Friday, December 18, 2020

All Is Bright

Even though not all is calm, all is bright.

There is hope for tomorrow, for 2021, and for the future of America, the earth, and the world.  Because of God's light, which can not be extinguished, all is bright, even in the darkness.  Because of all the good people, doing good things, there is hope.

I love all my Christmas lights that come on at 4pm, and many stay on until 7am, because our nights are so long this time of year.  The colorful, festive lights keep it bright throughout the night.

This photo (by Gage Smith) depicts a celestial event occurring this week.  In "The Planet" by Annie Reneau it is written: "The planets Jupiter and Saturn align in the sky every 20 years or so, but it's been nearly 800 years since they've been close enough together from Earth's vantage point to create the double planet 'star' known as the 'Christmas star' or 'Star of Bethlehem.' This alignment will appear as a bright point of light that stands out starkly in the night sky. The peak alignment will occur on December 21, coinciding with the winter solstice. For the best viewing, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere can look to the southwestern sky about 45 minutes after sunset that day. However, we should be able to see it throughout the week."

These thoughts were taken from the "All Is Calm, All Is Bright–Or Is It?" sermon by Rev. L. John Gable:  "Oh how we want to paint a beautiful, peaceful picture of Christmas, then and now, but the world wasn’t an idyllic place on that first Christmas morning, and we know all too well that it isn’t so today. The Christmas story is not one of idyllic escapism. It is one of hope and promise and truth.
We sing, “All is calm, all is bright”, but in reality all is not as we would like it to be in this world, much less in our community, our homes, perhaps even in our hearts.  So what does the Christmas story have to say about that?  The whole purpose of Christmas is because we live in a world of poverty and disease, of war and conflict, of prejudice and injustice, of sin and brokenness. In the birth of Jesus we see God’s response to our most critical need, the conflict and confusion, the sin and brokenness which affects our world and infests our lives."  All Is Bright!

Saturday 12/12 - In terms of the weather, all was not bright.  It rained during the night and most of the day. 

I hadn't slept well, read for two hours in the middle of the night, and woke up on the couch at 7:30, feeling off-kilter.  I spent quite a bit of time at my computer and then dinking around the house doing who knows what. 

I did get in a good workout and take a shower before climbing back into my PJs at 4:30.  After dinner, Joe and I started the series, 'Texas Rising', enjoying the first two episodes.

Sunday 12/13 - It was a brighter day with the sun breaking through the clouds shortly after sunrise.  This is looking east down the #17 fairway, with 'our' pond behind me. 

Maggie was going nuts, barking at the front door.  When I looked out, I saw four deer in the neighbor's yard.  They were soon on their way because Maggie had scared them. 

I messed around with more of my decorating, including replacing a tree on the mantel with this cute wooden decoration.

Babe was being naughty as usual, climbing the Christmas tree, trying to remove garland from the balcony railing, and tearing up my decorative table cloth.  It made me think of this photo on the left I had seen on Facebook.  And then I made this second one from one of last year's photos.

I had a third, bigger breakfast and went to the barn at 11:00.  I chatted with Judy and Carol who were working, and then got Amiga ready to ride.  The trails were wet and muddy, making them kind of slippery.  So we just walked and didn't do much on the trails.  On the way back to the barn, while letting Amiga graze in the little bean field, a truck pulled in at the other end.  When I had ridden up to it, I discovered a lady, who was a tad distraught, because she had run out of gas and had no money on her or anyone to call.  I assured her I would help.

Well, long story short, after she had been waiting there nearly an hour,
because two other attempts at getting help had failed, Joe came to the rescue with a can of gas.  I had put Amiga in her stall to eat some of her dinner while going with Joe to where the lady was parked.  Once back at the barn, I did some trailer practice.  It went very well, except at one moment when Amiga stepped on my foot and I yelled.  That made her make a quick exit backing off the trailer.  We did two more good, slow, back offs before I concluded our training for the day.

This is Carol, one of the volunteers who is a real joy to be around.  She is always smiling and so positive.  One of many bright lights at the barn.

I was halfway home when I realized I had forgotten to shut the trailer back up.  I turned around, took care of the trailer, and as I was leaving again, a man drove in and said we had a loose horse.  Well, this is another long story I'll shorten, but it took five of us to catch her, and once returned to a 'greener' pasture, where we also put her two buddies, she was still trying to escape.  So we took her across the road to the barn for the night.  Some days there is never a dull moment at the barn.  And at times when it seems dark or overwhelming for a person, it is nice that others can help out, give them hope, and be the light to brighten their day.

Joe watched football and I hit the hay early.

Monday 12/14 -  With rain most of the night and the fact I was up reading again from 2:30 to 5 am, I still felt sluggish even after a 90 minute nap.  The morning rain briefly turned to snow before it was done precipitating for the day.  But it remained cold and cloudy.

I had moved the little tree from the mantle to my desk and was enjoying it's brightness as I sat here at my computer.

After two hours at the gym and a big salad for a late lunch I snuggled in front of the fire to read a book and eventually take another nap.

I did get the claws of all four cats trimmed, which always feels like a major accomplishment.  I vacuumed up claw trimmings, lose garland which had gone astray, and the sun room which always seems to have tracked cat litter from the box I have in there.

these ears considered a photo bomb by Stevie?

I made dinner, baking a Stouffer's frozen meat loaf, roasting potatoes, carrots, and onion, and cooking corn.  It was all tasty. 

To end the day, I spent too much time working a difficult Christmas jigsaw puzzle on the computer.  I love this (jigsaw puzzle site).

Tuesday 12/15 -  ten more days until Christmas. 

I had gotten this cute star, made of barb wire, in the mail from the Volk's and hung it out front by the Christmas wreath. 

It was the third day of an estate sale, when everything is half price, so I went to see if any of the advertised 'safari' stuff was still available.  I bought this picture and pillow, for a total of $10.00.  I set them on our dresser to photograph them and Monita got right up there to check them out.  I will wait to hang the picture once our new living room windows are installed.

After the estate sale, I went straight to the gym and worked out on the elliptical for almost an hour.  I was watching HGTV and engrossed in it, so the time flew.  Normally we are limited to 30 minutes on the aerobic machines, but since the gym was nearly empty and two other machines were open, I felt I was not infringing on anyone else's time on the elliptical.  Later I would be sore from going so long and not stretching afterwards.

I was home by noon for a big lunch of leftovers and then went to the barn.

The snowmen and this Christmas tree are at the same house, that I see every day I drive to the barn.  They are both made from wood pallets.  I really like them and am tempted to give it a try to replicate this crafty work.  I can paint the tree, but the snowmen faces I will need help with. 

I was the only rider at the barn and Kat the only other person.  I went out on bareback.  While riding over at the gardens, Jan showed up on Cash.  I had been talking with Shirley on the phone while Amiga was grazing on good green grass.  Then I talked with Jan for awhile.  Amiga sure got a good snack.

I rode part of the trail, but it really was quite muddy and slippery from the inch of rain we got the day before.  Water doesn't seem to soak into the ground or evaporate from the top of it very well this time of year. 

By the time I finished my ride at 3:30, things were hopping at the barn.  More riders had come, Karen and Patty were there to help with night chores, and the vet was there to see four or five other horses. 

I had gotten cold (only a high of 47 with some wind) so the hot shower back home was enjoyed.

After dinner, Joe and I watched two more episodes of Texas Rising.  Most of our fur babies enjoyed sitting in front of the fire.  Stevie was missing from this group.  As you can see, Babe was instigating trouble.  The second photo was taken just after she grabbed Maggie's back foot, which is why the dog sat up.  Maggie bumped Monita who then sat up, and a wrestling match between Mama Styx and Babe was next to ensue and they ran off in a game of chase. 

Wednesday 12/16 - This notice popped up on my computer first thing at 5am when I turned it on.  I have been having difficulties with my computer lately, and two different mornings had to wait for Joe to wake up (usually between 8 & 9 am) because it would not let me proceed.  But this morning, I hit F1 and was good to go.

I did not take any other photos all day long.  So I am using this one from the internet that I really like.  It is commemorating
the greatest of gifts!  Becoming Grandparents in April will start a new chapter of life for Joe and I.

There was nothing remarkable about the day.  And it was starting to blend in with so many similar to it.  A cold, dreary rain fell most of the day.  I played games on my computer after e-mails and Facebook comments.  I spent two hours at the gym, and a few more in front of the fire reading.  I made a lentil, black bean soup, including onions and cabbage, that warmed me up.  Joe and I watched two more episodes of Texas Rising.

Thursday 12/17 - We were getting a dusting of snow when I walked the dog at 4:45 am.  All was calm but not yet bright.  It was 32°, so wasn't really all that cold either. 

I had added giant snowflakes to the balcony railing decorations but Babe kept knocking them down, so it was snowing inside also. 

The reflection of the inside Christmas lights in this photo from my sun room office made this bird feeder look decorated. 

I had decided to make one more run into Crossville to stock up on supplies so I wouldn't have to go again until after Christmas.  I had a large early lunch and headed out. 

In addition to household supplies, I was looking for a small string of soft white lights.  I was so surprised that Walmart, Big Lots, and Lowe's were all sold out of Christmas lights. 

I went to three thrift stores looking for some extra Christmas stockings and bought a few more tree ornaments to fill in some bare spots.  I also bought a gnome ornament since they are all the rave this year.  Can you find him on the mantle? 

And, I could not resist, so bought this Norfolk pine at half price for $8.00.  This photo was taken Friday.

The sun was setting and it was almost dinner time when I got home.  The dog and cats watched my every move as I unloaded and brought everything in from the car.  The cats didn't even take interest in this new plant because food was foremost on their mind.

Joe and I watched two more episodes of Texas Rising, by a warm fire, with all our fur babies, and eating popcorn.  This was becoming the norm.

Friday 12/18 - With a high of 38°, I decided not to ride.  I have really become a fair weather fan.  I spent a great deal of time (too much really) getting the Christmas stockings ready and hung up.  This first one above Maggie was too big to use, and because it did not match the others in size, I hung it here.  I really liked it and had bought it anyway.  It was the most expensive ($2.50) out of the five I had purchased at various thrift stores.  The three middle ones (seen below) are what we used for the kids back in the day.  I went through a ton of old Christmas cards to make name tags for each stocking.  It was fun looking at all the old cards.  To see the tags, you'll have to zoom in on each stocking.

I took Maggie for a mid-day walk to get our blood flowing. 

This photo is typical of my mornings here at my computer.  After e-mails, Facebook time, and blogging, I play games.  Can you spot the dog and all four cats?  They are a main part of my mornings also.

Boy was it turning out to be a lazy day.  I did finally drag myself to the gym.  After a much later than usual, two hour workout, it was dark and dinner time when I got home.

Joe and I watched the last two episodes of the Texas Rising Series.  It had been exciting through the Battle of San Jacinto but kind of fizzled out for the last two episodes.

This accompanying verse was taken from Isaiah 58:9-10.  It is the verse for this week's sermon at Church and fits right in to my blog title, and thoughts.  And below are a few more verses for the season. 
Well, hope your Christmas holiday is all about the light, may it be bright!  Let your troubles and the woes of this world go for a bit, and look on the bright side of life.  And be the bright light that so many others need.


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