Friday, June 30, 2023

Mixed Emotions

This week was full of a mixture of emotions, which is actually a little different than having mixed emotions or feelings about something.  Just as life has it's ups and downs, good and bad times, frustrations and difficulties, ease, adventure, fun, thrills, and tenderness; it also causes us to go through or have a mix of emotions.   

Saturday 6/24 - A buck with just one little horn on one side came to the corn, not putting any weight on his front left leg.  The way he held it up and it dangled, I felt sure it was broken.  The sight of him really tugged at my heart, especially when a group of three more deer came and he moved down into the pond to get out of their way. 

I didn't take any photos today because not much happened.  After the gym I sat in the sun for 40 minutes, working on evening out my tan for the dress I would be wearing Sunday. 

After La Von's memorial service (which made me cry several times) I scurried off to the pool. 
We finally had some sunshine and a good size crowd there enjoying the day. 

Patty dropped by the pool to get feeding instructions for Amiga - getting her to eat the Sand Clear.  Patty later sent this photo of Wanda and our three horses, and reported that Amiga ate almost all of her feed and medicine.  Good job!  Happy feelings.

Sunday 6/25 - It was a pretty morning and I really enjoyed church with Shirley.  The message about love hit home with me and I was really moved by this beautiful song that our worship leader sang, (Let Them See You) by JJ Weeks.  I have tried to live by the message in the hymn 'They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love' inspired by John 13:34–35  “I’m giving you a new commandment: Love each other in the same way that I have loved you. Everyone will know that you are my disciples because of your love for each other.”

We were hit by a severe thunderstorm a little before noon.  Thunder, lightening, and torrential rain ensued.  Susan got caught in it doing chores at the ranch.  She sent these two photos, showing the amount of water that ran into the barn and our two wet horses. 

I got ready to go to Jann and Pat's 50th wedding anniversary party. 

The party was formal attire, so I wore the dress I had worn at Dan and Vale's wedding.  This photo was taken at the fitting over a year ago.  You can see the low cut back and why I had tried to work on my tan. 

The rain was still coming down, but not near as hard, as I scurried into The Center.  Two of Pat and Jann's granddaughters greeted guests at the sign-in table. 

These two girls were so cute and had a very good time throughout the celebration. 

I didn't really know anybody, but soon got acquainted with a group and sat with them (right by the cupcake table).  

Soon the ceremony began, with Pat coming in, in this beautiful gold wedding gown. 

Jann and Pat re-read their vows (from 50 years ago) and it brought tears to my eyes.  The love they have for each other, their family, and friends was so apparent. 

What a beautiful couple. 

Then the ladies
('The Wedding Splashers') from Pat's water aerobics class at the gym got the fun started, coming out on the dance floor to do a little dance number. 

They were a hoot, and a fun group of gals.  Later, several came up to dance numerous times throughout the duration of the party. 
Here they all are, posed for the professional photographer. 

I didn't take any more photos because I was busy dancing much of the time.  Although I did get this one of Pat watching the slide show that had been put together and was playing the whole time. 

Once the party ended, I hurried home, changed quickly, grabbed the dog, and was at the ranch a little after 5pm.  The rain gauge at home showed 2½ inches of rain in just those few hours.

The horses came right in off the pasture, got a drink, and Amiga splashed around a little.  I was glad to see that our pond level had risen quite a bit. 

I stalled Amiga and started the process of getting her to eat the 7th and last day of the Sand Clear medicine (it's about a ½cup of pellets each time).  It just takes time, and some foolery with other tasty stuff, to get her to eat all the medicated pellets.  She has also not been wanting to eat her usual Lubrigen supplement lately.


Jack and Mary came down to do chores (which I had been planning to do for them).  Once done and Amiga was back out with the boys, Mary and I stood watching the horses and this heron that had landed by the pond.  It was not at all bothered by the horses.  Mary and I chatted for a little bit enjoying the peace and the stillness after the storm. 

I had to get going because my usual Sunday (weekly) chores were at home waiting for me. 

Monday 6/26 - We had gotten another two inches of rain during storms overnight and it rained a little more during the morning.  This made me a little slow to get going.  At 11:00 I set my chair and tarp out (to save places) on my way to the gym.  After Food City and a snack, I made a quick trip to the ranch.  Amiga still looked sore, but I couldn't tell for sure if it was her front right or left foot or leg.  I soaked both hooves in Epsom salt but saw no abscess/drainage.  I was a little late getting to Mirror Lake Blast, grabbed dinner there, and had a blast with Patty, Shirley, Mary, Jack, and Micki... and all the rest of the fun dancer people. 

Tuesday 6/27 - Sunshine continued, and increased actually, as the clouds dissipated.  The Mom with the twins was down back. 

She had run the other two deer off, to the other rock, so she could eat at this one. 

It was a nice morning to be working at the pool, but it did get rather warm by the 2:00 end of my shift.  Nancy has had to take a leave of absence because of her sick husband, so there has been some jockeying of the schedule.  I have reluctantly taken on an extra shift most weeks now through the end of July.  I really didn't want to lose any more of my free time, so I had mixed emotions about helping out. 

I went home after work to walk the dog, take a much needed shower, and do some housekeeping things.  I ate and fed the critters an early dinner and got to the ranch a little before 5:00. 

I am not sure what this shore bird is, but it was feeding along the edge of the pond while I was mucking the paddock.  Maggie was up at the house with Tito, so didn't scare it off either. 

Mary, Patty and I tacked up and headed out on a ride about 6:00.  I was on Mesa (since Amiga was still too sore). 

Patty rode Zorro, who was looking quite 'showy' in this photo. 

Patty later took this photo of me on Mesa, leading the way.  It was a perfect evening for a ride.  It had cooled off and the flies weren't too bad.  The horses did great and we had a fun time.

Patty caring for Zorro after we got back to the barn.  He is such a good boy. 

I would have felt happy and at peace at the end of the day, but Amiga's long term lameness is really causing me angst.  And I really miss being able to ride her. 

Wednesday 6/28 - It was a pretty morning and the day was warming up quickly.  We are finally starting to get more 'summer like' temperatures.  The Great Blue heron was down back fishing for quite awhile, but is hard to photograph.  It can be seen in the pond just above the deer's back in this photo. 

I had lost track of time and had to hurry to get to the ranch for the farrier.  Cowboy went first.  Here is Jon helping Susan while Chis and Jase worked on Cowboy.

Zorro was next.  You can see Patty's forehead and hand, and my forehead in this photo I was trying to take of Zorro's muzzle. 

This photo is not much better.  It just isn't easy.  

Amiga was last to go.  She was quite worried when both the boys (Zorro and Cowboy) had been lead out of the barn (to be put in the paddock).  Chris used his hoof tester on both Amiga's front feet.  They were not bad, just a little tender.  Her left did not seem to bother her at all, but the right was a little ouchy.  Chris did not think it was due to an abscess, just soft soles. 

We decided to put on the wedge shoes in front, which had worked so well all last summer.  The thought was that they would protect her soles better and take tension off the suspensory ligaments, if that was her problem.  I had mixed feelings, cause I didn't want the shoe covering up a possible abscess like we had done five weeks earlier.  I guess time will tell.  I did feel more assured when I led Amiga back to the paddock and she was already walking better. 

I put up lattice for the thorn-less blackberry bush, took down the temporary electric fence and mowed all the new grass that is ready for horse traffic, I hope.  I am sure they will be munching here until it is even shorter. 

My project supervisor was resting in the shade after she had been fishing in the pond. 

I had also mowed down some of the weeds that had gotten quite tall on the back side of the electric fence across the dam. 

I took the mower back up to the house and mowed around all the arborvitae up along the fence between Jim's and our side pasture. 

I filled our feed bin with horse feed and got home in time for a late lunch and to cool off before leaving Maggie in the Mancave and going to work at the pool.

Before the 6:30 end of my shift it had gotten hazy as smoke from Canadian wildfires drifted into Tennessee.  Later, when I walked Maggie before bed, I could actually smell it. 

Thursday 6/29 - It was still hazy when I got up and walked the dog this morning.  The air quality was reported to be at an unhealthy level for some. 

A mama deer and fawn were down back and then I noticed this straggler, slowly coming trough from next door, to catch up.  

Mom and twins enjoying some cracked corn.

It had started to sprinkle before the end of my morning shift at the pool so many of my customers had cleared out for the day.

When I got home at 2pm, it was very tempting to take a nap, like Monita here, on this rainy afternoon. 

But I forced myself to go to the gym.  And I might say, I’m quite proud of myself for doing so because I had a good workout.  My elbows held up pretty well this time, so I was happy about that too. 

I came home with the plan to go to the ranch next, and then remembered that Patty had to be there to meet overnighters since Joe is out of town, and Patty is our second in command for that business operation.  So I called her and she was willing to help me out. 

Patty did some mucking in the shed for me and gave Amiga her Previcox for the night.  She sent these two photos and reported that all was well with the guests and our herd. 

I had showered at the gym and put ranch clothes on, but I was quick to get out of them and into my PJs since Patty had me covered.  I timed Maggie's walks between rain showers and dinner and computer time.   


I was in bed early to read.  Isn't Mama Styx cute, trying to steal Monita's fur ball while Monita wasn't looking?  I only lasted about 40 minutes and had the lights out just after 8:30.

Friday 6/30 - Wow, it is the end of June already.  I was at the ranch by 7:30, and the overnighter was already gone so I let our horses out.  Then I went up to the side pasture and let Mary and Jack's horses out.  Coming back down to muck our paddock, I took this photo.  I knew it was supposed to rain, but had no idea what kind of storm was brewing.    

The rolling thunder was getting closer and some raindrops fell occasionally, and I started running with the muck wheelbarrow.  I didn't quite get done, but was in the barn when it really hit.  I finished up in the tack room and took this photo and (video) when I ran to my car. 

Water was running down the drive like a small stream. 
Once home it had stopped and the rain gauge read 1½ inches (in just around an hour of time).  I changed out of my wet clothes, had a brunch, and then as another storm moved in, I took a nap, actually going back to bed. 

I woke up after the rain had stopped and the sun actually came out.  I had to convince Maggie it was safe to go for a walk.  The rain gauge said we had gotten another 1½ inches of rain.  So that was a total of three inches this morning. 

The pond was very full, and brown and murky. 

Walking back over to our drainage ditch, I was rather discouraged to see all the leaves and debris that had been washed down and left by the high water. 

Just look at all the brown leaves and debris from up stream 'trashing' our green oasis.  It is so much work trying to keep this back looking good, and I was feeling defeated by mother nature. 

The pool had been closed part of the morning, but when I got there at 1:45 it was busy, and remained so my entire shift.

Patty had chore duty and reported that Amiga was walking (running at one point to get to the paddock for dinner) well.  Wanda was sleeping just outside the barn and didn't even move when Patty walked Amiga past her.  She was enjoying the calm after the storm.  This crazy weather is like a mix of emotions.

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