Friday, June 17, 2016

A New Groove

Rather than get stuck in a rut, I decided to get into a new groove, and requested a departmental change at work.
I had been thinking about requesting to move to the adult pool for quite awhile, when I was not happy with my work schedule (working mostly nights that got me home around 9:20, and long, nearly 8 hour shifts).  I have also not been keen about year round employment.  I want time off when I don't have to worry about getting subs or feel guilty about leaving the other front desk ladies short handed, especially during Christmas and New Years when I am in Florida.
I needed a break from the CC.
When I heard there was an opening at the adult pool, I looked into it, decided to take the position, and now I'll be working out there.  The end of last week, after I had made my request to switch job locations, I had a case of buyers remorse.  I love the ladies I work with and really enjoy working at the CC... so I lay awake, fearful I had made the wrong choice.

Saturday morning I did not have enough time to do much with last week's blog because I left for the barn at 8:15.
It was crazy busy out there as they were getting ready for the big party (120 foster kids plus their families) that were due to arrive at 10 am.  They hadn't finished this mural yet, but that would have to wait.  Georgia is in her usual spot on the bench.

I tried to stay out of the way as I got Amiga ready to ride.  The wranglers were playing 'musical chairs' with the horses, between 3 pastures, the dry lot, pony pen and stalls, so I waited to leave the barn once the coast was clear.  But by then, I was running a little late.

I pushed Amiga to get to where Jim had parked his trailer, but he and Bunni were already headed in my direction.  Once together, the three of us rode to Terry's house.  Seen left, she came out in her golf cart to greet us.  The horses loved nibbling at her pasture grass while we chatted.

We rode the Kirkstone trail before going back to Jim's trailer, and then I proceeded back to the barn alone on Amiga.  It was very warm and the flies were bad, but we had an enjoyable ride.

By noon, things were really hopping at the barn with wagon rides, pony rides, barbecue, face painting, and police dog demonstrations.  I got Amiga un-tacked and cooled down with the hose before turning her out and getting myself out of the way.  This photo of Judy and Shirley, who were taking a break from the heat and hard work, was posted on Facebook. 

I arrived home at 12:30, ate and then dressed for the first day at my 'new' job, the Dorchester, outdoor, adult pool.  Work went well, but it was hot.  I enjoyed the change in scenery and the slower pace.  I still have the fun of meeting people and chatting with them.  The register duties are also sooo much easier.  But, the drawer was short and the preferred charges off when I did a pre-closing check.  I discovered two errors, that occurred during the first shift, and eventually got them worked out.  However, it was well after 7 pm (normal closing time) when I finally got out of there.  I had hoped to meet Joe (and his golf buddies) for dinner, but was running too late and was too hot and sweaty, so came home.  While eating left over corn on the cob, I was feeling somewhat ripped off by being stuck with my dinner selection.

Sunday was another hot day, getting into the mid 90's like it had Saturday.

Shirley and I sat out in the pavilion after church and chatted for almost an hour, catching up with each other.

Not having time, or wanting to work up a sweat, I chose not to work in the yard for the 90 minutes of free time I had.  Stevie knows how to ride out the heat and captures the way I was feeling... lazy.

I will still be working at the CC for a few weeks, until they hire and train my replacement.  So I will be extra busy for a while.  I worked a 2-8 shift with Gwen, enjoying every minute of it... and it didn't feel overly long... especially since we closed the pool an hour early for maintenance and the register balanced.  Although, I had to wait 15 minutes for security to come pick up the deposit.

Monday was cooler but still reached 90 degrees by mid day.  At 9:30, Joe and I set up several chairs and the blanket at Mirror Lake to save our spots.  Already many others had done the same thing.  I took this photo to show Shirley, Brian and Andy where we would be.

Yard work happened from 10-3.  It was muggy and my back hurt, so I moved slowly.  I did plant the last three shrubs, finishing this flowerbed, except for the black containers that mark were I want to put some blue-rug juniper when I find small ones on sale. 

In the process of completing this bed, I removed a little more sod to better round out the right side you see in the right photo.  And then I moved several loads of mulch here and down by the weeping willow.

I did come across some small logs in the (free) mulch pile.  You know what they say, "You get what you pay for."

At 5:00 Joe and I were off to Mirror Lake Blast.  This week's band (Soul Soup) was voted the Glade's favorite last summer, and they proved well worth attending once again.  The weather was threatening, (it was raining in Crossville) but managed to stay clear
during the first set.  The band played some less familiar songs (video that Brian took) so there wasn't much singing and dancing.  The photo below is from last summer, to give you an idea of the crowd and bandstand.

By the second set, the storm was moving closer but the band struck up the old familiar rock and roll songs and the dancing began (video).  Unfortunately, when the lightening and thunder got too close for comfort, the band had to quit 45 minutes early, and we all packed up and headed home.  It never did rain other than two short sprinkles that didn't even get the ground wet.

Tuesday was dedicated to weeding out front and getting two Crape Myrtle planted in a pair together.  I took the photo to the left at the start of the day.

Look at the root I hit this time, trying to get an extra large hole dug.

I ended up putting the two Crape Myrtle (seen center left) partly on top and to each side of this root.

Rain was predicted, so I planned to work until getting rained out.  At one point I started to pack up all my tools and move them to the garage, but the system blew over without releasing more than a few drops of moisture.

Seen right, what I had accomplished by dinner time.  Seen below was what I did Wednesday, but still not finished with this bed.  The pots mark holes for future Rose of Sharon. 

Joe cooked an early dinner after he got home from golf and swimming.  I cleaned up the dishes and then went to the barn, getting there at 6:30.  Zorro with Smurf.

I rode bareback trying to keep Amiga at a walk or slow gait.  A few times I considered going back to get my saddle because I had my hands full when she got frisky.
It was still warm and the flies were terrible in the woods, but it was a pretty night and nice to be out, just my horse and I.

Seen below, the orange of the setting sun coming into the woods was beautiful, but I couldn't get a good photo.  These sort of give you an idea and are actually kind of cool looking with the blur.

I hosed Amiga off when we got back and then put her in the pony pen to roll.  I brought Zorro in to treat his hoof and decided to let him hang out in the pony pen with Amiga for a bit, while I watched the sun set.

These two really like each other, and have been life long friends.  I brought them both into the cross ties to treat Zorro's hoof, and they continued to groom (scratch) each other (video).

The lower right photo was taken at the start of the day Tuesday, lower left at the end of the day.

Wednesday I continued with weeding (mostly the gravel) out front and cleaned all the dirt and gravel out of the drainage ditch on our side along the road.

In the above photo you can see the debris in the ditch and all the weeds in the gravel.  Below you can see where the ditch and most of the gravel is now nice and cleaned out.

I took four large bucket loads of the sand, dirt, and gravel mix and dumped them out by my ditch in the back.  I find that weeding takes so much longer than mowing, but the flower beds are a nice addition to the landscape.

My second day at the adult pool went great.  I was never uncomfortable with this new position, but now I'm beginning to get into the groove, and am establishing a work routine.

Seen left, my 'office' and the bathhouse.  It was a cloudy day, so there was not a large crowd at the pool.  The time went fast and I had fun chatting with some regulars, including Lisa and Nolan.  The register was balanced when I closed, so that went quickly too.  Cleaning the restrooms is going to get old, but at least the adults don't mess it up like the kids do.

A storm blew in and it had started raining when I was closing the gate to the pool (7:05).  By bed time, the temperature had dropped 15 degrees and it was great sleeping weather.  Joe was very successful in his night out at the poker game.

Maggie, sitting under the puzzle table, bird and squirrel watching, Thursday morning.
Stevie just hanging around, being lazy as usual. 

I wrecked the cat's morning when I took her to the vet for her annual shots.  She was lethargic once back home.

Stevie threw up a bunch while I was eating and getting cleaned up for my 2-9 work shift.  Then she lost the rest of her stomach contents just as I was leaving.  

Joe had left town after work so I took a dinner break to come home and check on the cat, walk the dog and feed them both.  Stevie ate a little but still was not her usual self.  By the time I got home after 9:00 though, she had made a bit of a recovery.

Friday morning the cat was remarkably better.  Yay!!

I met the ladies at the barn at 8:15 and we headed out for an early morning ride.  It was already warming up.  Seen right, Jan and Terry, followed by Cheryl.

Velvet was showing signs of lameness so Cheryl turned back for the barn and Terry, on Smurf, accompanied them.  Jan and I proceeded into the Glade.  We had a great ride, didn't push Amiga and Cash because of the heat and humidity, and got back to the barn a little over two hours later.
Taking more than a week off from concrete work, I decided it was time to get back to my drainage ditch project, even though I wasn't done weeding out front.  I need to finish this to keep the water running in a channel (or in the groove, so to speak).

Seen right, I find rocks that kind of fit together, and get them laid out to be cemented in.  Then I brush and wash them all off and clean the rock and ground that I am going to put the cement on, seen below.

Once I have the concrete mixed, I can't dilly dally around, but need to get the work done before the mix gets hard.  Sometimes I need to wait for it to partly set up, to hold the rock in place, or stick between the rocks on the vertical edges.  I clean up what I can before the mix sets up (seen below) and then cover it with plastic. 

I finished cement work with plenty of time to water all my new transplants, shower, and go to dinner with Shirley.  She picked me up and we went to the Legends Barbeque Buffett.  I was too full and tired to do anything the rest of the night and went to bed at 9:30, early for me these days.

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