Friday, July 30, 2021

Drinkin' It Up

God has filled my cup, and it runneth over, so I am drinkin' up as much of it as possible. 
When I came up with this blog title and then researched it, looking for a photo depiction, I discovered that there are many songs with this theme.  
Drink It Up (Video) by The Railers is a song meant to remind us how beautiful life can be if we cherish the time we are given and live it out with purpose.
The lyrics to Kenny Chesney 'Drink It Up' song start out:
"Drink it up, don't waste a drop
Squeeze every second out of that old clock"
This blog title is not about promoting drinking alcohol and partying, but about drinking up life, celebrating it, appreciating it, and living it to its fullest, which can include some alcohol. 😜

Friday 7/23- Joe, Maggie and I had an uneventful trip to the Air B&B lake house that Joe had rented for two nights.  Our 90 minute trip did include a stop at a grocery once we got off I-40.  The house was tucked into one of the fingers of Center Hill Lake, near the SE section of it.  GPS tried to take us down a very step gravel 'drive' that did not look doable, so we drove on around the loop and soon arrived at the house, located down the cliff like hill from where the GPS was trying to take us.  It is not always good to listen to your GPS.

After unloading and getting settled in, I got the frozen tray of lasagna started for dinner.  Courtney and Will arrived about 5:30, commenting on how their GPS tried to send them down the cliff.

I had gotten Maggie's crate set up in an out-of-the- way corner while Joe was quick to peruse channels on TV.

Admiring Courtney's makeup, I had to take a photo to show her the eyeliner when her eyes were closed. 

Dan and Val were running late, so we ate dinner without them. 

Once Dan's family arrived, Ava was overwhelmed by the strange place and all the strange faces, and too tired to cope.  So she was pretty fussy the rest of the evening.  Dan and Val were busy with Ava while we switched between Joe Dirt and the Olympics on TV.  I was up later than usual (10pm) but still the first to go to bed.

Saturday 7/24 - I was the first up if you don't count Ava's 3am feeding.  I walked the dogs while my tea steeped and then sat out in the screened in porch starting this blog and listening to early boaters go by out on the lake.

The house didn't have much of a view of the lake.  This is all that could be seen from the porch. 

I took this photo of Ava napping,after drinkin' up all of her mama's milk.

And later, Val took the second photo of Ava waking up. 

We were all a little slow to get going, but had till 10:15 before we had to head to the marina, 35 minutes away.  The dogs were waiting for action, but to their chagrin, would be left behind.

Patty arrived at the house well in advance of our departure time. 

Once to the marina, we unloaded out of the two cars and started to haul all our stuff the long walk down to the dock.  Unfortunately, Dan's large inflatable swan was too heavy for us to haul the distance, so we left it behind (in his car). 

Everyone got lathered up with sunscreen as we waited for the dock guy to bring us a few more life jackets (including infant size). 

Joe was our trusty captain and we were soon motoring out of the marina.  We had this 14 passenger pontoon with a slide rented from 11-4pm.  We were ready to go have some fun.




In addition to Patty, it was Will and Courtney, and...

Dan,Val, and Ava.

After motoring around for a bit, we found a good cove to stop and go swimming.  The pontoon did not come with an anchor (apparently too many people lose them) so constant drifting presented a challenge.

Joe takes the plunge, down the slide. 
And this second photo is either Will or Dan.  LOL


We ended up staying out on the water all six hours.  Ava held up great.  She only got fussy when she got too hot at one point.  While we were underway, the breeze from the boat helped cool us all down.

Ava even went in for a little dip to cool off.  She was not a fan of the life jacket.  It is much more restricting than her Otterroo.  But she did like the cooling effect of the water.

Her little fan was also quite helpful, especially when we weren't underway and there was no breeze.

She is so cute with her little sun hat on.

We stopped at three spots to swim.  At our second spot we tied to a tree, so we stayed there the longest.

We enjoyed food, drink, and just hangin' out, in addition to floating around in the water for quite a long while.

After our second swimming spot and picnic, we went for a longer drive on part of the lake.

Like Ava, several of us took a little nap. 

We were definitely tuckered out by the time we got back to the dock.  Some of us got a little too much sun and Courtney was dealing with motion sickness.  But it had been a fun day.

A turtle was enjoying the water by the dock restaurant as were several ducks (in the background).

The ride home seemed long because we were so tired and Courtney was still not feeling at all well. 

The dogs were so glad to see us, and thankfully had not made any messes while we were gone.

From then on, they kept a close eye on the door anytime anyone came or went.

Most of us showered and cleaned up, but we were too tired to go out to dinner, and it would be easier to eat at home since Ava is more fussy late in the day.  Joe picked up carry out from a fairly close restaurant.  Unfortunately, the food was not that great and they forgot to include all of our order.  

 Again, I went to bed much earlier than everybody else.

Sunday 7/25 - Ava is a morning girl like myself, and woke happy about life.

She is becoming more and more alert and aware of her surroundings.  She also definitely recognizes faces, especially her parents. 

I was thrilled to be able to hold her for quite awhile, before she decided she wanted one of her parents.

We got a late checkout time (2pm) so Joe, Will, and Courtney slept in.  Val went back to bed for awhile too, since she had gotten up with Ava and the dogs before I, at 5am.


We had an easy going relaxed morning, watching the Olympics and just hanging out.  Even though Courtney still was not feeling well, she made us all French toast for a late breakfast/early lunch.  I was drinkin' up family time as much as possible.

Tango was sleeping through the exciting women's bike race. 

I loved how he was using his blanket for a pillow.

Dan and Val were the first to pack up and leave.  Ava has her little book for the ride home.  She enjoys looking at bright colors.  Val sent this (video) of their car ride. 

Courtney and I were enjoying the equestrian event so she and Will stayed longer.  

Alas, it was nearing checkout time, so we finished packing up and hit the road, in opposite directions.

Thankfully, it was only a 90 minute drive for each of us.

Maggie was glad to get home, as was I.  And the cats were happy to see us.  Stevie helped me with unpacking my bag.

Then Mama Styx joined the party.  

When Monita came clambering in, she was looking for trouble.  Styx was willing to play, but Stevie tried to be evasive. 

I love my kitties.  There is no place like home, especially when one has four cats.

Monday 7/26 - The evening before, I had been texted to sub for Nancy because she was sick.  So I skipped the gym and was unable to help Joe remove a dead tree from Patty's back yard.  Yes, she had another one fall down, actually from the neighbor's woods.  But it was completely dead and didn't have any branches so was fairly easy to cut up.  Joe used Brian's trailer to haul it out to the ranch.  More wood for our bonfires.

We had an 11 o’clock thunderstorm in the area, but actually very little rain at the pool.  However, it chased some of my customers away because they had to get out of the water due to the thunder.  It remained overcast but still rather hot and humid, but because of the threatening rain I wasn’t very busy.  We got hit by another storm, this time a torrential downpour, 30 minutes before Mike came to relieve me from my shift.

I got home feeling tired, I guess just from the weekend of fun. Joe was napping and I tried to catch up on my blog from the weekend. Once Joe woke up, he announced that Tim Carole, his friend who lives in Georgia, was going to be passing through and stay the night.  I almost went into panic mode, but realized there was nothing I could do about the condition of the house, other than run upstairs and put clean sheets on the guest bed in Britney‘s former room.  I did some dishes and Joe vacuumed and it was just gonna have to do.

The three of us were planning to go to Mirror Lake Blast but then another storm (it poured, thundered, and lightening for at least a half hour) came through right about the time the food vendors were going to be serving, so the music event was canceled at the last minute.  We switched gears and decided to go into town to Vegas. 

Service was very slow, but understandable because they were so short staffed (like most businesses).  We enjoyed the food and drink and chatting extra long due to the wait.  We all need to just slow down, get out of the tendency to eat and run, and enjoy each other's company.

Once home the 'boys' continued to enjoy the finer things in life while hanging out on our back porch.  I was happy to leave them and go to bed.

Tuesday 7/27 - Babe, Monita, Styx, and my wild pj's.  I woke up at 2 AM as usual, took my thyroid pill, and tried to get back to sleep. After plenty of tossing and turning, and ruminating about things that needed to be done, and this, and that, and the other thing, I decided to just get up. I came into my sun room office cattery and worked at my blog until 5 AM.  By then, I just decided to start my day. 

I was at the gym by 6:30am.  After a good two hour workout I came home, refueled with milk and egg, and then headed to the ranch where I was meeting Polly and Yvonne.  They are perspective boarders and wanted to see the 'lay of the land' and kind of get an idea of how I might do a little boarding barn.

Joe and Tim dropped by at one point, but then moved on to go hiking.  I checked in on Amiga at Wildwood on my way home.

From 2-4 pm we went pontooning on Lake St. George.  Patty, her friend Therese and Therese's sister Joanne (both visiting Patty from Iowa) joined us.

After motoring around a bit, we took a long break to go swimming.  This time we had an anchor, so could relax and enjoy the water.  

Drinkin' It Up

I had brought just a few beers, but they didn't last long, so we went back to the marina, and Tim bought six to share. 

We were soon back out for more motoring around and swimming.

It had gotten up into the low 90's so many of us were feeling pretty tired by the time we got done.

Tim headed to his next destination on his road trip, the girls back to Patty's and Joe and I home.  Stevie checking out the cooler.    

Wednesday 7/28 - I planned to get to the barn by 8am to meet Mary for a ride into the Glade together, so had to keep my time here at my computer shorter than usual.  This is a good thing... to get me up and going before I have wasted too much time computerizing.

This fawn came through all by itself (no mama) and had a quick snack before moving on.

I got to the barn well before 8am.  Amiga's food hadn't even been dumped yet, so I did that. 

I was saddled and ready to ride shortly after Mary had arrived, so went out into the front yard where they were setting up for the big Rotary event.  Here they are getting the goats penned in for the petting zoo.  I allowed Amiga to graze for awhile.

Mary, with her horse Billy, was soon out front ready to ride.  He did not react to the goats near as much as Amiga had.

Chester wanted to go with us, so we had to have one of the girls hold him while we headed off, down the trail. 

We took the Holly Trail into the Glade, staying mounted the whole way.  The trail was in good condition and both our horses navigated it well. 

We rode straight down Marmaduke and went to look at Terry's field from the back.  I wanted to see her new gate Billy had put in. 

Terry and her horses saw us and soon came over to greet us.

Mary and Jack are interested in purchasing Terry and Billy's other 8½ acre parcel and house.  I think it would be awesome to have them as neighbors, but do not want to influence their decision one way or the other.

We chatted for a bit and then Mary and I rode back down Marmaduke, along Hathaway, and took the power line trail into the back of our property.  We rode the perimeter of both fields so Mary could see how the two properties joined.

I did not have a very big window of riding time so we headed back after leaving the ranch.  We ran into a downed tree that I couldn't budge, (I was one handed, holding Amiga) but then Mary had me hold Jack and she tackled the obstetrical and got it down low enough our horses could step over it.

We had no more problems on our way back to the barn.  Here is Scrappy (one of the barn cats) enjoying the day.  I quickly untacked, hosed Amiga off some, checked for ticks, and turned her out with the mares.

I hustled home and moved quickly to change, make dinner, eat a PPJ for lunch, and get to the pool for a very busy shift in the 93° heat.

We ended up having 153 customers through out the day.  There were still about 30 people in and around the pool at the 6pm closing time.  I hated to kick them out.  And then I ended up being there cleaning until 6:45.  Once home, I was too hot and tired to do much of anything.  It was early to bed (8:30) for me.

Thursday 7/29 - I was right back at the pool by 8:15 for another hot, busy shift, starting with the water aerobics class.  A cool moth I found while sweeping.

I hadn't planned to accomplish much once home, because I have come to realize, after working in the sun five hours, I don't have much oomph left.

After a few hours of R&R in the cool house, I went out to do a little weeding.  Then I walked up the creek bed (See the frog on the log?) to do more clearing of debris that had washed down. 

I also collected a bunch of bulbs that had been dumped in the wooded lot by Allen. 
There are easily a few hundred in this bucket.  I plan to plant them out at the ranch.

I did fry up some of the big zucchini I had picked, along with ham and onion.  I got a load of laundry done, and household chores completed, including lots of dishes that had been collecting in the sink.

These three deer were in back looking for corn, so I walked down to dump some.  They stepped away, keeping a close eye on me as I came and went.  I constantly drink up the beauty and wonder of nature every time I am out in it. 

Friday 7/30 - Dogs always seem eager to drink it up.  Whether it is food, a walk, playing with a jolly ball, or a belly rub... they love a good time, which can be any positive attention you give them. 

At 5am I woke to flashing lights.  At first I thought it might be an ambulance next door (which has occurred more than once) but it was actually just a lot of lightening.  It was soon followed by thunder and I had a tough time convincing Maggie to pee... she just wanted back in the house.

I moved my computer out onto the screened porch where I could enjoy the nice thunderstorm that passed through over the next hour.  Rain lingered until about 7am when it was finally starting to get light.  Maggie remained hiding in our closet even longer.

This rain hadn't been predicted to come until late afternoon, so I had been hoping it would get me off work a little early or at least on time.  I was not totally happy with it coming sooner, although it allowed me to check off watering potted flowers and new grass from my list.  The seed I had put down has germinated and is growing well, it's just not as thick as I was hoping for.  It should fill in as it matures over time.

Dan sent this photo of Ava and said:  "New fashion trend incoming, from the 'killem with kindness' collection."   I see a little bit of Val and a little bit of Dan on this baby girl. 

I had to push hard to get through my whole workout at the gym with the shorter time I had allowed myself.  I really struggle to get done all that I need (or want) to accomplish each day. 

Left over zucchini saved me time with lunch prep, and I didn't have to pack a dinner before going in to work at the pool.

I mostly stayed out of the sun, cause I wanted to save my energy for a night of karaoke,
but the humidity was oppressive.  A ten minute downpour at 4pm did send many swimmers home for the day, so I only had six left until 5:45.

I was able to be on time, going straight from work to Bunkers, were I met Joanne, Patty, and Therese.

Terry was running the karaoke and we always love his show.  As usual, there were good (and not so good) singers.  But fun was had by all.  We stayed until the 9:20 ending of the gig.

As July comes to a close, and some schools are preparing to start back up, I want to drink up as much of the remainder of summer as possible.  Although I do look forward to cooler temperatures for riding and ranch and yard work.

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