Friday, June 2, 2023

(Mis)Fortune of Aging

I wanted my blog title to read Misfortune, but blogger would not let me strike through the letters, so I had to use parenthesis instead.  I even tried cutting and pasting from this text to the title space, but it didn't work.  It's just something else to irritate me, but not for long.  Life's struggles never stop, and even increase with age related problems.  In spite of all my aches and pains; troubles seeing, hearing, and remembering; slower pace of mind and body; decline in energy, strength, and flexibility; creaky joints and cranky disposition; and everything else that is the result of aging, I am thankful to be alive. 

Aging is a gift of life that not everybody is fortunate enough to experience.  It is a blessing, so I will continue to try and keep this old mind and body of mine strong, flexible, and as fit as possible.  I am very blessed to have as good of health as I do.  It is partly due to my genetics, but I also work hard at healthy living.

For those of us blessed enough to survive to an "older age," our final years on the Earth are opportunities to be grateful, thoughtful, accepting, loving, generous, happy, kind, fun, etc.  It is easy to start complaining about our age related afflictions, but who wants to hear it, what good does it do, and remember what the alternative to aging is.

Saturday 5/27 - Although the air temperature was rather cool, we did have some sunshine in the morning which was nice.  Rose found a spot in which to warm herself as she 'bathed.' 

I got in a good workout at the gym and put in a full shift (1:15 - 6:05) of work at the pool. 

I hurried straight from the pool to the Grove (where Mirror Lake Blast concerts are held on Monday nights all summer long).  Now there are also musicians on Friday and/or Saturday evenings.  Mary, Jack, and Joe were already there holding me a spot on the hillside. 

I was quite surprised at how large of a crowd there was.
It was so good to see so many old acquaintances.  The band, Kinfolk did a nice job and played many good dancing tunes.  It was a tad cold, so I needed to dance to stay warm.  Beside, my sciatica, which has been worse lately, is always relieved when I get up off my bony, little butt. 

Sunday 5/28 - I woke with more aches and pains than I remember having in a while.  I was wondering if it was from the dancing, or just the fact that because it was so cold (
49° overnight) that my arthritis was not happy?  The cats (this is Babe and Monita) acted cold also. 

I enjoyed watching life outside my window.  This little fawn followed it's mom into the woods.  A little later, after I put corn out, they came back through and she ate while her little one disappeared in the tall grass near the pond.

I don't see much bathing in this birdbath (which needs cleaning) but will notice birds, chipmunks and squirrels, and even deer getting a drink from it fairly often. 

I wanted to get a closer look at the new little fawn (first one I have seen this year) so went down back with my phone.  It was nowhere to be seen.  I wasn't sure if it had left or was just well hidden.  But then I noticed the doe, laying in the woods behind Allen's house.

Joe had helped Jack get their big trailer parked beside the shop.  So when I got out to the ranch at noon, I went to get photos.  It fits quite nicely in this space. 

And once I get some more evergreen planted on the hill, the shop (and trailers parked here) will be blocked from view when looking down from the ranch house. 

Rain was not in the forecast, but the skies were threatening, and a few times the wind would really pick up and you could almost feel moisture in the air. 

Joe came out to help me for about an hour.  First we got this last little shelf hung above the sink in the tack room.  It's our 'emergency' shelf, with battery operated lantern, fire extinguisher, and human first aid kit. 

Then we worked at adding more gravel to the side of the concrete wash rack floor.  I directed Joe as he used the tractor to dig up (loosen) the sod.  I shoveled it into the wheelbarrow as he would go get a load of gravel.  Our project manager would inspect our progress periodically. 

We used two small scoops of the too large rock, to go down in the low spot first, and then added scoops of the finer gravel (from Jim) to finish it off. 

We stopped at this point because Joe needed to get going to make it to his poker game in time to get a seat at the table.  I raked the gravel level and hauled off two wheelbarrow loads of dirt. 

Ta da, a look at it from both directions of the gate.

More gravel is still needed, but there was no more time today. 

Next was the plan to go riding together.  Bonnie had saddled up Cowboy and Jack and Mary brought Chipolte and Billy down to the barn. 

I rode Zorro, since Amiga is still recovering from two abscesses.  Bonnie stuck to the round pen and barnyard area since Cowboy hasn't done trails yet and she was trying out a new saddle with him. 

Zorro and I hit the trails with Jack and Mary.  Come on Chipolte, lift your head for the photo.

That's better. 

Zorro and I went about an hour, a little over two miles I think, and then headed back to the barn because he is not in great shape (not been ridden much). 

Patty hopped on Zorro once I got back to the barn and I went and got Amiga to give her a little light exercise (just ten minutes of light walking).  Yet, she broke into a gait a few times, which actually she did better at (in terms of favoring her front left foot) than the walk.  It is our opinion (including the vet and farrier) that Amiga has been lame so long, it may now just be habit to walk with a 'limp' and because she has not been exercised since early January, her arthritis is worse and her lack of muscle tone does not help.  So I am starting her on a conditioning program (kind of like me with my elbows).

Monday 5/29 - Wishing everybody a Happy Memorial Day isn't quite right.  You should all have a meaningful Memorial Day, as we commemorate all of our fallen warriors who sacrificed their lives to protect us and our country.  Today is set aside in honor of those who paid in life and blood, whose friends thought they would see them again, whose brothers and sisters did not have them to grow old with, whose moms never hugged them again, whose dads wept in private, whose wives (or husbands) raised kids alone, and whose kids only remember them from pictures.  Thank you to all who made the ultimate sacrifice, and gave up the privilege and experience of growing older, the fortune of aging.

I was out at the ranch mid morning to work with Amiga again.  First I did her 20 minute foot soak, and then I took her for a short ride (bareback).  She felt even better (less lame) today.  While we were out in the barnyard, this swallow followed us, sometimes quite close, swooping up the bugs I am guessing Amiga was stirring up from the grass. 

I also took her out back onto Hathaway, just to work on getting her to willingly leave the barn area.  I had to work with her on this for awhile, because she did not want to leave.  Once she gave into my wishes, she was very well behaved.  I need to work on this 'buddy sour' problem.  She really hasn't left our property (and her herd - the two boys) since mid January. 

From the ranch I drove into Crossville for my 'big' weekly shopping trip which I hadn't taken in over two weeks.  Often when I am researching products or doing price comparison, I take photos of the items.  Right now I am thinking about getting one or two shade trees to plant outside the fence of our paddock, to give our horses more shade. 

Running late, I scurried to get most things unloaded from my car and then get to The Grove where I met Jack and Mary for Mirror Lake Blast.  The lot where I usually park was full and there was a crowd on the hill.  The band had great sound, but played all jazz and blues, and no fast songs to dance to. 😒

Tuesday 5/30 - Early in the morning I saw mama doe resting in our front yard outside our bathroom window, so I went to our front window to take this second photo. 

I think she sensed or saw movement (me in the house) and she soon got up and walked around back.  At this point, I went out to put corn on the rock, as she waited patiently close by. 

After ranch chores and working at the pool, I got home at 2:30.  By 4:30 Joe and I were at the ranch to go with Mary and Jack to Lake Tansi for the Jake Hoot concert. 

We got there 45 minutes before the music was to start, and there was already a huge crowd. 

Like the night before, there was no fast music to dance to, so that was disappointing.  But Jake puts on a great show which we really enjoyed.  And there was one song many of us line danced to. 
The setting by the lake was beautiful and it was a perfect evening. 

Wednesday 5/31 - After my usual computerizing, my morning included the gym, Food City, and Custard Cabin.  Then Maggie and I were off to the ranch.  Wanda always loves to see Maggie arrive. 

Due to unforeseen circumstances, and a huge surprise, Mary and Jack were put in the position where they had to move Mesa from Stewart stables... and they were given until June 10th.  Well, they decided to just do the inevitable, and get their mare moved out by the first of the month.  With no other options really, Mesa came to our ranch.  So we have doubled our number of horses in less than a week.  But it is going to work out and be alright.

Mary and Jack started with Mesa in the corral, but due to her pacing and behavior, they were afraid she might try to jump the fence (which she had done before) to get with their other two horses.  So they moved her up with Billy and Chipolte.  The horses' reunion was sweet, and they were so happy to be back together.  This photo was taken later in the evening. 

I had come to soak Amiga's foot and ride her a little.  Well, Bonnie said she was favoring her front left quite a bit again, and upon examination, Bonnie found a 'soft' spot on Amiga's sole (right at the point of her frog) that was hurting Amiga.  Shoot, the abscess was still there, but didn't appear to have a way to drain.  I will have to go back to a poultice pack, but ran out of time.

We had a short co-op meeting to communicate how things were going and ways we could incorporate Mary and Jack's three horses into our co-op.  The 'project manager' thought she needed to be in the middle of this meeting.  Scheesh, this dog gets away with alot. 

Mary and Jack had invited us to dinner, so we communicated a few important items of business, and then set business aside and had a very pleasurable evening.  After a fantastic dinner of steak, potato, asparagus, and salad, we enjoyed more libations out by the bonfire. 

Once it was nearly dark, we went on a mission to eradicate the feed room of wasps and remove whatever nest this was made by. 

What a fun and enjoyable evening, and it is so nice to have 'life' back in the ranch house and horses up in this paddock.  I am not sure why the sky to the east lights up at sunset, but it sure was pretty.  The fire was also perfect, but I didn't get any photos of us around it.  Oh, and we had very tasty frozen custard for desert. 

Thursday 6/1 - Wow, we are already into the month of June.  My first two hours of working at the pool were very slow because it was drizzling.  But when the sun came out, so did some customers.

I went straight to the ranch when done at the pool.  I had planned to soak and pack Amiga's foot, but first wanted to ride her a little. 

She needs muscling up and walking increases blood flow to her hoof to help healing.  I think the movement also helps her arthritis.  Amiga was only slightly favoring her bad hoof, and was very willing for me today.  I did a very short loop on the trail and then rode in the barn yard.  In these photos, I had ridden her into the shop.  She is such a good and trusting horse. 

Amiga got a twenty minute soak with her foot in the Epsom salt solution.  Then I put on the poultice pad and wrapped with duct tape.  I ran out of gray tape and had to finish with yellow. 

Shortly after putting her back out with the boys, I caught her heading into the pond. 

She was putting my bandage job to the test (video). 

Once Amiga came out of the pond, I looked over the wrap job.  It held up fine, but I figured it was now wet inside and feared the poultice pad would not work it's magic. 

As I was leaving the ranch, I spotted Jim's hens on one side of the drive, and our resident bunny on the other side.  They hardly moved as I carefully and quietly glided by in my hybrid, sleuth car.

There was work to be done once home, but I was fairly pooped out so it was a struggle. 

Friday 6/2 - During morning chores at the ranch I checked Amiga's foot wrap and it was still on and fairly intact.  I also put two of the new fly leggings Patty bought, on Zorro and on Amiga's front legs.  They were a bit large on Amiga. 

This is Roger's dog Toby, who lives two doors down from us.  She has gotten braver about coming up to Maggie and I.  Many times when we are out walking we visit with her and Roger. 


She is such a cutie.  Rose had followed Maggie and I and Toby was quite curious about the cat, who ran off because Toby was a little too scary. 

I planted some flowers with the hour of time I had before elbow therapy. 

I love the pinks, and reds, and orange all intermixed. 

I spruced up the front entrance a little putting flowers in pots and adding them out there. 
My project supervisor was watching from the closest vantage point she could get to.

I did 45 minutes on the elliptical with my weighted vest on, before my 11:00 elbow therapy.  Elishia and I went next door to the gym and he showed me how to modify some of my arm exercises so as not to overdo it with my elbows, and he also gave me some alternative ones to do.  I couldn't believe how weak I have gotten in the past eight weeks of not lifting weights.  But I am excited that I can start up again.  My left elbow had no pain, but I still need to go easy with the right one which hurts when stressed. 
I had lunch out on the deck to warm up because it had been so cold in the medical center.  I let myself drift off in a light slumber, but ended up really falling asleep and not waking until it was time to go to the pool.  I had to really rush to get to work (10 minutes late). 

Patty dropped by the pool on her way home from doing chores, at the end of my shift, to report that Amiga had lost her leg wraps and foot bandage.  The way my horse splashes around in the pond, it is no wonder. 
Getting old is a struggle, as is life in general, but it's all well worth it.  Sure beats the alternative.

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