Friday, June 3, 2016

The Simple Joys

A cup of tea is one of the simple joys I relish.  However, joy is not in things, it is in us.  It is a fruit of the Holy spirit.  It is a manifestation of Jesus who dwells inside of us.  Each morning I enjoy the experience of sipping tea, looking out at the beauty of nature all around, and communicating with all whom I love on Facebook and through e-mails.  Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.  

Saturday morning I realized I had waited too long to be able to complete my blog or my cleaning, so I went outside and brushed yesterdays concrete mix off edges of rocks it had oozed onto.  Then I watered it down, put the plastic back on and watered my plants, new sod and grass seed because these items were most in need of attention.

Courtney, followed by Mary and Patty, showed up just after 11 am.  Even though not physically ready for house guests, I was joyful that they had arrived.  Andy Rooney said "The less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.  This was somewhat true, as I had quickly gotten most of the major cleaning done.  House work was now on hold, and it was time to enjoy family.  We had lunch on the back deck.

Then we four headed to the Arts and Crafts Fair to shop, and listened to music.  Courtney and Mary got some knitting and crocheting done, while Patty and I made a few purchases.

Once Joe got off work, he and Maggie came and joined us at the festival.  Seen left, Courtney took a little nap.  Maggie enjoyed meeting many people and other doggies.

During a later trip to the CC to swim, we saw, at the big dip on Lakeview, this fawn's mom trot across the road.  The baby wasn't too far behind, but it suddenly dropped in it's tracks right by the road when it saw us coming.

We stopped, it got up to start across, and then an SUV from behind us roared past and the little fawn dropped again. We decided it would be best to continue down the road (so as not to block traffic) and hoped other motorist would be more careful and not hit this little one.

Dinner was at Red's followed by an evening of Karaoke and yes, some dancing (video).  Patty, Courtney, Shirley, and Judy all got up to sing a few songs and I was their um... back-up dancer?  Joe joined us sometime after nine, when done at his poker game.

Sunday morning started slow and easy going.  There were a few short walks and then right after an early lunch we went to the barn to horse around.  Zorro loves getting his ears scratched (seen right).

He and Amiga had some bonding time while we got them tacked up.

Courtney rode Zorro while Patty and I took turns riding Amiga.

Mary watched from the shade of the big Sycamore tree.

Zorro did better once we put my saddle on him.

Amiga was a bit revved up most of the time.

We took four videos of our rides in the pony pen.
#1 - Courtney on Zorro with her saddle that doesn't fit very well.
#2 - Amiga being wound up.
#3 - Patty did a great job on Crazy Horse Amiga.
#4 - Amiga's saddle on Zorro, with he and Courtney doing better.

During our short intermission back at home, Courtney worked at teaching Maggie a few tricks, like shake and roll over.  The dog is very treat motivated.

Courtney really wanted a pontoon boat ride, so we were able to squeeze that in... going to Lake Dartmoor because St. George was too busy.

We caught a few rays and I also got a little nap in.

From the marina we went straight to Shirley's where we had dropped off drinks and a pork butt (smoked and shaved) on our way to go boating.  Shirley had made great potato salad and coleslaw.  Many of us also enjoyed her rum slushies.  After dinner, Courtney head back to Nashville and we spent time discussing our Alaskan Cruse, looking at several shore excursion options.  But we never made up our minds.

On Memorial Day Monday... are we to be joyful as we remember all who have died for this country?  We can take joy in the freedoms this country offers because of the sacrifice of those who have fought for it.  But we should humbly remember all who have died serving this country and thank those who have and are serving now.  

A photo of the flag that flew for a day in Afghanistan, which Dan brought home.  We have it hanging near the top of our chimney. 

It was an easy going morning, with the usual work on puzzles and computer time.  Patty, Maggie and I went on a mile (hilly) walk.  I had kept plugging away at last week's Blog during down time and finally finished and posted it.  We also got our lawn chairs set up out at Mirror Lake and then Joe dropped Patty, Maggie and I off at the Conference Center and we walked (another mile) home.  You can kind of see all the chairs already set up behind me in this photo.

After lunch, Joe, Patty and I went to the adult pool for a little swimming and lots of sunning.  

Dinner was at Mirror Lake Blast.  I later heard that they had an estimated crowd of over 1,700 people.  It was definitely packed.

The evening started with a memorial service and tribute to those who have served in the military.  Seen above, the flags of the different branches of the military.

Seen left, Lisa and her neighbor sat with us because Nolan was working.  You can also see three of the St. George guys in the red shirts, goofing off in the background.  They helped put up the over 200 flags that lined the streets.

Along with our cold beverages, we enjoyed hamburgers fresh off the grill, and the fruits and vegetables we had brought from home.  Later in the evening, I even got Joe up and dancing.

Tuesday I worked in the yard all day while Joe golfed, Patty went into Crossville to shop, and Mary read, crocheted and kept an eye on the dog and cat.  Basically all I did was move sod.  Seen left, where I added it to Allen's side of the ditch.  Seen below, two views of my soon to be new flower bed.  Notice I didn't quite get all of the sod removed.

Patty cooked a very tasty dinner of stuffed peppers and made a yummy fruit salad.  After digesting for a little while, Joe, Patty and I went to the CC for an evening swim.  I was tired from yard work, and spent most of my time in the hot tub.  Our usual evening activity, when home, was working the jigsaw puzzle and surfing the internet, while listening to music on the TV.

Wednesday morning was leisurely.  While I was out in the yard, doing who knows what, Allan hollered over at me to come look at a baby deer that was resting behind their house.  Patty and I both went and got some photos and a video.

We knew it's mom would be back to get the baby.  I am guessing it is the same one we saw four days earlier, just 200 yards from here, by the side of the road.

Brian invited us to a pontoon boat ride on Ken and Linnea's rig.  So we experienced the joy of another boat ride, going around Lake Canterbury in both directions.

Joe and Brian took turns captaining the boat.

It was fun to look at houses on the lake.

Patty and I went to the barn and saddled up Amiga and Zorro and took a little trail ride.  We didn't plan to go far since Patty and Zorro weren't in condition for a long ride.  Also, we knew rain was coming.

Heading back to the barn, we could hear thunder so we let the horses somewhat push the pace back.  We had timed it well, as the skies opened up in a down pour shortly after we got into the barn.

Since I was wet, from going to Patty's car at the barn, when we got home, I went out to take a look at the drainage ditch.  While getting some photos and this video, I had a surprise visitor.

The baby deer walked right up to me and even sniffed my hand.  I didn't even see from which direction it came.  He/she was wet and a little scared.  What a joy for me to be able to see this baby up close and take a video.  I hoped it's mom would be back soon.

Shirley was going to meet us here to finally pick our shore excursions for our August Alaskan cruse, but our internet and TV had gone out during the storm so we loaded into the car and went to Shirley's.  Joe left early to go play poker, and we finalized our travel plans, booking two shore excursions each.  Then we went to the Legends Restaurant for the chicken pasta buffet, and more (much more) good eating.

Joe worked Thursday morning.  Since we had no internet, Mary, Patty, and I went to the Conference Center for a few hours.  Apex energy was having an open house so I checked out their propaganda.  I took the right photo of one of their many posters which they had of a photo-shopped image of what the windmills will look like from Wildwood Stables.  Then, I went next door to the gym to catch a quick weight workout and shower.  This left me with little time to get on line once back at the CC.   

We came home in time for me to cook dinner (for lunch).  It was my night to cook, but I forgot I had to work.  So we had our big meal at 1 pm.  Seen left, Patty on the deck while grilling.  She barbecued the chicken and I cooked corn on the cob, roasted veggies, wild and brown rice, along with making a lettuce salad.

On his way home from work, Joe flagged down a tree service truck that was hauling a full load of mulch and had them come to our house to dump their cast-offs in our driveway.  It has a lot of grass clippings, leaves, and pine needles in with the wood chips.  Hopefully it will be okay as mulch.  As my mamma used to say, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

While I was at work, Joe gave Patty a kayak lesson on Lake Glastowbury.  They also had dinner at Brian's house.  Without TV or internet, they entertained themselves reading and working on the jigsaw puzzle.

We were quite busy at the Conference Center, and had the second register open, which presented a challenge when it came time to close it.  I was working with Anne Marie, who is still in training, so had to figure it out on my own.  Later I had to void one check and at another point, refund a sale from a few days ago.  This all resulted in difficulties.  I ended up calling my supervisor (Kim) who never ceases to amaze me with her photographic recall of the computer screen windows, and verbally walked me through my trouble areas.  She is so patient and understanding.

Friday morning as Mary and Patty were heading out, the Comcast guy came.  In no time, our internet and TV were back up and running.  The girls were on the road home to Iowa and Joe went into town to run errands.  I was behind on this blog post, so sat down to work on it.

Then, when I looked at the weather, I noticed rain was in the forecast for the afternoon.  So I chose to work in the yard until it started raining, and then come in and work on this blog post.

First, I needed to fix the downspout drain pipe that was leaking into my soon to be garden area.  Also, the gutter that drains into this pipe tends to overflow during heavy rains.

Removing sod and dirt from on top of the pipe, I got to the problem.  There was a blockage.

After taking it apart, clearing it, and reconnecting the sections, I decided to raise the ground level of the end of the pipe so water wouldn't have to make a 90 degree turn straight up (seen in first photo).

I had to try different options to find the best way to lay this pipe.  It's a good thing I like working jigsaw puzzles... I think it has help with my visual/spacial awareness.
The same held true when placing rock around the pipe to hold it in place and keep it from coming apart at the seams.  I did have to try several different 'pieces.' 

Well, my whole time was spent doing this, and then, sure enough, the rain came, fast and furious, before I was done.  I still needed to better stack the rock back on top of the exposed end of the pipe.  I got drenched while putting away tools so decided to get a photo and video of the water's path(s).

I wondered if the pipe was still leaking at the seams into the flower bed, but decided the bare dirt just couldn't soak up the water fast enough and there was nothing to prevent it from running down the hill.  Seen lower left, the water was really pooling at the rock wall I had made at the down hill side of the bed.  This has the potential of washing mulch away, so may need addressing.

It sure rained a lot in a short amount of time.  Finally coming inside, I took the lower left photo of another problem drainage area at the corner of our garage.

I worked here at my computer on this post and finished up the four loads of laundry that I had started in the morning.  Once it was time to meet at Red's, Brian and his crew (including Linnea and her friend Lori, who are in town for a few days) I gave up on getting this blog posted.

The seven of us had a fun time.  Awe, the simple joys of good food, brew, singing, and dancing.  Another Andy Rooney saying, "No matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend (or friends) to act goofy with."

Proverbs 17:22, ESV- A joyful heart is good medicine.  In several places in the Bible it tells us to rejoice in the Lord always… and that the Joy of the Lord is our Strength!  Rick Warren wrote: "Life without joy is overwhelming, overburdened, and oppressive.  Studies have actually shown that the more joy we have in our lives, the more productive we are."  Oh I've got joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart... Down in my heart to stay.

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