Friday, May 7, 2021

Spring In My Step

Spring is still in the air with flowers blooming, refreshing rainfall, warm sun after a cold night, a gentle breeze, and pet (and horse) hair shedding everywhere.  This week we were finally able to close on our new property and are now proud and excited owners of Mountain View Ranch. 
Also this week, Britney made it safely to the US and is in Nashville with her sister, brother, 'sister in law' and new baby niece.  And she (along with all of them) will soon be coming here to visit!  For these, and several other reasons, I have had a spring in my step all week.  I am so thankful for all my blessings.

Amiga always has a spring in her step.  It is why she is so much fun to ride. 


You can see from this video the
inherent gait of the Paso Fino horse.  They are naturally gaited and are the smoothest ride with no bumpy movements.  Look at the incredible gait this little baby Paso Fino has.  How cute is that.   

Saturday 5/1 - Happy May Day!

It was a crispy 39° when I walked Maggie and I turned our heat back on to warm up the house.  Stevie was hangin' out with me as usual, and kind of depicted my lazy mood for the time being.  I just needed some caffeine and to warm up a little bit.

Ava got her first bath today, and we noticed that her umbilical cord has fallen off.  How quickly babies grow up.

I was at the gym an hour earlier than usual and it was still very empty.  I think because it was a gorgeous day and a Saturday.  Anyway I had a great workout and as I left there was a definite spring in my step.  I’m always glad to be done with the hard work and moving on with the rest of my day.

After a quick lunch I headed for the barn.  Chase, John‘s grandson was having a birthday party and there was a bounce house.  I couldn’t resist and had a fun time bouncing in it, and trying out the slide (video).

I continued to have an enjoyable afternoon riding Amiga, putting in just over two hours of saddle time.  She had no problem riding past the bounce house and all the birthday party commotion.

I did lots of little jaunts... went across the road into the winter pasture, rode on the ridge of the long trail, went into the arena on the way back, and then I rode Amiga out the back of the barn and into the bean fields.  After that I rode to the Holly Trail, took it down to the 14th tee box and turned around and came back.

Amiga was very willing, responsive, and fun during our ride.  To reward her, I did give her time to graze occasionally, but just a little because she is on a 'less rich grass' diet. 

While riding, I got an up-date from Joe about the ranch house kitchen floor support job that had just been completed.  They placed additional footers under the  beam that runs perpendicular to the joists at mid-span.  This will hopefully eliminate any more sagging of the floor which has caused some kitchen tile to break. 

I got home with plans to do a little work in the yard, but time and energy were in short supply.  As I was loading a bin in the car to go to Karen's to get the yucca she had dug up, Andy came by with this dog he had picked up off the road.  He had taken it to the police station, but they were of no help.  I admit, I wasn't much help either.  But I did have Patty post some photos on the Facebook Neighborhood app. and I gave the dog water.  I sent Andy on his way with food and a leash, but no collar, so I could get to Karen's.

By day's end the spring was out of my step, I was exhausted.  But there was a bounce in my mood and a lightness in my heart.

Since Joe and I finished the last season of Blue Bloods the night before, we started watching Big Sky again.

Sunday 5/2  - A cat barfing on our bed had me up an hour earlier than usual, but then I got a little nap in just after sunrise. 

As often happens, when I went into the Mancave to talk with Joe, Stevie and Monita followed me in, and made themselves comfortable on my lap.

I finally got all my cat photos in this frame and hung on the wall in my office / cattery.  The first photo is of a card I have had for years, but representing my two favorite pets.  Then in order of time: Pumpkin, Bro and Sis, Abbey, Stevie, Maya, Monita, Styx, Babe, and all four of my current clowder.  

We had our family chat at noon and I took this photo of our i-pad image.  Ava, Dan and Val, Mom and Jean, Patty, Britney, and Cathy all joined in.  We all spent a lot of time watching baby Ava.  She was quite alert and very wiggly.  But we were also concerned about Cathy who has been sick for too long and was not looking very well.

Britney took this better photo of Ava.

She is such a little cutie, and a very good baby.   

I was quick to get to the barn after our call and rode Amiga just short of three hours.  We took the Holly trail into the Glade, did some cantering on a few of the good stretches of dirt roads, peeked in at Terry and Billy's, and had a relaxing walk or gait down many roads.  I also let Amiga rest and graze a few times along the way.

Joe was grilling dinner when I got home at almost 6pm, and then a gentle rain moved in about bedtime.

Monday 5/3 - While finishing my tea and mindlessly playing some games on my computer, Judy called asking to borrow our horse trailer.  So I quickly dressed, and went to the barn to unlock the trailer for them.  Dave and Kylee very handily got it hitched to the back of John's truck. 

I love this azalea by our front walkway.  It is obviously two varieties (pink and fuchsia) planted together.   

I hurried back home so I could be ready to go to town with Joe at 9:30.  We met Terry and Billy at the lawyer's office and after a few more little glitches, were finally able to close on the property.  What a relief to actually have ownership after what seemed like so long and also involved so many hassles for Joe.  

We made a quick trip into Rural King and then went home for lunch.  I had time to read (my book as gotten exciting) while relaxing on the couch.
We left for our new Ranch at 2:00.  Terry and Billy are renting the two bedroom house from us, along with the pasture and barn for their horses, for the next three months.  We went over what space was whose ('mine, yours, and ours').  Joe has already moved some stuff into the machine shed and I will be putting some things in the tack room so I can keep Amiga there for part of the day or overnight when I want to.  We also needed to do a little rental paper work.  Then Terry and Billy presented us with a congratulatory bottle of wine. 

Joe went to swim and I to workout in the gym.  It was quite empty that late in the day.  I ended up leaving early though (didn't do the last 5 out of 25 stations or my stretching) because a lady came down to the weight area and she kept coughing.  I did not want to be near her or her cough even though we both had masks on and stayed six feet apart. 

Joe and I enjoyed wine, cheese and crackers, and other snacks for dinner and then movie time, celebrating our closing on the ranch.

Tuesday 5/4 -  I woke a little early for my 2am thyroid pill because it was storming.  And then as I was going back to sleep, it started hailing.  Curiosity got the best of me and I got up to look outside.  I ended up reading for a few hours before going back to bed.


Once up again, and the rain had let up a little, I went out to look at the flooding down back (video).  While it had been pouring, the whole oasis was under water.  The water was still flowing fast and high.

Many of the leaves down by the creek behind Allen's had washed down stream.  There was debris caught up on the oasis and on trees and shrubs.  I hadn't seen the female mallard much lately, and was thinking she was likely sitting on eggs.  I hoped her nest was still okay.  

As it rained and I sat here thinking I should start cleaning house in preparation for weekend guests, I continued to play games and do nothing productive.  Rainy days do that to me.

Joe had started a project I requested of him out in the workroom.  He basically cleaned everything off the floor so I could paint and put the floor runner down in place of the shag carpet.  You can see the stains from the water that came from behind the wall where our refrigerator has leaked in the past.

I used a can of Kills spray paint that Joe had bought for me.  Unfortunately is wasn't near enough, but I covered all the spots where mold might be growing.

We got our Ava photo fix and up-date.

Then Joe dropped Maggie and I off at the Wellness Center.  He went in to workout and the dog and I set off on a long walk.  Taking the trail along the creek up to Mirror Lake, we came across the very large snapper in the second set of photos.

Not only did the torrential rains wash the turtle down stream, but the high waters going over the Mirror Lake dam also rolled up the woven fabric/netting where new seed had been planted a few weeks ago.  The water normally runs down through a spillway to this lower lake.

I took a bunch of photos of the new amphitheater, dance floor, and landscaping.  Unfortunately, some of the beds and newly sown grass around this area had also been washed out. 

Here are some of the tables they have built to be part of the biergarten by the amphitheater.  There were also piles of tall and regular wooden tables with chairs and stools.  They have named this new area The Grove.

We got word from sister Cathy that she had been hospitalized and put on IV liquids and antibiotics.  Over 30 days ago she had been diagnosed as having Rotavirus.  Because she was not getting any better,
she went to the ER.

We had a quiet evening at home watching Big Sky
and continuing to keep track of Britney's long journey
from Costa Rica to Nashville which she had started early in the morning.
  I also worried about Cathy. 

It wasn't until I turned out the lights at 10pm that I got this photo from Courtney saying she had gotten Britney home (to her condo).  Knowing your children are safe and happy will put a spring in any parent's step.  

Wednesday 5/5 - Happy Cinco de Mayo!
I got my Ava fix and my Britney fix all in one photo. 

I put the floor runner down in the workshop, which will be much easier to keep clean, and then I went to the Wellness Center.

I struggled during my workout because of what I think is pulled right pectoral and oblique muscles, from Monday's workout.  I experienced pain with certain arm exercises, when breathing, and during any exercise which required tightening of all the core muscles (which is most of them)

I met Patty at the barn and we pulled out all of our horse stuff.  We have acquired things from Gov, Scout, and Pete; along with other hand-me-downs.  Everything you see on the bench and floor was ours to sort through.  We consolidated fly sprays, ointments, shampoos, brushes, etc and made four tack boxes and three first aid kits.  We had divided stuff into four piles: Wildwood tack room, trailer, ranch, and give-away.

By the time we got everything put away (my car was full of stuff to take to the ranch) it was feeding time and horses were being let in.  Zorro in his stall is looking quite dappled as he sheds out his winter coat.

We watched Big Sky and were more concerned with Cathy up-dates than with the kids.  Although we were happy to see and hear that Daniel had successfully gotten Britney in for her first Covid vaccine and then to his house to meet Ava (and Tango).


Thursday 5/6 - Joe and I were quick to get out to the ranch to try out the newly fixed chain saw while clearing a trail into the Glade from the back of the property.  I also later put all my stuff in the tack room.  This is the section Terry had cleared for me.

And here it is with all my stuff fairly neatly organized and stored. 

This is where we are going to put the gate.  Two sides of the property are fenced with five strands of barbwire.  You can see how dense the woods are just beyond the back of the fence.  There was tons of briar, poison ivy, and I am sure ticks as well.

First Joe and I cleared underbrush as we mapped out a route to take over to the power line.  We had to curve around large trees but wanted to stay close to the neighboring fence line because we didn't want this new trail to be obvious to others who are out on the back roads of the Glade.  So it will be an off shoot from the 4-wheel trails that go down the power lines. 

This photo shows that there are bumps that need to be leveled somewhat.  We also ran into a wide flat creek that we will need to cross.

Joe fired up the chainsaw after an hour of clearing.  He cut down four or five 4-6" trees and then the saw stalled out on him.  He could not get it re-started.  Ugh!!!  That took the bounce right out of my step.  He quit, needing to get back to do errands but I continued clearing.  Joe took this photo of me just before leaving.

This photo was taken looking back towards the corner where the gate will go.  You can see the corn crib which is near the back corner. 

After finishing in the woods and then the tack room, I went to Wildwood to ride Amiga. 
Patty arrived shortly after I had and later rode out on Zorro.  This is the only photo I got before my phone battery died just after I took this photo at 2pm.  We are in the bean field and Patty is on the livery trail way off in the distance. 

Patty took
the next photo of Amiga and I in the bean field a little later.  Patty and I didn't ride together, but crossed paths a few times.  I kept Amiga moving for about 90 minutes.  She is losing weight so I am feeling better about her condition. We also cantered through the bean field twice and she never broke a sweat, so that is encouraging as well.  She is getting into shape.

When I got home, I plugged my phone in and then went out to plant the yucca Karen had given me.   Some weeding and stick picking up also occurred while I was out there.  Having only snacked for lunch, I immediately got dinner after feeding the cats and dog when I came in at 5:30.  Then I showered to remove any ticks.  There were none, so the bug spray I had used did a good job.

Friday 5/7 - Because the past four nights I have been unable to go back to sleep after my usual 2am waking and because of my sore chest muscle, I had taken a pain pill/sleep aid.  But then I really had troubles waking up, even after sleeping later than usual.  I was so groggy, I spilled my boiling hot cup of tea water down my front when taking it out of the microwave.  

It was house cleaning day, my least favorite thing to do, and it took me awhile to actually get started on it.  I was busy with this blog and still trying to clear the cobwebs from my brain.  Once up and moving, I got distracted from cleaning several times, going out to water a few potted plants, deadhead some flowers, clean and fill bird feeders, pickup sticks, pull a few weeds, sweep the garage, etc.

Joe did most of the vacuuming and mowed the whole yard, but then went to the farm to work on our little trail in back.  I was envious, wanting to be out there with him.  You can see in the first photo he took, he made it through the creek (swampy area).  He said he had to use the four wheel drive.  In the second photo you can see his tracks through the briar under the power lines.   

I cleaned the upstairs bathroom, made beds, and got it ready for guests.  Joe helped me move the puzzle table and add a leaf to it and to the dinner table.



I needed to (got to) quit house work early because we had a dinner/play date with Shirley and Patty.  We ate at Romos and then went on to the Play House to watch a dance and musical review that all their drama students put on.  We all really enjoyed the show.

This is a sign Shirley gave us as a house (ranch) warming gift.  I absolutely love it!  It is 15x15 inches, a little too small and definitely too nice to attach to the front gate.  I can envision it above the fireplace or on a wall in the family room, or possibly on the tack room door down at the barn.  I am so excited about our new ranch and it puts a bounce in my step when friends are so thoughtful, kind, and generous.  Joe and I can't wait to share our new property with all our family and friends.  

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