Friday, December 31, 2021

The End of An Era

The tradition of getting together the week from Christmas through New Years, that most of my family (siblings and their families) partakes in, looks to be coming to an end.

I'm not sure if this was an era or a legacy Mom provided for all of us.  We dearly miss her and will miss this wonderful yearly gift of her renting four condos on Long Boat Key so we can all get together over the holidays.  Before Long Boat, we met at other locations.  And wherever it was, most of us were able to get together and spend the holidays with Mom and each other.

Friday 12/24 - Our get togethers always require travel on everybody's part, and we have been blessed with safe travels over the years, although most of us have some pretty good travel stories to tell. 

Monita wanted to help me switch out purses before I hit the road, which I did at 10:30.  I dropped Maggie at Patty's and continued west to Nashville.  The drive to Courtney's was quick and easy, with very light traffic.  Then Courtney and I went to Dan and Val's for Christmas eve dinner.

Kitty was glad to see us.  He has to share his Mom and Dad's lovin' with Ava, so doesn't get enough.  LOL  

He just wanted a big hug.  Awhhh.

While Val was busy in the kitchen finishing up dinner prep (she had it all wonderfully under control) we played with Ava, Tango, and the cats. 


Most of our attention was focused on our sweet baby Ava. 


Christmas music was playing and the mood was very festive and bright. 

Because Dan made fun of some of the quieter, more blessed Christmas songs, saying they were putting him to sleep, Val cranked it up with songs from her play list (video).  Ava (and Daniel) were ready for some rockin' around the Christmas tree.  


Our meal was absolutely delicious and very filling.  Valencia always does such a great job.  Can you guess what my measly contribution was?  Yep - the salad.  No cooking required.  😇

Patty checked in with us and reported all was under control.  She had no troubles (like I had had) getting the horses in from the front pasture. 


Is this Maggie's take on ranch work, how she feels about all her cat 'siblings', or her wish to join us for dinner?  Bah, ha, ha, ha.

Dan and Ava were already in their PJs, and soon Courtney and Val joined them.  Look how these three match and even go well with the tree.  And look at their matching slippers.  How cute.  


After our group photo, it was then time to open gifts. 

Ava was not real sure what to do, so Daniel helped get her started. 

Tia Courtney helped Ava open this gift from her. 

Ava checking out her new accessories.  

Ava enjoyed all the new things to explore.  Not only were the gifts fun, she really liked playing with the paper (both wrapping and tissue paper).

After bath and bedtime for Ava, we adults watched 'Jingle All The Way' laughing and enjoying the silly, old movie.  Courtney and I weren't back at her condo until almost 11pm.

Saturday 12/25 - Happy Birthday to Jesus, twin sister Carol, and myself; and Merry Christmas to all.  My Christmas birthday is often a long day of airports and flying, and today was no exception.

But I did get to wake up to sunshine, the smile of my daughter's face, and the prospect of seeing more family in the very near future. 
Squeekie and I enjoying the sun on Courtney's deck.

Courtney and I had a relaxed, easy going morning, except for pre-travel jitters. 

Then we ubered together to the Nashville Airport.  I sat with her until her flight, which was way before mine.  

I ended up with a six hour wait.  I passed the time with Courtney until she boarded and left.


I walked around a bit and then spent a few hours standing at this plug-in computer table blogging, and was quite happy I wasn't sitting on my butt.  That’s me waving in the reflection of the window in front of me which is actually facing the gate behind me where the planes come in and out so I could watch the activity through the reflection in the windows.  I was pretty much all by myself.  

Jean had gotten Britney and they arrived back at Mom's condo where she was greeted by Jean's cat Parm. 

Patty sent a ranch update, Amiga and Zorro sadly looking at the closed gate.  They always act like it’s such a travesty that the gate has been shut after they’ve come in to eat.  

By an hour before flight time, my departure gate started really filling up.  I wondered if most of this crowd was going to Disney World for Christmas.  

We were about 30 minutes late to get boarded, and then it took another 40 minutes for the ground crew
to get the luggage loaded.  Our captain said the ground crew was very limited today and a few of the workers didn't even  report for work today.

I had asked Patty how Maggie was getting along, and she sent this photo. 

After landing in Orlando, we sat for 45 minutes, waiting to be able to get off the plane.  Once again they were short on ground crew and had nobody to operate the flight deck bridge so we could disembark. 

I found it very difficult to sit any longer because of my sciatic and the two loud and obnoxious drunk ladies sitting in front of me did not help me be any more patient.  

Courtney had been picked up by Joe an hour earlier and they were eventually able to swing around and pick me up.  Finally we arrived at Mom's and even though it was past my bed time, I had a beer and added 'stuff' to the stockings under the tree.

Sunday 12/26 - We all opened (well emptied) our Christmas stockings, even Jean's kitty Parm.  Nothing like that morning catnip, coffee, or tea. 

And later in the morning, to really wake us up, Jean asked us to join her in the unheated pool for a polar plunge, in memory of Mom.

It was torture at first, but actually quite invigorating.  It sure did get the blood flowing and getting out after the dip, and into the warm sunshine felt so good.

I love my family.


Mr. Lizard stuck his head out when Jean offered me this bird house which I thought would go great at the ranch.  I decided not to evict him just yet, and will pack it later.

We all had an early lunch, packed up the two vehicles, and were soon on the road headed toward Long Boat Key, our vacation destination.

Many of us converged on the four condo units about the same time, but there were also some late arrivals.  The dynamics would be different this year without Grandma but with a new baby. 

As we each arrive, there were lots of things to be unloaded.  And this year two of the condos had been remodeled and a third one switched, so we all had to check that out.  

Carol cooked dinner a spiral ham, which we all enjoyed followed by walks, and talks, and plenty of laughter.

Monday 12/27 - A morning walk on the beach.  

At some point in time during the day Travis arrived and so did Dan, Val and Ava. 

We played 'snatch the baby' with Ava all week. 

Okay, all the days have merged into one fun week and I can't remember what happened when, so this collection of photos isn't exactly chronological.

We all enjoyed the sun all week and also worked several jigsaw puzzles.

We also ALL enjoyed eating, way too much.

Many laughs and memories of Mom were shared. 

An afternoon on the beach with Ava. 

Ava loved playing in the sand but decided it did not taste good and when she got it in her eye, she was very unhappy (videos). 

We all enjoyed the beach, watching Ava, and looking at and listening to the waves.  




Ava decided the ocean was too cold and she did not want to get wet. 

She did, really love the swimming pool though.  









Brianna arrived on Tuesday, which delighted sister Jean, her mother.


Patty reported that Tango and Maggie were being good doggies and not too much trouble. 

Rose had also quickly warmed up to Patty and took time for some lovin', before going for the food.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Amiga continued to find the mud to roll in and was quite happy with herself. 

With daily sunshine, everyday there was time spent at the pool.





A walk to the park on a foggy/misty day.


Ava's first time in a swing at a playground
(video).  She was too little for the swing so we had to add some padding.     

Then Daddy Daniel gave Ava some big pushes.  Whee!


And of course we big girls had to have a go at the big swings...

...and some of the other toys.  

Dan and Ava made their way over to the slide and this was another first for her (video).  


The sun had burnt through the fog and mist and then it got pretty hot out.  We enjoyed our walk through part of Durante Park as we headed home.  


We spotted this bald eagle just as we arrived back at Silver Sands.  It soon took off in flight from this huge Norfolk Pine. 

Another day at the pool:

And of course, Ava got most of the cameo shots.

Easy to see where this girl gets her beauty.   


The pool was 'closed' all week because there were no ladders and no handrails at the steps, but we were still allowed to swim.  We supposed the signs were posted to cover liabilities and make the health department happy.


I am sure you can guess who the Little Mermaid, Star of the Show, Pool Princess, Cutie Pie was. 

Jean had brought a car load of Mom's belongs to the vacation rentals and we started going through them, and did a little each day.  Here I am looking through old photos.  What great memories and wonderful times we had with each other and with Mom.

Jean had made gift bags of carefully selected items from Mom's many boxes of souvenirs, keepsakes, used and unused gifts, games, office supplies, etc.  

Another day we went through several sacks of Mom's clothes.  Jean just couldn't get rid of them and wanted us all to have a chance to claim something. 

So Britney had fun playing a little dress up.  We figured Mom had knit this red dress, but it was probably worn before any of us kids were born. 

Brianna looked right at home in several of Mom's retro designer shirts.


And Valencia was lookin' good in this red turtle neck sweater of Mom's. 

The art work you see hanging in the background is supposed to be of Mom, but none of us kids thought it looked like her.  We had several paintings (found in Mom's things) hanging up for us to enjoy and select from.  We were not sure which ones she had painted.

I made it to the gym five out of the seven days (with Carol coming three times to help motivate me to go).  I also went on several of the morning walks and every evening walk.  Posing with the pirate at Prirate's Cove is an annual tradition, so of course we did it for old time's sake and for one last time. 

Another walk, late in the week, was of the Christmas lights display we had just discovered for a first time, and wished we had known about before.  

It was just a half mile away from Silver Sands, in the garden at the church with the thrift store we take things to. 

Music was playing and there were many Christmas trees decorated by different businesses, in addition to lots of other decorations... very pretty and festive.



Chris and Carol took this year's load to the thrift store, which was extra large because it contained all of the unwanted items from Mom's.  Usually it is just some of the White Elephant gifts we haul there. 

Oh, and we did have fun with our annual White Elephant gift exchange as usual.


There was a fair amount of stealing, because the gifts were nicer than usual this year.  


Patty was happy with this pair of loungers she got, and later I stole.


Notice my sad, disapproving face when Nicole came over to steal the loungers from me.

Other gifts, and Cathy's gift bags to each of us were also part of the merrymaking.  


We all make merry just hanging out with each other.

Miss Ava fixin' to eat.  

Daddy heatin' up the milk.  

Brianna fixin' Jean's hair. 

Ava fixin' to get into trouble?





There was continual puzzle working... this one with cat faces was particularly tough.  


There were several walks to the nature park, but not so many photos. 

Beach walks occurred daily as well. 

Goofin' around playing with our shadows.

We came across this really cool sand castle one day. 


It was quite the engineering feat.

Two mornings it was very foggy, and you could actually see the fog moving in small clouds of white mist.  



Both mornings the fog was slow to lift and sometimes came back in more small batches later in the day. 

There were lots of other beach walkers. 

Facebook posted this first photo from seven years ago, so we girls decided to duplicate it.


Sisters - Jean, Holly, Cathy, and Carol

Every year we also take a photo of the whole group.  Cathy and Ralph are missing from this one though.  

And of course we always have to do the goofy photo. 

Every year my brother's wife Patti gives a calendar of family photos to Mom and we make the cover using pool noodles.  With Mom gone, this tradition has ended, but we made the photo anyway.

Sadly, it is the end of an era.  Now to start a new tradition.