Friday, December 4, 2020

Spread Joy

I love the season of Christmas. 
It  is the best time of year.
Now is a time to spread love, and joy, and cheer.
Christmas is the season of love... love of family, friends, and people in need.  As we give (and receive) may joy fill our hearts.

Christmas is a very busy time for most of us.
I hope that we may not become so caught up in the pressures of the season that we place our emphasis on the wrong things and miss the simple joys of commemorating the birth of Christ.

Also, like with Thanksgiving (being thankful year round) Christmas spirit (love, joy, and cheer) should continue all year.

Experts agree that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may mean that our typical holiday gathering will look different this year.  We can create a sense of connection by having a family call or Zoom.  If we do this during a meal or while listening to the same music channel it may help us feel even closer.

One benefit of virtual communication is we may be able to connect with friends and family from long distances that we wouldn’t usually get to see.  

Also, thinking of others, helping with a charity, doing something for a benefit drive; can take the focus off of activities we may be missing out on.

Saturday 11/28 - It was Valencia's birthday, and I was glad her family was still in Nashville to help celebrate.

The predicted rain was going to hold off another day, so I planned to work/play outside.  I did wait until 10:00, for it to warm up.

These photos were taken at noon.  There are no leaves on the trees, and
the sun is so low in the sky, that it shines into the living room much of the day.  The cats and dog enjoy soaking up its warmth.  Just after I took the first photo, Styx and Babe came to see what I was up to.

I got all my outside Christmas lights up, cleaned leaves and sticks out of some beds, and watered the two new transplants. 

I chose to do a quick, small lunch so I could get to the barn by 1:00.  The plan was to see if Amiga was sore from the long ride the day before.  I must admit, my knees were feeling it from that and the gym workout.

Sitting on Amiga bareback, I had a nice long phone chat with Shirley while my horse grazed near the hay barn.  After a little trail ride out the back of the barn, Jan had arrived and saddled up Cash.  I decided to join her and we rode out front and around the garden.  These two photos are from this (video) she took of Amiga and I.

I love this (video) I got of Jan cantering on Cash.  Look how the sun shines through his mane and tail.

The cold and dark encroached way too early, and I was home by 4:30.  I was meet by an un-lit tree, out of the three I had put lights on.  It was an anomaly to me because I had tested the lights before carefully wrapping them around the little spruce.  

Joe and I watched a few hours of TV together after all the evening chores were completed.  We have started the second season of 'Virgin River' on Netflix.  While watching I was able to fix the string of lights, a loose bulb, and also enjoy popcorn.

Sunday 11/29 - We were yet to get the wet weather...
but rain, snow, and cold were coming.  I started Christmas cards while waiting for it to warm up some.

After an early lunch, I decided to take Amiga on another ride since the weather was still decent.  It was cooler, and overcast, but not a bad day to ride.

I was out on the trail with my horse for three hours and took lots of photos as we progressed down trails, roads, power line, and visited Terry's. 

I think any view seen through the ears of my horse is the best view in the world.

I had ridden Amiga into the Glade by way of the Holly Trail (video).  I got off to walk her down and back up the steep hill (coming and going), which she did well on.  Even this view through Amiga's ears (I was walking her down the hill looking up at her) is heart warming.  She has slipped numerous times and fallen down on all four knees twice, yet she still willingly goes on this trail with me, although not always confidently or happily.

I had almost an hour before pitch dark when I got home, so I raked leaves out of the creek, up onto the bank.  I didn't have time to haul them away, but this would at least keep them out of the pond.

I hung up my rake once it had gotten dark, but was able to return the set of lights (to the dwarf spruce) that I had fixed.  It is easier to get the lights 'balanced' after dark when you can see how they are really going to look.

It had started spitting rain before I finished outside, so I lingered longer than usual in a hot shower because I had gotten cold. 

I wasted, spent, occupied my time at the computer, in my office/sun room, with the space heater on, until bed time.

Monday 11/30 - I was thankful that the rain that had prevailed all night had let up, and it was only lightly spitting a gentle sleet when I walked Maggie at 5 AM.  It had gotten a lot colder however.

I had planned a day of rest, working on Christmas cards, since outside activities were off the agenda.  I filled all my feeders, making the birds, squirrels, and deer happy. 

I did wash my saddle pad right away because I knew the one inch thick felt would take several days to dry.  I always brush hair and dirt off of it before every use, but it was caked with sweat, fly spray, and ground in dirt.  Parts of it were actually quite hard to the touch.  I scrubbed it as it soaked in the tub and got a LOT of dirt out of it.

Next I got dressed for the gym. 

Towards the end of my two hour workout I started losing steam.  Normally I eat an hour before I work out, which I did, intending to go to the gym at 10:00.  However there were some delays, such as proofreading the family Christmas letter, printing it, and going to the Conference Center on the way to the gym (seen in photo) to get the letter copied.  Another deterrent also occurred.  Just after pulling out of the driveway, Joe (who was at the post office) called and said Scotty, our handyman was in the neighborhood and going to show up at any minute. 

As I was backing down the street to return home, I ran into him, not literally.  Well it was worth stalling my workout because Scotty was able to easily fix our leaky faucet.  Yeah!  I could finally turn the hot water back on in the kitchen.

Well it was 11:30 when I got to the gym and when I got home at 1:30 I was starving and tired.  The snow was starting to stick on the colder surfaces and it was becoming prettier by the flake.

Maggie doesn't look very joyful in this photo.  It was sleeting a bit and I think she was cold, wanting to get a move on and not stall for a photo during our walk.  But it fit my Blog theme.

I continued to do three loads of laundry and I did venture outside to walk Maggie and take several photos of the pretty scenery with the snow falling.  In this first one you can see the concrete lamp post in three parts.  It had fallen or been knocked down.  When I set up the stand, it was leaning too much to put the other two parts on top.  There was a big chipmunk hole very near by.  I think their tunneling caused the stand to tilt.

Before coming in, I winterized my last outdoor faucet (hoping the new transplants wouldn't need watering) and added a few more Christmas lights to the front porch. 
I also took more corn out for some ducks who showed up down in the creek.  I believe they are regulars migrating through because as soon as they saw me with the can of corn they came running (well it was more like a fast waddle).  Some deer also then showed up rather quickly.  They must have been watching from the woods across the creek.

Dark had descended, the temperature declined, and I chose to sit in front of the fire with my fur babies and watch TV with Joe.  Popcorn was all I needed for 'dinner' because I had had such a big late lunch.

Tuesday 12/1 - 25 days until Christmas!  December came in like a cold winter day.  The snow was pretty although a few more inches would have been nice.  And, I was having troubles adjusting to the colder house and the colder dog walks.

I like the reds from the dogwood behind the lit pine, the burning bushes, and the stripes on the flag in this photo.

Joe had mailed a few packages for me and picked up Christmas postage stamps the day before, and since I had not done any cards as planned, it was to be my main focus.  I did finally go get a flu shot on my way to the gym.  I only did aerobic work, rowing for 15 minuted and doing the elliptical for an hour.  I struggled towards the end of my hour, but was watching an HGTV episode I had to stay to the end for, to see the final finished house.

Well, I got distracted once home, wanting to fix another broken set of Christmas lights.  I knew what was wrong because I had found a light bulb out on the front porch seat where I had been messing with this tree, taking off it's bows to put them on the wreath.  I was sitting in front of a fire, which draws near the four cats and dog.  And as usual, the cats thought they needed to help with the string of lights.

Finally, I got to work on Christmas cards, but once Joe got the Christmas tree put together, I had to get the lights on it.

Thankfully, it went smoother than usual or than I expected, even with some feline 'helpers' attacking the strings of lights.  It was soon dark after I finished, and I made a few adjustments to fill in 'dark' spots. 

Joe and I watched two episodes of Virgin River, with a fire going, and out pets nearby.  I can't resist posting this photo, although it is not very becoming of Styx and Babe.  Like mother - like daughter.  LOL

Wednesday 12/2 - I finally got more serious about working on Christmas cards, and had some different feline helpers pass across my table.  This one is Monita.

I spent two hours at the gym, and two more shopping along Peavine.  I love looking for fun stocking stuffers, this year including cute baby things.

My late afternoon chores included a little more thorough house cleaning.  Joe and I enjoyed soup Patty brought over for us and later, TV time together.

Thursday 12/3 - My pre-dawn walks with the dog have been cold, but a good way to get my blood flowing, joints lubricated, and muscles limbered up.  It took all morning for the sunshine to break through the clouds and warm things up. 

I spent a few hours on Christmas cards.  Stevie fell asleep here at my work table.  Later, Mama Styx came to see what I was up to. 

My saddle pad was finally dry enough, and the air warm enough to go for a ride. 

We didn't go too long or hard and as usual, Amiga got to eat grass and clover in a couple of spots.  I was surprised that the pond (down from the bean fields and ghost town) was covered with ice. 

Riding back from the Holly Trail, I tried to get a photo and (video) of the Sandhill Cranes flying over.

I did more trailer loading practice where Amiga gets to eat most of her evening grain.  Standing and eating on the trailer has really helped Amiga relax in this 'little convined box' a lot more.

It was the often customary popcorn for dinner at my computer, followed by TV time with Joe in front of the fire, before my usual 9:00 bedtime.

Friday 12/4 - It was a very rainy day, so horse and yard were out of the question.  I finished all my Christmas cards, except I ran short on the family newsletter.

Tit for tat, Babes and Mama Styx.

I had planned to run errands, and made my first stop at the Conference Center to get more copies of our newsletter.  I also dropped a stack of Christmas cards off at the post office, not wanting to burden our mail carrier.  Then I headed into Crossville.

I never look at my gas gauge, well, except when the warning light and buzzer go off... which it did.  My gauge will show I have no miles left to cruise, but I have gone about 15 on empty before.  I didn't want to take my chances in the rain, so found a Weigels and filled up.  Then I could go about my errands, carefree, although I was dodging rain drops at every stop.

I wasn't able to give blood because of my recent shingles vaccine, but I did get my drivers license renewed (which was going to expire in 21 days) and got it with the real ID.

By the time I returned home at 2pm, I had finished all my Christmas shopping, other than needing to get a few more stocking stuffers.  I am so excited about the TN family members coming here for Christmas.

I can often relate to Buddy the Elf.  He takes Christmas to my kind of level.
He is so good at spreading joy!
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
I will sing loud if the Christmas music is turned up and no one is around to hear. 

I had a big, late lunch and then got to work putting ornaments on the tree, before I ran out of steam.  Joe left for poker, so I had the music turned up and was singing like no one could hear.  The cats were no help with ornament placement, but reminded me to put non-breakables down low and really get them fastened on tight.  I took these photos as I was getting ready to decorate the tree.  You can see the crew was on 'stand by,' ready to help.

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