Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Spring Fling / Celebrate Life

The past nine days this spring were a fling as I celebrated life with Joe and others.

Spring is a time for life to rise up and show what has been dormant.  With Covid vaccines increasing, the spread declining, restrictions relaxing, and weather warming, more folks have been leaving their homes, especially if they can gather outside.  We all have been 'dormant' for too long.  So Joe and I decided to take a short trip and celebrate life by embracing the good things in our world that bring us joy, happiness, and fulfillment.  Our celebration of life was especially awesome because we also celebrated the lives of others (with them, and their friends, and loved ones).

Monday 4/5 -  After Patty and I were done with Amiga and Zorro seeing the farrier, we cleaned up and then headed to Nashville, with Patty driving.

Our first stop was at Dan and Val's after picking up lunch.  Val opened up this gift we had brought from Carol, a Radio Flyer wagon. 

I took these photos of all the things Dan and Val have ready for the arrival of baby Ava.  The closet in the nursery is full of baby stuff.  Paco is seen on the bed by the bassinet that he would love to climb into.  The bassinet is covered with a netting and can be rolled to the bed's edge and it opens from the side.  The crib in the nursery is also ready.

After visiting Dan, Val, and Yaneth (Val's mom) for a few hours (including lunch together) Patty dropped me off at Courtney's.  Patty went on to go car shopping (and ended up buying a car).

Wash was wanting a little attention.

After a few hours at Courtney's, we headed out, for her to drop me off at the airport. 

There were some cool looking sky lights in the terminal where I walked around for 90 minutes because of a delayed flight.

Our flight was so late to our gate in Orlando, that it was no longer open.  So we had to wait on the tarmac for a gate to open (place to park the plane).  Then after about 15 minutes our plane started rolling again.  We stopped and then they announced another change in plans.  We had to go to a nearby gate due to a medical emergency on board.  Finally at our gate, we were told to all stay seated until the ‘patient’ was gotten off board first.  Someone was taken off the back of the plane and loaded into an ambulance.

I had a little troubles finding Joe because I had been directed to the wrong level.  But soon I was jumping in the SUV and we were off to Winter Haven.  Disney World was visible in the distance as we made our way to the airbnb Joe had reserved.  Arriving at nearly midnight, we went straight to bed.

Tuesday 4/6 - We woke to a gorgeous morning.  While Joe was still sleeping I took my cup of tea out to the waters edge.  Our airbnb was on one of the lakes of the chain of lakes.  Looking across the lake I could see the cross (below photo) that can also be seen from my Mom’s lake, from her back veranda.

We arrived at mom's before she was even out of bed.  While being together inside we were careful to keep our masks on, but Jean did need to remind us occasionally (oops).  We tried to spend the bulk of our time outside where we were not hindered by our masks because it was hard to understand each other talking through them, and impossible to eat and  drink. 

Jean went through her usual morning routine feeding the birds and her pet squirrel (seen in photo below, in the tree near her hand).  We also walked her cat, sat in the sun, and once mother was up we worked a crossword puzzle and played cards together.  Well Mom played her solitaire game while I played the same game across from her.

Mom does spend a fair amount of time resting on the daybed in her living room, and Jean's cat Parmesan likes to snuggle with her.

Jean had cooked Easter dinner which was a spiral ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, a Cesar salad, and crescent rolls.  We ate outside, again so that we could visit without our masks on and also eat (
obviously without a mask on). 

After our 2:00 dinner, Jean and I went for a much-needed walk, to kind of burn off some of the calories.  Joe did spend a few hours at the pool sunning, and Jean went for a short swim also.  The water was a little too cold for my liking.

Mom has been going to bed early these days, even before libations.  We enjoyed drinks and snacks while sitting out on the back veranda watching birds around the lake.  In the evening, once it was dark and we were feeling sleepy, we headed to the airbnb.

Wednesday 4/7 - Jean was volunteering at Hope Horse Rescue (for their Open House) so left shortly after we got to Mom's.  Joe went out to the pool for three hours of sunning, and I downloaded photos for this blog while waiting for Mom to wake up.

Jean actually got home before mother was awake, and it was already 12:15. 
Eating leftovers for lunch, we had just a little time left to visit, and then Joe and I hit the road for Saint Augustine, and Matt and Katie's cocktail party.

The 2½ hours on the road went fairly smoothly, with just a little bit of stop and go traffic in one area where there was an accident.  We got to the Magic Beach Motel, which was one hotel in from Vilano beach.  The check-in line formed outside, where Joe is standing in this photo.

We did a quick unloading, took showers, and were back out the door in no time. 

The pre-wedding cocktail party was at a huge house where many of Matt's fiancee's family was staying.  They vacation on St Augustine every year, a place they all love, which was why Katie (the bride) chose this location for her wedding.  Matt is Greg's son.  Greg is Joe's partner in crime (seen in photo) and good buddy and travel (adventure) partner.  They had snorkeled with Matt and Katie in the Keys in July.

It was a beautiful afternoon/evening so the party was mostly held outside.  Matt's dog Cruiser greeted everybody with your typical Australian Shepherd / border collie mix smile.  He was a very friendly boy.  This is Greg's sister Jan and her husband Mark.

This is Mark with Katie's uncle Sammy, who was going to officiate the wedding.


Katie's Aunt Denise and father (Danny) made an awesome batch of spaghetti, including salad and garlic bread.  We all ate outside at several little tables.  Katie put a towel over her white dress to cover it after she got a little spot of spaghetti sauce on it.

Katie’s family were so much fun and made us feel very welcome.  This is Matt and Danny getting a little crazy while dancing.  Eventually many were going on to a bar, but Joe and I decided to turn in at that point.

Thursday 4/8 - Joe and I had trouble getting to sleep because of an outdoor security light that was shining right in the window by the door.  About 1am Joe went out, unscrewed the light bulb, and then we slept pretty well the rest of the night.

I was up before Joe, got my tea going, and then went walking on the beach, 50 yards away.  I enjoyed my tea as the sun came up.

Soon we were repacked and back on the road, this time heading towards Jacksonville, only a 45 minute drive. 

We had a quiet afternoon at Jim and Debbie’s.  She was at her son Jeff’s, babysitting the two granddaughters.  We just sat with Jim and watched golf, the beginning of the Masters tournament.  Joe had $50.00 each on four up and coming long shots.  I enjoyed looking at the beautiful greens with all the azaleas.

I did go for a nice walk at one point and once Debbie got home we played bridge.

We had dinner outside at Lulu’s, which was right on the St. Johns River.  I had a very tasty hamburger while the other three enjoyed really good fish dishes.  (Debbie looks fantastic after all she has been through to eradicate the cancer - surgery, chemo, and radiation.)

Once we got back to Jim and Debbie’s we started in on some bridge.  The cards treated everybody equally with points, challenging hands, and strange distribution. The score was close and we all had a really good time.

Friday 4/9 - We had a leisurely morning, watching more of the Masters golf that Jim had recorded.  Debbie was watching the granddaughters again and once Kennedy (4) and Madison (2) arrived, they joined us for a late breakfast - bacon and eggs.

Soon we all loaded into Jim and Debbie’s car and drove to Rivertown, where there is a beautiful park along the St. Johns River.

We took the paved walk, with Kennedy exploring various trees, rocks, and hills of dirt while Jim pushed Madison in the stroller.


 We took a crushed cinder path back,  coming across a snake that quickly slithered off the path and into the weeds nearby.  Upon closer inspection, we realized it was a coral snake.

We walked out on a long boardwalk where we saw a manatee grazing.  It surfaced a few times and we were able to see its little snout.

Then we drove across the street to a playground.

The girls especially loved this big mound. Running up and down it and looking out over the little village from the top.

The girls also had a great time on all of the different playground equipment.  It was very sad to have to leave the park and playground and head back for home.

Lunch and then nap time were a necessity.  We all six partook in food and resting.  The guys napped while watching the Masters Tournament.

Joe and I were soon packing up again, but just an overnight bag and our wedding attire.  We were back on the road for the 45 minute trip back to St. Augustine.  It was Matt and Katie’s big wedding day.   

Our airbnb was less than a mile from the wedding venue.  We cleaned up pretty well and headed to the Fountain of Youth Park.  This was in the historic district of St. Augustine, where Ponce de León first landed when coming to America.

It was a beautiful location and perfect weather for a wedding.  There was a breeze and it was overcast so not too terribly hot.  We were plenty early so we had time to walk around the park a little bit and look at the peacocks and some other sites of interest.

Here is a few of the several photos I took.

Greg and Gilda Maurer, parents of Matt, the groom.

Luke, Ben, and Cruiser - the ring bearers.

Katie's Dad (Danny) lead her down the aisle. 


The outdoors and park were a beautiful backdrop for the wedding.  Katie's uncle did a great job officiating.  His words were genuine, meaningful, touching, and he kept it short.

The reception started right after the wedding.  There was a cocktail hour while wedding photos were taken.  We spent the majority of the time outside, but went in when time for dinner.  The building had big doors all around that were open to let fresh air in and only the serving staff wore masks, so we kind of let our guard down.  It was required to wear masks in the restrooms which were the next building over. 

Katie and Matt following the wedding party in, to get the party started.  

The wedding party seen below.

Katie and Matt are a beautiful couple, not just physically but also their hearts and souls.  They are both very fun, fun loving, generous, and genuine.  It was a pleasure to celebrate this big life moment with them.  We were also very happy for Greg and Gilda. 

Anyway, the reception was a lot of fun. The meal was simple but tasty, the bar was open all five hours so guests were having a good time, and the DJ kept the music going.  Dancing really didn’t start until the last couple of hours, but then there was plenty of it.

We all drank water from bottles of the Fountain of Youth during two of the toasts. 

Beautiful Katie being silly posing for photos as if she was a model, which she could be.  I didn't get any photos of Matt who later took her place on the couch and was hilarious posing for photos.

We did help with cleanup at 10 o’clock, then when many of the guest went on to another venue, at a bar, Joe and I chose to head home and call it a night.

Saturday 4/10 - National Sibling Day
Part of celebrating life, is doing it with family.  This is five of us (out of six kids) several years ago.  We always enjoy large family vacations together, except my one brother.  He prefers one on one visits, which I also get. 

Neither Joe or I slept great.  We were too wired, too well hydrated, and it was kind of a lumpy bed, even though it was a very nice airbnb.

But it didn’t take us long to get moving once we did finally wake up.  We were back on the road to Jacksonville, where we would be spending another night with Jim and Debbie.  We arrive there about 10:30am.
We had the most relaxing day.  Bridge was played at the pool's edge, with people taking a dip when they got too hot and were the dummy.

The cocktail hour might have started a little early, eventually making the bridge playing possibly sloppier than it might have been.  Again we had interesting cards, unusual bidding, and much discussion after many hands were played.

With a storm coming, we all headed inside to clean up, watch a little more of the Masters, and have a fantastic corn beef meal that Jim had been cooking all day.  Seen here, he is in his granddaughter's chef's hat.

Things ended well for the day at the Masters.  Xander Schauffele (one of the guys Joe had his money on) ended his day tied with three others, and they all were just 4 shots behind Hideki Matsuyama, the leader.

The storm was not as fierce as we had feared, it passed quickly, and we even got out after dinner for another walk, with just a little bit of mist falling on us.  We continued with bridge playing much later into the evening than usual.  It was nearly midnight when we climbed into bed. 

Sunday 4/11 - We were loaded up and on the road, leaving Jim and Debbie’s about 9:30am.  A smooth going 90 minutes on the road had us at St. Simons Island to visit Tim Carroll and his wife Tracy.  We were amazed at the work Tim is doing remodeling their house.  It was basically a total gut job on most of the rooms.  It is coming out beautifully.  We enjoyed a tasty lunch while reminiscing about times from the past.

It was another unremarkable 2 hour drive to get to Sun City in Bluffton, SC where Bob and Marge live.  (The below photo of them was taken on Monday.)  It was only 3:30 when we arrived, but we started on libations anyway.  I am always so thankful to be done with a long drive, and think Joe was also.

Joe enjoyed the hot tub with Bob for a while and I was just glad to be out of a moving vehicle. 

Marge made some very tasty Italian beef for dinner, and we continue to watch the end of the Masters golf tournament.  Joe was extremely disappointed in Xander Schafley’s performance on #16.  Had Xander not tripled boogied the hole, he would have tied with Matsuyama (who won) and there would have been a sudden death play off or whatever you call it.  If
Xander won the tournament, Joe would have won a sizable amount of money.  That's why they call it gambling.

About the time the tournament ended, Valencia's journey began.  Dan, and Val's mother Yaneth, took her to the hospital where they would be inducing labor at 7:30pm.  By our 10:30 bed time, we were not surprised at the lack of progress made in labor, but I felt bad for Val none-the-less.  It was going to be a long night, and my two daughters and two of my sisters would be on high alert with me, waiting for news and wondering how things were progressing.

Monday 4/12 - I had checked my phone messages a few times during the night but was still up way before sunrise.  Dan had posted a photo of his bed, with no comment, at 11:41. 

I took this photo of mist rising from the pond when it did get light enough to see outside.  I  actually got a little bit of blogging done before Bob, Marge, and Joe woke up.  We enjoyed a hearty breakfast casserole and we’re on the edge of our seats waiting for the progress of Val's labor, getting regular up dates from Daniel.

Comments from Dan sent at:
7:35am - "Waiting for Dr. It was an uneventful night. 2cm dilated."
9:31am - "Splash down, water broke and epidural in." 

This photo was taken after the 9:30 comment, and I was thinking Val looked cool, calm, and collected.  With the Popsicle, I am guessing she was on a liquid diet with a possible C-section on the back burner.

Bob, Joe, and I went on a 3 mile walk.  We saw some wildlife and got some good exercise because Bob had a great walking pace.  See the gator beyond the great blue heron?  Here is a closer look when we got farther down the road.

Having had a big, late breakfast we snacked before continuing our afternoon activities.  Then we got this up-date from Daniel:
1:28pm - "4 almost 5cm dilated and 90% effaced"

Joe and Bob headed out in the golf cart to go play nine holes.  I love golf cart communities.

Marge and I went to the pool to sun and cool off in the water.  It was a heated pool, so the water temperature was perfect.  It was a sunny 80° day but with the breeze, was also just perfect.  We enjoyed watching people, chatting, and staying in tune to the labor and delivery process.

The guys dropped by the pool and soon we all headed back to the house, just as we got this news from Daniel:
3:42pm - "10 cm dilated"


Libations and hors d'oeuvre were enjoyed while getting ready to go out to dinner.
Meanwhile, this news came in from Daniel:
4:14pm - "Brb, gotta catch a baby"
They were headed to the delivery room.

We were giving Joe a hard time for wearing his crocks with this outfit.  Then he had the gall to go put on these socks, which weren't even matching.  After a quick selfie, we jumped in the golf cart and headed to the neighborhood golf course restaurant. 

I had taken a (video) of the guys heading out in the golf cart earlier and then the second one of all of us going to dinner.


Just as we were loading up to go, we got a baby photo from Daniel.  Later we got more information: after 20 minutes of pushing, Ava was born... (8lbs 3oz, 20.5 inches long, at

Valencia had had a long, exhausting, 20 hours of labor.

On her Facebook post, that she said I could share, along with the many baby photos, she said: " What an experience, I can now say I am a mommy to a beautiful baby girl, Ava Mae Villhauer.  From the beginning of my journey, that started at the age of 20, I was told I would never have children, EVER in my life!  Eight years later, pushing out an 8lb 3 oz bundle of joy, I am beyond grateful!  All I’ve been doing is staring at my precious baby girl!"

Joe and I were so excited. 
Look at our beautiful granddaughter, Ava Mae.

Once seated at the restaurant, we had a toast to Ava and her parents, Daniel and Valencia. 

We had more drinks, to celebrate life and being first time grandparents. 
As new grandparents, we declared ourselves Nana and Papaw.  We all had very tasty dinners and the meal was a true celebration of life.  We did get a little rowdy actually, having a fun time, and Joe and I really enjoyed ourselves with Bob and Marge.

The evening ended watching a mediocre group on American Idol and getting some more baby up dates and photos. 

Val did such a great job, we were so proud of her.  She had had a fever during labor, so she and Ava (along with Daniel) would be staying at the hospital until Wednesday.

Courtney, who was pet sitting Tango and the three cats, picked up Yaneth to take her back to Dan and Val's.  We would all be sleeping better tonight.

Tuesday 4/13 - More photos came in (this from the night before).  Daniel reported that Val and Ava both continued to come back with positive check ups and everything seemed to be progressing normally according to the nurses.

Well, our Spring Fling was coming to an end.  Joe and I bid our wonderful hosts goodbye and hit the road for home at 8am.  I was looking forward to getting home, but had had a wonderful trip and visit with everybody.

Courtney took Yaneth back to the hospital mid morning, and we continued to get up-dates as we drove home. 

We stopped at Subway for lunch, eating outside and using the hood as a table so we could stand and stretch our legs.


Daniel continued with up-dates.  They had been getting visited by all the different nurses for tests and consultations and did a photo shoot.  This first photo was taken while the hospital photographer was working, and the second one by the photographer.

There had been success with breast feeding and then Valencia had the luxury of taking a shower. 

We finally arrived home a little after 2:30.  Going through the Smokey Mountains and sitting for so long, both about did me in.  It was so nice out, I opened the door to the screen porch, which the cats thoroughly enjoyed. 

This is Babe on the porch, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.


The red bud and dogwood were in full bloom and just beautiful. 

I spent the remainder of the day unpacking and playing with cats, and then it was early to bed for me.  

Daniel took Yaneth home and he showered, did some tidying up and resupplying for the pets, and then headed back to the hospital.

He posted this photo at nearly 11pm saying "It's about time for her last meal of the night.  I just got to wake her up now." 

Life is a special gift that should be celebrated daily.  We are so thankful that God has blessed Dan and Val with a beautiful baby girl, and us with a special granddaughter. 

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