Friday, May 21, 2021

Family Fun Continues

This week started with another weekend of fun with the kids, and the week ended with even more family and more fun.
According to Parenting NI, "The fast pace of modern day family life can make it easy to forget that simply just spending time with our children (and grandchildren) is really important. Our time is one of the greatest things we can give them. Studies have found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family. Most importantly, family time means you can just have fun and enjoy each other's company and some good old family bonding!"  And I don't think it matters that our kids are all grown up, time together helps keep us bonded as family.

Saturday 5/15 - Joe and I were at the ranch by 8 AM to dig a hole and set a gate post. It went very slick with this hole digger attachment on the tractor (video).

I mixed up some concrete, poured it around the post in the hole, filled in with dirt and we were done by 9 o’clock.

We had to wait for the concrete to set up before we could hang the gate, so that would be another day.

Back home we got packed and we’re on the road for Nashville around 11am.

The trip went quickly (it’s really only just over 90 minutes) to Dan and Val’s house.  Upon arriving, we were quick to get our hands on baby Ava.

She is so precious and cute.  

And I just love seeing my own children being tender and nurturing.


Maggie never likes car rides so was very happy to get to Dan's.  It took her awhile to settle down after arriving, and she continued to be very curious about Ava.  But before long, she and Tango were napping, on each other's beds as usual.



We started a puzzle, and even Joe got in on the action, turning pieces over and sorting some by color.

Britney found that working a puzzle while holding a baby was no easy task.

We had eaten lunch on the road so just hung out all afternoon, going for a few little walks; and holding, rocking, feeding, and watching Ava.

Val trimming/filing Ava's nails while she was distracted during a bottle.

It is amazing how much Ava has grown in such a short amount of time.  At almost five weeks of age, she’s trying to lift her head up and her eyes are starting to focus on things around her as you can see during her 'tummy time' (Video).

Dan's yellow cat (Kitty) is quite jealous of Ava.  He always wanted to be held while she was getting attention.

Kitty and I both 'photo bombing' in this picture. 

Ava has gotten more and more wiggly, and can be quite a handful to hold sometimes.  She scrunches her legs up, or throws her head to the side, or stretches out her arms and legs all at once.



It actually made me a little nervous to hold her when she was wide awake and wiggly.  But I loved how she looks at you when you are talking to her.  Sounds and sights are becoming of interest to her.

Work on the puzzle continued, and was eventually finished after dinner, which was Mexican carry-out that the two guys picked up. 

It wasn't a late night, and we soon all zonked out like Ava here in the photo.

Sunday 5/16 - It was a slow, lazy morning, with lots of different pastries available for breakfast, and I overdid it on the sweets.

Britney and I took a long morning walk to burn off some of the calories and get our blood pumping.   

Courtney and Will arrived mid afternoon.

We hadn't gotten a picture of just the three kids together with Ava last weekend, so I insisted on another photo shoot.  Val suggested that Dan change out of his holey t-shirt, so he came out like this, what he called 'Dad mode.'  LOL

Ava was not happy about the bright sun in her eyes.  The photo shoot wasn't very long, and we eventually figured to move into the shade of the house.  

After the photo shoot, several took naps.  Joe had napped in the morning while Britney and I walked, so he joined me for a long walk and Britney set off on a run/jog. 

We played this board game, with team Will and Courtney winning.
  Later we ordered Chinese for dinner, which Joe picked up.

We had a late but uneventful drive home.  By the time I got my chores done, including weekly trash collection, it
was after 11pm.

Monday 5/17 - I was at the barn by 7am to meet the farrier.  When I went out to the pasture to get Zorro, I noticed he was moving very slowly.  Well, as it turns out, the farrier thought it looked like Zorro had early onset laminitis, not a good thing.  I had given both Amiga and Zorro Prevocox before the farrier, because they are usually sore after a trim.  This would help with the pain and swelling of laminitis.  We also put a grazing muzzle on Zorro before turning him back out with the boys to slow his intake of sugar rich grass.

Patty and I watched for awhile to see how Zorro was going to get along.  Rocky was really harassing him at first, but things eventually settled down. 

Joe came by in the UTV and I followed him way out into the country, to a place where he was going to have the oil leak repaired.  We proceeded on to the ranch and after a bit of difficulty, got the gate hung.  I also worked at clearing the trail some more.

Britney with the four cats, enjoying the screened porch.  Can you see the forth one? 

I was in turmoil about Zorro and did some research on laminitis.  This just made me become even more concerned about the situation.

I have no idea what I accomplished in the afternoon, but know I never made it to the gym or got any house cleaning done.

I was back out at the barn by 4pm to check on Zorro.  Rocky was still pestering him. 

This is Amiga in the dry lot, who is still getting plenty of grass.

Zorro was even more tender-footed, especially on the hard gravel surface and concrete.  Judy was there and we looked at him together, and devised a treatment plan.  Zorro was going back to stall board to keep him off the rich grass all night, give him a break from the grazing muzzle, and let him have hay.   We were also going to greatly reduce his feed and change to something less sugary.  And we would try him in the dry lot with Amiga and Merlin, since Rocky was still badgering him.

Even with this plan for Zorro, I went to bed worrying that his condition might worsen. 

Tuesday 5/18 - Boy did I ever need this cute Ava up-date.  I did not sleep well, getting up in the middle of the night for a few hours.  I was still feeling tired and anxious after a 4-6am nap.

I had a first aid training session from 8-11am, came home to pack a lunch and then went straight to the barn.

Zorro was in the pony pen by himself, as planned.  I gave him a Prevocox while out there and then walked him to the dry lot behind the barn.  He was moving a little better.  Then I watched, for over 30 minutes, to see how he, Merlyn, and Amiga were going to get along.  There was a little squealing and chasing around (at a walk) between the boys, but eventually they settled in to grazing.

Next I headed into town to buy Zorro the new feed (Enrich) we had decided to switch him to.  I had lots of other supplies to get, so it was over a two hour trip.

I was back at the barn before they brought the horses in for the night and Zorro was doing well with Merlyn.  Patty and I (with Bab's help) figured out the feeding rations for Zorro (and I decided to switch Amiga also) and the plan to transition them to the new feed. 

Britney and I took a long walk after dinner.

Wednesday 5/19 - I was at the gym earlier than usual, and had a great workout.  I did a little cleaning before lunch, and then ate out on the deck.  Deciding I need to work on my tan before the pool opens, and because it was perfect tanning weather (not too hot and a tad cloudy) I laid out on the lounge chair, read, and napped. 

I am so easily distracted from housework and helped Britney out with a jigsaw puzzle for awhile. 

Then I went back to the barn to give Zorro a Prevocox and measure the foods for feeding.  I was surprised that all the horses were already in at 3:10.  Pat dropped in and looked at Zorro with me, and we both felt hes was walking almost normally.  Yay, and swhoo, what a relief.

I brushed both Zorro and Amiga, who I had in the cross ties together.  I cleaned some manure from their stalls, dumped their feed, topped off their water buckets, and returned them to their stalls for the night.

Joe joined Britney and I for an after dinner walk.  We finished watching Big Sky.  A few of the cats have been sleeping with Britney, so there have only been a few with me when I read before bed.  This is Mama Styx, sleeping on her back, quite relaxed and happy not to be sharing the bed with other felines.

Oh, the three Iowans arrived at Patty's at dinner time.

Thursday 5/20 - We were out of the house early and at St. George Marina by 7:45, checking out a pontoon boat.  We had planned to go on an Eagle watch, with hopes of seeing the Bald eagles nesting nearby.

It was a beautiful sunny morning, although still a tad cool, especially when motoring into the wind.  Tracy, Teresa, Mary, and Patty were with Britney, Joe and I.

Britney commented that we were not your typical 'bird watchers' with our radio blaring, several of us singing along, and none of us had binoculars. 

We did finally spot an eagle.  Can you see him/her in this photo?  Below are two close-ups of the same photo.

We had contacted Sharon (Merlyn's mom from the barn) to get her address, and then motored over for a quick chat.  She invited us to drop by to see the eagle nest near her house.




So after docking the boat, some of us went to Sharon's.  In this photo, she is walking her big Great Dane (Ringo) with Teresa and I.

And here is the Bald Eagle nest two houses down from Sharon's.  It was huge!

We made a pit stop back at our house to grab the dog and more water, and then we were off for the Ranch. 

We showed the Iowan's around the property, and spoke with Tracy (who grew up on a farm with cattle, horses, and chickens - to name few) about fencing possibilities.  He gave us some great ideas.

After the tour, we 'setup' by the pond to do some fishing.

Hooks were baited and lines were cast.

Maggie really enjoyed splashing down by the water's edge.

This is when Maggie started really going nuts.

So I had to take her away (on the leash).

Tracy joined the dog and I, and we walked the perimeter fence line together.  Britney was visiting with two of Terry's horses (Smurf and Little Sweets).

Maggie came across another new and exciting creature, after the catfish, this slow moving box turtle who closed up with one sniff by the dog.

We returned to the pond and sat in the shade, joining Britney and Little Sweets (video), while the others continued fishing a little longer.

Here are the fishing statistics for the morning:
Joe had a 100% catch rate, perfectly hooked a catfish (seen in photo) on his first cast, so he quit while he was ahead.
Teresa actually landed the first fish.
Mary caught the smallest fish, a 4" Bluegill.
And Patty caught the most fish (four) and she caught the largest fish, an 18” catfish.
Britney, Tracy, Maggie, and I enjoyed spectating.

When we got home, Stevie was very curious as to what the strange smells (pond, catfish, etc.) were on Maggie. 

After lunch I went to Food City to get food for the night's dinner and the weekend of guests.

After a little more cleaning (Joe vacuumed and I did bathrooms and spot mopping) I got the crock pot of beans cooking and the Iowans arrived.  It was 3:00ish but we started on libations anyway, a bit early.  Joe grilled the hamburgers and
brats, and we all enjoyed eating, drinking, and being merry.

Friday 5/21 - I don't know what exactly I had on my mind, but sleep evaded me overnight.  After taking my thyroid pill at 1:30am and tossing and turning for 45 minutes, I got up.  Maybe family fun, what we had done and what was to come, had kept me awake.  During the wee hours of the night, I downloaded tons of photos and blogged about the day before.

Never going back to bed, I went to the barn at 7:15am to check on Zorro and confer with Judy.  She was later arriving than I expected, so after taking care of the feeding of our two Pasos, I cleaned their stalls.  I decided to wait on giving the Prevocox because Zorro seemed to be continuing to improve.

Home a little after 9:30, I went out on the deck to nap in the sun.  I did sleep for a bit, but it was just too hot. 
Back inside I did some neatening up around the house.  In this photo, I was coming out of the bunk room (where the cats are not allowed to go) with a fan and they were 'swarming' just outside the door with hopes to gain entry.

After lunch I realized my new outside plants  were too dry so I got out the hose and watered everything.  Then Britney and I followed Patty and the Iowans to Eden Ridge where there was an open house.  This cool looking wooden map was hanging in a meeting room of the new conference center.

I had texted Joe, who went to Nashville to get Tango at Dan's, and Nathan and Mikayla at the airport.  I had asked a few questions about their progress and Joe who was driving had Nathan reply.  This photo was all the information I got. LOL

We all got cleaned up to go out to dinner, and Joe soon arrived with our house guests.  I have noticed the four cats hanging out within closer proximity lately.  Maybe they are all finally accepting one another. 

We all went to Spikes bar and grill, where we dined outside and listened to a two person band.  We enjoyed our food and drinks and each other, more than we did the music.

The evening ended back at our house where the family fun continued.  Libations, snacks and desert, jokes, and watching a show called Holey Moley ensued and people eventually drifted off to bed.  Maggie conked out early, wanting to be nearby, but not right in the center of things. 

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