Friday, April 14, 2023

Go Hard

I have been known to work hard, and to play hard.  
This week's Blog started with a 'birthday' and Easter celebration weekend, after a week of hard work with the ranch and Co-op. 

There was lots of good, fun, hard play, to join in on, just after we had the ranch 'blind side.'  I was ready and needing to have some fun after the shocking news and at the last minute, hustling to find someone to cover chores on Saturday.   

I was still trying to process the passive aggressive behavior that had occurred towards all of us remaining in the Co-op.  I needed and wanted to 'let it go' and enjoy the weekend, but there remained a 'bad taste' in my mouth so to speak.

Friday 4/7 - Just after I had finalized chore arrangements for Saturday; Courtney, Joe and I headed to Plaza Mariachi where we met Dan, Vale, Ava, Ricardo, Yaneth, and seven others of Vale's family.  Let the good times roll. 

We were slightly ahead of the group, so secured tables and chairs to accommodate the 15 of us.  Then Courtney and I went to this photo spot to take some pictures. 

Lots of photos were taken throughout the evening (and weekend).  Many I used from Yaneth, Courtney, and Vale.

I just love Vale's fun, kind, thoughtful, sweet parents. 

And just look at our precious granddaughter.  What's not to love about her? 

Ava showing Titi Courtney her really cool light up balloon. 

It was difficult to get Ava to sit still for photos.  She wanted to explore everything. 

Alyssa, Ava, and Arie.

Ava had her very own paparazzi. 

Ava loved the balloons and kept squeezing them.

We didn't want her to mess up the cute display so used her other light-up balloon to distract and draw her away. 

Plaza Mariachi has a food court with lots of good choices to buy cuisine and beverages.  These are located around the perimeter and inside are all the tables with a stage up front and another one in the middle. 

I was eventually able to unwind and have fun, and forget the anger and pain of the afternoon caused by the ranch blind side.  I had to 'let it go' and not worry, but be happy. 

Everybody was having a good time. 

After the kids Easter production, telling the story of Jesus in both English and Spanish, there was some singing and dancing.  And then a mini production of Frozen.  Everybody loved the snow at the end.   

More dancing occurred while the party switched gears and the Mariachi band got set up on the middle stage. 

It was also a chance for kids to get their photo with the Frozen cast members, which Ava was not happy about. 

I enjoyed the fun and lively Hispanic music of the
Mariachi band.

Ava had gone from one of us ladies to another, as we all wanted to get our hands on her. 

Daddy Daniel who turned 33 on April 4th, and Ava who turns two on the 12th.  Papaw Joe will be 71 on the 18th.

Ava had a very fun evening, but it was past her bedtime.  So when the
Mariachi band quit we all headed out.  The 30's crowd went downtown Honkey Tonkin' while the young and us old went home. 

Squeeky looking out the living room window, waiting for us when we arrived back at Courtney's around 10pm.

I had stayed up past my sleepy hour, so was not ready to fall asleep.  I read in bed to wait for sleepiness to hit me. 

This is one of the black kittens trying to decide if it was safe to enter the guest bedroom.  After a bit he did, and even hopped up on the bed for a few minutes. 

It was 'lights out' when Joe came up to bed, but
I tossed and turned for more than an hour.  

I went back down stairs and finished and posted last week's blog.  It was 2am but I couldn't stop processing what Polly had done to us.  I started this blog and worked almost an hour before finally going to bed at 3am. 

Friday 4/8 - Thankfully I slept past 7am, getting over four hours of sleep. It was a rainy, drizzly morning, predicted to quit by noon. 

We got to Dan's and set up tables and chairs in the rain.  The bounce house was too wet to play in. 

The party theme was 'The Circus' and everything
was decorated so cute.

Daniel was the Circus Master.  What a fun dad!

Ava is a very beloved, happy, and lucky child... and the cutest little girl. 

While inside waiting on the rain, many photos were taken.

Host and hostess with the mostess...
and the Birthday girl.

Courtney, Joe, Dan and I. 

Yaneth with her three daughters and

Drew, Vale, Ava, Ricardo, Dan, Yaneth, Arie  Dominica, Nick and Alexsys.

Drew, Dominica, and Arie. 

Erica with Ava. 

The kids - Arie, Ava, and Alyssa.

Drew, Oscar, and Ricardo tended to the grilling.  It did clear off for awhile, but not until nearly 2pm, and it was still damp and chilly out. 

But the bounce house was back up and running. 

I even got in for a little bit, which helped warm me up.


Play also continued inside.  Ava really enjoyed the balloons. 

There were plenty of people to play with Ava also. 

Soon Ava and Vale's friends arrived and it was time to put on our party hats and eat.  Actually, eating and drinking occurred most of the day. 

Let's get this party going.

Vale got the big (hostess mama) hat.

Rain had started up again and most of us moved back inside.  Soon it was time to sing happy birthday, eat cake, and open gifts. 

Ava had help from Mom and friends.

Ava took a special interest in Titi Britney's book about butterflies.

The party started winding down and friends leaving, but there were still plenty of family staying to keep celebrating. 

Alyssa spent a great deal of time putting together this tricycle that her family had gifted Ava.  It was just about the perfect size, with room to grow into it, and Ava loved it.

Tango did great during the party, but as things wound down, he took a much needed nap.  


Joe and I headed home, arriving just before 8pm, and I went to bed after getting all my household chores done.  What a fun, busy day, even though the rain put a real damper on things.  Tomorrow was going to be another such day, but I had troubles falling asleep, thinking of all I still needed to get done 

Sunday 4/9 - Happy Easter.  I cleaned house in case there was going to be a tour of our Flossmoor residence later in the day.  After I got the veggies fixed (10:30), I went out to the ranch.  Then I cleaned house out there, helped Joe set up table and chairs, and got ready for the Easter party. 

Joe got the golf cart and gator gassed up and ready to go.  And when Courtney arrived, she hid 150 Easter eggs.  You can see a few here, on and around Mom's memorial bench. 

Courtney found several clever places to hide some of the eggs. 

Courtney also helped me finish up house cleaning and start the ham cooking.

The three cars (with 13 people) from Nashville arrived (about 3pm) and soon the kids got started on the Easter egg hunt.

When Alyssa and Arie heard that one egg had a $20.00 bill in it, they were in high speed Easter egg hunting mode. 

Ava didn't have a chance to compete with the the older girls, but she still made out fairly well, with mom and grandmas helping.  

And she really thought the most fun was to dump the eggs out and put them back in the bucket. 

She had no idea of what was inside the eggs. 

Each of the girls were gifted another Easter basket from Erica, so had more loot to go through.

The Cruize's (especially Yaneth) had prepared most of the food ahead of time, so while the ham and sweet potato casserole baked, people hung out in the yard.

Maggie enjoyed all the extra attention. 

Erica (left) is Yaneth's niece and Alyssa (right) is Erica and Oscar's daughter. 

From left to right in this photo - Drew, Ricardo, Daniel, and Oscar. 

In this photo of us ladies is - Lala (Yaneth's sister), me, Courtney, and Vale.  And in front is Dominica, Yaneth and Erica. 

The hammock was enjoyed, and as you can see, there were plenty of photo opportunities. 

Ava's second cousin Alyssa and cousin Arie. 

Dan who was birthday boy last week. 

Some of our guests went to visit the chickens, who were intrigued by little Ava (video). 

Thankfully none of them pecked her, cause they can be a tad bit assertive, and that could have changed Ava's thoughts about chickens. 

There were gator and golf cart tours (video) and later we used them to 'run' (shuttle people) back and forth between the barn and house. 

I was 'manning' the gates. 

We stopped to feed the fish at the lower pond.

I love that our son is a fun loving, goofy 'kid' and a great husband and dad. 

The bonfire was started in the pit and folks just enjoyed sitting around it. 

There were cheese and crackers and veggies, chips and dip for snacking on, in addition to Easter cookies and candy.  Maggie got in on the action at every opportunity. 

Once dinner was ready, we all sat down and enjoyed the feast. 

(ham, rice, corn, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, Cesar salad and rolls)


 After Ava ate her fill, she started feeding Daniel.  So precious.

I had planned to clean up dinner, but we needed to get going on our 'pony' rides to be sure we had enough time before dark.  So I headed down to the barn, and Yaneth ended up cleaning up dinner.  So not fair to her.  She always works so hard! 

Susan and Bonnie had already fed so the horses were in the paddock.  Courtney grabbed Zorro and I brought in Amiga. 

Everybody was lovin' on and helping to groom Zorro.  And I think he was eating it up.  He was being so good.

I removed Amiga's hoof poultice wrap.  She was still acting sore on her foot, so I knew I would have to go easy with her. 

Alyssa helped me with Amiga while Courtney finished tacking and getting on Zorro to see if he was going to be good (safe to put the kids on)
today.  He past the test. 

Ava was first to go on Zorro, riding with Courtney.

Just look at this joyful two year old. 

Her Aunt (Titi) was very happy too.

I had a rope halter and lead line on Amiga and Alyssa got on first.  Amiga got a little revved up when I tried to send her out at a walk like on a short lunge line.  And was still really favoring her front left leg.
  So I kept the rides short and slow.



Arie had ridden Zorro first, and was next up on Amiga.  I think Alyssa got a turn on Zorro then.


Arie had been too afraid to ride last year, but overcame her fear and had a good time. 



Daniel and Ava were 'horsing around' in their own way. 

Courtney and I un-tacked our horses. 
Amiga got an Epsom salt soak and I took this photo of Zorro for Courtney (for her cute pet contest at work).  She took him back to the paddock and headed up to the house.

By the time I got done with Amiga and back up to the house, everyone was packed up and ready to go.  Shoot, I thought they were going to stay longer.

Courtney, Joe and I sat out at the bonfire because it was so pretty and peaceful as night set in.  But it got cold so we headed home to Flossmoor.  I made it until 9:30, visiting with Courtney, but had to go to bed, and she headed back to Nashville.

Monday 4/10 - This is another photo of Zorro from yesterday.  I needed lots of time to get the three weekend 'party days' photos processed and into my blog post so worked at it until my physical therapy (actually OT) appointment at 10:45am.  I only got part of Saturday's photos onto the blog.  Below photo of Amiga and I also taken the day before. 

I got a very much appreciated apology from Polly so took time to answer that e-mail.  Life is too short and precious to hold a grudge.  Christ has forgiven us of our sins, and we are called to forgive others.  We all make mistakes and poor decisions at one time or another.  Besides, harboring resentment for somebody eats you up more than it hurts the person you are mad at. 

I love the Japanese red maple blooming outside the front window of our house.

My OT appointment lasted an hour including diagnosis, prescribed treatment suggestions, and some massage therapy.  I knew what was needed for healing, but was rejecting the necessity of resting my elbows.  But that's what was prescribed.  I have medial epicondylitis and need 3 to 6 weeks of rest-no lifting heavy objects.  Ugh, I am going to get so out of shape at the gym, and what about bales of hay, cat litter, coolers of drinks, rocks, raking, digging, and my saddle, etc.?  I did get a massage of the tendon (where there are micro-tears and inflammation) in each elbow.  There will be two days per week of therapy for at least four weeks including massage, ultrasound, and later stretching exercises.  I was also encouraged to use moist heat and massage at home.

The trees have been removed and construction was underway when I drove by this nearby building site.  Also notice they have finally put blacktop in the trench made down the one lane of Lakeview Drive.

I went to the ranch at 2:30 to clean up from Sunday's party and then do horse chores.  I momentarily stopped chores when the farrier arrived a little after 4pm. 
Amiga still acted quite sore on her left front leg.  Chris opened up the abscess hole a little more and then put shoes on.  We'll see how it goes, but I will keep soaking it in Epsom salt every other day.  Even though I shouldn't lift my saddle, I'll find a way to ride once Amiga is better.

Courtney took this photo of me soaking Amiga's foot yesterday.  This is basically what it looks like each time I sit while she soaks for 20 minutes.  I can also brush her but have to keep my hands on her so she won't lift her foot out of the bucket. 

Tuesday 4/11 - I did more blogging all morning and then headed to the ranch at 10am.  I had told my therapist there was one project I had to finish and then I would completely rest my elbows.  And I have
immediately stopped upper body weight lifting (any arm exercises) at the gym. 

My project was to fix (landscape) the spillway over and down the back of the dam, which included neatening up the whole backside of the dam.  I started at the SW end (right side as you look at dam from the pond) where I had left off last Wednesday.  I immediately got side-tracked by the piles of leaves along the fence line running from the dam down to the back of the barn. 

I worked on the fence line, flattening the piles of manure that I was unaware of Joe dumping there, on the backside of the fence, over the past year.  The piles are blocking the drainage of water, so I 'dug' drainage ditches in three spots through the piles of leaves and manure.  I pulled out an old tire and shoved it under the fence and rolled it out of the paddock area where Joe could load it on the trash trailer.  There was plenty of other trash I found, most to get recycled or go to the dump.  Working with a shovel and garden rake did take its toll on my elbows.

Next I worked on the spillway drainage, which has also been diverted because of manure and dirt piled on top of where it was running down the back side of the dam (seen in the yellow circle).  Shoveling dirt and lifting cinder blocks and rock added to my elbow strain and also to my backache. 

This next photo was taken Wednesday am after Joe had brought another load of gravel to the extended section (where I am widening the dam) of the spillway.  Where the cinder block and rock are (that I moved there), is where there had been dirt full of debris, that I had dug up and moved away. 

I had taken a late lunch break and took this photo from the gator as I was going back down the drive.  Amiga and Zorro were taking a break from eating grass to rest in the shade.

I brought the horses in at 3:00, throwing them some hay while they waited for their dinner time, which didn't happen until 5:30.  They were quick to go to the pond for a drink first.

I also took time to soak Amiga's hoof before returning to dam work.  Here she is looking down at me as I sat on the stool by the bucket her foot was in.  It was nice to sit and rest again. 

Zorro hanging out in the shade, looking for hay.  The dogwood are in full bloom and quite beautiful.

I only lasted another hour or so, working on the spillway, realizing I would need at least another day to finish this project.
The chickens were already in the coop for the night, it was so late when I left.

A shower and dinner temporarily revived me, so I lasted reading in bed before lights out.  I did take a generic Tylenol pm because my elbows and back were hurting. 

Wednesday 4/12 - I woke to a flashing clock that said 1:30.  Even though I had taken a pain/sleep aid, I tossed and turned and kept looking at the clock which was marking time.  After 45 minutes I decided to get up and at least get some blogging done so that I could get back out to the ranch early.  The bedroom clock had been wrong, and it was now only 1:15.  I had woken up at 12:30, 3½ hours of sleep.  Ugh!

The next frustration was when I booted up my computer, the internet was down.  I went into the Mancave to try to resolve the issue, but to no avail.  Double ugh!!  Come to find out, it was an outage in the area.  A cup of hot coco and an hour of r
eading did the trick and I returned to bed for two more hours of sleep.

I had gotten this photo when I finally had internet
(7am), of Ava with her new birthday kitchen set Courtney had gifted her. 

I was out at the ranch early for morning chores and spent the whole day there, putting all my efforts into the 'dam' project.
  The horses' small piles of hay were placed in the shade since it was already really warming up.  I was side-tracked for a bit, by some partially exposed buried trash the horses had gotten into.

I had left to go get or do something, and when I came back, there was Cowboy, getting the last of the hay out of the back of the gator.  LOL

Bonnie and Susan were out to work with Cowboy in the round pen. 

And then Bonnie rode for a bit.  I took these photos from where I was working at the dam, so I had zoomed in, thus they are a little 'grainy.' 

Joe had come out, finished loading the trailer, and then took the old pool, tires, barbwire, different chunks of metal I had dug up from behind the dam, some stuff from the shop, etc. to the recycle center.  I found this old door handle and decided to keep it with all the other old, rusty artifacts I find interesting. 

Joe had brought me a snack and water, so I took a mid-morning break, sitting in the gator with my feet up. 

Maggie had trapped a chipmunk between barn boards and couldn't get to it, but was obsessing over it.  So I 'locked' her in Zorro's stall for awhile. 

When Maggie was let out of 'time out' she did a lot of catfish hunting the rest of the afternoon.
  And when I brought the horses in, later in the afternoon, Amiga enjoyed splashing and getting a drink from the pond. 

When Joe arrived back, he had a trailer load of damp saw dust.  He spread out a thin layer in the shed so it could dry out.  He also did a little bit of manure/dirt and debris moving behind the dam, with the tractor, before heading off to a poker game. 

We are making progress on lowering the pile of debris as its is pulled back towards the pond all along the dam where Joe had dug it out (not what I wanted).  We also tried getting the large concrete slabs pushed over the backside, and down the embankment so they aren't sticking up in view.  And we were unearthing cinder block (whole and broken) that I was carrying over to the spillway.

Karen came out to do chores, which was nice so I didn't have to take time to do them.  Seen right is the progress I made on the spillway today.  Much of the debris is gone and more whole cinder block have been placed on the sides and broken pieces in the ditch.  I'll add more comparison photos of my work tomorrow.

I went up to the house with Karen to help her get the chickens in the coop.  There is one black one that is never willing to go in with the rest, and has to be picked up and put in. 

I was exhausted, so decided to call it quits for the day.  Somehow I managed to misplace my phone, and realized I didn't have it when I got home.  I had Brian call me a few times as I looked in the car and then the house.  I sent Joe a Facebook message from my computer, and he located it with his phone.  It was out near the dam.  But I was too tired to go back out to the ranch to look for it. 

Thursday 4/13 - I was at the ranch by 8:30, and found my phone on the gator seat, parked in the shop.  I got right to work on the dam/spillway project.  Joe came out when the ten tons of top soil were delivered just after lunch. 

He worked at hauling dirt to this corner by the dam we have opened up and are building up the hill side.  I had to stop moving cinder block into place in the spillway, and rake this area.

Joe also hauled several loads of dirt up to the low corner of the side pasture and gate area to the back pasture.  He used the tractor, and then rake, to spread the soil out. 

Susan and Bonnie came out to do their scheduled chores which enabled me to keep working and get the spillway done!

I actually wore out this pair of work gloves in the process. 
I could tell by day three, I was really running out of steam.  I worked at about half the pace I had been at on Tuesday.  I was a little slower yesterday, but today my body was so sore and tired.

Too tired to soak Amiga's foot, I went home at 6:30, showered, had a  small salad, and then watched Survivor with Joe.

Below are photos of what had been accomplished on the dam, looking from both directions, with my cute horse in each.

Here are a series of photos, showing my progress of work the last three days (before-left, after-right).  

The corner from both directions: 

The dam debris:

You can see more rock exposed in the after photos, but the debris pile is actually lower.

The spillway looking from different directions and in a series of more than two photos:

Above, all three photos taken while standing at top of dam looking down the back side of it towards the woods.  The first photo was while lower part was under construction (a few blocks had been at bottom of hill before starting work).  The second photo shows continued construction.  And the third photo is the finished product (although more broken blocks and rocks will be added).

To the right is a photo of the finished back side of the dam, taken while standing with my back to the barbwire fence in the woods and looking up towards the top of the dam and pond. 

Below, all three photos taken from the dam while standing on the gravel spillway across the top of the dam, with the pond right behind me. 

The finished spillway.  It takes a steep climb down the back of the dam (hill) where it goes out of sight in this photo.  The gravel part goes from the electro-braid fence to where the water runs out of the pond.  The horses and work vehicles (gator, tractor, golf cart, mower, and wheelbarrow) travel over the gravel.  When the pond is higher, the water will trickle through under the gravel or wash over it when the pond gets real high.

The spillway as seen looking towards the shed. 

And here looking towards the back pasture.

Friday 4/14 - The only photos I took today were these three out the back window. 

I designated the day as a day off from the ranch and a time to rest.  In the course of the day, I blogged, did four loads of laundry, had my OT appointment, and did an hour aerobic workout at the gym wearing my weighted vest (NO ARMS!).

The dogwood are magnificent.  The photos do not do them justice.

I love the dogwood down along the pond but am also thrilled the little one right in front (center) of our deck has survived and is blooming.

I had ultrasound on my elbows at therapy and boy did it feel good.  My lower arm muscles and elbows were really sore from the last three days of lifting rock and cinder blocks.  Then Elishia (my therapist) massaged the sore tendons and muscles. 


I had 'promised' not to do any more lifting for three weeks at which point he will do an evaluation on how I am progressing.  I am really going to try hard to stick to that promise. 

Patty had chores and sent this photo of the three horses (Amiga, Zorro, and Cowboy) relaxing in their loafing shed. 

I had been filling in on the opened chore spots where Polly had been scheduled, but finally got a new schedule worked out after talking to Joe, Patty, Karen, Bonnie, and Susan.  Hopefully it is one we can stick to for several weeks.  I look forward to summer grass that isn't so rich, so the horses can be out on pasture all day.

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