Friday, June 3, 2022

Wind Of Heaven

The Wind Of Heaven is a movie about a veteran that comes back home from Afghanistan and really loses himself and can’t pick up the life he had before he left.  Eventually, he gets work on a ranch and discovers that he has kind of a communion with the wild horses and he finds himself through the horses. 

The Wind of Heaven is also the theme song for the film written by Moody Blues main man Justin Hayward in collaboration with film director friend David Minasian.  It is a heartfelt song about the wounded warrior who has left his soul on the battlefield and is having a difficult time adjusting to being home.  The song was dedicated to all of those who have served their country.  This 8½ minute (song/video) is well worth the listen and watch, especially seeing the magnificent horses.

This week started with Memorial Day weekend, which is dedicated to all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and lost their life while serving this country.  It is not the same as Veteran's Day, but I still feel it is a time to thank all who have served in the military, especially the wounded soldiers.  Some may not have any visible injuries, but there are wounds to their heart and soul. 

This week was also one including a lot of horsing around.  As we (mostly Jean) worked at getting Robbie settled in to her new home, horse time was the main focus. 
Robbie needed to adjust to the change in hay and amount of grass, and a totally new environment.  She also had new 'friends,' herd mates, to make and human(s) to bond with. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't always relaxed tranquility for Jean, because Robbie was quite anxious and we were trying to figure out what was causing it, to help her settle into life at our ranch. 

Jean spent a lot of time watching Robbie, caring for her (since she was stalled separate from the others much of the time) and working with her.  It was a lot of extra work and worries for Jean. 

Okay, now that I have probably lost over half of you with all this horse stuff, I'll get on to the account of my week.

Saturday 5/28 - It was another cold morning (58°) when I got up, so a blanket and my snuggling cats were appreciated.  Babe prefers to snuggle with Maggie though.

I spent longer than intended here at my computer, finishing up and posting last week's blog.  Then the pest control guy came for their bi-annual inspection and treatment.  Finally I was all packed up for the day and Maggie and I were headed to the ranch at 10:30. 

Jean and I did not waste anytime in getting Amiga and Zorro and taking them for a walk. 

In this second photo you can see where Amiga's still being treated on her 'rug burns' where she rubbed herself raw on the hitching post.

Robbie was in her stall and calling to our two a little bit.  We walked them out through the back gate and did the small loop, coming back on Eli Ford. 

We had had quite a bit of rain, so there was a lot of standing water in some of the usual low spots. 
But look at how low our pond still is (right photo) as compared to it's usual height (left photo). 

I had to scoot off to get to work at the pool by 1:45.  I left Maggie with Jean for the night.  She later sent these last two photos... Robbie in the round pen and Maggie hanging out with our two horses.

As you can see, the skies were very overcast, and with the wind, it was on the cool side.  Needless to say, I did not have many customers at the pool.

Shirley had offered to do chores at Patty's since I would have been getting off work so late, but I ended up closing early, leaving 45 minutes sooner than expected.

It was nice to go straight home and not even have the dog to worry about.  I lingered in the shower, and had a relaxing evening.

Sunday 5/29 - I met Shirley and Jean for church at the outdoor pavilion.  It was so good to get back to this, and I honestly don't know what has taken me so long to do so. (Covid and then waiting for the service to move outdoors was my excuse.)

Breath of Heaven (not to be confused with Wind of Heaven) is another song I really like.  During worship, I felt the gentle breath and voice of God. 

The wind of heaven can blow the trees in a mighty way indicating the strength and power of God, while the gentle breeze that ruffles the flower petal is a show of God's grace, and love, and tenderness.

As I arrived at the ranch before noon, I took these photos of the clearing that has occurred.  Jim got permission from the other neighbor to bush hog the neighbors property along Jim's drive.  Wow, he took 'push hogging' to a whole new level. 

Jean and I had planned to ride, so saddled up Amiga and Zorro and hit the trail, with Maggie in the lead.  Amiga felt sound, but we kept the ride short so as not to overdo it on her.

Jean rinsed Zorro when we got back. 

I shampooed Amiga's legs, belly, and chest with the medicated stuff again.  While letting the soap soak in, she ate and Jean took Zorro up to the front pasture.

Just after I turned Amiga out with Zorro in the front pasture, Jean put Robbie in the corral.  Our horses wanted to meet her, but she was more interested in eating grass.

Soon after this second photo was taken, Zorro was reaching over the fence to get a good whiff of Robbie, and she kicked, hitting the top rail of the fence.  Yikes.  I know it is part of normal horse behavior and part of the 'getting acquainted' process, but it makes me uneasy none the less.  

I pray these three will get along and become good friends.  This last photo is from a video Jean took.  

I did horse chores and then was pretty much out of steam and short on time.  I had to get to Patty's and then home to my cats. 

Jean's photo of Parm and Maggie chill-axing earlier in the day.  Then, the dog and my four cats had a chill-axing evening.


Memorial Day Monday 5/30 - It seems an oxymoron to say Happy Memorial Day when actually it is sad to think of all who have lost their lives in the fight for our freedoms.  I suppose we can be happy to have these freedoms, but sad at the cost.

Shortly after 9am Maggie and I hopped in the SUV and headed to Mirror Lake (The Grove) where we set out chairs and a blanket to reserve a spot for Jean, Shirley, and I. 

From there we went to the ranch.  Jean was mowing when we pulled in.  A little later we got word that Courtney had safely arrived home from her trip to Hawaii.

Our first order of 'business' was to put Robbie on the front pasture.  Jean had waited for my arrival so I could see how our Paso's and Robbie reacted to each other. 

Jean walked Robbie around most of the perimeter of the front pasture, and then released her up near the gate to Amiga and Zorro's dry lot.  She went straight to eating, loving the tall grass.  Amiga and Zorro soon came to the gate to met Robbie.  There is electro-braid along the top of the wood fence so they stay off/out of it.  But they know they can reach over at the gate. 

Robbie took no interest in them and soon worked her way back down toward the corral where there are shade trees and her 30 gallon water tub. 

With nothing else to watch with the horses, Jean and I soon got back to work, her mowing and weed whacking, and I trimming along the driveway.  I only got about 30 yards done, trimming the Leland Cypress and several varieties of volunteer saplings growing up under them.  I took two loads of clippings down into the back woods. 

Soon Maggie and I were back on the road, heading towards Patty's now.  I did cat chores there early so I wouldn't have to worry about them later.  Then I parked the SUV at Mirror Lake (seen in this photo with the bandstand to the right). 

Maggie and I embarked on the 30 minute walk home, after she got a drink in the lake. 

Stevie was sitting guard at the door to the back porch when we got home. 

But the dogs and cat just passed by her as if she wasn't even there.  LOL

With many of my fur babies lounging out there, it was tempting to join them, but I was on a tight schedule.

I proceeded to shower, do pet chores and take out the trash, wash grapes and some veggies for the night's picnic, pack up the cooler and picnic 'basket,' and feed my cats and dog.  And soon Jean picked me up and we were headed to The Grove at Mirror Lake. 

Shirley was there waiting for us and a little later Micki joined us.

We enjoyed the music, libations, munching on snacks (especially Shirley's cookies) and chatting with friends, old and new.  There was a fair amount of dancing even though many tunes were not very dance oriented.

I was tired but happy when I finally hit the hay.

Tuesday 5/31 - The last day of May.  Where does the time go?  Jean was back at work (from 7-11am) and I eventually went to the gym to workout.  Also, Patty safely arrived home from her trip to Iowa.   

When Maggie and I arrived at the ranch, Jean was down at the barn, so we went down there.  In this photo she is hauling buckets of water to the 30gal tub to top it off for Robbie.

After a little bit, we turned Robbie out into the front pasture with our two Pasos.  At first all three horses were more interested in eating grass in the shade than meeting each other.

Then when Amiga decided to approach Robbie, Zorro decided he needed to go too.  In this (video) you can see Zorro protecting Amiga by getting between her and Robbie.  Robbie's little warning kick was all they needed to know to give her space.  Fortunately the Pasos know the language so no contact was even made.

In fact, Amiga and Zorro turned and went off in a different direction, leaving Robbie on her own. 

Then Maslo started 'hollering' and it wasn't long before Robbie realized she could go over and meet the three boys (boarder's geldings). 

And soon, they were all off and running, while our two Pasos, who need the exercise, were just munching down on grass.  Both these photos are screen shots from Jean's (video), so aren't in great focus.  Robbie is not interested in our two, but is really drawn to the boarders’ three geldings, especially Maslo! 

I was not feeling the energy to do yard work, so decided to enjoy ranch life and rest in the hammock.  In the shade, with the cool breeze blowing, it was delightful. 

I did finally get productive and do some weed whacking, until the battery died.  I also watered all the new trees, flower beds, and garden.  I went down to feed Robbie, who had been doing a lot of pacing, and was glad to see her get a big drink from her water tub.

Jean and I had been working on, and finally finished this puzzle after Maggie and I joined Jean for dinner.

Before leaving the ranch for the night, Jean and I went down to put Robbie in her stall. 

She is such a pretty horse, but her anxious behavior worries me and scares me a little bit.  I helped Jean groom Robbie, who became much calmer once tied  in the barn. 

Of course the three boys, led by Maslo, came running down to their back paddock to see Robbie.

Wanda and Maggie decided to stay out of the way. 
And Wanda tried to get a little lovin' from the dog. 

It was after 8:00 when I got home and I still had chores to do and a shower to take.  So it was nearly 10pm when I went to bed.

Wednesday 6/1 - Hello June.  I had an 8am doctor's appointment and am going to be switched to yet another (much better) medication (that insurance wouldn't cover until I tried the other two) to help my bones.  I was sent for a quick blood draw to check my kidney function and then will be referred to an oncologist who will give the Prolia (two injections per year). 

I had debated going to the gym, but decided my energy would be put to better use working in the yard.  So as soon as I got home I mowed until the mower ran out of gas.  It had to cool before adding gas and being able to restart it again.  So then I cut down a red bud tree that had gotten quite large and was crowding the pine in the front bed (above photo after I finished).  And I also really cut back this other red bud
that had also gotten too large (seen in both photos) at the corner of this bed. 

After I finished mowing the front and side yard I scooted off to work at the pool.  Jean (who took this photo of me working hard/hardly working) came out, and later Patty and Shirley, to enjoy some sun and cooling water.  I had a good crowd and the time went fast. 

Jean had also sent me a video that I got this photo from.  She was giving Robbie (who had again been pacing a bunch, and was all hot and sweaty)  a hosing off. 

I got home at 6:20 and was greeted by this hungry crew. 

I did not have the energy, or much time to do all my chores before hitting the hay early, unable to keep my eyes open at my computer or while reading in bed.

Thursday 6/2 - The dog had gotten 'sick' overnight, so I woke to some messes (diarrhea).  I wondered why she had barked in the middle of the night - guess she wanted (needed) to go outside. 

I was hoping to get rained out of work but one pop-up shower just before opening is all we had, even though it threatened a few times during the day.  So my 9-2 shift was very quiet and kind of drug. 

I didn't take any photos all day, so these two are ones Jean had sent me.  Robbie was more relaxed and in closer proximity to Amiga and Zorro when Jean put them all out on the front pasture together first thing in the morning.

The little storm had Robbie pacing again, but once it cleared she settled back down.  However, she spent the afternoon pacing once again.  She is walking off any calories she is taking in and it can't be good on her joints turning back and forth so much.  Ugh.  We can't figure out what is causing her anxiety.   

I came home after work and immediately walked the dog (who still had diarrhea but hadn't made any messes while I was at work).  I changed, ate, and was back out the door 45 minutes later.  First I had to go to the vet to get a replacement shot for the vaccine we needed to give Zorro.  (Patty and Jean had given Amiga her shot the day before, but the other syringe had turned from pink to amber and they weren't sure it was any good.)  Then I went in search of Robbie's specific type of feed.  The Feed Store did not have it.  I had already tried Tractor Supply and Rural King.  I returned a bag I had bought that Michelle said would work, but I later decided it would be best to get her the exact gastric care food she is used to.  I had no luck and couldn't even get the stores to special order any for me. 

Giving up on horse feed for the time being, I hit Walmart and then headed to the ranch.  I dropped off another water bucket for Robbie and bag of feed for the chickens.  Jean and I chatted about Robbie and just weren't sure what her 'problem' was or what to do about her anxiety.

This is so true about horses.  However, trying to keep a horse happy, healthy, sound, etc. is not always an easy task.  And the worries they create can sometimes steal the joy they provide.  Jean and I were both starting to feel a little overwhelmed and worn down. 

Friday 6/3 - I had been up from 1 to 3am, and then didn't wake up until 6:30.  I felt like part of my morning was already lost.  I worried about Jean being too stressed, Robbie too anxious and loosing weight, and Amiga getting fatter now that we have given her more pasture time.  I often wish I had never brought our Paso's to the ranch.  The added responsibility and time to care for them is getting to me.  I don't have the time (to ride) that I used to.   It was nice when Judy had an eye on them at Wildwood, and helped with the decisions concerning their care.  And now there is Maggie I am concerned about, and carpet stains to keep working on.

I was also bummed when leaving the ranch the night before, when I noticed Jim had cut down several trees, some quite big, that were right near his drive.
  And I am still ruminating over our shrunken pond.

On a happier note, my morning was blessed with this visit from a mother and her fawn, who later played in the creek for a bit.  And notice the chipmunk on the rock.

I decided to skip the gym and go to the ranch to walk our Pasos, who need the exercise as much or more than I do.  I started with Zorro and walked the perimeter of the field and then up the drive, back to their 'dry' lot.  Amiga followed us the whole way, while Robbie chose to stay put and eat, after pacing for a few minutes.  Amiga was next and Zorro followed us (seen here).  

Then I took Amiga to the barn and groomed her, fly sprayed, and applied swat on sores and belly, as I had done with Zorro.  I also massaged coconut oil into her mane and tail hair roots.  Then I walked her around the short loop that ends going up Eli Ford to home.  Photo and (video) of us on Marmaduke. 

As I was walking Amiga down the drive towards the barn, I saw Jean saddling up Robbie.  So I tied Amiga in the barn and got some photos of the Jean on Robbie. 

I couldn't decide on which pose, so have included them all to give a view of Robbie's head and neck in different positions.  She is very pretty.  Jean is cute too. 

When Jean moved from the round pen to the barn yard, I got Amiga and went out with them, taking photos and (video) while Amiga grazed. 

You can see Zorro up in the front pasture and hear him hollering in the video. 
I had wanted to hop on Amiga and join Jean, but didn't have time because I needed to get going to work. 

Jean rode Robbie up the drive and I walked Amiga, while Zorro followed us up the fence line from inside the front pasture. 

I turned Amiga out in their dry lot and then cleaned manure from it.  This egg (unknown variety) was laying out in the open on the ground.  I am thinking another bird kicked it out of a someone else's nest. 

I had to keep moving, going home to walk Maggie, eat lunch, pack my dinner, change into pool clothes and get to work on time.

It was a beautiful day at the pool and I was surprised I didn't have more customers.  At the end of my shift I helped Rob put on the pool cover.  (He has been hired specifically for this job.)  I  got home after 6:30.

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