Friday, February 19, 2021

Tick Tock

With every tick of the clock, time is passing.  And as the seconds, become minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months... it seems as if time is slipping away.  As Joe and I continued our search for a country property, we became more anxious to buy something, so we could be done spending all this time on the search.  The sooner we buy
a country property, the sooner we can start enjoying and working on it.  We have found though, with the passage of time, come more discussions on what it is we really want, which is important to establish.  It is a good reason to take our time and proceed carefully with this big decision.   

e were more inclined to get a property that wasn't going to require a lot of work, so we can continue enjoying the things we do now.  We also wanted something close so we aren't spending a lot of time getting to and from it.  And most importantly, it has always been our primary goal to make a sound investment.  We would like something that has tangible long-term benefits and will be of greater (or at least the same) value in years to come.  To find the right place (no such thing as the perfect place) it was just going to take time.  Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock.

Saturday 2/13 - The weather was consistently cold, gloomy, damp, and foggy, all day long.  I had a few bluebirds at this feeder that I was able to watch while sitting in the living room working on the puzzle.

A little later I got this photo of the ducks coming to eat corn I had just put out.  And then by the time I got back up to my puzzle, I got this photo of a deer jumping over the creek on its way to join the other one there by the corn.  You can see it's tail up as it is clearing the water.  (The deer always scare the ducks away.)

I drove in a dense fog, mid afternoon, to the gym and did 90 minutes of aerobic work at the elliptical and rowing machine.   I took these two pictures as I was leaving, to show the ice forming on trees.  It was kind of a drizzle or dense fog that was accumulating.

Oh, we had our family chat at noon, which included Carol, Cathy, Patty, Britney, and Mom and Jean.  It is always good to see and talk with everybody.

I had spent most of my idle time working at the jig-saw puzzle.  This is as far as I got on it, which I felt was pretty good progress.

Since Joe and I had finished "Godless." we tried yet a new series "Big Sky," which was suspenseful and really drew you in, but I needed to give it more time to decide for sure if I wanted to continue watching it.

Sunday 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day!  Look at what the cats got me.  I think my wonderful husband might have helped them out.  And actually, the card was soaking wet because Joe had set the flowers out on the counter in a plastic glass of water (with the cheese cake and card) before he came to bed.  Overnight the cats had knocked over the glass of water, while chewing on the flowers, which drenched the card.  I guess they had to put their own "touch" on the gift.  The little devils.  I had heard the noise about 3am and thought it was a plastic cup in the bathroom.

Just as Joe and I were heading out to pick Patty up by 10:00, I discovered this mess on the china hutch.  Yep, cat throw-up with flower leaves in it.  Ugh.  Taking time to clean it up gave Joe time to de-ice the windshield but caused us to be a little late.

We were out for a Sunday drive through the country, looking at two properties before meeting our new realtor (Judy) at the Equestrian place. 

I posted a photo of the front gate two weeks ago when Joe and I drove by it.  These two photos were also taken from the same real estate listing.  It was much colder and gloomier looking today.

The property is a lot more expensive than we had budgeted for, but very well set up for horses.  I also thought the house was in pretty good shape, cute and cozy.  But the whole property needed a lot of TLC.  As it is now, three or four boarders would continue to stay, which would offset much of the mortgage payment.  And with some work, it could be run very profitably by re-opening the small business.  It is much more conveniently located, in a nice neighborhood, and listed at a very good price.  But it would be a huge undertaking.  However, I was still very intrigued.

This photo was taken today and posted on a FGCC Facebook page, by Connie Obohoski. 

It was quite cold out, windy with a freezing drizzle, so we didn't explore the outside of the equestrian property as much as I would have liked.  We may have to go back.

We stopped to pick up carry out lunch on the way home.  We dropped Patty off and got home to another mess I had to clean up before eating.

One, or more of the cats had knocked the flowers off the dining room table (in the glass vase this time) while we were out looking at some properties.  I should have known better than to leave it there.  The table and floor were quite wet.  I even had to put a fan on the floor to help dry it up. 

The vase of flowers went with me to my desk while I puttered around here at my computer.  I figured, this way
I can look at and enjoy them while I guard them.

The vase of flowers also went with me to the puzzle table while I worked there for a few hours. 

This is as far as I got on the puzzle before quitting for the day. 

Joe and I watched two more episodes of 'Big Sky' and now I am hooked.  

Monday 2/15 - Presidents Day.  We had gotten freezing rain overnight and it was quite slick out.  Our farrier postponed his appointment until next week, so I did not have to go to the barn at 7am.  I was so thankful.  The forecast for the week looked miserable and I was ready to go back into hibernation.

I did spend quite a bit of the morning in Joe's office/Mancave while we looked at some other
real estate listings online and discussed our options and made some decisions.  The cats had followed me in there because they really like to be near me.  Stevie stole Maggie's bed and Monita is in Joe's recliner.  See the flowers on the book shelf?  I don't even think the cats noticed I had brought them in to guard them.

I decided to not go to the gym because I really hate driving in bad weather conditions. 

I was so bored with being stuck at home, I finished this 1,000 piece puzzle.  It only took me 3½ days.

In the afternoon I stepped outside to get this (video) and some photos of the ice falling from the trees.

We had the fire going all day in case we lost power and to help the heat pump out.  Babe loves this basket on the hearth. 

I sat in the living room to read, watch the weather channel, and later Joe and I had a 'Big Sky' marathon.  We watched the remaining four past episodes until we caught up to the current schedule.  Now we will only be able to watch it once a week. 

Tuesday 2/16 - It had gotten down into the low teens overnight and the high for the day was 18°.  We had a dusting of snow that continued to fall throughout the day, but never amounted to much.  All Fairfield Glade amenities and the gym were closed for the day.  So I stayed in my pajamas (loungers) all day, for the second day in a row.  I only went outside twice to walk Maggie, morning and evening, and put corn out both times.

This deer was soon to show up in the morning, followed by two more.  The snow on their backs shows how well insulated their hair makes them, but I still thought they looked cold.

The day before we had started negotiating once more with Terry and Billy.  Some additional discussion occurred between Joe and I again today, and we had more communications back and forth with Terry and Billy. 

I had  black beans, onions, and cheese on Tostitos for an early lunch.  While I ate, I was thinking and feeling a little nervous about owning more property and having additional responsibilities.  Joe was very interested in Terry and Billy's farm, which I have always loved, so I was also hoping we could make a deal.  Even if we lost money selling later, it would be worth the fun, adventure, and good times.  And hopefully there wouldn't be any big hardships.  Besides, land will always have value and is a more certain investment than stocks or bonds.

We had the fire on again all day.  I read and napped in front of it.  And the cats and dog hung out there quite a bit of the time also.  

I started a new 1,000 piece puzzle only getting all of the pieces turned over before Patty came over with chili to share with us for dinner.  She had worked at the barn and we heard about all the troubles they were having with frozen water.  There is a great team of workers out there, whom I really appreciate.  Lots of boarders also helped out as usual, and are always invaluable.  I feel like I have been a slacker lately.

Wednesday 2/17 - It was 12° out when I got up at 2am.  Our thermostat was at 64, but the house temperature was 61°.  The heat pump just couldn't keep up.  I turned on the fire, read for a few hours, and finally fell back to sleep for a few more hours.  I took this photo at 6:30 while sipping tea here at my computer.  It was still extremely cold out, but there was sunshine!  According to my records, this is the first sunshine we had seen since last Wednesday.  After six days of clouds, rain, gloomy skies, fog, snow, mist, sleet, and more rain... even though it was cold, the sun was a glorious sight.

Monita and Maggie enjoying the fire, which actually makes them too warm. 

I have decided to give up junk food snacking for Lent.  No more chips, cookies, or candy.  I will allow myself a sweet for breakfast, and a small treat after lunch and dinner, but I will not be going to junk food during the day to snack on.

I went to the gym early so we could get to Terry and Billy's by noon.  I actually had to wait in line (six feet apart) because it was so crowded (25 max).  To get all of my workout in, I did not rest as long between sets, and found that this felt like an aerobic workout as well.

We had a great meeting with Terry and Billy and I was thrilled with the realization that
if the purchase of their parcel works out, we would be their landlord for a while and then their neighbor a while longer.

We were at the farm to talk through some details and look at his tractor and other equipment and appliances that might also be sold with the property. 

As I looked around at Terry and Billy's property, my thoughts became filled with ideas and dreams of all that could occur out on this farm.  

Joe dropped me off at the barn to check on Amiga, while he went for a little drive.  This selfie does not flatter Amiga or I, but shows how cute her fuzzy muzzle is.

I took a much needed shower once home and then worked on the puzzle the remainder of daylight.  Below is what I started with in the morning and then where I ended by evening.

Joe and I watched the episode of 'Big Sky' he had taped the night before.  My bedtime reading didn't last very long.

Thursday 2/18 - It had snowed overnight as predicted, but was drizzling when I walked the dog at 4am.  The temperature was somewhere around freezing.  But Maggie and I got cold because we got wet.  A little later in the morning I turned the fire on and Maggie moved there while I worked on, and finished the puzzle.

My life is pretty pathetic when I can get a 1,000 piece puzzle done in just over one day. 

Monita stretching out in front of the fire.

After I finished the puzzle, I moved in front of the fire with the dog and a few cats.  I spent much of the afternoon there, reading and taking a short nap.

At one point a small herd of deer came and were eating the corn, and while they were there, another larger herd came (video).  You can see how dreary it was, which lasted all day long.

In this photo you can count 12 deer if you look carefully. 

I cooked dinner for a change, but don't recall what I did the rest of the evening.  Time just ticked away.  I was in bed by 7pm, so there really was no evening.  And I had the lights out by 8:00. 

Friday 2/19 - There was a bitter cold breeze blowing with a 23° temperature, and the pavement was slippery in places when I walked Maggie at 5am.

Mama Styx rarely likes to snuggle.  But today she decided to for awhile.  I didn't dare get up to do anything, for fear I would break the spell.

I saw the fox was passing through in back again, and this time was able to get a few photos.

The fox actually disappeared in this hole (circled in yellow) under the rocky ledge overhang.  I guess he/she is a neighbor.

I finally got myself dressed and went to town to do some shopping.  I needed all sorts of supplies for wildlife, pets, and home.  The shopping carts at Walmart were all snowy.  Also, the store was out of a lot of things I was shopping for.  

I finally got to the gym, and worked out for almost three hours.  I hadn't realized how much cooped up energy (and stress) I had from sitting at home so much this week.  It felt good to expend it all. 

We had been waiting on the weather to decide on our weekend trip to Nashville, and finally decided it was a go.  But I was too tired to pack for our morning departure.

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