Friday, April 28, 2023

The Beat Goes On

The 'beat' could be a heart pulsing, a musical tempo, or the cadence of a drum.  Or even where a police officer is assigned to patrol. Life in general, just like a rhythm, keeps moving along whether it's going smoothly, or not.  In the days that are dull and unremarkable, or exciting and fun filled, or downright difficult and unpleasant, the beat of time continues.  The clock keeps marching forward, no matter what.  Sung in the first line of the song 'The Beat Goes On' (by Sonny & Cher) - "Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain."

Hopefully any of our activities, plans, pastimes, etc., will continue into the future, regardless of ease or difficulty.  My pursuit of muscles on this wiry frame of mine (and a fit body) along with my hope and desire to do some serious trail riding, will continue even though life has thrown me (and my horse) some challenges.  No matter how many times we are tested and knocked down, I hope we can always get back up and keep going.  We have resilience, perseverance and the drive to tough it out and carry on.

Saturday 4/22 - Stevie on my Snuggie on a much cooler morning.  We had storms overnight, which brought 1½ inches of rain and colder temperatures.  I wasn't in a big hurry (lack of motivation and I was rather cold on this chilly morning) so had a leisurely morning, even spending too much time at the jigsaw puzzle. 

My allergies were causing a sinus headache and I was short on sleep, both of which made getting my 'butt' to the gym more of a challenge.  After aerobics, abs. and legs, I swung by the house for a quick lunch and then went to the ranch. 

Joe was there finishing up mowing, and then helped me with lifting chores, to fill chicken and horse feed bins.  The 50 pound feed bags are definitely on my 'do not lift' list.  We also worked together to clean out the chicken coop. 

This shelving unit had been moved back down to the tack room for Bonnie and Susan to use, and I had gotten this other one (seen in the photo below) for $6.59 at a thrift store (it was half price on furniture day).  I love a good deal. 

I got the 'new' shelves set up in the garden shed.

It was my chore night, which I had to get done early because I had a dinner date with Joe, Patty, and Shirley. 

Joe and I got a quick glimpse of the sun setting as we drove into town. 


We had dinner at Christy's Pub Grub and then went on to the Play House to see the Agatha Christie mystery, 'And Then There Were None.'  It seemed a bit slow, or long, but probably because I was so tired.  It did have a surprise ending however.

I was turning out the bedside light just before 11pm, as Jean was in route, flying towards Nashville. 

Sunday 4/23 - This morning it was even colder out (35°) and Mama Styx was enjoying the Snuggie.  As for me, the heating pad on my back and elbows felt good. 

I was at the ranch by noon, tending to a number of things, like some cleaning, making the guest bed, and setting up some furnishings.

And then the flower planting started.  This one, seen at the front gate, is there to welcome people, and to hide the red pipe. 

I ended up doing some weeding in the flower beds and containers and also cleaning out dead vegetation left from last year's old growth.  This geranium is
by the front patio.

I put an azalea by Mama's bench. Notice the dianthus are blooming.  Glad the flash freeze before Christmas didn't kill them.

I went down to the barn at 4pm, late getting the horses off the front pasture.

Amiga and Zorro both got a long drink from the water tank while I was waiting for Cowboy to come into the paddock.  Once he realized his friends were missing and it was feeding time, he came hurrying down to join us. 

Zorro's ears look nicer in this second photo.  Amiga is difficult to catch with her ears forward.

None of the horses were as enthusiastic as usual to eat, and Amiga hardly ate anything. 

I left Amiga in her stall for an hour while I planted more flowers.  (And she did eventually eat most her dinner.)  The petunias (in their 12 pack container) were nearly impossible to get out, so it took forever.  I had to take care not to damage the roots. 

I had had Joe haul the old bent up metal planter (that someone backed into) to the dump and move this smaller one here to the corner of the barn.  The planting of it was delayed by the old dead spike plant that still had very well established roots, extremely difficult to remove from the pot.

I had gotten updates and photos from the 'kids' in Nashville.  Jean had arrived after midnight Saturday and stayed at Courtney's.  They then spent the day at Dan and Vale's.  Many photos and videos of Ava were shared. 

Courtney took this selfie with Will, Jean, Dan, and Vale starting a puzzle. 

Tango watching Ava play with a paper airplane.

I had run out of time to soak Amiga's feet, but massaged in the green Epsom salt poultice ointment on her back fetlock.  Maggie and I made it up to the ranch by 6:15, and both had our dinners.  The chickens were in the coop by the time I finished watering the grass seed, which has started growing. 

Monday 4/24 - It was 'moving day' for Jean.  While Courtney took Jean to the Penske rental place, and Jean rented and drove the truck from Nashville to the ranch, I hit the gym, showered, had my OT appointment, and bought groceries at Food City.  I arrived at the ranch a little after Jean, Patty, and Joe. 

Unable to help move anything (I am ready to be done with my limitations) I took photos while they worked.  Joe and Patty shuttled stuff out to the 'staging' area while Jean figured out the pieces to the puzzle of what to pack, where in the truck. 

Maggie, the project supervisor, didn't miss a beat. 

 I left the action to water the grass and flowers and to clean up this bench that has been sitting in our garage for ten years.  I had been looking at thrift stores for a bench to go in the laundry room at the ranch, but to no avail.  And then I remembered this one.   

A few breaks were taken for water and rest.  And the truck was slowly filling up.  Jean had planned to do half the packing today and the rest Tuesday, but everything had been moved to the sun room and front porch, so she felt the need to get it all loaded. 

Ta da, everything fit, with room to spare for the five house plants. 

Karen arrived and I went down with her to clean the porta-potty while she did chores. When we got back up to the house, the packing was finished and it was
4:30, time to start the party. 

While waiting for the pizza and other guests to arrive, Jean wanted to see the horses, so I went back down to the barn with her.  Cowboy was very happy to see Jean.  Wanda on the other hand, was a little stand-offish. 

I did not
(nor did anyone else) get any photos of our party.  But the ten of us had a good time.  It was nice to get better acquainted with Bonny and Susan's husbands (Rick and Jon respectively). 

Tuesday 4/25 - Jean did morning chores so I did not have to rush to get to the ranch.  By 10:00 I was there and we had put the horses out on pasture.  We then hiked the one mile Glastowbery Trail. 

We spotted a very young brood of goslings between their mom and dad on the lake.  They were very difficult to see, they were so little. 

We came back to the Flossmoor house for lunch, cat time, and puzzle working.  Monita never misses a beat.  Here she is batting at Stevie who was playing 'Whack a mole.'

Jean and I were back at the ranch by 1:30 to get the horses off the pasture.  She helped me muck the paddock area and as we were getting Amiga and Zorro, Bonnie and Rick arrived.

Maggie kept Rick company part of the time while we three ladies horsed around. 

Amiga was still too lame to ride.  😢  She got an Epsom salt soak and a liniment massage while Jean and Bonnie groomed, tacked, and rode Zorro and Cowboy (video).

I had put Amiga in her stall and then rode Zorro, while Jean took a turn on Cowboy.  And then Bonnie gave Zorro a try.

Both horses were good boys, and fun to be with and ride... but I miss riding Amiga! 

Once finished horsing around, Jean and I went back up to the house. 

got all her plants packed into the back of the Penske truck while I watered all the flowers I'd planted, and the grass seed, which has finally started to germinate.

I got the leftover pizza warming in the oven and started libations out on the deck, in the warm sun.  Patty had come to do evening chores and dropped by the house to bid Jean goodbye.  Joe joined us for drinks and dinner.  Then we went out and sat by the bonfire before calling it a night.  It had been a fun day and this time, a 'more final' goodbye to Jean.  We will need to make a point to get her back here for visits on a regular basis.  

Wednesday 4/26 - Jean's final sunrise and 'goodbye' to Mountain View Ranch.  When she sent this photo and a video of Babe (her favorite chicken) running towards her, it made me tear up.  This 'farewell' just seems more permanent than when she left for California a little over eight weeks ago.  It is uncertain as to when next she will be able to return for a visit.  I hope it's not too long. 

This photo was taken from the video of Babe.  I felt sad and melancholy all day long.  It didn't help that it was kind of rainy and gloomy weather most of the day.  I went out to the ranch to collect sheets and towels and all the leftover food. 

To save Susan and Bonnie a trip out to the ranch, I opened the gate so the horses could graze on the front pasture.  This is the only photo I took all day.  It is Amiga and Cowboy.  Zorro was behind me.

I got laundry started, ate lunch, and then took a nap when I got home from the ranch.  Schessh!

This photo of Ava, taken a few days ago, helped brighten my day.  Her life is so rich with experiences, because her parents expose her to so many different things and let her explore in so many ways.

I struggled to wake from my afternoon slumber, so sat working the puzzle for a bit, which just made me think more about Jean.  I was feeling sorry for myself; missing Jean, being unable to ride Amiga, and not having full use (no weight bearing) of my arms. 

Well, the beat goes on, and so must I.  I threw the sheets and towels in the dryer and went to the gym for a few hours.  That helped my mood and my energy level. 

Thursday 4/27 - After a few hours here at my computer, I worked the puzzle until I had it finished.  I needed to go out and give Amiga a Previcox because I had forgotten yesterday, so I wanted her to have it early. 
It was supposed to rain all day, so Joe (and I) were both at a loss of what to do.  I proposed we tackle the tack room project, and he was game. 

We worked from 10:00 - 3:00, taking breaks to get things at the shop and turn the horses out.  I had left Amiga in her stall after giving her her meds, so it was just the boys hanging out here by the shop.  Every time we drove up to the shop to get something, these two would walk towards the back gate.  Sorry boys, not yet. 

This is the before photo.  I have wanted to move the top shelf up some, because I (and Jean) keep hitting our forehead on it when we are bent over at the sink.  Shorter people may not have the problem, but it hurts and is annoying. 

I got everything cleared off the shelf while Joe gathered materials and then took the shelf down.  But we ran into several difficulties. The brackets holding the old shelf up would not come out of the wall, so we couldn't reuse them.  Also, the wall was not level, square, plum or bob... whatever you call it, so
we had to do some improvising.  The beat goes on.

We had to make several trips back and forth to the shop.  I wanted a second shelf for supplements and cat food, and a third shelf for the microwave.  I thought we were done, when I took this photo, but the microwave was not sitting far enough back on the shelf because of the electrical conduit behind it. 

So, the new microwave shelf had to be moved down.  Joe is such a patient man and willing to help me get things done how I like (quite often).  Although, the supplement shelf was too high to make them easily accessible, but he talked me into keeping it as is.

You can see in this last photo, the microwave is now below the electrical conduit.  Much better and safer.  But the cord still would not reach the outlet.  

Joe put all our tools and un-used boards away while I cleaned dust off everything including the shelves, and started putting stuff up on them.  We both ran out of time and patience, as often happens, so the project will be continued later, and the beat goes on.

Friday 4/28 - I had morning chores, but had planned to go out to the ranch after lunch, besides, it was raining.  So I just made a quick trip out (in my PJ/loungers) to open the chicken coop and throw hay to the horses.  Round trip took 47 minutes and I was home by 6:15 to start my tea and breakfast. 

Stevie never misses a beat.  As soon as I sat down, she was right here wanting some snuggles.  By 9am
I was ready to get the beat moving faster and needed to do some ab and leg work.  Then I had my elbow therapy.   

I was out at the ranch by 12:30 and had decided to paint in the tack room because I didn't like the look of the
electrical conduit, wood shelf supports, and all the holes and scrapes on the back wall.  Seen done, it looks much cleaner.


But the mess on the floor was bad again.  Seen here, I painted this unit (old shoe shelf) also. 

Patty arrived at 3:00, for her chore night, and helped me a bunch.  She sawed two boards, with my help and put a coat of paint on one of them.  She also helped me remove some of the old shelf brackets and moved the microwave for me.

Wanda really likes (and trusts) Patty and will let Patty pet her all over.  Maggie wanting in on the lovin'.  

I had to leave everything in dis-array because the paint was still tacky.  Project to be continued (and finished) later... story of my life.  La de da de de, la de da de da.

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