier.  I put a larger, softer, clean dry towel (one mama had slept on in the cat carrier so it smelled like her) in the birthing box, and put the babies and the box back as it had been.

Styx had stepped out of the cage to greet me, but quickly decided she needed to get back to her babies.  Look how much thinner she is.

It was not your routine mid September weather, but a scorching summer heat by mid morning, which required lots of watering.

I rested in the garage with Mama kitty, while checking on her and giving her a little break.  I also got a photo of the babies in their new clean 'nest' box.

Judy, Shirley, Patty and I had the Treasure Hunt from 1:15-5:30.  It was a lot of fun working puzzles, figuring out clues, and driving around to find the next hint.  When we arrived at our final destination, the Lutheran Church across from our house, we were not near as fast as we thought we were going, but only missed a perfect score by one point.  We had a light dinner together with all the contestants and then walked over to see the new kittens.

By the time we went back to Food City to get my car and I came home, it was after 6:00.  I decided to skip going to the evening's dance.  I know, very abronmal, but I was just way too tired.

Mama cat came down from her birthing box to eat and drink.  I got some canned food and opened the crate to check on her and the kittens.  They are so cute.  Styx appears to be in great shape; no abnormal discharge, lets me massage her belly, and is eating, drinking, and using the litter box well.  She did want to snuggle some and was purring while I pet her.

I also noticed that she was crusty on her tail and hip so I wiped her with a wet towel and combed out the crud while she ate and drank. 

It was my first night back in my bed, and I slept like a rock.

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