Friday, September 9, 2022

Sliding Into

Saturday 9/3 - Marked the one year anniversary of Mom's passing.  I like this George Carlin quote, and feel like Mom lived this way; having a very fun, exciting, and enjoyable life.  She lived it to the fullest. 
I hope to finish out my life this way also. 

Well, we went sliding into the holiday weekend with pouring rain starting about midnight and continuing through Saturday early afternoon.  It did let up occasionally, giving us a chance to walk the dog.  Courtney took this photo of Maggie at dinner time. 

Kevin and Dave were planning to put the walls on the shed, but that appeared to be a wash out.  At least Courtney still planned to come mid-afternoon, while I was at work. 

Before lunch, I did my cooking for the night’s dinner, but I could only bring myself to do a little house cleaning.  Then I headed to the ranch with the evening's meal.  I couldn't stay long because I had to get to work.  I was feeling very frustrated with the weather, but then it cleared off.  By 4:00, Jean and Courtney came to sit out at the pool and enjoy some sunshine while I worked. 

Kevin and Dave did make it out to get started on the shed walls.  Unfortunately, it was pretty muddy where they were working (Joe's photo). 

When the girls got back from the pool, Jean took this photo of Courtney and Joe when they were helping her with chores.  They had to move our three horses (feed buckets, hay and water) down to the corral where they would be staying the night because of the construction mess up at their shed. 

I didn't get off work until after 6pm because I had one customer who lingered there that long.  Dave and Kevin were finishing up the second wall of the shed when I went out to look at their progress. 

The weather did not look good for continued construction over the next two days, but who knows.  The trailer of wood, and some ladders were left parked by the shed with hopes to work on it the next day.

We enjoyed spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread for dinner and then watched (what ended up being a rather corny movie) 'A Fine Step,'  about a Paso Fino and the World Championship competition.

Sunday 9/4 - It stormed overnight and was a rainy, gloomy morning.  I baked sweet rolls and was out delivering them to the ranch by 8:30.  Jean and I started a 1000 piece puzzle and waited for the rain to stop and Courtney to get up.  We were planning to go for a ride. 

When the rain let up for a bit, I went down to open the gate to the front pasture.  Amiga and Zorro were in the little shed and Robbie was trying her best to join them, under cover from the rain.

Well, our ride was basically a 'wash out' because it either was rainy, threatening to rain, too muddy, slippery wet; or we were busy and having fun with family.  We also gave up on the shed build and cleaned up all the construction debris and let the horses back into their paddock so they could take cover from the rain if they chose.

Dan arrived with Ava about 11:30 (Vale came a little later, from the opposite direction, after a girls weekend away). 

With (or without) the bright colors, these two brightened our day.

Since it wasn't raining when they arrived, we walked down to the barnyard to see the horses. 

I was carrying the metal manure rake down to clean out the corral pen where our three horses had spent the night.

Most of these photos I have included from our day were taken by Courtney and Jean. 

Ava is so curious and adventuresome. 

Tia Courtney with Maggie and Ava. 

Ava was excited to have her Mama arrive, and Vale likewise, was happy to see Ava.
Daniel was now 'sporting' his new shirt from Courtney. 

We had to teach Maggie that Ava's toys were not dog toys.

Ava says hi to Parm, who decided to hang out with us (rather than hide in Jean's room) but he stayed at a safe distance. 

We had lunch, worked the puzzle, watched Ava play and explore, played with her, and there was also a nap time for many of us. 

What a sweet, precious, cute little girl.

After Ava woke from her nap, the rain had actually stopped, so we went out to see the chickens. 

The chicken adventure started first with feeding them.  Ava was an expert at flinging the oats (video). 

Hummmm, what is this that the chickens think is so tasty?  Watch out for Babe, the black hen with the brownish head, she'll peck your fingers or toes. 

Then it was into the coop to look for eggs.  Ava inspects and handles one very carefully. 

We found four eggs, all different sizes and color. 

We ended our chicken adventure with an up close experience with three of them.

This is Freddie, who Ava's cousin Arie named. 

And this is Babe, who you have to keep an eye on because she will peck you if you aren't careful.  She got Courtney right in the back of her calf while we were standing there.

Gloria is one (of the two) of our buff colored hens. 

Next, Ava tried her luck at catching one... not even getting close, but giving them a run for their money. 

Before long, Dan and Vale needed to pack up their two vehicles and hit the road for Murfreesboro.

Joe wasn't too far behind them in his departure, taking Maggie with him.  We three remaining girls (Courtney, Jean and I) had various leftovers for dinner and then finished this 1000 piece puzzle. 

I still had to take care of Patty's cats, and then also feed mine when I got home.  So they all had a late dinner before I went to bed.

Courtney had given Jean and I these bags that are designed for cats to lay in.  Monita didn't exactly get it.  But Stevie had the right idea.

Labor Day Monday  9/5 - I slept well with gentle rain (not storms) overnight.  I woke at 4:30, ready to seize the day.  But it rained most of the morning.  Jean sent this photo, taken yesterday, with Zorro and Robbie drinking out of the 30 gallon tub together.  How sweet.  I did do a load of laundry and some house cleaning. 


I also got this Ava up-date.  She sure loves nature and to explore her world.

Jean and I had planned to ride, but I was slipping into the possibility of scratching the plan for the day.  However, we are here to encourage each other, so with Jean's motivation, I drove to the ranch in a drizzle, to go for a ride.

The rain had subsided for most of our ride, with some light sprinkles at one point. 

The trail was wet so we kept the pace at a walk, and still there was a little slipping and sliding, by Robbie mostly. 

But this was also a great time to practice some water crossings, and Jean made some good progress with Robbie. 

The footing was better under the power lines where it is mostly gravel and sand, but the lines were really 'buzzing' today. 

We finished our ride, close to two miles, in 30 minutes and called it quits because Robbie had done so well.  Shortly after finishing, the rain started up again. 

I went to Patty's on the way home and then had time for a third nap (yes three in one day) when I got home.  These rainy, gloomy days do this to me. 

Eventually I was off to Mirror Lake Blast, which had been postponed an hour because of the rain.  Joe and Jean joined me and we sat right up front in the gravel area because the grassy hill was wet and slippery. 

Soul Soup (one of the favorite bands we have play here) was finishing up the summer season of Monday night concerts.  I felt bad it was such a small crowd, but they still played their hearts out and put on a great show.

We did get one more short, light rain sprinkle, but then it was a beautiful night.  The crowd did not rush to get up and dance, but that didn't slow Jean and I down.  And by the second set there were lots of people up dancing. 

And even Joe joined me on the dance floor for a slow song. 

The band played until a little after 9:00 because they had gotten such a late start. 

It was a fun night, well worth chancing a little rain. 
After dancing, I have troubles winding down, so bedtime was not until 10:30pm. 😮

Tuesday 9/6 - Jean sent this photo of Robbie... can you see what is in the background?  I couldn't on my phone, even when Jean sent this second photo.  I have an older, small screen phone, but it fits so nicely into my pocket. 

I went dragging, off to the gym. 
I made it through my workout, but it seemed like hard work.  I hit the hardware store again on the way home.

After a big, late lunch, I still felt exhausted, so went out on the porch and laid down on the porch swing to read.  Stevie was up on my chest right away for some snuggles. 
And Monita was on the corner shelf (tummy sagging) keeping me company also. 

Just after the barking dog woke me from what had already been a 70 minute nap, Joe came to tell me that Kevin and Dave were on their way out to the ranch to work on the shed.

Joe took off to get the trailer up to the shed for them.  I cleared the sleep from my eyes, packed up some stuff (including Maggie) and was about 30 minutes behind.

Patty and Shirley had just arrived home, but since I was going to be at the ranch, I offered to do chores for Patty so she could settle in at home.  

Jan had come to visit Polly, so Maggie and I went down to say hi.  We three ladies chatted for quite awhile and 'manned the gate' while Joe came through on the tractor with several scoops of manure. 

It was wonderful to see and talk with Jan, and Maggie thought so also.  Jean had gone to get pizza while Joe and I were down at the barn, so we headed up to be ready to eat when she got home.  
Well, Kevin and Dave ran out of nails and generator power, so had to call it a day.  They got the third wall up and had started on the windows during
today's efforts. 

I absolutely love the cute windows.  They are much fancier than I pictured, but Dave is a carpenter by trade, so he made them quite nice. 

After the guys packed up and left, we enjoyed our pizza.  Just as I was putting Maggie in the car to head home, Jan came up the drive.  So I showed her our new shed (what's done with it so far). 

Then we caught Amiga and Robbie reciprocating a scratch.  This show of fondness is an indicator of their trust in each other.  But it ended with some squeals and a little kicking out by Robbie. 

It was dark when I got home, and I was ready to call it a day, although I did throw sheets from the guest bed into the wash.

Wednesday 9/7 - I moved laundry into the drier and made the guest bed once the sheets were dry.  Then I had to get to the ranch to meet the farrier.

I was there by 9:30, and moved all three of our horses from the front pasture to the round pen.

Chris was done with our horses by 11:30, leaving me almost two hours of time before going into work.  So I decided to revamp our drainage around the sheds. 

This old ditch we had made (photos from October 2021) was allowing water to seep under ground, into our new shed. 

So I started first removing gravel then the gravel/dirt mixture to get down to the old trench (seen below). 

Looking back on the old photos now, I realize I probably didn't go deep enough.  Shoot!

Then (with the help of the tractor) I moved some of the hard, less permeable, clay type dirt into the old ditch. 

Finishing up, I raked the gravel up to the clay 'berm,' and covered the clay with old hay.  I guess the next big, heavy rain will tell whether this is sufficient enough to keep the water from running (mostly underground) into the new shed. 

I clocked in at work at 1:20 and was clocking out at 5:10.  The days have gotten colder, and so has the water, even though we are covering it at night, so we are not getting as many customers at the pool. 

Joe, with Tango and Mike, both whom he picked up in Nashville, rolled in at 6:15.  Soon Mike and Joe were off to play poker. 

I hung out with the cats and dogs.  Walking two dogs is a little trickier than one, but manageable, which I did before hitting the hay at 8:30. 

Thursday 9/8 - I was up at 4am, having gotten almost seven hours of sleep.  I ran to Food City at 6:30 to get something for the afternoon potluck at the pool, in addition to some breakfast and lunch stuff for the guys here at the house.  The store wouldn't sell me beer however, because it was before 8am. 

At 8:45 I left for work at the pool, as the guys were preparing for their day of golf and poker. 

I helped Donna and DJ get set up for the pool party and then clocked out at 1:30 to join in on the fun.  I over ate at the potluck, and indulged in a second beer.  The party was a lot of fun, and I was happy that so many people were really enjoying themselves. 

I got home at dinner time, but did not need to eat any more food.  The boys were at poker, so I didn't need to worry about feeding anyone, except the cats and dogs.

After the dogs post dinner walk, I relaxed out on the porch swing and read awhile.  All six fur babies hung out with me. 

Jean sent this photo as I was hitting the hay.  I was asleep before Mike and Joe got home sometime around 8:30. 

Friday 9/9 - I was up at 4:00 again, getting my seven hour quota of sleep.  Jean sent this photo later in the day, of Polly riding Rio.  I love seeing my boarder friends enjoying their horses and our ranch.

I hit the gym earlier than usual, at 8:30.  And later Mike and Joe left for a day and night of golf and poker. 

I had a good workout, shower and early lunch.  I walked the dogs and then Shirley picked me up at 11:45.  We grabbed Patty and then went to the start of the 'Treasure Hunt' we participated in.  We had ten puzzles, each that gave us a clue to the next location where we had to answer a question, and then open an envelop (on the correct side) and work the next puzzle.  Shirley drove and we went racing off to the next location.

We were pretty fast, sliding into Robin Hood Park at the end with our completed puzzles etc. in an hour and 43 minutes.  (All teams were allowed three hours to finish.)  But, we only got 25 out of 28 points, so did not place very well because several other teams did much better.  We had a light meal and once all teams got back by the 3:30 dead line, there was the awards ceremony. 

For some reason I was pooped-out once I got home at 4pm.  So I read out on the porch swing and took a short nap.  Three cats in the first photo. 

The forth cat and Tango in the second photo.

Everybody got fed at 5:30, I started a load of laundry, and did some cleaning up around the litter boxes and in the kitchen. 
Then I worked here at my computer until 8:30. 

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