Friday, January 20, 2023

Dull Days

Dull -  Not bright, sharp, lively or spirited; but rather listless, boring, uninteresting, uneventful, drab, lackluster, dim, blah, etc.
Not only are the winter days cold and short, they are often gloomy.  My mood and mind often mirrors the dull days. 

Each day I try to tell myself  'it is a new day' and greet it with joy and enthusiasm.

Saturday 1/14 - You could say my day began at 12:30am, because that was when I was awaken by Joe, and I couldn't get back to sleep.  I computerized (finishing last week's blog) and then read until 3:30, which is when my body decided it was time to return to slumber.  Another three hours and I was up and ready to go at 6:30.  Well, there was no where to go, except back to my computer. 

They say 'never a dull moment' when you have several pets.  But my fur babies do sleep a fair amount.  Mama Styx was resting in my lap while I was at my computer.  But then she saw my hair move and attacked it. 

I was expecting sunshine for part of the day, but it never did happen, which made for a very dull day.  And it only got above freezing for a few hours.

A photo of silly Stevie trying to squish into a small box on the dinner table. 

Even with a dull headache, I finally made it to the gym after ten days off because of this stupid cold.  I was not feeling 100% yet, so dropped five or ten pounds off most of the 22 (stations) machines I do.  I also took more rest breaks, but I got it done. 

Seen left, the screw that broke loose from the huge (and heavy) tiger picture I was hanging back up on the fireplace chimney.  Luckily I was still holding it when it gave way.  It did make for a tense few seconds high up on the ladder, and I scrapped three knuckles on both hands as it slid down the rough siding boards.  But it didn't break and I didn't fall.  However, I now have another fix it job. 😒 

After dinner I continued Christmas take-down, but was frustrated about the broken picture hanger.  I had wanted to get everything back to normal.  And Monita, seen on the card table playing in the things I was trying to pack up, was not helping any.

Eventually I gave up, and sat and watched an hour of Jack Ryan, trying to ignore this big bare wall, along with Christmas 'crap' still needing to be packed up.

Sunday 1/15 - Monita always wants to be part of the action or see what I am up to.  She is 'hiding' among these Christmas decorations I had saved from packing up, to put out for winter furnishings to brighten the dull days.  At the rate I am going, before I get them set back out on the hearth, it will be spring and time to pack them up.

I fixed the picture hanger, needing to remove glue from the screw, so it had broken before.  I got the picture at an estate sale.  I am letting the new glue I used 'set up' for a day or so.

I put stuff back up on the mantel and hooked back up the set of lights under it.  But they were not working.  So, testing each light bulb, I found the offending bulb and replaced it.  If it's not one thing, it's another.   

I spent extra time out at the ranch during chores, conversing with Jean and Patty.  Patty helped me put air in a low tire on the SUV (which I have been driving until I get my car fixed).

I went straight from the ranch to Karen's house, where Patty and I joined her for dinner.  Then we watched the new Top Gun Two.  It was definitely action packed and a thrill to watch.  Photo of two of her three cats playing near by. 

Monday 1/16 - While shifting decorations from one table to another, the little tree came off this bird.  So I took time to hot glue it back on.  It wasn't 30 minutes later and Monita knocked it off the table.  The tree stayed on, but this time the whole wing fell off.  Got the hot glue back out and warmed up.  As I've said, 'it's always 'something.' 

I had a good workout at the gym, and then Joe went with me out to the ranch.  He helped with hooking the trailer of shavings to the SUV.  I was unsure of how the hitch went on the SUV or how to secure this trailer on the ball.  

Joe also came to the realization that he can drive without much pain or difficulty. 

Jean and I unloaded shavings up in our loafing sheds, in the boarders' shed, and the rest in the barn.  Joe mostly sat in the SUV, out of trouble.  I also helped Jean haul hay and water before Joe and I headed home.

Once home, I enjoyed an extra long hot shower, followed by a little nap.  And in the evening, an hour of Jack Ryan (TV) with Joe.  

Tuesday 1/17 - I liked today's calendar quote.  As you can see from the photos below (of Stevie on the ladder)  it was a gray gloomy morning.  This was fine by me because I had a car appointment in Cookeville at 11am and plans to shop on the way home. 

I was at the dealership for 2½  hours.  But my car is now fixed!  It needed a new battery.  The old one wasn't even putting out enough voltage (wattage, or whatever you call the electric current) to run all my sensors which is why the car kept thinking I was not in park and that my brake wasn't pushed in, so it would not start.  The battery wasn't dead, because my lights and windows still worked.  But the battery was not holding much charge. 

Shopping at Walmart in Crossville was a zoo as usual.  By the time I got home and everything out of the car, it was 4:00.  And then I remembered I was going to help Patty with chores.  Shoot.  It was too late, she already had them done.  Thankfully she is very understanding and forgiving.

Getting all my merchandise put away in its correct spot (I am usually quite well organized) I continued in my clean-up mode and cleared the rest of the Christmas stuff out of the living room. 

I set up my winter hearth decor.  Noticed the repaired bird at the top of the one piece.

Joe and I had our usual evening hour spent in front of the TV and fire, with cats and dog.  They napped  while we watched another episode
of Jack Ryan. 


Wednesday 1/18 - Who needs a daily horse photo calendar when you have a sister living at the ranch to send you beautiful photos of the sunrise and your own horses?  But I enjoy the quotes as I pull a new page off my calendar to start a new day.

Early to bed, early to rise (I slept from 7:30pm - 2am).  Getting more than six hours of sleep, I was ready to get up when I woke hours before sunrise.

The tiger picture had been hanging on the wall above the guest bed, to test if the screw on the back of the frame was going to hold.  I figured if it came crashing down, it could survive landing on the bed.  The screw has held for two days, so back up on the chimney the picture went, with a blanket on the hearth below, just in case.  And Maggie photo bombing.  

I was at the gym by 8am, and had a decent workout. 

And I was at the ranch by 11:30.  Parm is always happy to greet me.  The sun had come out for a little while in the morning, brightening the dull sky, but was back behind clouds the remainder of the day. 

It was breezy getting our horses from the back pasture, but once in the woods riding, the temperature was very tolerable. 

Jean rode Robbie up one cul-de-sac that I did not ride, to give Robbie some practice at leaving Amiga and riding out on her own.  Upon their return, Amiga and I were 'hiding' behind this branch.  LOL

During our 1½ hours out on the trail, we had a very enjoyable 4 mile ride.

While Jean did mucking chores in our paddock, I took Parm for a little walk.  Then I enjoyed a little hot tea and puzzle working.

Now that Joe realizes he can drive, he was off for an evening of poker.  Having less than three weeks until we cruise, I took the opportunity (being home alone) to try on swimsuits and coverups.  I found three suits that will work, not too faded and the elastic is still good. 

Thursday 1/19 - We were under a wind advisory.  The trees swaying overhead are a little concerning, and I could only imagine what it was like out at the ranch, where the house sits at the top of the hill.  But it felt balmy out when I walked the dog before 4am. 

This little Chickadee was checking out one of the three wren houses hanging right outside my window. 

He was peeking in through the hole of the house with the broken roof.  Another fix it job I haven't gotten to.

The sun was shining and it reached 60°, but the wind was ferocious much of the day. 

I did an hour on the elliptical at the gym, really working up a sweat.  I also finished packing up all my Christmas 'crap' into these bins and bags. 
And I got it all stowed away up in the attic.

After reading while sipping on tea, taking a nap, and finishing my Amish Christmas mystery, I got back to housework.  I picked up and put away everything else that was sitting around (out of place) in the house, and ran the vacuum.  It felt good to get our home looking like it did pre-Christmas.  Although I still left some snowmen/wintry things out. 

I had an early dinner, fed Maggie, and then we headed out on a long walk, me wearing my ten pound vest.  Rose heard us while out on the library trail and came running.  She proceeded to follow us, so I turned around and she accompanied us home.  I fed her, and while she ate, Maggie and I slipped away again.

Friday 1/20 - We all love watching the different critters that come to my various feeding stations. 

I showered at the gym after my workout, in preparation for the night in Nashville.  Maggie's overnight bag was packed, litter boxes cleaned, water and dry food dishes filled, and Joe and I hit the road at 1:45. 

We arrived at Dan and Vale's and were soon back on the road with he and Ava, to meet Vale, Courtney, and Will at Plaza Mariachi for dinner.

They were setting up for a big show, so were removing tables and chairs and we had to endure the loud, often crackly sound checks they kept doing. 

We enjoyed a very tasty meal and celebrating Courntey's last day of work.  But then Daniel announced, it too was his last day of work... Wayfair laid him off, along with 1,750 other employees (10% of their workforce).  This was Wayfair’s second round of job cuts in less than six months since the retailer let go of about 5% of its workforce in August.  So many retail giants like Wayfair have been forced to slash their workforce and rein in spending to ride out the economic downturn.  😞
We bid Dan and his family goodbye and with Courtney driving, headed to Bridgestone Arena, downtown Nashville.  Will was also with us. 

They handed out glow sticks as we entered the arena, which we had fun with early in the concert. 

We were definitely in the 'cheap' seats, but with the large screens projecting Barry and the sound system, it was an enjoyable event. 

I couldn't believe the energy coming from this 79 year old man, and he looks great.  His voice isn't quite what it used to be, but what a wonderful show. 

Many of our sticks ran out of 'juice' and were dull, no longer very bright.  In this photo, the crowd had on their cell phone lights.  It was amazing how much this lit up the stadium.  Very cool affects.

Courtney dropped us back off at
Plaza Mariachi, where we had left our SUV.  And we got home just before the strike of midnight.

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