Friday, May 28, 2021


This was a week of good-byes.  😥

I am not a fan of farewells.  Because none of us have any guarantee as to when (or if) we will see each other again, the
goodbyes are difficult.  I like to think of farewells as See ya later, Bye for now, Until next time, etc.  As hard as it is to say goodbye, I would never let the pain of farewells interfere with the joy of getting together. 

Saturday 5/22 - Britney, and the dogs and I were up just before 6am.  It started out as a rather lazy morning.  But not too much longer after 7:00, the rest of the household came to life.  Plans were made for the morning as we sipped coffee and tea, worked the jigsaw puzzle, and had pastries.

Dan and Val (with Ava) had gone to Chicago for Val's sister's wedding.  We got an up-date from them...
Ava was enjoying life while they had breakfast under the tent, which I assume would be used later for the reception.  This baby is just so cute!

Some of the crew decided to go to Black Mountain to hike and were soon on their way.  Joe took them and I stayed home to pet-sit Tango, and later run to Food City.  (In this photo is Nathan, Britney, Tracy, and Mikayla.)

Just look at the view and rock formations.


Patty, Mary, and Teresa picked me up and we met the hikers out at the ranch for some more fishing.  Nathan had missed out two days earlier because he and Mikayla had not yet arrived here.

Nathan had the first bite, and much later, was the only one to catch a catfish.  The fishing has been 'catch and release,' so I was wondering if the catfish caught two days ago had warned their friends.  LOL   Nathan was very patient bringing in his catfish, so as not to break his line.  Tracy was ready with the fish net.

I didn't realize fishing was a spectator sport, but we non-fisher people enjoyed watching and were glad we didn't have to deal with worm guts and getting the hook out of some of the fish.

Nice size catfish catch Nathan!

Patty caught a good sized bluegill and Mary and Teresa each caught two bluegill, some a little larger than others.





Joe watered his garden and Tracy went to inspect it.

Little Sweets was delighted to have visitors in the barn. 

Dan sent a photo of Ava taking her pre-wedding nap. 

We all returned home to get cleaned up and have some lunch.  Courtney arrived just in time to join us around the table.

I got these wedding photos much later, but this is what Dan, Val, and Ava were doing, up in Chicago. 

Look at Ava's cute little green skirt, but it seems she was getting tired of picture taking. 

We were off for our next activity at 1:30, an excursion on a pontoon on Lake Dartmoor.  We had the boat rented for two hours, so took our time motoring around the lake.  We parked (anchored) by #15 of Stonehenge and watched golfers hit over the water (and us).  Joe was the only one brave enough to go in for a little swim.  Some of us hung our feet in the water.

Patty took Mary, Tracy, and Teresa back to her house and Joe brought Courtney, Britney, Nathan, Mikayla and I home.  We all got cleaned up and then our household (including both dogs) headed over to Patty's.  Shirley also joined us.  We started with libations and later had dinner.  Then we had Birthday cake and frozen custard to celebrate Mary's 70th birthday (which occurred last weekend).

Below is the 'kids' table, and to the right is the 'adult's' table with Patty coming in with the birthday cake.

It was a fun evening.  Back home, I hit the hay while the 'kids' (except Britney) stayed up later into the night.

Sunday 5/23 - We had another relaxing, slow moving morning.  The Iowan's were hitting the road for home, and had planned to drop in to say farewell.  I invited them for breakfast (Farmer's casserole) before they left.  Once finished eating, they hit the road for home, having over an 11 hour drive.  Goodbye, adios, sayonara, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci, au revoir, ciao.  Godspeed!

This photo was taken before the Iowan's left.  Working this large 1,000 piece puzzle is what we did during some of our down time.   

After the Iowan's left, Patty went home to 'clean house' and the rest of us continued with the fun and games.  Joe, Maggie, Britney, Mikayla, and Nathan hiked up the Library Trail to the miniature golf course.  I had Tango, who has troubles on rough trail rocks and going the distance, so we just went around the block and came home.
Britney returned home with Maggie after getting a photo of the golfers.  The guys said Mikayla was, hands down, the champion of the 18 hole competition.

Now that she owns a tiny house, Britney has been going through all her belongings to consolidate what she really wants and get rid of the rest.  Some things she chose to take back to Costa Rica with her, others she will store here.  But she is purging a lot of it - farewell to stuff.  She also decided to try out a little flag spinning after so many years... not bad.

After lunch, we all headed to the barn in two cars.  Courtney and I brought in Zorro and Amiga, and we also borrowed Levi, a barn horse.  Patty was our chief wrangler and let Nathan have a quick session on Levi.


Meanwhile, Courtney and I tacked Amiga and Zorro and she went out into the pony pen with him to see how he was moving.  He looked fairly sound so we decided Courtney could ride him at a walk.

I had gotten on Amiga and was watching the action from the saddle and then she started getting excited.

Amiga continued to get more and more revved up.  I hadn't ridden in over a week, and she was ready to go.

Patty got Mikayla on Levi and coached her while she took him around the barn a bit.

Here we three are, ready to ride.  Courtney on Zorro, Mikayla on Levi, and I on Amiga.  Britney and Joe took these photos and Joe got this (video) of us riding out the back of the barn.  Amiga was fired up.    

Joe and Nathan dropped Britney off at home and headed to golf.  We girls headed down the trail to the old bean field while Patty waited back at the barn.  Levi was not wanting to go, but Zorro soon picked up the pace feeding off of Amiga's energy.  Once we got to the old bean field, now full of clover and some grass, the two boys just wanted to eat (video).  Zorro proceeded to get wound up because Courtney would not let him eat.  We decided the old bean field was too tempting, so we tried heading down the trail towards the pond.

Levi kept turning for the barn and our 30 minutes was about up, so we didn't push him, and we all headed back to the barn.

Once un-tacked, Patty dropped Mikayla, Courtney, and I off back at home.

Courtney took this photo of sweet Tango chillaxing while she and Britney hung out and napped.  Mikayla and I soon got word from the boys that they were about ready for us to join them on the back nine of Stonehenge.  They had played the first six very quickly, but then got stuck behind a very slow foursome.

Oops, there was a little mis-hap with Joe's old driver.

Mikayla and I got to Stonehenge, bought Nathan a pop, and waited patiently for the guys to come off #9.  A twosome came by and then after a long wait, the slow foursome.

Well, the guys had gotten tired of waiting on these slow-pokes, so we decided to skip hole #10 and go around them.  WOW did they get pissed off.  I won't go into details, but they were quite ugly in speech and actions.  We even offered to let them go ahead, back in front of us.  They declined, but remained mad.

The two twosomes ahead of us held us up at each tee-box, so we couldn't 'get away' from the four nasties behind us.  I was doing my 4-shot per hole golf (tee shot, fairway shot, chip, and putt) so not holding progress up at all.  Nathan was feeling rushed as we tried to get ahead and escape the bullies behind us.  But we had to keep waiting on the two in front of us, who were waiting on the two in front of them.  We had plenty of time to do a photo shoot on #15 where we had anchored the pontoon the day before.

I took this photo to show how annoying, spiteful, or just plain stupid the four behind us were.  They parked their two carts beyond the #14 green (on the cart path along #15 fairway) while they went back up to the green to putt in.  One cart was at the restroom and the other in our pathway so we couldn't get around them.  (That is our cart in back.)  Why didn't they both park at the restroom turnoff?  We had been up on the cliff to hit over the water, and when we came down, we had to sit and wait on them so we could continue on our way.  Finally, by the end of #15, a long par five, we got well ahead of them and remained out of sight the last three holes... a happy farewell.

Once we were done, we had a drink and ordered carry out dinners to take home to Courtney and Britney.

Notice in this photo Courtney took, Babe is on Tango's bed.  The cats had finally realized that he was no threat and came out of 'hiding' or down from upstairs.

After dinner we had to say farewell to Courtney.  It was a quit night with some puzzle working and TV time.  Britney and I hit the hay before the other three.

Monday 5/24 - It was a slow, relaxing morning.  Nathan and Mikayla were getting packed up and ready to travel (fly back to Florida).  We finished up the 1,000 piece puzzle, Nathan putting in the last piece. 

Patty came for an early lunch and then she took Nathan and Mikayla to the Nashville airport.  Farewell our fun nephew and his girlfriend.

I went to the barn to check on Zorro and was so glad to see he was no worse after the ride the day before.  Next I dropped in at Dorchester Pool to see how that was going and then went to The Center to fill out my time card for the safety course I had taken.

While Britney worked at packing upstairs, I started another (smaller) puzzle.  Monita was really trying to swipe a piece.  

Britney and I went back to Sharon's neighborhood for another go at spotting a Bald eagle.  We walked around the block, scanning the skies while going almost full circle around the nest.  We never spotted our national bird, but we did get some exercise.

It was hot and for some reason I was tired, so we sat on Sharon's dock for about ten minutes.  Still no eagle sighting, but there were lots of swallows.  This little one landed by us, and just watched us as we watched the sky.

Valencia posted these photos of her family up in Chicago, at lunch. 
They are a fun, goofy bunch just like us Villhauers and Sidensticks.

We had plenty of leftovers to take care us for dinner.
Britney and I both went to bed quite early.

Tuesday 5/25 - It was a pretty quiet morning without any house guests except for Britney and Tango. 
After breakfast, Britney got busy finishing packing and storing things away for safe keeping.  She had basically cleared everything out of her room; with piles to go to the thrift store, some things to go to specific family members, and just a few of her belongings to be stored in the bunk room.  She had filled Joe's old golf bag (she needed the length to fit her saber in it) to take several cherished belongings back to Costa Rica.

With what little time was left, we worked this puzzle together.  Britney finished it before lunch time.  Then at noon, Joe left with Tango and Britney, heading towards Daniel’s house.  I was then feeling very sad.  I knew it would happen.  Farwells to the ones we love who are farthest away and we rarely see, are the hardest.

Look how good the remainder of my Mother's Day flowers still look, and the finished puzzle.


Britney sent this photo while they were on the road, of her stuff in the back seat and Tango peeking from the cargo area.

Joe dropped Britney and Tango at Dan and Val's and headed back in this direction, to go to a card (poker) game.  Dan, Val, and Ava arrived home a little later.

Britney took this photo of Ava, all sweet and clean right after her bath.  Look at her hair... too cute.  

I was betting Val was feeling as melancholy as I, after leaving all her family back in Chicago. 
I just get so sentimental.  I think once I saw Britney's room completely empty, that was what made me most sad.  Since she had basically moved out of it and just put everything in storage in the bunk room, it felt like she had officially and I guess finally moved out for good.  I know she is almost 32, and way past time to 'fly the coup' but I guess down deep I was thinking she was just a traveler and would eventually make her way back home to us or at least to the United States.  I know better now.  She owns a tiny house and will eventually buy land, move her house out of storage, and set up residence there.

I think these two cats missed everybody like I did, but
like I, they were also glad for some peace and quiet. 

To ease the farewell pains, I got busy putting the house back into order.  I stowed away several things like card table and chairs, electric key board, TV trays, extra pillows and blankets, puzzles, etc.  I did five loads of laundry; four were sheets, towels, and winter blankets to store away.  

I caught Maggie in the Mancave like this.  I think she was sad everybody was gone.  She didn’t even have to be in there but this is where she choose to sulk.  All my scurrying around may have also made her nervous.  I know she and the cats sure did love all the extra attention they got these past two weeks.

Since I had just had house guests, was sorting through lots of extra stuff (much of Britney's discard), I decided to start a ranch house pile.  So I have sheets, blankets, towels, some kitchen items, a few pictures and nick-knacks, and other extra stuff we have here we don’t need.  I am getting ready to set up a second house there.  We have already taken some items from our garage we don't often use, out to the machine shed.

I went to The Center to do a little computer training (POS refresher).  It went quickly, with everything coming back to me fairly fast.

After dinner I took Maggie on a long walk.  I went to the 14th tee of Druid to look at the over-look marker that has all the names of the mountain peeks and ranges.

Believe it or not, the Smokey's can be seen at the farthest distance.  But this is not at all the view we see from the ranch, which is what I was checking, to determine names.

It was hot and a tad muggy so Maggie really enjoyed going down into the creek at Snead's Canyon.  Two military helicopters flew over (video) but I am not sure where they came from or were headed. 

Wednesday 5/26 - Brian sent this photo mid-morning of a little visitor he had.  Mama doe had dropped the fawn off there and came back for it later in the day.  We are going to need to keep Maggie on a tight leash for a few weeks.

Jean sent this photo of her, Mom, and Brianna.  She had taken Bri to the airport in the morning, and having said farewell, was feeling sentimental and melancholy like I was. 

I went to the gym early, and was surprised to have had a decent workout after so many days off.  I made a lunch and a dinner, and ate lunch on the road as I headed to the barn.

I had gone to check on Zorro. 
He was walking quite well and very glad to see me.  I took his grazing muzzle off in the heat of the day and put his fly mask on.  Then since I had a little time to kill, I jumped on Amiga bareback with just her halter and a lead rope.

I went straight to the pool for my first shift of work this summer.  Farewell to the freedom of unemployment.  I enjoy the work, but I also enjoy all of my free time.  I had one little computer glitch, but otherwise got along great.

I love getting photos of Ava.  And it is fun to see son Daniel enjoying her so much.  He is such a good father.

The pool closes at 6pm this summer, so I was home by 6:30.  I was tired, but had to do my nightly chores with feeding pets, cleaning litter boxes, and cleaning up the kitchen.  I had popcorn after my shower since I had had dinner at the pool.

Thursday 5/27 - Britney had gotten her second Covid vaccine the day before and reported upon waking, that she only had a sore arm.  I did one last cut of my flower stems, pitched all of the dead ones, changed the water, and switched vases for my arrangement.

I was at work by 9:15 and the 4½ shift went quickly.  It is so nice to be back to our pre-covid procedures.

One of my customers arrived in this ATV.  It is a four seater, but does not have the cargo bed in the back, so it's not a UTV.  

Once home from the pool, I worked in the yard. I spent three hours fertilizing all my plants that have been planted in the last two years, watering some other things that were quite dry, and trimming several shrubs.  Some sticks were picked up and a random weed or two were also pulled.

We got a photo up-date of Ava.  Britney commented that she looks like a babushka.

Joe grilled pork chops and potatoes and we had some of the freshly picked spinach from his ranch garden.

I was so thankful to hear that Britney never got sick from her second Covid vaccine.
After dinner I tried to get caught up on blogging, but was so tired I was in bed by 8:00 with lights out 20 minutes later.

Friday 5/28 - I love my cattery/office/sun room.  I feel like I am sitting out in the woods and have a great view of life beyond my windows. 

With three more days left of May, a farewell to this month is about to occur.  I would say it is one of my favorites, except for all of the pollen.  Soon we will be celebrating Memorial Day and then the real beginning of summer starts.

With rain in the forecast later in the day, I got to the barn by 9:30.  I paid my board and talked with Judy about a game plan for Amiga and Zorro.  They both still have plenty of weight to lose. 

Then I saddled up Amiga and headed across the road and into the winter pasture.  And wouldn't you know, we got hit by a little rain shower (two different times actually).  Some fields looked like they had been planted, but others just had grass (although a bare amount) growing.  The lily pond was in full bloom.

As we made our way around the winter pastures, we had to step past this big, beautiful black snake to take the path trough the woods from one field to the next.  Then, before we got out to the other field, we ran into an obstacle.  I got off Amiga to walk her through the thicket around the downed tree.

Our ride proceeded onto the long trail, just doing the top ridge and then on our way back to the barn, we rode around the gardens.  We were only out for 90 minutes, but Amiga was pretty sweaty when we got back, so I hosed her down.

There was a third little rain shower as I left the barn, but it had cooled off so I decided to get some work done at the ranch.  I went straight there, arriving right at 1:00, and got to work on the trail in back.  There are a lot of poison ivy veins and briar I wanted to clear off the path.  Joe dropped in to water his garden and I had him take this photo.

At 2:20, I got hit by a torrential down pour.  You can't really see how hard it was raining in this photo.  By the time I got my tools put away and into my car, I was quite wet.  I removed two ticks crawling on me while driving home and wasted no time getting out of my wet clothes and into a warm shower.

I made a big tossed salad for a very late lunch or early supper.  Joe was playing poker so I had a quiet afternoon/evening at home.  The rain had let up fairly soon so I didn't get wet walking the dog after her dinner.

Courtney had Dan, Val, and Ava over, so Britney could see them one last time before she had to say farewell and leave the States the next morning. 

I always love getting photos of my kids and my granddaughter. 

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