Saturday, February 13, 2021

Rabbit Hole

The term "down the rabbit hole" is a metaphor for the entry into the unknown, which is exactly where I feel Joe and I are venturing.  For now, we are just teetering on the edge of the hole, but I feel buying a property will be sending us down it.  I just hope it will be like the hole in Alice In Wonderland, which symbolized the place where everything begins. It is a gate into a new world, adventures, and unknown territories.  But, 'rabbit holes' can also be the kind that transports someone into a troublingly, surreal state or situation.  And, like any rabbit hole, it can often be hard to escape from.  Should these rabbits trust what this real estate agent is telling them?

Karolis Urbonas, Amazon, discusses the “analytic rabbit holes.”  -  "As you start any data science project – be it an in-depth statistical research, machine learning model, or a simple business analysis – there are certain steps that are always involved. While curiosity is the best friend of a data scientist, there’s a curse that comes with it – some call it analysis paralysis, others – just over-analysis, but I call these situations “analytic rabbit holes”.  Joe and I kept catching ourselves getting into an analytic rabbit hole when contemplating some properties.

Beware, once entered, its not that easy to leave the rabbit hole.  Back in the middle of May I did a blog titled Decision Paralysis.  I had come to the realization that every day, week, and month that goes by without a final decision one way or the other, can be a costly delay.  But sometimes, no decision is a decision in and of itself, and that is okay too.  Whether stuck in the weeds, on the wheel of futility, or in a rabbit hole, life is complicated, uncertain, complex, difficult, etc. but also can be fun, exciting, adventuresome, and rewarding. 

Saturday 2/6 -
It had been kind of a do-nothing day all morning.  Joe and I had discussed real estate options and the possibilities of moving forward with one or another property, but really needed to wait until after we saw three more properties (on Tuesday) that we were interested in.  And even then, deciding to wait for something else to come across our radar, until we were sure of a good investment, was still an option.

This is Stevie and Monita lovin' on each other.  And as often happens with them, and when Babe and Styx are doing the same thing, it escalates into a little spat.

I did 90 minutes of aerobic work, divided between the rowing machine and elliptical, before going to the barn mid-afternoon.

Feeling a tad cold and a lot lazy, I waited about a half hour for the horses to be let in, all the while chatting with the ladies who were there.  It is always good to catch up with their lives, and as usual, we spent a good deal of time talking about training techniques and horse care.

I let Amiga eat half her grain before grooming her to ride.  She was quite dirty.  I chose bareback again, not wanting to go to the effort to put all her tack on.  Also, sitting right on a horse's back warms the butt and legs. 
The trail was a bit muddy and slippery in spots, so we just walked up to the back field.  I let Amiga graze for several minutes before returning to the barn.

Joe and I stuck with our routine of two hours of Blue Bloods before bed.

Sunday 2/7 - I knew we were under a winter weather advisory, but it was still a surprise to wake to so much snow.  These two photos, which can't adequately capture the beauty outside, were taken from inside at 4am when snow was still coming down.  

It was a cold, snowy, stay-at-home kind of day.  On my second walk after sunrise, I took several photos.  Actually, throughout the day, I went out several times to enjoy the snow and take photos.  I knocked snow off of several trees and shrubs that were severely bent over from the weight of the white blanket.  We had gotten almost six inches and there was a very wet and heavy coating on everything.  During various trips out, I walked and played with the dog and shoveled ours and neighbor Allen's drives and walks.

In addition to lots of photos, I also took many videos.  (video 1 - The beauty of Sunday's snow, although bringing down lots of branches.)  (video 2 - Maggie playing with sticks and not listening to me.  (video 3 - Continuing our fun outside with a walk in the neighborhood.

Maggie was out with me while I was shoveling snow at Allen's but she got bored with sticks and was acting cold, so I had Joe call her back into the house.

With the gym closed on Sundays, I was still able to get a good workout shoveling snow.  In fact, later my back and right elbow told me I had overdone it.  I often wish this old body would hold up better and tolerate more.

Since it was a very wet snow, each time I came in I had to dry off and warm up.

I enjoyed some hot chocolate at one point, and a nap in front of the fire at another time.

When the wind blew and a bunch of snow fell off the trees, it looked like blizzard/white out conditions.  So pretty.  It was also very quiet, as sound is muffled by snow.

I thoroughly enjoyed just sitting at my computer and pondering God's creation.

The deer were very late for their morning corn, arriving in the afternoon.  This one had come close to the house to get stuff on the ground under the bird feeder hanging from our deck.

Since Joe and I had continued to spend a fair amount of time discussing our options on some different properties, after lasagna for a 3:00 supper we gave real estate a rest.  He watched the Superbowl while I worked on getting this blog started.  I didn't even bother to go in to watch any of the commercials, half time show, or the spectator making a spectacle of himself running down the field.

Monday 2/8 - It had gotten very cold overnight and there was a freezing frost advisory.  But by the time I was up and out for my first walk, it was warming up and quite pretty. 

This is a series of photos I took (in order) during my walk.  This first one looking down our street, back towards our house.

Above, a look at 'smoke' rising up from Black Mountain while I headed south down Snead.

Looking southeast at #16 green of Druid, down it's fairway, and at Black Mountain beyond.  

On the  cart path of #17, going northwest, with the rising sun behind us seen hitting the tree tops.  

The bridge over the spillway of (our) Turtle Pond.

A look at our snowy backyard from the other side of the pond.

The deer came through mid-morning as snow started to melt and drop from the trees (video).

Our realtor ended up canceling our appointments for the following day because the equestrian property was only available for viewing on weekends, another property had gotten an offer and was pending, and we decided the third property was a long ways out and we would just wait and look at it later.  Then we discovered that our realtor doesn't work on weekends and asked him to see if one of the other realtors in his office would show us the equestrian property.  Next, Joe and I turned our attention towards making an offer for Terry's property in reply to their asking price.

Patty took these photos of Amiga last week.  Side A, and below, Side B.  It looks like two different horses.  My girl loves rolling in the mud.  When we equestrians go to get our horses, we are always hoping for a side A horse, and dreading a side B horse.  LOL

I had a good workout and then Joe and I spent most of the afternoon working on our offer.  After long and careful consideration, lots of number crunching, and many revisions, by day’s end we sent the offer to Terry and Billy.  Then we started a new TV series to clear our minds.  It is called Godless, and I recommend it for horse lovers and those who like westerns.



Tuesday 2/9 - Here is a photo of Rocky at the wash rack this afternoon.  I was thinking, 'it could be worse.'
We got a much quicker reply (early morning) on our offer than expected, and realized we were too far apart in price for them to counter offer.  We knew it was a long shot, but were trying to establish just how much they really expected to get for their parcel.  We totally understood their hopes, but were just sad the property was considered valued at a much higher price than we originally thought, were still thinking, or were willing to go.

This is yesterday's view outside my window, compared to today's view.  It's why I love TN.  We get a little, short lived winter fun and beauty...  and then it's gone.

As if the disappointment of not purchasing Terry's property wasn't enough of a blow, then we got word from our realtor.  Only one of the 13 realtors from his (Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate / Gwin Realty) office was willing to show us the equestrian property, but at a fee of $35.00.  Now how ridiculous is that!!!  This just added to our already low (distrusting) opinion of realtors.  As much as they seem to make it look like their client's interest is their top priority, most are really more concerned about the bottom dollar - their profit for their time.

I know there are good, honest, hard working real estate agents out there, but they are far and few between.  And I'm not in the minority with this thinking.  In 2006, Harris Interactive published a poll listing the most (and least) trusted professions.  Real estate agents neared the bottom of the list.  This got me to wonder if realtors are driving up the price of real estate, with their lies getting you to list high, or lies to get you to buy high.  After researching multiple sights about shady realtors, these were my top concerns:

What realtors say to get sellers to list with them:
1 - I can get this price for your property (which they inflate).
2 - I have potential buyers that would love your house.
3 - ‘For sale by owner’ is dangerous
- And they use gimmicks like a guaranteed sale.

And what realtors tell 'shoppers' to get them to buy:
1 - This home is in fantastic shape.
2 - You can afford to buy this home.
3 - This neighborhood is ‘up and coming.’
4 - There are other offers on the table.

And these lies are told to both buyers and sellers:
1 -
I can’t negotiate my commission.
2 - This home needs only $10,000 of work.
3 - I am the right agent for you...  etc.
Unsuspecting buyers and sellers believe these lies and buyers are coerced into paying inflated prices and this drives prices even higher. 
I know market prices are driven by supply and demand, and there is a big demand here right now.  Prices are so high because there are lots of folks wanting to move to Tennessee, especially areas like this.

Because our focus had shifted to looking at more properties, Joe got in touch with the listing realtor of the equestrian property and in no time at all, made an appointment to look at it on Sunday.  We were also back on the internet searching for more possibilities.  We have no time constraints, and the real estate market might just come down with the uncertainty of markets right now, so waiting to purchase when real estate is low (a buyers market) would make more sense and be a better investment.

The disappointment of Terry's had taken the wind out of my sails, so I managed to waste most of the day.  It didn't help that it was so dreary, sprinkled two different times, and the dampness made it feel cold out.  I had intended to work in the yard and go for a ride, but a mid-day rain dampened that plan also. 

I did finally get dressed and go to the barn.  What a great escape and wonderful therapy.  There are usually horsey people hanging out at the barn, and there are always horses there (video).

Amiga was moderately dirty and after she got part of her night feed (first photo) we were a team, out on a ride together.  It was very muddy and slippery around the back side of the garden plots (second photo), and some small trees were down, so we turned around.  This (third photo) was taken from the front yard, looking across the road at the 18 livery horses over there searching for grass and waiting on hay.  Jan joined me later and we ventured into the front pasture that has been closed off due to fertilizing, but is now okay to ride in.

The sun was setting on my way home, and as I passed the Lutheran Church, you could see a break in the cloud coverage.

I enjoy searching for properties, going to look at them, and thinking of all the possibilities, but Joe is getting a little tired of it.  He has been doing on-line searches for a year now, and he has done all the calls (realtors, lawyer, lenders, survey office, tax appraiser, insurance rep., etc.)  He has also researched and done all the financial part of the scouting.  I say, What else is there to do during winter and these Covid times?  Once spring rolls around though, I am sure we will cool our jets on property searches, and get busy in the yard, and Joe golfing and I riding. 
💖On the upside of going down this rabbit hole, Joe and I have talked more with each other and spent more time together in the last three weeks than I think we have all winter.  So it has been worthwhile.

Wednesday 2/11 -  I went to the gym earlier than usual and had a great workout, increasing my weights on a few machines.  I skipped my stretch to get home, eat lunch, and get to the barn by 12:45.  It was 54° out.

I love Amiga's eyes when she is calm.  When I went way out in the pasture to 'fetch' her, I saw I had my work cutout for me (video).

Pat was out riding Rocky but there was no one else around.  It actually took me almost an hour to clean up my very dirty horse.  I got so warm, I removed my jacket, and then my vest, and finally had to roll up my long sleeves.  I swept up a whole shovel full of dirt and hair after I was done brushing.

Before Amiga was even saddled and ready to ride, people started showing up at the barn.  Pat was the first to ride in on Rocky and then Karen came and started getting Levi ready to go.  Next was Patty and later Jan.

Finally I had Amiga tacked, and rode into the front pasture where Jan and I had ridden the afternoon before.  The footing was the best of anywhere around.  Karen joined me after Amiga and I had been out checking on fence around the perimeter.  This large tree had come down and broken some of the barbwire and there was loose barbwire in two other spots.

It is always more fun to ride when there is purpose, a mission to accomplish.
  I showed Karen the bad spots in the fence and we rode around a little more, until Patty (on Zorro) joined us.  Patty took this photo while Karen and I rode towards her. 

Patty was riding Zorro in a snaffle bit because his usual bit was at home, where she had taken it to clean it up, but forgotten it.  He can often ride through the bit with snaffles, but Patty does a great job handling him, and he did very well.

We three girls proceeded to ride through the barn and out the back to go down the trail to the power lines.  We turned around where the water and mud gets quite deep before the Holly trail.  On the way back I took Amiga into the first little bean field to let her graze, while Karen and Patty headed back to the barn.  

I got home in time to clean up sticks and some leaves in the back yard.  While I did yard work, Joe grilled pork chops and sweet potatoes for dinner. 
We had watched two episodes of Godless Tuesday night, and watched another one tonight.

Thursday 2/12 - The forecast for the day (of rain and a high of 39°) was accurate.  I was so glad the Window company had postponed window installation.  This would have been a horrible day to do it. 

Other than going to the gym for 90 minutes of aerobic work, I accomplished nothing significant.

Way too much time was spent here at my computer, on Facebook, blogging, and researching all sorts of real estate stuff.

A few menial household chores were completed.  And there was a fair amount of snuggle and playtime with the cats.  In my only photos of the day, at two different times, Monita had managed to get under the blanket which covers the ugly green bean bag that sits at my feet here at the computer.  This is her favorite spot.

Friday 2/12 - The gray, wet, gloomy conditions continued outside, beyond my windows. I was still finding it very difficult to get motivated, but was determined not to waste the whole day here at my computer.

Joe left just after 8am to go get his Covid vaccine.  The experience was relatively quick, easy, and painless.

So, to be productive and not sit at my computer all day, I chose to start a 1,000 piece puzzle.  Stevie was right there wanting to watch, while Monita, Styx, and Babe were somewhere napping.

You will not believe what came in the mail today.  Joe and I could only shake our heads in disbelief.  This is not our original realtor, or the one who was willing to show us the equestrian property for a $35.00 charge, but a third one at the same office who wanted to help us sell our house.  And did you notice, the envelope is addressed to us, but the letter inside is addressed to our neighbor Brian.  You have got to be kidding me!!!

I did pull myself away from the puzzle table long enough to go to the gym for over two hours.  One of the lady trainers was back from her winter stay in Florida, and was helping me with form and showing me some additional exercises I could do for my back and certain muscle groups I am wanting to strengthen.

Fog had descended on us in the afternoon and persisted through the evening.

I made soup for a very late lunch and then worked on the puzzle, getting this far until the living room light, or lack there of, made it too tedious to continue. 

Joe and I had watched a few episodes of Godless the night before and were able to finished the series tonight.  It was pretty violent with all the gun fighting, but I did enjoy all the horses.

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