Saturday, December 16, 2023

It's A Wrap

I finally got my long Costa Rica blog finished.  Every day last week was basically spent working on it, while also tending to appointments, commitments, and matters that couldn’t wait.  There was just so much to remember and blog about, and so many photos to sift through and edit that it took me forever.  Plus the fact that my computer was acting up, did not help any. 

I wrapped up and posted my Costa Rica blog (Friday morning), the pressure to blog was off of me.  I could now start on this one, but more importantly, I could get back to my usual routine and start better preparing for Christmas, and getting into the Christmas spirit.

Monday 12/11 - Having gone to bed as soon as we got to Courtney's from the airport (at 2am), I was surprised to be up at 6am.  But the desire and drive to keep plugging away at my vacation blog had me up and working on it after just four hours of sleep.  Courtney's cat Sam in the window.

Once home to Fairfield Glad, I really wanted to get my Costa Rica Blog done first and foremost, so tried to focus on that.
  But I had a combination of jet lag and travel fatigue and was going at about the speed of a sloth.  

The cats were begging for attention (this is Styx wrapped around my neck).  T
here was unpacking, laundry, cleaning and groceries needed to be bought.  My week's schedule was also packed with many interruptions and I had so much Christmas related things to do... all which led to my fretting.

Tuesday 12/12 - We had gotten a lot of rain while gone so the pond was almost back up to it's usual level.  I was so glad to see this.  My birds and deer wanted feeding, but they would all have to wait. 
Joe had his colonoscopy (all the way in Sparta) and taking him was nearly a five hour loss of my blogging time.  We did get some greatly needed shopping done at Food city on the way home though.  After dinner I was too tired to do anymore blogging, so we watched Survivor to get caught up on that.

Wednesday 12/13 - I had an early appointment for a bone scan, so another of my mornings was interrupted.  The scan was quick and easy (and later I got the results that both hips and lower back have increased in bone density, which makes me so happy).  I am still in the negative range, but at least my bone mass is improving finally, after six years of it getting worse.
I then did some much needed shopping at Tractor Supply, Walmart and three other stores.  I kind of got momentarily wrapped up in the Christmas spirit and did a little gift shopping while out and about.

I had chores at the ranch, arriving a little early to do a few extra things.  In the first photo I was dropping some stuff off in the shop, and the horses, who were already in the paddock were milling around.  Mucking was easier because we have the gate to the back pasture open 24/7 so the horses don't spend a lot of time in the paddock.  When I left, Amiga and Zorro were sharing one of the six piles of hay I had put out, while Cowboy and Banner each had their own to eat at.

Thursday 12/14 - Because the deer were hanging around, I took time to feed them, but the bird feeders would need to wait.  I continued blogging frantically.  Joe had kind of 'fixed' my computer, but scheduled a guy to come at noon to better fix it.  Because it was working pretty good again, I decided I did not want to lose time on the computer or the possibility of having the repair guy delete or mess up some program I really needed.  So I convinced Joe to hold off on computer repair until later.

We had a meeting with the lawyer at 11am and then I went to the gym for an easier (didn't push it) workout since it had been nearly two weeks since my last time there.  Unfortunately my body weight was up (four pounds, all in my belly) since my last gym visit. 

By almost 7pm my travel blog was finished, but needed proof-reading, which I was too tired to do.  So Joe and I watched this week's Survivor, with the sixth person getting voted off.  Next week it will be a wrap in the three hour finale of the show. 

Friday 12/15 - Ten days till Christmas... Oh my gosh! 
I got this blog started and quickly completed three days because there wasn't much to report on, and there were so few photos. 

I also finally got started on my advent jigsaw puzzle calendar.  I was about to start the third day zip-lock bag of pieces but it was time to go. 

I rode (in the car) with Karen and Patty to the Saddle Sister luncheon at Vegas Steakhouse.  There were seven of us but I completely forgot to get any photos.  So here is one, of
the purse 'Cuban steed' I often carry when with my equine ladies.  A few of them had complimented it.  We just chatted away (for nearly three hours) with never a lull in the conversation.  And we all enjoyed very tasty meals. 

I didn't get home until almost 3:00 and was too full and lethargic to do anything active.  I sat back at the puzzle table with a cup of tea and Styx came to visit for awhile. 

The puzzle working goes very fast when there is only a small selection of pieces to deal with.  I got the baggies of three more 'days' worked. 

I was listening to Christmas carols and all my critters were chill-axing.  Babe loves snuggling with Maggie, who tolerates it quite well. 

Patty sent this photo, taken when she was 'baby sitting' Maggie while we were in Costa Rica.  This is Babe's sister Ellie, also snuggling with Maggie. 

I had the need and motivation to get moving, so started back in on decorating for Christmas.  I ran into difficulties with Dad's old bell lights.  A bulb broke off leaving its metal ring in the fixture.  I thought for sure that this ancient (around 60 years old) decoration was done for.  But I was able to fix it and get it hung above the kitchen sink where I have put it the last ten years. 

Stevie was playing with stuff and I kept reprimanding her.  I think she just wanted attention and maybe to snuggle.  She ended up falling asleep here on the dinner table.

Poker Joe was gone, so I played some Jacquie Lawson advent Calendar games on my computer.  Once in bed, I finished the Naima Simone Christmas novel I had started on our drive to Nashville two weeks ago, and read while traveling during our trip. 

Saturday 12/16 - I enjoyed a relaxing morning, finished three more days of this blog and three more days of my jigsaw puzzle.  I also did some more decorating among other things.

I chose to ride, rather than go to the gym, since rain was predicted for Sunday.   

Zorro and Cowboy followed us as I led Amiga into the paddock.  They got a drink out of the pond after she did.  This body of water is still quite low. 

I thought I was going to be cold because it was so overcast (with no warming sun rays).  I was well dressed and there was no wind, so it was perfect. 

I really enjoyed a wonderful ride (video).

Once home I tackled leaves in the yard, intending to work until it started raining.  Well as often happens, the rain didn't come.  So I worked until after 5:00 when it got too dark to do anymore.  It's just about a wrap as far as leave removal goes.
Joe and I watched two episodes of Suits.
And this wraps it up for the week.

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