Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Down To The Wire

Down to the wire is a term that comes from horse racing, where it was (for a long time) the practice to stretch a wire across and above the race track at the finish line. 

So this phrase can mean the outcome isn't determined until the last second.  It also is used in reference to waiting until the last minute to do something, which us procrastinators are familiar with.

Even for people who plan their time and keep working toward a goal, it often isn't known if it will be accomplished by the deadline, until you are down to the wire.  If you are lucky or wise enough to be ahead of schedule, tell me your secret.  I think my biggest problems are that things take longer than expected, I run into hurdles that slow me down, I am indecisive about the task, or I'm just not motivated enough to work toward the goal.

Friday 2/3 - The sun finally was shining without much obstruction from clouds.  It was a pretty day, but still only got up to 35° and with the wind, was just too cold to enjoy being outside.

I took my 20 minute walk with the weighted vest at the gym and added an hour on the elliptical also (without the vest). 

Stevie eyeing Rose who was seeking the warm sun beams, but the clouds were spotty in the morning so she wasn't having much luck at first.

Later in the day, Babe was watching Rose who was right up against the house where the sun's warmth is magnified.  The reflection of the ivory fuzzy pad is obscuring the view of right where Rose was napping outside the window.

I did actually make more packing decisions and added to the pile of things to go in the suitcase.

I loaded up Maggie and we headed to the ranch.  I decided she needed her 'jacket' today. 

enjoyed playing with the jolly ball while I mucked out the sheds and around them.

By the time I was done feeding, Maggie was at the front door looking cold and ready to go inside.

Jean and I had planned to enjoy our last Friday night together having dinner and watching a movie.  We usually have libations together every Friday night.  Jean had started a fire in the fireplace, and it was very cozy watching Forrest Gump together. 

Saturday 2/4 - Happy Anniversary to my son and daughter in law, Dan and Vale.  It was a beautiful ceremony a year ago, and an enjoyable reception with a wonderful couple and all their family and friends.

The day ended up being a lot colder than predicted, but nothing like the snowstorm a year ago.  Jean and I decided to hold off another day for a ride.  I did go out to the ranch early though, to meet and come up with ideas on how we would handle the work load once Jean is gone. 

While at the ranch, I also helped Jean with moving hay and did some neatening up down at the barn and tack room.

The only thing I accomplished towards my packing deadline, was to get one last load of laundry done.

I barely finished my workout at the gym before they closed at 4pm.  Then, by the time I did daily household tasks, including dinner, I was ready to call it a day.  Joe and I watched the light hearted movie 'You People.'

Sunday 2/5 - I got so much accomplished from 8 to noon, I felt certain I would be ready to throw my suitcase in the back of the SUV and be ready to part from here early Wednesday morning. 

Re-homing Robbie is another task we need to accomplish, and with the coming of spring, we are preparing to advertise her. 

Jean and I went for a nice leisurely ride (a little over 3 miles in one hour) and worked at getting
some videos of Robbie on the trail.


These three photos I got from our videos. 

It was in the upper 40's but with the wind, we were feeling a little cold by the time we got done.  The sunshine was very nice however.

Jean only took this one photo of Amiga and I once we were back to the barn.  

Poker Joe was gone all afternoon and evening, so I didn't hang around long with Jean after getting chores done and feeding the horses. 

I played around here on my computer since I had gotten so much done earlier in the day. 

Monday 2/6 - It was another beautiful day and since I was well ahead in the 'race' to be ready to put my suitcase in the SUV Tuesday night, I decided to go for another ride with Jean after my aerobic workout at the gym.

Maggie enjoying her Jolly ball.  And you can see two of the many hoof pock marks in the yard from the night the horses were out there, walking/running all over it. 

Jean and I rode a little farther today, going 3.8 miles in just under an hour and a half.  Maggie went with us, and at one point when she was running through the woods, we heard a yelp.  Then she acted odd the rest of the ride, lagging behind and acting frightened. 


Once back to the barn, we examined her and found a small scrape on the inside of her back leg.  I later treated it once home. 

This is the Christmas gift Joe got Jean, that she gifted back to the barn.  If you look closely, you can see that it was 59° when I took this photo at 3:30pm.  Joe had been moving manure, and helped me hang it in the barn.  It is now part of the wall collection of horsy things. 

I was home by 4:30 and started in on more tasks. 

I had brought my very dirty, thick wool saddle pad home, and spent a good amount of time cleaning it.  It will take several days to fully dry, so I timed it for when I would be gone, and not riding.   

Tuesday 2/7 - Jean took this photo a couple of mornings ago, when we finally had sunshine but it was still rather cold and frosty.  Our horses love the hay Jean throws them at the start of each day. 

It was a beautiful day (up in the mid 60's) which I spent cleaning house, getting pet care notes, food, litter, etc. ready and finishing packing.  I picked the smaller suitcase, and everything fit! 

I had a good workout at the gym, except now both elbows are bothering me.  After a shower and very late lunch, I suddenly felt exhausted.  I had finished the book I was reading, and wanted to get started on the one I am taking on vacation.  Sitting in the sun, on the floor in the living room, Stevie and Monita were both quick to hop on my lap.  The pillow between them is usually one I use to set my book on.

I had some other loose ends to take care of and was all done and ready to go by 8pm.  And then I played on my computer too long.  I never got sleepy, so took a sleep aid and read till after 11pm, and then still tossed and turned part of the night.

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