Friday, September 23, 2022


We've had such beautiful weather, I am savoring every minute of it, enjoying it to the fullest.  (So as not to get questioned on spelling:  Savor and savour are both English terms.  Savor is mostly used in American English, while savour is mainly used in British English.) 

When looking up the term savoring, (the capacity to focus on pleasant experiences in order to intensify and prolong the experience of positive affect) it is clearly a process.  And of course there were many suggestions on how to improve your savoring ability. 

Also there were several reasons why savoring experiences is good for you: 
It will increase your happiness, improve your overall health and well-being, cause you to be appreciative, assist you in making positive life choices, and help you to feel satisfied. 


So, I am trying harder to tune into the good things in life, being completely absorbed in the moment, and making them memorable (through blogging) which also enables me to share them with others.

Excuse me while I take another sip of my wonderful cup of tea... yuuuummmm. 

Saturday 9/17 - I had morning chores at the ranch so after posting last weeks blog before sun up, I hit the road (with tea in hand) and arrived at the ranch as the chickens were waking from their night of slumber.  After opening the coop door to let them out for the day, I retreated to the sun room to savor the sunrise and my tea.  And look at my sweet dog gazing at me.

Soon I went out to feed Robbie and throw a flake of hay to Amiga and Zorro.  As I was going back in to read and wait for Joe to come out, I caught these photos of Zorro.  What a silly boy. 

He reminds me of Mr. Ed. (the talking horse). 

Look at his tongue sticking out in the second photo.  What a silly boy. 

At 9am I groomed each horse and applied fly spray and fly masks and then opened up the gate to the pasture for them. 

Then I noticed a chicken loose in the yard.  Thank goodness Maggie didn't see it. 

So I quickly caught her and put her on the correct side of the fence.  I hope she relished in her short time of freedom.  I guess it's time to cut wings again.

I still had time before Joe was coming out, so took Parm for a walk.  He likes to savor all the smells of the big outdoors. 

When he was sniffing the leaves of the hydrangea, I noticed a little creature on one of the leaves.  Can you see it? 

A cute little tree frog.  I noticed a few more during our walk, and again later when I was watering ALL the trees, shrubs, flowers and veggie gardens.

Once Joe arrived we set to work putting hardware on all of the shed Windows.  

This involved hook and eye bolts to hold the windows open this time of year, and closed (seen in photo) come winter.  It was not easy because you have to have the eye hole line up just right for the hook to fit into it. 

Joe also pounded in three foot re-barb rods and fastened them to the ground boards in the middle of each wall, on both sides, to help hold each wall in place.  We want a stable stable.  Bah, ha, ha.

Once Dave arrive to help Joe finish getting the front gate working, I jumped on Amiga bareback and rode back and forth across the front pasture looking for her fly mask.  Come to find out Yvonne had found it and hung it down in the barn.

But I had a fun ride on Amiga even though she was extremely animated and a handful to control at times.  Here she is after a ride the following day, seen in a fly mask that covers her ears.  She was scratching her front foot, and
then her back foot.

I spent the afternoon watering all the trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetable garden.  I filled horse water tubs and buckets and I cleaned all the chicken waters and fed them.  All this takes time, dragging the hoses all around. 

Dave and Joe were unable to get the tractor running, so here it sits, kind of blocking the gate to the front pasture, waiting for a repair man to come from the Kubota dealer. 

After doing some other little odd jobs, I got home for a late feeding time and dinner. Poker Joe was gone so I had a quiet evening at my computer getting started on this blog.

Sunday 9/18 - Babe savoring the sunlight.  It was another beautiful day in the neighborhood.  Patty did chores at the ranch and I had planned to get a bunch of things done around the house before going out there.  I didn't have a lot of time to catch up on blogging because I met Shirley at church. 

I hit Food City on the way home and then decided against starting laundry or yard work because of time constraints and I wanted to get out to the ranch.

Joe had gone to a poker tournament.  I got my four house cats fed very early, litter boxes cleaned, and trash taken out.  I packed up everything I would need for the night and following day and then Maggie and I headed to the country.

Bonnie and Susan came and we put Cowboy in the front pasture with our three horses.  They all got along great.  And actually Robbie buddied up with Cowboy while our two Paso Finos went off on their own.

I pulled Amiga out to take her for a short ride and was curious as to what Zorro and Robbie would do.  They got a little worked up but basically they and Cowboy went about eating grass.  This time I put a saddle on Amiga so I had more control, not having to worry about coming off of her if she got reved up again.  We had a great little ride, with Maggie joining us.  I bumped Amiga up to a canter in two spots where the footing was good.  But I think I wore the dog out.  We weren’t gone too long however.

After un-tacking Amiga, I chatted with Bonnie and Susan for a bit, and then went up to our yard to do evening chores.  I brought the horses in and fed them, got food and water to the chickens, and fed the cat and dog, while enjoying my favorite dinner.  You guessed it, beer and popcorn, which I savored.  Then I took Parm for an evening walk. 

Parm explored the yard as usual checking in on the chickens, and then we went out through the yard gate and took a look at the new front gate.  The cat also enjoyed savoring some grass. 

My cell phone went bonkers while I had been out riding (probably wrong buttons were pushed while it was in my pocket).  So, I was unable to send photos or comments to anybody with Facebook messenger or text messaging, nor could I get into my e-mail.  So I entertain myself doing a little fall decorating while Parm watched. 

I hit the hay earlier than usual and this time, Parm came to snuggle with me.  I read my Janet Evanovich book, but couldn't quite finish it before fatigue won out and I shut off the light.   

Monday 9/19 - I woke at 2am, took my thyroid pill, went to the bathroom, and climbed back into bed, but could not get back to sleep.  I was worried about the horses needing hay because their dry lot grass was almost non-existent.  They have eaten it so short they were now pulling it out by the roots.  Without any rain for awhile, the dry lot is finally becoming just that, a dry (dusty) lot.  So at 2:30am I was out giving the horses each a flake of hay.

I finished my book during my first cup of tea, so started a jigsaw puzzle, getting all of the pieces turned over. 

I enjoyed the sunrise when going out to open the chicken coop at 5:30ish. 

Looking back at the house, the sky to the west was no longer black.  I was ready to get started with my day of work, but waiting for Poker Joe to rise and shine, which happens long after the sun does. 

I got a lot more work done on the puzzle, but then decided to take Amiga for another ride.  Earlier Bonnie had put Cowboy back in the front pasture with our three, and when Yvonne came to ride Robbie, I decided to pull Amiga out also, and see how Cowboy and Zorro would do without the two mares.

The ride was a little slower paced than the day before, but we were out for over an hour.  Maggie had taken off after deer two times, so was really tired when we got back.  Yvonne reported that Cowboy and Zorro did fine without the mares. 

Joe had arrived and was shoveling sand into the new stall when I got back up to the yard. 

This second photo was taken from the stall window, looking towards the old shed.  The trailer is in
the covered aisle way between the two sheds. 

We also put sand in the old shed and then decided to let the sand dry before adding the shavings.  Joe moved the trailer out into the sun so the shavings could dry out also. 

Next we started on window and sill work.
  We filed and then sanded (and even used a small saw and wood plane in some spots) to get the windows to fit better and to smooth out the sills so when the horses scratch their face and neck on them, they won't get splinters.  Joe stayed persistent in calling Kubota every few hours to get the repair man out. 

Finished with windows and sill, Joe left to swim and I tended to chickens.

Today was a record breaking eight egg day.  (There is a golf ball in two of the nests.)  And they had laid six in this one nest. 


As I was gathering up eggs, many of the girls came into the coop.  They were clucking away.  I don't know if they were showing off their eggs, mad I was taking them, or just wanting me to feed them.  LOL

Joe came back, hooked up the trailer, and pulled it back into the
aisle way.  I unloaded shavings while Joe met with the repair man from Kubota.  They dinked with the tractor for awhile and determined it needed a new battery. 

I had unloaded most of the shavings into the new shed, 

and put some into the old shed. 

Because the SUV was hooked to the trailer that I was still unloading, Joe had jumped into my car to go to town to buy a new battery, and it conked out on him.  Neither of us could get it to start.  Some moments just can't be savored.  Uggg! 

Once done unloading all the shavings, Joe parked the trailer in the shop and went to town in the SUV.

At least the four horses (Cowboy & our 3) were getting along so well.  I had to refill their 30 gallon tub with water and then started fertilizing all our flowers, shrubs, and new tree transplants.  This was over an hour long job, but it is not physical work, so I was savoring the late afternoon sun and beauty of our lovely ranch.  Oh, and Joe got my car started. 

After helping Joe with evening chores, I headed home with Maggie, and did all my chores here.  I had beer and popcorn for dinner (again) while playing catch up here at my computer, since I hadn't had internet for over 32 hours.

Tuesday 9/20 - I would have liked to linger here longer, savoring the morning, but I had places to go and things to do.  I did take a moment to photograph the berries on the Redbud by our deck.  Notice its leaves are starting to turn their burgundy color.

I was at the gym before 9am, and did a moderate workout because I was still sore from all the shoveling (of sand and shavings) the day before. 

I ate lunch on the road and got to the ranch by 11:00.  Dave had come out again and helped Joe get the new battery installed in the tractor.  (Joe didn't have the right tools.) 
Once the tractor was running, Joe went out to bush-hog the back pasture (a three hour job) so I tended to the chickens while waiting for Joe to take a break.  So far there were four eggs laid, but one girl deposited her's in this water dish.  Silly hen. 

While getting water for the chickens, I noticed this frog on the water pitcher.  What a cute little thing.  Much more colorful than the green ones the day before.

As soon as Joe took his break (after the first hour on the tractor) he helped me with the next task, of putting a window in the feed room to help ventilate it cause it gets so hot in the summer. 

In this photo, we are in the golf cart making a run back from the shop with tools and wood.

Of course there were a number of difficulties getting the window cut in the two existing wall boards.  At least we didn't have to make a wood window to close the opening.  I think we can leave it as is year round. 

This shows the opening while standing in the old loafing shed, looking into the feed room, and you can see the amount of light there is from the clear roof over the feed room.  Makes it like a green house, but with out much ventilation, it gets way too hot in there. 

I was not at all happy with the top of the frame.  It just looked so sloppy.  So I tried cutting it (while Joe was out on the tractor for his second hour of bush-hogging).  I didn't have the strength or skill to use the saws-all, so worked with a hand saw and wood file.

During Joe's second break, I begged and convinced him to saw off a section of the board that was extending down too far.  Then I took the two previous photos.  Joe headed back out on the tractor and I continued to file the opening.  Still not satisfied, I devised a way to kind of frame the top to get it to look better.  Again, much to Joe's irritation, I convinced him to cut one board for me and screw it in the top as a 'wood cover' to hide the unattractive section.  This photo shows the finished product.  I was savoring getting the job done, even though it wasn't perfect.  It was done.

I had reached the point of exhaustion, but was still wanting to finish up in the feed room.  I hauled another bag of feed in, organized the hay, swept out all the saw dust, and then went to the house to rest and re-hydrate.  While eating a granola bar and downing two glasses of water, I sat resting and did a little more work on the puzzle.  This is as far as I got on it.  When one works a jigsaw puzzle, they don’t really savor the moments while working, but it is quite satisfying to finally find a piece and put it in its place when you’ve been looking for it for way too long. 

Karen and Patty had arrived and started horse chores.  I went out and chatted with them for a bit, showing off the new shed work.  We went down to the barn to see Wanda and look at Joe's placement (that I was not at all happy with) of the new round bale.  It is blocking the tools and shavings. 

We fed the catfish at the lower pond and then went up to the pond by our house and fed those catfish also. 

It was a feeding frenzy.  You can see the feed splashing as it hits the water, and the big mouths of the catfish. 

While the girls did chicken chores, I started watering all our flowers, trees, and shrubs since it has been so hot and dry.  I continued watering after the girls left (Joe and Maggie were already long gone) and then it got too dark.  In the house to strip the bed, do dishes, and clean up the area somewhat, I also grabbed a quick frozen dinner.

Home rather late, the cats got an 8:00 dinner.  Later I got word that Jean had made it safely home from CA, just as I was turning the lights out for the night. 

Wednesday 9/14 - I had plenty of unfinished business out at the ranch, so I decided to go there before my afternoon of work at the pool.  I helped Joe move the old front gate down to the donkey shed behind the barn. 


Then, using the tractor bucket as a lift, I supervised Joe in cutting two branches from this maple tree by the drive.  They were low enough to hit any big rigs (horse trailers) driving under it.

Joe was off to our Flossmoor house to meet the roofing man to look at a leak (one we have repaired three times over the past six years) that is again staining the ceiling in his mancave.

While we had the tractor up near the house, I had Joe loosen and scrape up the hard packed mound of dirt near the new shed.  I worked at raking it up against the water proofed walls (I had sprayed with Thompson Water Seal the day before).  Hopefully this will keep water from washing (draining) in under the shed and getting the floor wet.  Zorro and Amiga decided to hang out (and get in the way) while I was working. 

I had to tie the wooden ghost decoration to the stake of the girly pumpkin because it kept falling over. 

And then with what little time I had left before going to work at the pool, I met with Jean to up-date/catch her up with the newest developments out at the ranch. 

The high reached 89° so the pool was packed and many stayed until the last minute before closing time.  I had some of the messiest, and needy guests today, so it took me 45 minutes to move all the lounge chairs back into place and clean up all the messes.  I can’t wait till our pool closes September 30th.  I need a seven month break from this job.
After a busy afternoon of work at the pool, and coming home and getting all my household chores done, primarily pet care, I figured I deserved my favorite dinner and some time playing games on the computer.

Thursday 9/15 - I was up at 2am taking my thyroid pill and then couldn't get back to sleep.  UGH!

After my first cup of tea, and finished with my daily blog post from yesterday, I started in on games.  And I got Wordle on the second guess.  Savoring, basking in, and marveling at my accomplishment, I just have to brag. 

I had a wonderful, relaxing morning working at the pool.  It had cooled off considerably, so there was a small crowd of mostly the usual clientele.  And I got a thank you note and tip (which I am not supposed to take) from a group of my beloved regulars.  I told them I couldn't accept the money, but was told it was from a collection from many and couldn't be returned to each giver.  So, shhh, I am now a little wealthier.  But it's not the money that makes me feel richer, it's the love and positive comments and complements.  I regret letting the annoying, demanding, self-serving guests get me so grumpy.   

I went straight to the ranch after work and got busy raking, smoothing out, and preparing the ground for seed.  It was very hard with lots of clumps of unyielding clay, so I really had to work with shovel, hoe, and rake to get it loose and smoothed out. 

I got it all seeded and then went down to the shop to sweep up old hay off the floor to use to cover the seed.  It was so windy, I had to use the hose to wet it down as I spread the 'straw' over the seed.

This photo of Mama Styx back home was taken later.

I did a few other little jobs and then went into the ranch house to clean up for dinner.  Patty arrived with Maggie (who had been cooped up in the mancave all afternoon) and Joe arrived (from golf) with pizza.  Jean tossed together a salad and we enjoyed a meal together before our ranch business meeting.

Home at 8pm, my four cats got a late dinner and soon I was in bed for the night, with some of them joining me.

Friday 9/23 - I was slower than usual to rise, finally getting my needed quota of sleep.  Mama Styx likes distracting me, and making me laugh. 

I also had a decent go at Wordle, guessing it on the third try.  By 8:30 I was cleaning house (a little) and making the guest bed before heading to the gym.

I was out at the ranch just after noon and Jean and I were soon out on the trail with Robbie and Amiga.  We decided to try and take the Holly Trail to Wildwood Stables, knowing the creek crossing was going to be a challenge.  We got off at the top of the steep hill and walked our horses down.  This photo was taken at the bottom, by the creek, which Robbie had spotted and already was getting anxious about the water. 

Jean had a halter and lead rope on Robbie and started working with her.  Jean walked in the creek, trying to get Robbie to follow.  Amiga and I were on the bank behind them, waiting and watching. 

Robbie was not willing to try crossing.  So then Amiga and I went across and waited on the other side, which is when I took these two photos. 

Finally, maybe somewhere around 15 minutes, Robbie committed to crossing, by collecting and jumping over most of the span of water.  We got on and rode them up the hill on the other side. 

We stopped halfway up the hill at the level area, looking out at the 14th tee box.  Something (probably the sound of golfers) attracted Robbie's attention. 

Look how pretty her head set and ears are when she is so alert.  She really isn't a spooky horse, but she does stay very tuned in to her surroundings and sometimes gets a little anxious. 

We came out of the woods on the Holly Trail and turned onto the livery stable's trail, heading for the barn at Wildwood.  

We hit yet another water obstacle I had forgotten about.  The big water/mud puddle under the power line.  With a little more time and effort, Jean got Robbie to cross it, mostly going around it. 

Continuing on our way towards the barn, I called to see if there was a trail ride out and gave the staff a heads up as to our where-a-bouts. 

We decided to turn around before getting too close to the barn because we didn't want their dogs to follow us.  It is always nice to trot/gait down this stretch along the old bean field.

Getting Robbie through the two water crossings heading back to our ranch was much easier.  There is always more motivation on the horses part when you are headed towards their home. 


We stopped at the barn to put halter and lead rope on our horses and then took them up and tied them to the trailer to un-tack, putting saddles etc. in the trailer. 

We had left Cowboy in the front pasture with Zorro.  Zorro seemed much more content when we left on the mares.  He did not get all up-set.  When we got back, he and Cowboy were in the corral shed.  Zorro nickered but still did not 'holler' or pace. 

We did a little trailer practicing.  Amiga did slam backwards into the butt bar once, which really gets my heart rate and adrenaline up.  And she went flying off one time when asked to step back to off load her.  I then worked some more, getting her to load and off load slowly several times.

Once the mares were back in with the boys, Zorro joined up with Amiga and Cowboy stayed closer to Robbie. 

Robbie likes Cowboy, but still prefers to be with Amiga, if Zorro will let her. 

Looking at their butts (left to right), you can see the lighter brown Zorro, red brown Amiga, and dark brown Robbie. 

Jean and I went into the ranch to re-hydrate and rest.  Then it was back out to fill the 30 gallon water tub in the front pasture and I mucked our sheds and dry lot. 
Jean helped me at feeding time and took Cowboy back down to his paddock to be with Rio and Maslo. 

I was home just before 6pm and did all my household chores in addition to a little extra cleaning. 

Joe was off playing poker and he later went to Nashville to pick up Mike at the airport.  I was briefly woken by them when they got home at 1:18am.

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