Friday, October 28, 2022

Color My World

There are so many things that color my world with love and happiness.  And even though life can seem a little dark or gray at times, the black only makes the bright colors more vibrant.

This photo of Dartmoor Marina was taken by Steve Kraft last week.  I love all the colors!

However, now our seasonal colors are diminishing as leaves fall from their trees and turn from reds, yellows, and orange - to brown while they lay on the ground.  And the trees are starting to look bare as they prepare for the inevitable transition to winter. 

Saturday 10/22 - Joe had arrived home with Tim after I had gone to bed.  The morning plan was to go for a quick ride before their tee time at noon.  First I scooted off to the gym to finish the other half of my workout I had quit early on the day before.  Knowing I only had ½ the machines to do, really helped me to push through and get in a good workout. 

Tim on Zorro and I on Amiga, rode a short two mile loop in about 40 minutes.  Tim did great on Zorro, who was very well behaved. 

Joe insisted Tim wear Joe's ranch hat for this last photo as we arrived back at the trail that goes into our property.  Amiga just wanted to get home so was not holding still for the photo. 

I have to brag about today's Wordle accomplishment, because I rarely guess the word by the third try. 
And this word is a good reminder to me: I know I often go on in a spiel in these blog posts, but am really going to try to shorten my talks.

Courtney arrived (with lunch from Buc-ee's for all of us) shortly after Tim and Joe left to golf.  We visited while we ate and then went out to fetch our horses. 

Zorro always comes when called.  Amiga is a little more stand-offish.  And Robbie is good for Jean. 

It didn't take us long to tack up, do a little round pen work, and then hit the trail. 

It was another beautiful fall day and warm enough for just t-shirts.  But notice the woodland color had plummeted. 

Another wonderful ride was had by all, with the three horses being very well behaved. 

I really enjoy seeing others having fun on their horses. 

Robbie was already worried as she approached the 'water hazard.'

But she went through it fairly willingly for Jean.  Progress is being made. 


And here is a photo and (video) Jean shared. 

We rode the same path I had taken with Tim two hours earlier, only we took the loop in the opposite direction. 

The remainder of the afternoon was spent relaxing at the ranch house.  We worked on a jigsaw puzzle, and at one point Jean entertained Courtney and I, as she went through her Halloween dress-up box.  She reminisced about days gone by, but Parm was not willing to 'dress-up' as he had years ago. 

I left to go to the last concert of the season at The Grove (Mirror Lake) and Courtney accompanied Jean with chores.  Maggie & Wanda also tagged along with them. 

I met Joe and Tim at the concert and was surprised at the size of the crowd.  It was a great night for listening to music though. 

The band was a Allman Brothers Tribute Band.  They only played a few good dance tunes and most of their music was too 'head banging' for me. 

I didn't recognize any songs, except Midnight Rider and they didn't even play Ramblin' Man.  I did like this light display on the front of the key-board guys 'piano.' 

We left the music event early and went to the ranch to finish the evening around the bonfire.  It was Jean, who took this photo of Joe, Tim, Courtney, and I. 

And as usual, a bonfire, with boys and booze, isn't complete without smoking a cigar. 

We girls, including Maggie, enjoyed the warmth of the fire, just staring at the flames and chatting about the past and some future plans. 

Courtney had to be on the road for home to Nashville by 8:30, and the rest of us left at that time also. 

The boys settled in front of the TV in the living room and I fell asleep to the 'tune' of a football game. 

Sunday 10/23 - My day included church with Shirley and a ride with Jean.  As you can see in this photo, much of the fall woodland color has faded, but I was trying to capture the pretty red tree up above Jean. 

More leaves have fallen, making it more difficult to see our footing. 

We went 3.9 miles in 1:31 hours.  Stopping to rest our horses and teach them to stand quietly, Robbie nuzzled Amiga.

We did come across this colorful spot at one of the ends of the many cul-de-sacs we rode. 

Not only was the foliage pretty against the beautiful blue sky, but the white lichen under foot was also a nice contrast. 


So, of course we took several photos. 

We were nearing home at the time, so our horses were wanting to get back to the barn and Zorro.  Well, actually probably just back to eating out in the pasture.

It was chore night for me so I took this photo when going out to muck in the dry lot and sheds.  Notice the oak is a pretty red, while the tree next to it has lost all its leaves. 

I started watering everything that has been planted since we moved in because we are still in a drought situation.  We have only had ¼ inch of rain since Sept. 11th.  And it has been quite warm again this month. 

Joe and Tim had gone to the Titan's game in Nashville and I got a photo up-date from them.  No doubt, they were having a good time. 

The sun was setting when I got home (which it has been doing a lot earlier these days).

I went out to get a photo of the colorful clouds.


I returned to our backyard and the deer followed me, coming in search of the cracked corn no doubt.  They waited patiently at a safe distance while I got the scoop of corn and put it on the rocks down back. 

I got this photo up-date from Courtney who was at an evening concert in Nashville with her friend Sarah. 

Between the noon football game and the 7pm concert, I could only imagine what the Nashville traffic was like. 

This photo up-date was from Britney showing a huge grasshopper in Nicaragua.  She had arrived there (with students) after a 11½ hour bus ride.  I can't fathom doing that either.

And of course an Ava up-date made my day complete.  I could see myself sitting on Tango's dog bed with this sweet girl, reading a bedtime story. 

Monday 10/24 - The day started with an up-date from Carol.  The three hens were doing well but Hercules
had passed away on her farm in Indiana, peacefully in his sleep last night.  And actually, this was a good thing for the poor old boy.  Hercules (the county 4-H champion), that we adopted the fall of 2009 and was 13 or 14 years old, had become blind in both eyes and had stopped eating several days ago.  Hercules has crossed the rainbow bridge.  RIP Buddy.

Walking the dog this morning, I noticed many beautiful maple leaves in and among the not so pretty brown oak leaves.  I picked some up and put them on the garage floor for this photo. 

This is another nice photo that Patty sent from the night before.  Color my world yellow and brown with grass, leaves, horses and Maggie.

I didn't get to the gym until noon, but it was mostly empty and I got in a decent workout.

I hit Food City and then Patty's on the way home. 

It was 4pm by the time I got home, so I decided against yard work, needing to eat a late lunch/early dinner, and then settling in favor of a relaxing evening here. 

Look what trouble maker swiped Joe's chair in the Mancave just after I got up out of it. 

Joe and I had been discussing a ton of things
(e-mails we needed to send to various individuals, the future of our ranch, our Will, holiday plans, etc. and even the night's dinner and TV plans).

We watched two hours of the Epstein files.  It is very scary what power and money can buy, and enable someone to get away with.

Tuesday 10/25 - The light in the back woods can really affect the brilliance of the colors.  These photos were my view out each side of my corner desk windows. 

I had an early (big) lunch then ran some copies of legal documents off at the Center.  I got to the ranch just as Jean was getting off work. 

While Jean got lunch and was putting together a trial Halloween costume, I watered all the plantings again, not trusting the forecast for rain.  I took this photo after directing Joe on where to put the scoop of crush/run gravel by the shop, that he had just arrived with. 

I was on my way up to the ranch house to see if Jean was ready to ride (not knowing she was working on a costume) and I spotted this.  Now all she needed was her horse, and some adjustments for fake shoulders on each side of her hidden head. 

Today's ride was just
shy of five miles and in just under 1¾ hours.  This photo was taken looking at the pretty red tree across Westchester, at the corner of Lancashire. 

The little dab of red to the right of Jean is a wild Burning bush, which are still quite vibrant in color. 

This photo Jean took as we rode down Lancashire.  You can see a mountain view in the distance, and that there are still some trees holding their colorful leaves.

It had been warm enough that I started out in my 'don't shoot me' bright orange shirt.  But when we got sprinkled on early in our ride, I had to put my long sleeve shirt back on. 

The sun came out and warmed things up again, so the long sleeve shirt came back off.  This is why wearing layers is so helpful.

We had been surprised by three new houses going up on Beachwood and Thrushwood and I realized riding that section of this route will soon be a bad idea.  We try to stay out of the developed neighborhoods and roads.
This is today's map of where we rode.   

Both our horses got quite sweaty, but it was cooling off by the time we got back, with greater cloud coverage and stronger winds, so hosing them off was not a good idea.  They both got a good brushing before going back to pasture with Zorro and Cowboy.

Joe had parked the trailer by the shop and I worked (with Jean's help) at shoveling most of the crush/run onto the area still needing gravel coverage.

I did chores (with Maggie's help) up in our sheds and dry lot and also filled all the water tanks. 

After feeding our three horses, Maggie and I went home to get dinner (for us and the four cats).  Joe was already eating.  

The rain finally came at dusk.  It sounded pretty stormy with the wind and leaves blowing, but really wasn't that bad.  Joe and I watched Survivor.  I fell asleep at 9pm with the sound of rain (and leaves) still hitting the windows and roof.

Wednesday 10/26 - I was at the gym from 7:30 - 9:45am (including showering there).  After a big protein meal, I met Joe at the ranch and we finished emptying the trailer of the crush/run (the brownish gravel in this photo).  So this 'parking pad' is finished. 

I took the back roads (getting this photo) on the way to Patty's from our ranch.  I cared for her two cats, which I will be doing while she is in Iowa for a week. 

Coming back home a different route, I spotted this Japanese Maple beauty, and had to take a photo of it. 

This large (a bit much) Halloween display is near the corner of Snead and Lakeview. 

Right after a late lunch, I took a 90 minute nap, but then had the hardest time fully waking up. 

Finally I got myself outside for some leaf removal.  We only got ½ inch of rain, but it was still quite damp out.  I spent an hour removing six loads (an old king sized sheet, partly full each time) of leaves.  The little fridge in the yard was being defrosted.

Thursday 10/27 - I spent part of my morning writing an important horse related e-mail (that's all I can say about it for now). 

Maggie accompanied me with cat chores at Patty's.  She searched the house whining, looking for Patty, and was so disappointed to only find two cats. 

Next Maggie and I headed to the ranch.  Jean and I planned to ride, but first there was a photo shoot for a costume contest she is in at work. 

Robbie decided to help herself to some hay while waiting on Jean to put away costume stuff.  I was still finishing tacking up Amiga. 

It was another pretty day.  The sky blue color was bright and vibrant.  And the warm sun rays took the chill out of the air. 

Our ride stats: Distance - 3.6 miles
Duration - 1:20

Joe had taken Maggie home with him because she has been getting sore from running with us on our rides.  And with hunting season underway, we don't want any mishaps, even though it is illegal to hunt in the Glade. 

As I pulled out onto Eli Ford (on the way home), these three were riding towards me.  I believe they are from the house just down the road on Chestnut Hill. 

I arrived home with enough time to do some yard work.  Joe decided to let the oasis 'go wild' and has not mowed it the past several months.

I want the oasis and backyard looking nice all winter, so put the mower on its highest setting and went to it.  The very tall grass and leaf coverage made it slow going, but I got it done.  I like the clean cut look.  Now for more leaf removal on the back hill.

In an effort to next clean out and defrost the garage freezer, we had a Stouffer's
frozen lasagna dinner. 
We watched Survivor a little later.
Friday 10/28 - I was awake at 1am, and with too much on my mind, out of bed at 2:00.  I did this Wordle after two cups of tea and blogging.  I could have, should have, would have... ugh!

I like to do these on-line jigsaw puzzles.  The more color, the better.  By 5:30 I was done blogging and playing games, so did some on-line research of the trails Jean and I planned to ride Saturday.

There are many miles of trails to ride in the Ridge Top Trail Area and this doesn't even include the 180 miles of equestrian trails in Big South Fork.

I was at the gym from 7:15-9:45 and then went next door for my annual Medicare wellness check at my doctor's office.

After a hearty lunch, reading and a short nap, I whistled for Maggie and we hit the road.

Jean posted this photo of our lower pond where the boarded horses are.  She said the lighting was exquisite last night.  The colors and reflection are magnificent as well.  What a great photo!

Jean had also posted this photo of Wanda yesterday, National Black Cat day. 

Halfway to the ranch I realized I had forgotten to go to Patty's, so turned around and took care of that first. 

Once to the ranch, Maggie followed Jean and I as we loaded the hay bags and hung them in the trailer, in preparation for our big day tomorrow.  I did horse chores and then sat with Jean and worked the jigsaw puzzle. 

On my way home from the ranch, just after sun down, I had to come to a complete stop for a black bear right in the middle of Chestnut Hill Road, about 20 yards before turning onto Westchester.  It was a pretty good size bear similar to this one shown.  It quickly ran into the woods so I didn't have time to try and take a photo.

I had to clean the small garage refrigerator out, finish drying and folding a load of laundry, and do pet chores before crashing into bed.  Tomorrow was to be a big day.

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