Friday, August 9, 2024


I don’t think anybody likes being sidelined from the sports, activities, and/or hobbies they enjoy.  I thought I was prepared for this time of sitting out from riding, dancing, landscaping, working out at the gym, and hiking.  But just over a day of being home, recuperating, I was getting antsy.  Although my physical limitations along with pain, which restrict movement, have reminded me of the necessity to just chill out.  So I am taking one day at a time and trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle while healing from surgery.

At the start of this ordeal, back in early June, I was sidelined by an overworked healthcare system.  I quickly learned I shouldn't be a passive bystander, but needed to speak up and keep pushing for action.  Well, once the 'ball was rolling,' things moved quickly.  Recovering from surgery, now with the understanding that all the cancer was removed, gives me a totally different follow-up and outlook.

Saturday 8/3 - I might have 'overdone it' the day before, or maybe was just having a little set back, but got up feeling worse than when I had gone to bed.  I need to follow the example of my cats, who are experts at chill-axing.  And since I'm not going anywhere or doing anything, pet photos are about all I'll be taking.

At the ranch, more work on our drive from the road to our front gate was being done.  I had Joe get photos.  Tyler and Jeff had put in a new culvert pipe because the old one was about totally rusted out.  And today they trimmed the brush on both sides of the drive.

Then using our tractor and box blade, they moved and leveled the gravel on our drive.  It looks better now, but we'll have to wait until after a big gully washer to see how it holds up.

I tend to be a planner, organizer, and yeah, a bit of a controller.  So it’s really difficult for me to 'sit out' while wanting to partake in the 'goings on' at the ranch and here at home.  I realize that being sidelined is detrimental to my mental well-being, so finding somewhere else to put that energy can be super helpful.  Also, rushing the process won’t help me get back to normal sooner.  I need to listen closely to my body and
move it in ways that encourage healing, especially as I'm recovering. 

Monita had been acting very odd while Karen was caring for the cats during my absence.  She would hide in the litter box, hissing and  growling, and not want to come out.  I'm guessing there had been another spat between her and Styx, because she had another sore by her eye.  In this photo she had at least come out of hiding, but was still seeking cover in the cat tunnel.

I ended up taking three long naps throughout the day.  I had decided to listen to my body and not try and push myself.  Mama Styx and then Babe resting with me while I read in bed. 


I had a little melt down at one point, getting frustrated with lack of communication with Joe, and then realized, I just need to let things go and stay seated on the sideline.

Karen came and cleaned litter boxes one last time, as I think Joe and I can manage it from here on out.  It was nice to briefly chat with her. 

It was early to bed with Tylenol PM as usual.

Sunday 8/4 - I woke feeling pretty good, and for the first time, felt like I was getting better.  I'd had ten hours of sleep, which I'm sure helped.  I was moving around fairly well and my pain was more tolerable.

I had Joe take this photo, to send to Courtney and Ava, who had made me this cute get well card. 

hrough out the day, I moved from computer chair, to porch swing, to living room floor, to walking, to bed, and to doing light chores.  Mama Styx and Babe joined me on the porch while I read and kept Stevie company.

By middle afternoon (after I had done dishes, a load of laundry, watered plants, and with Joe's help -
trash collection and litter boxes) I started feeling bad.  Maybe I overdid it.  But definitely, this was not unusual.  A site on colon surgery recovery said:  "You may feel like you have influenza, with a low grade fever, fatigue and feel nauseated. This is common."

It went on to say:
"You should feel better after 1 to 2 weeks and will probably be back to normal in 2 to 4 weeks.  Your bowel movements may not be regular for several weeks.  Also, you may have some blood in your stool."  So I didn't panic, because I was having all these symptoms.  But I did go to bed early again, taking Tylenol PM.

Monday 8/5 - I was struggling with irritable bowels and a slight fever a few times overnight and upon rising at 4:30 am.  I'd actually been woken up by fox noises across the pond, heard from the upstairs bedroom window.  By the time I took this (video) they had pretty much quieted down. 

This photo of Donna and DJ dancing at the Grove yesterday was one of many posted on Facebook this morning.  I hope to be off the sideline soon, and out dancing with all my friends.

It was a long day at sitting on the sidelines and I was feeling no better, if not worse.  I had diarrhea and increased gas and discomfort, but at least my bowels were moving and not backed up.  

Stevie and I napping on the porch swing.

Patty sent this photo she had taken during evening chores.  When you’re sitting on the sidelines, it seems nothing changes for you except the game going on, that you’re watching, but unable to participate in. 

Joe and I watched Olympic diving he had taped and I went up to bed just after 7pm.

Tuesday 8/6 - Karen took extra time to care for Amiga during chores last night, and sent me this photo.  

My external sutures and abdominal muscles were feeling much better when I got up, but I was hit with a bout of diarrhea for over two hours that was uncomfortable.  But then things (my bowels) settled down for the rest of the day. 
I was getting tired of sitting around, and missing my usual routine, the things I used to be able to eat (raw fruits, veggies, nuts and whole grains) and my old (former) body that was feeling much older lately. 

I did cook lean, tender chicken in the crock pot with a few veggies and cream of chicken soup.  It was a nice change in pace from all the bland, white foods I'd been eating... and a step up in my diet.  I was also feeling up to some light (very light) exercise using one pound hand weights to do various arm exercises.  And my walks were completed with a little more vim and vigor. 

This sweet family (of four) had come for the night to stay in the ranch house.  The two girls were on their way to a vaulting (gymnastics on horseback) competition in NC.

Wednesday 8/7 - The days are all starting to blur into one long stent of sitting around, feeling good and then bad, but progressively getting better.  I thought Stevie had been doing better, not leaking fecal liquid for three or four days, but today she made several little messes out on the porch.

Monita napping by my compyter. 

Mid morning I had gone to the pool, really needing to get out of the house and socialize for a bit.  It was lovely, although too hot to stay for more than an hour.  I had 'waded in' the pool on the steps, and went a little too deep, forgetting about the one 'hole' from surgery that was well below my wasted waist line.  

After chicken and mash potatoes for lunch and a walk around the block, I took a deep-sleep nap for well over an hour out on the swing with Stevie.  By the time I woke, Joe had made it to Courtney's. 


They were going to an outdoor concert in Franklin, TN and I would just live vicariously through them. 

Even if I was feeling up to it, I wouldn't have wanted to go to the concert because it's not my thing, unless there is plenty of room for
dancing and the band plays good dance tunes. 
The Bucket hat Joe won.

I made tuna/egg salad for dinner and during our evening walk, Rose showed up.  It was so good to see her, after over three weeks.
I was up later than I have been since surgery, and read for quite awhile, but couldn't quite finish my book before getting too sleepy.

Thursday 8/8 - Mid morning I joined Stevie out on the porch swing and finished my James Patterson book.  Dr. Midis' nurse called to see how I was doing, one week after coming home from the hospital.  I mentioned one of the glue spots over a small incision starting to come off, and was told to leave it alone.  Later I put first aid tape over it so my shirt quits pulling at the edge. 
I was troubled by one thing she said, regarding the MSI-H cancer type which I have.  It is much more likely to recur and the path report stated that two polyps were also removed.  So it looks like I will be on the annual colonoscopy plan from here on out.  😰 
I had forgotten to ask when I can start easing into a diet of more roughage, but I do see Dr. Midis a week from today.

I have been working on this jigsaw puzzle, which is very slow going because it is kind of difficult.  I feel like my eyesight is worse and wonder if anesthesia affects that also.  Today I did notice that the abdominal discomforts that I had with the tumor, are no longer a problem, so that gave me renewed hope. 

It was a warm, muggy day and the walks were making me hot.  But I did increase my distance and went a mile, feeling pretty good.  After dinner (Joe grilled hamburgers and hash browns and I added cooked green beans to the menu) I walked another mile to aid digestion.  Rose was waiting for us when we got home.

Friday 8/9 - I have become the master napper.  I started a new James Patterson book, got sleepy, and laid down with a pillow blocking the sun from my eyes.  I took this selfie trying to show the cat sleeping on my back but only got a small part of her in the photo. 

It is nice to have Rose back.  I sat with her out on the deck for awhile. 

Joe met tonight's over-nighters at the ranch at 1:30.  They had driven down from KY with six horses and were on their way to the rodeo in Cookville, and wouldn't be back until very late tonight.  They got their horses off the trailer for awhile to let them stretch. 

Notice the cowboy is using a hoverboard to lead the horses up the drive to the upper paddock.  What a great way to get around at the fairgrounds and here. 

This palomino's white tail is covered to keep it looking pretty before the show. 
Rose napping out back after dinner.

Joe's poker game did not come to fruition so he was home for dinner.  We each had our own leftovers.  Then we watch Olympics (mostly diving) together for awhile.

We had put flea/tick medicine on each of the four cats the day before, because they have been scratching and I have been getting bug bites.  Well, while reading in bed, I found 4 dead and 1 barely alive flea on the off white sheet on my bed that Mama Styx was laying on.  Now I had the heebie-jeebies.  I had skipped my Tylanol PM (which I feel I need to wean myself from) but ended up finally taking one at 10:30 because I couldn't get to sleep.  Ughh!

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