Saturday, February 18, 2023

Cruising Again

After our last cruise ended 2/22/2020, the industry soon shut down because of Covid.  We were lucky because at the time, the Diamond Princess was quarantined off the coast of Japan after multiple reports of respiratory illnesses on board.  And by 2/18, the number of confirmed cases soared to 542.
Now that cruise lines are finally up and running again, Patty, Shirley, Judy, and Patty's friend Therese, and I decided to hit the waters on another Caribbean cruise, choosing the Celebrity Equinox again.

Map of our route: 

Our Itinerary by days:
1 - 2/9 -  Depart Fort Lauderdale at 4:00pm
2 - 2/10 - Day at sea
3 - 2/11 - Day at sea
4 - 2/12 - Kralendijk, Bonaire - 10am - 7pm
5 - 2/13 - Willemstad, Curacao - 8am - 10pm
6 - 2/14 - Oranjestad, Aruba - 8am -7pm
7 - 2/15 - Day at sea
8 - 2/16 - Dominican Republic - 7am - 4pm  
9 - 2/17 - Day at sea
10 - 2/18 Arrive Fort Lauderdale at 7:00am

Wednesday 2/8 - Actually this was the day our trip began, and at an early 7am time.  It was a quick easy trip to the airport, although some travelers had already experienced some hurdles.  Therese had to have an emergency root canal three hours before flying to Tennessee from Iowa.  Judy had to climb through the window of her house to get her phone she forgot, that was locked in and her house key was already at her daughters.  And Shirley had hurt her back lifting her suitcase into her car and forgotten to bring her driver's license. 

We flew to Charlotte, but were delayed looking for Therese's sunglasses (lost on the plane) and then had to make a quick dash to catch our second flight.

When we arrived in Fort Lauderdale, we were so glad to see our luggage did also!

There was a bit of a wait for the hotel shuttle, but the air was warm and we were excited, giddy actually, and the wait went quickly. 

However, the check-in to the hotel took way too long and it was past our dinnertime so we were getting a little hangry.  Once in our rooms, we dumped our bags and went to the restaurant starting off with libations.

After dinner, the Biker Party we had been told about, soon started up.  People on all sorts of bikes slowly started rolling in.  And my travel mates soon went back to their rooms for the night. 

I chose to hang out for awhile, enjoying the music, except there was no dancing that our shuttle driver had said there would be.

Some of the bikers came in putting on quite a display, and many were revving their engines as they rode through.  They were all having so much fun.

I took all these photos later in the party, after most of the crowd was gathered. 

It was hard to tell just how many bikers had come to the party because some only stay a little while or were just passing through.

I was back to the room a little before 11pm. 

Thursday 2/9 -  Our cruise itinerary today was to board the ship at 1:30 and depart from Fort Lauderdale at 4:00pm.

We had gotten late check out so had a leisurely morning, eating breakfast out in the courtyard at the hotel. 

Many of us continued to enjoy the morning laying/sitting out by the pool.

I had Judy take these photos of me on the "Amiga" bench. 

There was some shopping done in the hotel lobby gift shop.  And then, before we knew it, we were on the shuttle and heading to the dock. 

Therese snapped this shot of me with one of the cooks as we boarded the ship.

We had a late lunch and then went up to the 14th deck to watch us disembark.

The band was playing down by the pool, and there was a feeling of fun, happiness, and love of life in the air. 

Heading out from Ft. Lauderdale.  

We spent the next three nights and two days at sea.
There was lots of eating, drinking, and being merry.
My four lady travelers ended up taking more photos than I did so 80% of these are from them, but I have lost track of who took which photos.  In some photos you can tell who took it by who is missing from it. 

This photo shot was taken from a balcony on the other side of the Grand Foyer, looking down at the library and seeing the pool deck and walking track beyond.

Our cruise lasted nine days, at sea five of them and docking at four different ports the other four days.  Each of the nine nights we were out at sea.  I did not keep good track of each day or night, nor does it matter really, so have just grouped photos according to activity/location.

This is what our state room looked like (I slept on the couch) and below is what Patty and Therese's room looked liked.  Their couch was towards the hall door. 

Our balconies were supposed to be adjoining by moving a partition, which only occurred one of the nine days, for whatever reason.  We were told they would be adjoined this way, so not having that was our biggest complaint of the whole cruise. 

The other complaint we had, was when we went to dinner the first night, they didn't have us sitting at the same table.  So in order to sit together the rest of the cruise, we had to go up a level to the general seating dinning.
  It actually ended up being nicer up there because it was quieter and we could look down upon the lower dinning room, as seen in this photo. 

While getting ready for dinner the first night, Patty discovered another item left back home, her dress pants.  Thankfully Therese had an extra pair that Patty borrowed the whole cruise. 

Two of our food favorites: french onion soup and chocolate cheese cake.

Other than the seating screw-up, we enjoyed our dinnertimes immensely.  The food was always great and the weight staff (Camilo and Antara) wonderful.  We had met (Mary) a lady who was traveling alone down where we always ate breakfast and lunch, and invited her to join us for dinner, which she did a couple of nights.

Early in our trip we had high winds so the sea was rougher than usual.  I walked almost every morning, went to the gym all four sea days, and spent much of the time up on the pool deck.  Great music, sometimes live, was always playing.  The ladies shopped and joined me at the pool some of the time. 

We enjoyed the aerobic classes by the pool, and some of the games played between the guests and the ship officers. 

The volleyball match had to be stopped during high winds and was finished on the last day at sea. 
The guests won the match against the officers (in white) in the third game.  It was quite competitive (video).

While walking one morning during sunrise, I took these two photos. 

The sun was shining bright between these two walls that the waking track passed through.  Water on the deck was from rain that fell overnight.

Almost every morning I had my tea steeping while I walked.  I then ate my first breakfast of bacon, eggs, and potatoes while waiting for the four ladies to get up and join me.  My second breakfast was pancakes and fruit, usually with my four fellow travelers, while sipping on a second cup of tea. 

Most evenings I was dressed and down in the Grand
Foyer before dinner, having a cocktail and listening to the band.  Many nights after dinner there was music, dancing, and/or entertainment in the Grand Foyer also. 

Each night there was a show down in the theater.  We usually sat fairly far down front, and center (seen in this photo).

The first night was the sax player, the second a comedian. 

Two different nights the Equinox cast put on a show including acrobatics and dancing with all the singing.

There was also a comedian who did two shows and an illusionist.

A very talented female impressionist did a show as did this fun Irish quartet.

And on the last night, both the
female impressionist and the Irish quartet were on stage.

Additional evening entertainment included plenty of dancing (more by me than my four fellow travelers). 
There were three silent disco nights. 

Patty and Judy chair dancing?  All four got up and joined me on the dance floor the first night. 

The dance floor in the
Grand Foyer was often hopping, and if it wasn't slow music, I was usually up dancing with one of my single ladies groups. 

One night there was a full moon party up on deck.  They handed out these kind of light saber like toys that all us dancers were waving around for the hour of dancing (video). 


And I liked their creative way of making a full moon on the
Radome (dome over the radar). 

In addition to a band playing each night 
in the the Grand Foyer (before and after our 5:30 dinner time), most nights there was additional entertainment later in the evening.  This was an ABBA sing-along night, followed by the Disco Never Dies Party. 

Grand Foyer is kind of the central location of the ship where lots of things take place.  The area goes from the 3rd deck all the way up to deck 15. Eight elevators (4 on each side) shuttle between the decks, with windows facing out into the band and dance floor area.  On deck three is the Passport bar, dance floor, and seating all around.  Decks four and five also have bars and coffee shops with seating around the glass railing so people can look down on the action and join in. 

I took this photo of the ship's captain speaking at the end of the Evening Chic Officers Soiree.

One night the silent disco (
Battle of the DJs) was held in the Grand Foyer.  Another night was the Groovy '60s Party.  There was a Rockn' Roll Party and two shows with the Celebrity singers and dancers there as well.  It was usually a fun place to hang out at. 

Other photos of us in the Grand Foyer area. 

Fun at the Martini bar, 4th floor of the Grand Foyer.
This bartender was great.  He put on a show every night.  He could mix and pour 12 martini's all at the same time. 

And then he would hand out a free martini to the near-by guests who were watching and cheering him on.  He would also juggle an empty gin bottle with his elbows. 

I had befriended
this fun group of people (up to 12 couples) who had met on a cruise ship several years ago, and cruised together each year.  Each night of their cruise they have a themed night and dress up.  On this particular cruise there were only nine couples and in this photo, it was hippy dress night.  The man in the purple/flower jump suit is an ex-marine.  His wife said they each, all travel with two suit cases, one just for the costumes. 

On the last night down at the Passport bar, we all had an ice-cream drink after dinner. 

Additional entertainment occurred (always ending with the DJ and dance music) nightly in the
Sky Observation Lounge.  In this photo, we three girls had gone up for karaoke. 

They had the silent disco up there one night also.  And there was an 80's party one night and a Motown party another night. 

This photo was taken down in the big theater,
Superbowl Sunday.

They had a big party (with fans wearing their team's football jerseys).  The game was broadcasted on a large movie screen.  There was also a great 'all American food' buffet the whole evening.

Therese out on their balcony, ready for a night out on the ship. 

There were various games (game shows) held most nights in Celebrity Central.  I didn't go to any of them, but Shirley, Judy, Patty, and Therese did.  In this photo, Teresa was team captain in the Jeopardy game they played.

Sunday 2/12 - Day 4: We docked in Kralendijk, Bonaire at 10am.  We had booked an 11:00 “lunch on the water” sailing and snorkeling tour with the Compass Sailing Yacht company.  The owner Wim, picked us up at the ship dock and got us on the shuttle to go to the marina

It was just the five of us
sailing on the Nawati, with Captain Robin and first mate 'Mr T' (whom we named that because we couldn't pronounce his name, which began with a T). 

They were very friendly, delightful, capable young men who took great care of us. 

We motored out of the marina and once away from land, set sail.  We only needed the main sail because it was so windy.

Most of these photos were taken early on our voyage, before the sail went up. 

Robin took this photo of us five ladies with our cruise ship in the background. 


It was a beautiful day for sailing, although we did get hit by one downpour.  We had all scampered below deck because it was blowing in sideways on us.  But in minutes it was over and we were back on deck enjoying the sunshine the rest of our voyage. 

None of us wanted to snorkel because of the windy, wavy conditions, but we did tie up to a buoy so I could go in for a little swim (video).

The rum punch had started flowing while I was swimming, and once I was done cooling off, I soon partook while on board and drying off. 

Below, Judy and Patty joined me out on the front of the boat. 

Mr T. made us the best tuna fish sandwiches.  Unfortunately none of us cared for the ones with Brie cheese, although most of us had tried it.  And we all declined the crab salad sandwiches.  Needless to say, it was a light lunch, but the rum punch was going down easily. 

These two fine gentlemen were so nice and accommodating. 

Unfortunately, our time was up and the sailboat ride had to come to an end. 

Once back to the dock area from the marina, my four shipmates went shopping, but I went to grab lunch at the ship's Oceanview cafe, and sit in the hot tub while listening to the band. 

We pulled out of port at 7pm, just as we were finishing up dinner.  Goodbye Bonaire.

Monday 2/13 - Day 5: By the next morning, while I was on the 14th deck walking, we were entering our next port.  We docked in Willemstad, Curacao during my first, 8am breakfast. 

We had a free day and were going to spend it at the beach and pool at the Renassiance Hotel for $40.00.  Half of that was allotted for lunch and the rest was for towels, and a lounge chair on the beach.  We did a little shopping while walking from the port to the hotel.  In this second photo, I have on my new shirt (Del Sol’s Color Changing Apparel) which gets very pretty when out in the sun.

We had to check in at the hotel lobby, which was taking forever!

Can you tell who the antsy one that can't sit still was?

These fancy steps had stings of lights that were rainbow color and change to all green, blue, pink, etc. 

I know, you can't take me anywhere.  I don't do this silly stuff back home, but on vacation, nobody is going to see you again.

Soon after staking out a spot with lounge chairs in the sun and shade, we went to the beach hut to get our lunch. 

Just a sandwich, fries and drink cost nearly $20.00.  So there went our food money.  I thought I'd have enough for a few beers while there.

Therese, Patty, and Judy decided to go sightseeing and shopping, but Shirley and I (having done this on our last cruise) opted to stay on the beach. 

So the three ladies took all the following photos while Shirley and I napped, watched the waves, and dipped our toes in the water.  

In the previous photo, you can see the Queen Emma pontoon bridge that Judy and Therese are standing on.  The ladies watched it open and close two different  times.  You can't walk across it when it is open.

This street musician played a tune for the ladies, and posed to have his photo with them.  He reminded me a lot of the guy we enjoyed five years ago.


So I looked in my 2018 cruise blog and found this photo of a different (but similar) guy who played Teresa a birthday song
to dance to. 

From the looks of the photos these ladies took this afternoon, they had a good time. 

It also appears the ladies stopped to cool off, get a drink and bite to eat, and feed the birds. 

I got a little sun burnt and Shirley was thankful to get her feet up and rest a few hours.

I walked back to the ship to get more exercise while the girls waited to catch a golf cart/tram.  It was nearly dinnertime and all of us were tired, so we skipped the formal dinning and went to the Oceanview for a later dinner.

We did not depart from Curacao until 10pm.  A good time was definitely had by all.  

Tuesday 2/14 - Day 6: We docked in Oranjestad, Aruba at 8am and were fairly quick to get off the ship for our Segway tour excursion.  Therese had decided to skip breakfast and the excursion, because she was feeling bad with allergies or something.  So then there was some confusion as to when and where we were to meet. 


Anyway, I had sent Judy and Shirley ahead (knowing I could cover more ground faster) and then had to run to get to the bus (a few minutes late) having no idea Patty (without Therese) was already ahead of all of us.  Here is Judy, ready to hop aboard the mini bus. 

We arrived at a hutch shelter where our guide Peter met us, had us sign release forms, and put on reflective vest, helmet, elbow and knee pads. 

Peter had us all practice while watching how we were doing.  Judy was having a good time zipping around (video).  I don't recall any of us having any problems because we have all done this a few times before. 

Another couple arrived to join our group, and soon we were headed down a busy road with cars passing us as we hugged the shoulder.  Shirley appeared to be lagging behind, but just wanted to keep a safe following distance. 

After about 30 minutes we stopped at this beach shack for a drink.  And next thing we knew, Peter was going to be going on (continuing the tour) without us (just taking the couple, Mary and Paul, and leaving us seniors as we over-heard him refer to us, behind at the beach.  Well we didn't have towels, or even swimsuits on.  It was a pretty beach, but this is not what we had signed up (or paid) for. 

Once I realized Peter was going to continue up to the light house and come back later to get us, I had to talk him into letting me go with them.  He thought the trip would be too difficult for us.  I assured him I could keep up and would not have any problems.

Leaving the others at the beach, Peter, Paul, Mary and I headed up the hill to the California Lighthouse, as seen here in this photo from the beach. 

I took this photo on our way up to the lighthouse.  I don't think any of the girls would have had any problems getting up, and back down the incline. 
Once to the top, with our Segways parked, I had Mary take my photo.  Notice how colorful my new shirt is in the sunlight.

The cactus was pretty in bloom.

Peter took this photo of me with the light house, and then this second one with the macaw that I was reacting to because it tried to peck the back of me when I got too close. 

Peter had us stop on the way back down the hill for one more photo opportunity.

Once back down to the beach, he dropped me off there, to join up with the girls to get back to the ship together.  Peter then continued on, taking Mary and Paul somewhere.

I filled the girls in on what they had missed and that I thought they could have done the trip up and back to the light house. 

This did not bode well with them.  And I felt bad they had been left behind.  It should have been the girls choice, but Peter was not forth coming with information and just changed (skipped most of) our excursion.  We had paid $80.00 for a 90 minute Segway tour. 

Once it was time, (after 40 more minutes) we got on this open air bus to be returned to the ship.

Well, we stopped at the Segway hut and picked up Mary and Paul who were just finishing their tour with Peter. 
They describe to us what we had missed, making all four of us girls quite displeased with Peter. 

It was a more formal dress night for Valentines dinner and we each got a long stem rose when being seated.  Again our ship left port and the sun set while we were eating, unable to watch both. 

Thursday 2/16 - Day 8: We docked in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic at 7am.  We had a free day we were going to spend at Taino Bay.  So after a leisurely breakfast, we got off the ship and the bay entrance was right at the dock exit. 

We were in no hurry, so a little shopping was done as we made out way past lots of 'junk' shops to the pool.

This ended up being our favorite port, and there was no admission fee for the pool (or beach). 


Great music was playing the whole time, and right off the bat I started enjoying it, dancing. (video).

There were these partially submerged lounges.  Notice our ginormous ship looming in the background. 

The water was the perfect temperature for cooling off from the 80° air. 


I took advantage of the swim-up bar and enjoyed a  strawberry daiquiri. 

I couldn't sit still long enough to finish my drink, so hit the dance floor (pool) with (plastic) glass in hand. 

I made a point to give a good tip to the bartender and the DJ who played two of my song requests. 

A storm was brewing and finally hit just as a dance company/group was finishing up their fun sing and dance-along routine around the pool deck. 

Judy, Patty, and Therese had gone shopping so Shirley and I took cover under the bar hut.  It really poured, but no longer than it took us to enjoy a drink. 

Who cares about a little rain when it's warm and you are in a wet swimsuit anyways.

The girls went for a late lunch (right next to the pool) during the end of the downpour, but I chose to lay in the sun cause I had had a nutty snack mix (I brought) with the beer I'd had. 

The ship was scheduled to depart at 4pm, so we headed back at 3:00.  It had been such a great day! 

This photo was taken from our balcony looking down past the life boots as we pushed away from the dock.  Notice the partition (wall) between Patty and Judy that separated our two balconies.  Also look at the dark clouds passing through again, and bringing more rain. 

We all got our big suitcases packed and out in the hallway before heading to dinner.  It was sad to see this cruise end, but we were all ready to get home. 

Saturday 2/18 - Day 10: - Our ship arrive back at Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at 7am.  This was to be a long day of travel.  Having an afternoon flight out of Ft. Lauderdale, we took our time getting off the ship, so it went very quick and smoothly when we did leave.

We had a long wait at the airport before even being able to check in to our flight.  Judy's bag was two pounds overweight, so to avoid the $100.00 extra charge, she moved some heavy stuff out and put it into her carry on bag. 

We finally got checked in and seated at our gate. 
Our flight out of Ft Lauderdale was late, so we were not going to make our connecting flight.  They re-booked us on a later flight out of Charlotte.  With a three hour wait, I pulled out my travel laptop and started work on this blog, down-loading everybody's photos and sorting through tons of them. 

We finally boarded our flight at 4:15.  It was jam packed full. 

We made it to Charlotte and only had a 90 minute wait.  At 7:30 we boarded our next flight.

Joe picked us up in Nashville and we arrived home at 11:40.  What a long day of sitting, standing, and waiting, with very little walking.  The cats were as glad to have me home as I was to be there.

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