Saturday, February 17, 2024

Power Of Love

With this being Valentine's week, love is in the air.
The feeling of love is present, and people seem to be particularly happy, affectionate and loving. 

The power of love is not just a feeling, it is an action that can create ripples of positivity and kindness. 
When you align yourself with loving thoughts, anxiety and worry will start to fade.  There is a transformative energy and force of love.  We really start to value life and the lives of other living beings, humans and creatures. 

I think animal lovers are especially loving.  A study revealed that people who love animals have a specific version of the gene that produces the love hormone oxytocin, which is important for empathy between humans and boosts social bonding.  So oxytocin helps people bond with animals too, and animal lovers are friendlier people and have more empathy.  If you have time, check out this (video) of a lady with her dogs and horse and the song "The Power of Love" being played.

I watch a lot of dance, comedian, and animal (especially horse) videos.  I highly recommend you view this (video) with Shania Twain singing - You're Still the One.  She is live on stage with her horse in Las Vegas.     

Saturday 2/10 - Mama Styx sleeping on my neck, a favorite spot of hers.  Like Friday, it rained most of the day again.  It is so difficult to get motivated to do much on these dreary days.  So I sat here 'playing' on my computer, working puzzles, watching videos, chatting with others, and lovin' on my kitty.

Deciding I wanted to get my workout over with so I could lounge and relax the remainder of the day, I went to the gym early.  While on the rowing machine to warm up, I decided to make my workout more fun, so I went to the Zumba class, skipping the elliptical.  Next I did ab and leg weights and then ended with a line dance class. 

I spent nearly three hours on this puzzle (I had started the day before) while listening to a book on tape.  It is a 1'000 piece puzzle staring Ava, in six photos, getting and giving some love.

Joe and I watched three episodes of Suits.  I am hoping to finish all nine seasons before summer, but we are only mid-way through season four.   

Super Bowl Sunday 2/11 - It was not as rainy as the past two days, but there was still moisture in the air and it was cool, damp, and dreary.  I had several things to attend to here at my desk and computer, so did that most of the morning.  

I went to the ranch early to do some stuff before feeding time.  Above, the four horses were just standing around wondering why they weren't getting fed yet.  And Zorro didn't mind sharing Amiga with Cowboy. 

After raking all the loose hay to the edge of the round bale feeder, I went to check on drainage ditches since we'd had so much rain.  In this photo, this drainage ditch was dry last Thursday when I started the trail through the woods.  So after rain, it will be a little 'creek' crossing at this spot. 

I did not have Maggie with me because it was just too yucky out, so Wanda filled in as the project supervisor.  I did a little more raking of leaves from the ditches and new trail, and also took several photos.  You can see in these first two, I had to work the trail around plenty of woodland debris. 

There are lots of little briers, saplings, and tree branches that need to be trimmed and removed.  And I haven't even gotten ⅒ of the distance of the trail completed. 

In the foreground of this photo is a second creek crossing of another one of the drainage ditches.  There were several downed trees in the way of my trail, so I decided to make it a cavalletti obstacle challenge.  I moved three of the logs to better space the cavalletti 'poles.' 

This photo shows the proximity of the trail to our paddock and barn yard.  Once the trees leaf out and the woodland brier and shrubs start growing, you won't even be able to see to the fence line from the trail.   

This last photo was taken farther down the trail, looking back at the cavalletti obstacle challenge.

When I brought Amiga in to feed, I noticed she was 'off' as she walked.  I gave her a Previcox while she ate and then checked her over and felt and saw no injury.  I watched her more closely walking back out to the boys in the paddock.  She was definitely favoring her front left leg.  UGH!  I hope it is just the arthritis. 

It was drizzling again as I finished chores. 

Once home, I did Sunday household chores and got things ready for Patty to come for dinner.  Joe cooked stir-fry on his flattop and after we ate, we watched the first half of the Super Bowl game together.  Of course all the fur-babies joined us on and around the couch and fire.  

I loved how Reba sang the National Anthem, was unimpressed with the commercials, but if had to vote would pick the Dunkin’ Donuts one.  Maybe they got better in the second half, that is when Budweiser's clydesdales comercial aired.  The first two quarters of the game were so-so, just as was the halftime show Usher performed.

Patty left after Usher left the field and I was in bed, happily reading as the second half of the game started. 

I heard the second half of the game was a lot more exciting than the first half.

Monday 2/12 - We were graced with another day of drizzle and rain.  I was waiting for a return call from the travel agent so I could add Teresa to my cabin.  Rachel finally returned my call at noon.     

I had a late lunch and then had to wait for that to digest before going to the gym from 3-5:30.  For most of the day, all I did was listen to a book on tape and work the puzzle.  I love the memories.

Two hours of Suits with Joe ended the day.

Tuesday 2/13 - Happy Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday.
I woke Babe up taking a photo of her.  But then she chose to 'pull the pillow' over her head so to speak, and go back to sleep. 

I only had an hour left of my book on tape so finished it and my puzzle before going to the gym.

Joe and I met at the ranch at 12:30 and put out another round bale of hay.  The horses came over right away to check it out. 

As I headed out with the wheelbarrow to go to the front pasture to gather up leftover hay, I collected a load of manure from the paddock.  The horses started coming in to get water, so I just watched them from the paddock while waiting for them all to get through the gate.  And I took several photos and (videos) of them coming to drink. 

Cowboy finishing up his drink, Amiga getting her's, and Zorro ready to head back out.  Meanwhile, Banner was still making his way in to the paddock. 

Banner finally arrived to the paddock.

He ended up going around the other side of the pond and getting a drink from the spillway. 

Meanwhile, Amiga was making waves.  And I don't mean by causing trouble with the boys, she was a splishin' and a splashin'. 

After enjoying watching the horses, I headed out to collect hay left from the last round bale.  I got two large wheelbarrow loads and spread it out near the paddock (high traffic) gate area.  Some of it was a tad damp, but it wasn't moldy.  I doubt the horses will try eating it anyway.

I then put in almost three hours of work on the trail in the woods.  Joe had cut a few large tree branches for me and I was working on the smaller ones I could get with the big loppers. 

One more water hole photo.

Susan and Bonnie had come for chores.  It is such a joy to hear them laughing and enjoying being at the ranch while they puttered around before feeding time.  They even came to see what I was working on.

It was 5:00 by the time I quit and scurried home for the usual evening pet chores and TV time.

Wednesday 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day.

Babe snuggling with Maggie.  It was a tad cold and the sun a little slow to break through some lingering clouds, but when it did, it was beautiful out.  

My computer was moving slower than a turtle on sedatives so while I waited for it to do just about every function I implored, I got this new puzzle (time for flowers) started.  And back and forth I went between my computer and the puzzle table.

I finally gave up at 9:30 and went to the gym.  When I got home, the sun was coming in the living room windows and all the fur babies were enjoying it.  

I changed, had lunch, and as I left to head to the ranch, took this photo of Stevie in Maggie's bed.

Karen, Patty and I met at the barn, and soon headed out on the roads in back to remove tree branches so we can ride the horses on more level ground, and avoid the one steep hill that the Pasos need to be better conditioned for.  Maggie was with us (as supervisor) today. 

We took Castle Circle in the opposite direction to get to all the branches that needed clearing.

Right away we noticed that another tree had been cut down and was blocking the road.  This was going to be more work than originally expected.

I crawled through to see how it looked from the other side. and there weren't too many small branches.  In the background, the gator and girls can be seen. 

Several branches were sawed off this tree and we did eventually clear the road enough to get the gator through.  I love our battery operated chainsaw.  It might be tight riding a horse under this tree, we will see.  This next photo was taken to show the size of the other tree that had been cut down at this spot (for logging we are guessing).  Oh, and I forgot to take an after photo of what we accomplished. 

We made our way to where Castle Circle hits Marmaduke, picking up trash as we went.  We cut the last tree (the smaller pine that had been placed across the road) by cutting it in half and dragging it off.  

Then I walked in to our back woods along Hathaway while the girls went to checkout where Castle Circle comes out on Beachwood.  It is a steep hill, that has been cleared enough to get a truck up and down it.  Hum. 

I had Maggie with me and had gone into the woods at an old 4-wheeler trail Terry and Billy had used.  This big tree was down blocking the trail completely.  Maggie got up on it to get a better view through the woods, and then she heard the girls returning. 

She nimbly turned around on the log and I got this photo before she hopped off and went in hot pursuit of Patty and Karen. 

I worked my way through the woods to where my trail work had ended and I did a some branch trimming to get a little more work done on it.  In this photo you can see where the cleared trail ends, and then how dense the underbrush is and where I had trimmed some back.  

I did feeding chores and caught this photo of Cowboy after he had gotten a drink of water and had a bubble hanging from his tongue, which was sticking out.  What a silly boy.

By the time I got home and was feeding critters and myself, I realized that I had strained my neck, and could barely turn my head.  The heating pad helped while I was awake and the pain/sleep aid did wonders all night.

Thursday 2/15 - I did not wake until 7am, and my neck felt so much better.  Like I said, the pain/sleep aid had worked wonders.  I didn't even hear Poker Joe come home at 1am.

Our renters 'checked out' this morning and Kathy gifted us this beautiful table runner she
crouched, which I discovered later in the day. 

I had shut down my computer yesterday and when I restarted it, it was moving a little faster.  I had two days of blogging to do so got going on that.  When Joe woke up, he informed me that the computer fix-it guy (Paul) was coming at noon.  So I skipped the gym so I could be here when Paul came.  When he had me show him my complaints, he couldn't believe how s-l-o-w my computer was. 

Paul left with my computer and I went to the ranch.

Karen rode Banner and I was on Amiga (of course).  We went to see if we could ride under the tree we had trimmed back the day before.  This photo shows what we had cut off of it. 

We had to duck to fit under the tree, but there was room for horse and saddle.  Banner is about the same height as Amiga.  We're thinking Zorro (especially with a rider) probably won't fit under this though. 

Our horses were both very calm and well behaved today.  We kept our ride short and slow because Amiga as been favoring her front left leg.  I have had her on Previcox for almost a week now. 

I went up to the ranch house after our ride.  This view never gets old.

Patty and I cleared some things out of the ranch house, which is when she pointed out the table runner.

The horses were happily munching hay when I left for home.  

Paul got finished with my computer earlier than expected, and brought it by while I was finishing up dinner.  He had installed a new Solid State Hard Drive and it was running so much faster.  He also commented on how good all the other parts and programs were.  So I should be in good shape with it for several years.

Friday 2/16 - My computerizing went so much faster this morning.

Britney and I had a nice video chat.  She had to euthanize Fran Wednesday, after trying to treat her over the past week, for an unknown illness/eye infection. 

I am going to miss all of Britney's photos, videos, and stories of Fran. 

These photos and this (video) were taken back in November.

It’s too bad the power of love can’t save our loved ones, but it sure does help get them through illness and the dying process.  Britney’s power of love speaks volumes of her character, as she gave so much to try to help Fran.  And the biggest act of love was having her 'put to sleep.'  RIP Fran.

After the gym and lunch I went to the ranch to work on my trail some more, before the rain and cold air moved into the area for the weekend.

Once Brooke had finished feeding, I took Amiga for a short, easy little ride.  First we tried out the short section of my new trail through the woods behind our barnyard and paddock area (video). 

We then went down Hathaway and I rode Amiga into the woods on an old trail that took us to the corner of our back pasture at Hathaway and Marmaduke. 

We could see her friends, the other three horses, way off in the distance. 

I then had Amiga go to the 'logging' spot to see if there had been anymore tree cuttings.  It was the same as we had left it the day before. 

Then I turned Amiga around to head back to the ranch.  She was rushing some, and going up a gradual incline, and this was the first (since starting this ride) that I noticed she was favoring her front left leg.  I was riding bareback, and have a much better feel of her gait. 

As we neared the path for home, that goes under the lookout tower, I noticed a downed tree  farther down the road.  It looked dead so I didn't suspect that it had been cut down, but rode Amiga under the power lines, over to inspect it.  Just another casualty of wind and rain.  
While standing there, something caught Amiga's attention. 

We turned to see two of the three black boys up in the neighboring field.  The third horse was not far off.

I was home to feed and care for my fur babies by 5:20.  I cooked potato and onion to go with some chicken, while Poker Joe did his thing and had dinner at the game, as usual.   

I drifted off to sleep listening to the wind and rain beyond my window.

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