Friday, October 16, 2020


I think we can read more about ourselves from looking at our pets, especially horses, than from any stars, astrological charts, or zodiac signs and calendars.  As various forms of equine-assisted therapy and coaching become popular and mainstream, we are becoming more interested in the horse for what they can teach us about ourselves.  There have been numerous studies finding that horses can read human emotions.  It is believed that horses may reflect our unconscious feelings, not only stress or fear, but also positive feelings.

Margrit Coates, a part-time lecturer in the Department of Animal Behavior at Southampton University, has these things to say about horses reading our emotions:
"A horse will read and see through everything we are feeling."
"“If horses could speak or write they would tell us exactly how we are."
"Horses are full of emotional instinct, and the nearest we ever get to associating with a wild animal.

Owning a horse (any pet really) is a big responsibility.  I think because horses are so big, the care for them can feel equally large.  It is definitely not inexpensive to have a horse, That's how Jan's horse Cash got his name from her husband Mike.  It also seems, the bigger the beast, the bigger the mess or trouble they can get into.  I have always justified the cost of Amiga because she is my therapist, exercise instructor, entertainment, and so much more.

Saturday 10/10 - The rain picked up overnight and it seemed to either drizzle or come down quite hard all morning.  Maggie during our second outing, going after a chipmunk who disappeared into a hole.

This was the day for John and Michelle's outdoor wedding and I was feeling really bad about the forecast.

I took a look down back to see how the dam and my drainage ditch were handling all the water.

At the dam, water was flowing through the spillway, with the leak (below and to the side of the concrete) no larger than after the repair job had been done.

It was not a beautiful day for a wedding, but it was a beautiful wedding regardless of the weather.

Joe and I got to the barn at 1:30 to join in the celebration of the marriage between John and Michelle. 

Michelle (and her wedding planner) had everything beautifully decorated and thought out. 
I love the topping on their cake.

It was a good thing they had the big tent set up, because it rained off and on throughout the afternoon. 

The wedding ceremony started right on time at 2pm, in a light rain.  Jason and his beautiful team of draft horses (John and Henry) came down the lane, bringing Michelle to the event.  She looked like a princess in the carriage.

I posted these (videos) and photos on Facebook.  And here are some additional photos I, and others took.

Michelle had posted on Facebook: "It never rains on our parade!  Plan for the norm and manage the exception per John Cannon! (Standing Tall 101)."

John and Henry, with the direction (driving) of Jason, offered buggy rides all afternoon.

There was a ton of great food to enjoy, and dancing (sometimes in the rain) with Donna and DJ.








I had stayed till the last song and just as the reception was ending, the rain started coming down heavier.

I had had ample food, drink, and dancing, so was 'done' for the day once I got home.

Sunday 10/11 - It was a rainy day, and with the gym closed and no way to do anything outside, I took it easy all day.  There was extra computer time, reading, a load of laundry, and our family chat call.

Stevie lounging with my arm as a pillow, wanting more lovin'.  Of course I also spent plenty of time watching my silly cats.  In the first photo below, from top of the cat tower to bottom is Babe, Mama Styx, Stevie, and Monita.  And then in the next photo, Babe decided to get frisky with her Mama.

I did make it out to the barn to check on Amiga late in the afternoon.  This is Callie, napping in Amiga's stall.  Amiga was still sore on one leg.  When looking at it closer, Jan and I thought she may have gotten kicked just below her hock.

Once it had stopped raining, I checked my rain gauge when I got home, and it showed we had gotten 3½ inches of rain since Friday morning.  Then I took Maggie on a long walk after we both finished our dinners.

Monday 10/12 - I did an early morning shopping trip in town, getting home at noon.  

After stowing everything away, I had a glass of milk and went to the gym for a few hours.

Joe was packing to go camping, and Stevie decided the cooler was a good spot to sit.

With an hour before dinner, I decided to get some R&R rather than work in the yard.  To get some sun, I sat in the drive on a lawn chair and read.  Joe joined me since our back deck only gets sun mid morning because the sun is so low in the sky these days.

I cooked a small turkey breast, mashed potatoes, and corn for an early 4:30 dinner since I hadn't had lunch.  Maggie and the cats got to eat early too. 

Then I drove up to Good Sam's with the dog and we went on a nice hike as the sun was setting.  Notice all the fall colors in the woods and all the leaves that have fallen already.

Driving home, I got word that Gov was colicking again.  Jan sent this photo of him down in his stall.  So I dropped Maggie off at the house and went to the barn.  There was no vet available (one on vacation and the other had just had eye surgery) so we had to do what we could on our own.  Judy gave Gov a shot of Banamine, and several of us, including Jan and Patty helped walk Gov and give Shirley moral support.  Jan was able to find a vet from an hour away, who was on another emergency call and would be coming when he could. 

Tuesday 10/13 - I had come home from the barn at 9:30 pm, and as planned, I checked in with Shirley just after 2am when I woke to take my thyroid medication.  Patty, who was still up with Shirley, said it was not looking good.  I got to the barn by 2:30, in time to be with Shirley and Patty as Gov was being euthanized.  It was quite sad, and was a very difficult decision to make, but was what was best for 30 year old Gov.   Dr Green, a wonderful vet from Sparta, had been at the barn from 10:30 to 3am.  Jan and Mike had gone back out and helped until 1am.   After talking and weeping for awhile, I followed Shirley to her house and then got home just after 4am and started my day.

I was numb, in a fog, and melancholy all day.   I couldn't imagine how Patty and Shirley felt, and knew Jan and Judy were also experiencing similar feelings.  No horse-scope can predict how or when our beloved equine will pass from this world, and we are never really ready when it happens.

I returned to the barn at 9am to help Judy who had a long, busy day ahead of her, and was short handed.  I wasn't much help, but at least I tried.

This is a photo of Amiga's back leg that was sore.  I had washed it well and treated it with Blue Lotion which seemed to improve the sore spot. 

Joe had left for his camping trip with Greg, sent photos of them hiking, and later this one of them settling in for the night.

After a noon lunch I took a short nap. Since I had dog duties, I was also taking short walks fairly often.

I returned to the barn (4th trip in less than 24 hours) to just hang out, check on Amiga, and see if I could be of any more help.

I ended up joining Jan on a little ride (I went bare back and was checking out how sore Amiga was).  She felt pretty good.  We went to see Gov's burial spot in the ghost town, and then rode in the large back field.  Zorro came to greet us.

Amiga, Cash, and Zorro having a little pow-wow.  You got to wonder what they are thinking. 

I was home at 6:00 and in bed by 8pm.

Wednesday 10/14 - I was up at 1:30, after going to sleep at 8:30.  Then napped a little over an hour at sun up.

Monita and Stevie napping.
I still felt like I had jet lag all day after my nap, so I tried a long mid-morning walk with Maggie.

I had to re-new my library book, only getting halfway through it after two weeks of reading.  I did this on my way to the gym.

After a two hour workout I had a yummy salad for a late lunch, and then went to the barn.

Jan and I had a nice ride, on a beautiful fall day, as the woods continue to become more and more colorful.  Neither Amiga or Cash were enthusiastic about hitting the trail, but they picked up the pace once we were well on our way.  Amiga still seemed a little off occasionally, so I continue to take it easy on her.

Joe touched base and he and Greg continue to be enjoying themselves with golf, hiking, and camping in great weather.

Thursday 10/15 - My night of sleep was not much better than the previous two, and I woke feeling very sore (from my workout the day before) and quite dizzy.  I did the usual nasal rinse but it didn't do much to relieve the sinus congestion and headache.  Maggie looking a little cold.

The more I moved around, the worse the dizziness was, so I spent extra time here at my computer and sat on the sun room couch and read a long time.

I had planned to work in the yard all day, so finally gave it a go.  I had to move slowly or would get really dizzy, especially bending and standing.

I mowed the new grass because it was getting quite long, planted some bulbs I had dug up over a month ago, and did a little weeding.  I also watered, with fertilizer, all my flowers and flowering shrub.

I was going to give Amiga the day off, but it was a gorgeous 73° day.  I wasn't into doing yard work.  And the up-coming weather did not look so nice, so I went to the barn.  This is Chester who always greets me when I arrive. 


I hung out with the group who was sitting out in front of the barn chatting.  This is Jan with Scrappy.  Patty was working and Cat was out on a trail ride, but there were several others sitting and enjoying the day.

Checking on Amiga, she did not seem sore walking.  And her saddle sore that I have been treating was much better.  So I decided to ride bareback to avoid harming the healing process of the saddle sore and keep extra weight off her for her sore leg.

Jan and I had a lovely, leisurely ride together.  The woods on the Holly Trail are so pretty (video).  Out in the field our horses trotted/gaited beside each other so smoothly.  I tried to get a (video) of Cash with Jan, having him do a slow trot.

It was another very quiet evening at home with Joe still off camping with Greg.

Friday 10/16 - I slept from 9-12 and 3-6, so I got my minimum needed six hours, but somehow it didn't seem like enough because it was interrupted.  I made great progress on finishing my book however.

It rained (only ¼ inch) overnight and had gotten a lot cooler, so I was content to stay in all morning.  At one point I had been laying in front of the fire, on my side, reading, and my ear popped (like when changing altitude on an airplane).  This relieved the pressure and the headache I had been experiencing.

I went out after lunch to try and be productive in the yard.  Maggie got to chase chipmunks for awhile and then I tethered her so I didn't have to keep a close eye on her.  She enjoys the sun.

I continued weeding and leaf removal from the large bed, and added a bag of mulch over the area I had cleaned up.  And then this flowerbed got weeded (again) including leaf removal.  I mulched most of it, but still need to work on stump removal and am going to transplant a small tree and my yellow peony here.

Joe arrived home from his camping trip at 2:00 and a little later I headed to the barn. 

This photo shows Jan and Polly riding through the old bean field with the barn and hay barn in the background.  There was not a cloud in the sky.

Amiga really wanted to stay with Cash and Rio when they left through the old bean field, but I let her graze at her favorite clover patch and she settled right down. 

The temperature was dropping fairly rapidly, and I was cold by the time I finished my ride.  

A hot shower followed by hot soup once home, was enjoyable and did the trick to warm me back up.

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