Friday, February 4, 2022

Wedding Bells Ring

Finally the big day/weekend had come.  And actually we had been celebrating (gathering, socializing and fellowshipping) a few days prior.

Friday 2/4 - I was up way earlier than I wanted to be, but was fretting about the weather and the ability of many of our family members to make it to Nashville.  Would they be able to get here from Indiana and Ohio?  And when I looked at the local conditions, even those coming from Crossville would be dealing with icy roads.

Britney had also gotten up pretty early and sent an update on Tango.  He had successfully done his business and was back to sleep.

I talked with Patty and was informed that last night, Nathan and Mikayla's flight (from Florida) had been cancelled. 
What the heck?  Evidently, Nashville airport had ice.  So they were to fly in at noon, but Nashville was under a winter weather advisory and my anxiety was growing as I watched the weather channel. 

Joe and I went to eat when the breakfast buffet opened at 6am.  Then I went to the fitness room to work off some of my anxiety.  This view from the elliptical I was on, shows the front of the restaurant we ate at the night before.  After a few miles on this, I did some rowing.  


I grew tired and bored so headed back to my room, stopping in on the Sidenstick's first.  It was then that we got the sad news from Cathy that they were unable to even get out of their driveway (photo of their stuck car) and were also unable to make it to Nashville.  I was feeling heartbroken, as were they.

Hoping to get some much needed sleep, I tried laying down for a nap.  Well my phone kept pinging, and I kept texting in reply or for clarification.  We were trying to keep track of people's progress to Nashville and plans kept changing, so I was trying to keep all informed and help out.  The nap never happened.  Meanwhile, at Courtney's, Tango was quite relaxed.

More people continued to arrive, but several rooms were not ready yet because guests from the night before got late check-out, waiting for the icy roads to be salted, so they could leave. 

At 3:00, Dave, Patti, Nicole, Joe and I drove the six blocks to Maggiano's Little Italy, where the wedding and reception would be starting in two hours.  We hustled to help Yaneth with unloading her truck and rearranging the banquet room (moving tables, and changing out table clothes and chairs).  Nicole did a great job setting up the centerpieces, and the wait staff reset the place settings after we got the gold charger plates in place.  The banquet hall was beautiful.  

Courtney and Britney did their hair and makeup at Courtney's and then came to the hotel where we all got dressed in Jean's room. 

And then, for some reason we thought we were running late, so we hustled to the parking garage and were off to

Molly (the Officiant) and the professional photographer were there and guests were arriving.  It was a time of meet and greet and the bar was open, so some folks were getting started on celebrating.

Valencia slipped in through the back to finish getting dressed, and soon the ceremony began.

Ricardo walks Valencia down the aisle. 

Exchange of vows.

Gifting of the rings.

And some shared laughter.

Family and guests resumed with celebrating while the photographer got group photos.

He started with both families and then narrowed it down.

Patty took a bunch of photos while the photographer was at work.  

Then the wedding party moved out into the foyer where many more photos were taken on the grand staircase.

And, well, there are just too many good ones, I had to include a lot.

Two very beautiful individuals... joined in marriage.

Dedicated to share love and laughter, along with the tough times.

The bridal party.  

Courtney was Vale's maid of honor.

Such a beautiful bride.

Ava hardly made a peep during the ceremony, and held up great throughout the evening, even though she was a little unsure of things at times.

What a sweet family.

It wasn't long and the food started coming out to our tables.  

And it kept coming, and coming, and coming.

These photos of Dan and Vale enjoying their meal says it all...

Jacket off...  bib on...

It was an open bar, so libations kept flowing also. 
And the bartenders were actually coming around and filling our glasses. 

Who knows what Tracy, seen reflected in the mirror, is joking with Jean about.  LOL

There were the traditional, ceremonial things occurring, like a toast to the bride and groom that Joe gave.  

And cutting of the cake.

And smash in the face.  

And with the cake came other desserts! 

Holy Cow!

There was the bouquet toss.  

With a skirmish between Alexsys and Courtney.  LOL

And then the dancing began!  Starting with the Bride and Groom.

Ricardo enjoyed the father and bride dance with

And I had the honor of dancing with the groom, my handsome son Daniel.

For some reason I was feeling a little self conscious, so I decided to bust a few moves
Bah ha ha ha... can't take me anywhere fancy or keep me properly behaved just because I am in a dress.  

Ariellah (Arie) was gung-ho about dancing, and Jean and I were also eager to hit the dance floor, so the three of us kind of got things going.

Before long, others started to join us.  Britney was able to get Chris up and dancing, with very little coaxing.

Later on, she even got Travis up.

Many couples took advantage of the slow songs.

Nathan and Mikayla

Courtney and Will

Dave and Patti  

Ricardo and Yaneth

And even Joe and I.

Dan and Vale busting a move.

Abuela (Yaneth) with Ava.

Ava got into more comfortable (sleep wear) clothes, but was still going strong, dancing with Ricardo. 

The professional photographer got several group shots, as did some of us guests.

Valencia, Daniel, and Inez (Vale's Grandma) with Yaneth, Ava, Ricardo, Dominica, Arie, Drew, and Mylea.

Daniel and Valencia with Mary, Mikayla, Nathan, Tracy, Teresa, and Patty.

Nicole, Patti, Valencia, and Britney, with Daniel, David, Chris, and Travis.

Valencia and Daniel with Britney, Courtney, Jean, myself, and Joe.  (Will is missing.)

The fifth table was a group of Dan and Vale's friends whom I didn't take time to get to know.  (I guess there was just too much family occupying my time.)

We now have three beautiful daughters along with our handsome son.  

Ricardo with his mother-in-law and two granddaughters.  

Valencia with her younger sister Alexsys.  

Patti, Dave, and Nicole.  

Will and Courtney.  


Joe's oldest sister Mary.  

Joe's younger sisters, Patty and Teresa.

Tracy and Teresa's son Nathan, and his girlfriend Mikayla.  

Ava has her Grandpa's happy smile.  

It was a very happy day for all of us, but especially for this wonderful couple.  

The party wound down shortly after 9pm.  Vale threw on Dan's jacket to head out into the cold air.  Most of us went back to the hotel that was less than a mile away. 
Valencia took this selfie once back to her room.
Most of us were pretty quick to hit the hay.
It had been a long, exhausting day for several.
But I think we all fell asleep with smiles on our face, so happy for Daniel and Valencia.

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