Friday, December 17, 2021

Food Feud

This blog is not about which food wins for most often consumed, nicest looking, best tasting, etc.  It's more concerned with our internal feud about what foods we choose to eat.  The food we eat can have such an impact on our bodies and how we feel (as is also true of our pets).  The right nutrition is so important.  It can literally be a matter of life and death in some cases.  Too much sugar in our diet can cause heart disease, diabetes, obesity, acne, and many other complications.  Too much green grass can cause horses to founder or get laminitis.  One of my cats has a tendency towards diarrhea, another tends to vomit a lot, so it’s a juggling act of which type of food to feed them to help them out

Recently, I’ve been having stomach, issues especially after my second cup of tea which is accompanied by cookies for my second breakfast in the morning.  (My first breakfast is always tea with peanut butter on a toasted English muffin half.)  These two breakfasts have been my habit for several years but for some reason, recently it’s not agreeing with me.  I am sure I would be better off without the second cup of tea and any of the sugar.

Horse photo by Dusty Perin

It’s real important for our horses to have hay in the winter because the digestive process actually heats up their bodies (also the pastures have less grass for them).  This week we put out two new round bales of hay (one for each group of horses).  I was surprised they went through the last round bales in just under three weeks. 
I was trying to hold off on putting out the second round bales so they would last until we get back from Florida.  Guess we'll have to come up with an alternative plan.

Saturday 12/11 - I slept well but was up at 3am (well, I'd had almost seven hours of sleep).  I was keeping an eye out on the weather and then at 3:15 got a message from Courtney that she and the cats had sought shelter because of a tornado warning in Nashville.  She didn't experience one, but did have a power outage due to 100 mile an hour winds.  Later, I was so sorry to see on the news that deadly tornadoes had hit several states.  It is always worse when they hit at night.  We got hit just after 7am, but just with a thunder storm, heavy rain, and high winds.  

Monita behind my laptop screen, trying to get me to notice her.  Her antics can be funny, she is cute, but she drives me crazy.  And it's not a food feud, begging for me to feed her (like my others sometimes do) she just wants my undivided attention and to play. 



I finished the last 16 (out of 68) Christmas cards while the cats chased and played.  This is Mama Styx playing with a bow on a fake Christmas package. 


Dropping the remainder of the cards off at the post office, I proceeded to the gym and did the elliptical for 47 minutes.  Fatigue overcame me and I broke out in a sweat so quit before I made it an hour. 
After a stop at Food City and then home to unload food and change clothes, I was off to the ranch. 

This is part of the wonderful gift Jim and Lori gave us for out at the ranch, so while our renters (Jack and Mary) are out of town, I set this up to surprise them.
  (I had permission to check in on the house and water a plant, so I was not trespassing.)😏

I fed Wanda and then Amiga and Zorro.  Once done in the side pasture, as I was coming back from dumping the wheelbarrow of manure, I enjoyed a beautiful sunset with our two Paso Finos in the foreground. 

I took a bunch of photos as the sun went down and Amiga and Zorro just kept munching. 

The sky got darker as the sun was lowered by the rotation of the earth.  I caught Yvonne's truck in this last photo as she was going down the drive to the barn to do feeding chores.

The dog, cats, and I all liked our dinners and then because I was falling asleep at my computer, I decided to watch TV to try and stay awake longer.  I watched, and enjoyed the 2010 "A Very GLEE Christmas."

Sunday 12/12 - I got nine ours of sleep, waking right at sunrise.  I felt ready to seize the day, and what better way to be greeted than by this cute photo of Ava, Val had sent the night before.  I think Ava learned this look from Daniel.

Today was Ava's 8th month birthday, so by the end of the day, Val had posted several fantastic photos she had taken of Ava.  She does such a great job setting up the backdrop and then taking wonderful photos.  

And just look at how big Ava is getting and how cute she is.


And she is full of so many expressions!  


I am so glad she (and Dan and Val) are able to make it to Longboat Key for Christmas vacation this year.  I know it will be a fun, crazy, memorable time.  However, unfortunately it is probably our last time there over Christmas break for our annual gathering with all of my siblings and their children.
For some reason, even though I was well rested, I was still feeling quite lazy.  I did do several chores (clean and fill bird feeders, fill pet food containers, and start organizing for vacation). 

Mama Styx on the pile of stockings to go to Mom's condo for Christmas night. 

Well, it actually ended up being mostly a do-nothing day for me.  This Facebook post summed it up almost perfectly.  I added a little more text to clarify. 

I had texted with Patty and confessed my lazy, do nothing attitude and she offered to switch days with me for doing chores, and I jumped on it.

So, I was able to stay in my PJs, in the comfort of my home, and continue to sit by the fire and read. 
While at the ranch Patty sent this photo.  Wanda had been up on the seat in the gator, but jumped out before Patty could get a photo. 

After dinner, the Christmas movie I chose was Elf.  It never gets old.  And do you remember Buddy and the elves four main food groups?  The elves' choices would cause a feud between kids and parents.  I did more reading in bed.  It had been a perfect Sunday 'day of rest.'

Monday 12/13 - It seems like every day is dedicated as a day for something, and today, it was horses.  Google says it's a day to remember the economic, historic, and cultural contributions that horses have made.  Equine enthusiasts across the country will get together to show their appreciation for these majestic creatures.

I planned to ride Amiga as a show of my appreciation. 

Because I had been such a bum the day before, I got going with Christmas gifts.  I was considering this empty box to wrap Joe's gift in, but immediately it was under close scrutiny by the cats and dog.


I was trying to catch all four cats and Maggie in one photo, but never have my phone ready quick enough.  As Mama Styx entered the scene, Maggie left it and Babe was also on her way elsewhere.  


I got a few packages wrapped and the one for Joe under the tree.  The two wrapped boxes in the above 'before' photos are empty, with holes for the cats to go into.  All the other festive boxes seen here under the tree are also empty, so just for decoration.

I was going to shower at the gym after my workout, which was pretty intense, but longer than usual because I chatted with several other weight lifters.  I decided to wait until evening so instead ate and changed at home and then headed to the ranch.

I gave our Paso Finos some much needed hay and then added this decoration to a beam in the opening between the sun room and living/dinning room of the ranch house.  

Upon inspection of the area I had seeded in the pasture, I was pleasantly surprised to see that much of it had germinated.  That warm spell we had had must have done it.  The patches in the yard were still bare though.

The broad leaf Italian parsley had also started growing again.  I was debating covering it on cold nights. 

I chatted with Susan and Bonnie who came out to work with Cowboy and then finally got Amiga to ride.  Zorro was pretty wound up with me taking her away again.  Actually, so was Rio from the adjoining pasture.  

It was already close to 3:30 when I headed out, so I did not have much time.  I rode the power line (seen in photo) down to Beachwood and then took a connecting road back up to Hathaway and home.  I was very disappointed to notice Amiga seemed a bit 'off' again.  Ugh.  Good thing it was just a short, easy ride.

Maggie had fun at the ranch but was glad to get home (at 5:30) after dark when it was getting cold outside.

Tuesday 12/14 - It was another pretty day and the sun was warming it up quickly.  Rose has been around a lot the last several days, after being gone for almost a week.  This morning she was hunting (but biding her time) while sitting and then laying) in the sun.  



I have been sleeping better (but longer) which means waking up later and having less morning time. 

I was planning to spend the mid part (warmest time) of the day out at the ranch.  Because Amiga had felt a little off the day before, I intended to just take her for a short little ride around the back pasture and take another look at the fence line
and see how Amiga felt

These are all the sticks I had picked up after the wind storm we had had.  I was on my way out to give Amiga and Zorro some hay.  You can see them down by their pond.  They came 'trotting' up and Amiga looked pretty good, maybe just a little sore on the front left leg.

I had thought Joe would be home today so we could put round bails out, but was mistaken.  So I needed to deliver more square bails to both feed areas.  When I took some down to the barn, Maggie laid in the sun waiting and Wanda came out to greet her.  (video) This cat really wants some affection.  

Maggie is very tolerant of cats, curious about them, but also leery.  She has been batted in the face enough times by angry, or playful,
or frightened cats to know to beware.  She has experienced their Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tenancies. 
At home, Rose has even warmed up to Maggie.  

I got my tack out ready to ride and went back up to the side pasture to get Amiga.  When I went to fetch her, she was soaking wet and muddy.  It was evident she had been in the pond rolling on both sides. 


But also when she came trotting over to me I could see that she was lame.  I wonder if the sucky mud around the pond is causing some of the issues.  Anyway, for both reasons, I decided to take Zorro instead.  

Amiga never whinnied for Zorro (the whole time we were gone) and he never hollered back to her so I felt that was a good thing.  I guess Amiga doesn’t mind him leaving her like he does when I take her out of the field and leave him behind.

Zorro actually did very well for me except when putting on his bridal and trying to get the bit in his mouth.  He literally clenched his teeth and would not let me even get my finger in to have him open it.  

First I rode Zorro into the back pasture.  I let Maggie come along with us. 

We did a loop around the perimeter and then the figure 8 pattern Joe had mowed.  Zorro does not gait like Amiga but he has a very smooth rack which he did well and was quite fun to ride. 

Once back to the barn I tied Zorro to the post, got the gate to the front pasture back open so the three boys could get to the paddock area and then I decided to take Zorro out into the Glade to see how he would do since he had been so good so far.

While opening the back gate, to get to the trail through the woods, I heard two Barred owls (one much closer than the other) and took this (video) to try to capture their chat with each other.


I put Maggie in the fourth stall so she wouldn't follow us and headed out on Zorro.  He did great out where he has never been by himself before.  This (video) captures a bit of how our whole ride went.  We just did one little loop and were back to the barn in a short time.

Zorro also stood very patiently while tied to the post in the barn while I tacked, tended gates, un-tacked, and puttered around.

By the time Zorro and I got done and I had walked him back up to the side pasture, Amiga had dried off.  So now she just looked caked with dried mud. 
<- This is side one. 
  And this is the other side. 


I mucked the pasture (the top part around the loafing shed, along the wood fence, and by the fence along the yard) while they ate.  Once Amiga and Zorro were done eating,
I decided to brush the dirt off of Amiga.

Maggie and I were soon home for dinner and a quiet evening with the cats.

Wednesday 12/15 - Outside my office window there are always food feuds going on as squirrels chase, chipmunks scamper, and birds do aerial fighter pilot moves while arguing over a food supply.  Even the deer will push each other away from the corn. 


Joe had gotten home at 2am so slept in.  It was to be another beautiful, warm, sunny December day. 

Babe was at it again, and Maggie showing her patience.  That is humidifier steam in the background. 

Joe, Maggie, and I arrived at the ranch by 11am.  Our first order of business was to get a round bale up to the side pasture for Amiga and Zorro and one in the loafing shed for the three boarded boys.  


Before we could get to the round bales we had to move equipment (small trailer, side boards that go on large trailer, larger trailer with hay, and tractor attachments) out of the way.  While we were at it, I wanted to get all the hay, dirt/dust, and debris (pieces of insulation, metal,
cat poop, some glass) swept up.    

Here is a look at the back of the machine shed in much better order and cleanliness.  Not a very big accomplishment, but a rewarding one because it really looked much better.  I still need to figure out what to do with the straw seen at the front end of the big trailer with the square bales.  


I went with Joe to help with placement of both bales, and Maggie accompanied us everywhere we went (video).  It was a gorgeous winter day, making it into the upper 50s. 

Maggie loves ranch work and life as much as we do, but is equally exhausted as us by the end of the day. 


Yvonne arrive back with Maslo in her trailer and was taking him to the front pasture by way of the corral since we had the paddock gate open while Joe was dumping bad hay (the bottom of the round bale that had been on the floor was a bit moldy) and manure.  

Our next order of business was to work on the fence in the back pasture because there were some areas of the old barbwire that were a little wonky (sagging wires and loose fence posts).  Even though horses have been in that field before (Terry's and our boarder's) we wanted to make it safer.  There was also brush and branches in the fence line I worked at clearing out.  

We started at the corner post near the pond and worked our way east along the fence line that runs along the Fairfield Glade properties along Hathaway.  We made it to the corner, but I still want to go back and trim a few low tree limbs.  Joe's back was killing him so he quit before I was ready.  It got to be pretty late (almost dark) by the time I did feeding chores.

To end the day, we watched the three hour finale of Survivor so it was after 10pm by the time I went to bed.  

Thursday 12/16 - I regret that I did not spend the day outside because it was in the mid 60s and absolutely beautiful.  It got a tad windy later in the day but otherwise was perfect. Patty sent this photo of the horses all standing with their butts to the wind.

I had ended up spending all morning organizing, sorting, wrapping, and starting to pack things up for our trip to Florida.  I loaded my car with things that Britney had put in the bunk room, to later take to the thrift store. 

After a late lunch I went to the gym and had a great work out, a quick shower, and then was at Patty’s by 4:40.  The rest of my day was finished in a wonderful way, with dinner with several barn ladies (seen left to right - Carol, Patty, Sharon, Karen, and Judy).  After our delicious meal, we attended the Christmas band concert that Shirley played in.

Friday 12/17 - It was a cold feeling 60° morning because it was rainy and windy.  I had to be in town pretty early, meanwhile Joe went out to the ranch and worked on fencing, both in the back pasture and running electric down the tops of the posts of the wooden fence that is shared between Amiga and Zorro and the three boarded boys.  It was nice to get it done but I was a little frustrated because I had planned to paint the tops of each of those posts with oil and let it soak in before putting the mounting brackets on top of the post.  Now I’ll have to paint the oil on around the brackets and it’s just gonna take a lot longer.  But it is nice to have the electric line across there so the horses won’t be chewing in the wood or pushing on the boards.


After my 10 o’clock dentist appointment I delivered things to three different thrift stores.  I did a little more last minute shopping for gifts and got home in time for a late lunch.

I was back out into the gloom to hit the gym for an aerobic workout on the elliptical and then the rowing machine.  I swung by the Kroger pharmacy to pick up a prescription early because I would be running out over vacation.  I also got my flu vaccination.  This tree is in the lobby of the Village Green Mall.

Amiga did it again, and was all dirty when Patty did chores in the afternoon. 

It was all I could do to stay awake till 8 o’clock.  My arm was hurting so I took a pain sleep aid and was out for the count.

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