Friday, May 10, 2024


I am a master at spuddling.  And this past week was especially a good one for doing so, because it was rainy, overcast, gloomy, or stormy... unappealing or impossible to do things outside and not very motivating to work inside.  Most mornings (weather it's nice out or not) I spuddle, sitting here at my computer being 'busy' while I wake up, get motivated and energized.

The online Urban Dictionary takes this word further, telling us that spuddle is a West Country word meaning to waste time and not get on with the task in hand.

Researching something (like horses for sale) can take a ton of time but not seem to accomplish anything. 

Also, hours can be spent loving on our pets (snuggling with, playing with, walking them, and grooming them), with little or nothing to show for our time. 
Working a puzzle, reading a book, and watching TV...  what do they accomplish?  ...relaxation, with very little outcome to show for the time you have spent.
Doing many small tasks can seem like spuddling, but fall into the category of puttering, because once completed, something has been accomplished even though nobody notices.  And then there is the question of
cooking and eating.  Once done, all you have to show for it is a full belly, and maybe dirty dishes if that wasn't part of the cooking task.

Saturday 5/4 - I got morning chores done at the ranch between rain showers.  Joe left for a weekend of poker in Cherokee.  And I spent the morning suddling here at home with the cats and dog.  Actually, Maggie hid in our closet much of the day because of the pop-up storms, or strong wind and heavy rainfall (even without thunder). 

There were some moments of occasional brighter skies, but not really any full on sunshine.

I finally got my horse shopping organized into a folder.  I had been personal messaging some 'sellers' and was loosing track of who I asked what about which horse.  So I did screen shots of the horses that are in my price range and distance to travel to check them out.  I also alphabetized them by name and copied comments and answers onto a note sheet. 

I eventually got to the gym and hit Food City on the way home two hours later.  Then I enjoyed a meal (late lunch/early dinner) from the deli.

I continued work on this puzzle I had started during the rainy day yesterday.  Not the ABC's of wine, but the Wine Alphabet. 😅  This second photo is of the box picture.

Putting together the labels on the bottles was going quickly, but it is going to be tricky filling in all the dark glass of each bottle, because those pieces are quite similar in appearance.

I walked the dog between showers and by night, laid in bed reading, as the rain hit the windows and roof.  I was thankful to have this refuge for slumber.  I worried about the horses at the ranch though. 

Sunday 5/5 - Happy Cinco de Mayo! 
It was a pretty sunshiny morning, but I managed to linger here at my computer longer than usual.  Another way I suddle while on the computer, is to scroll through Facebook memes and save the ones I like, to share later.  This meme's take-away was dead on to last week's blog theme. 

Maggie was glad the rains were over and she could relax in the living room, even though her bed had been stolen. 

Because of the storms, the temperature had dropped.  I think Stevie was kind of cold.  I worry about her sometimes, as she is starting to show her age. 

At high noon, it started raining, coming down quite hard and lasting long enough that I wondered why the forecast still showed 0% chance of rain today.  I had planned to eat lunch and read my book out on the deck... so now what?

Well, ten minutes later, the rain stopped and the sun peeked back out.  I chased Maggie out of the closet and invited her on the deck with me. 

Rose joined us.

There was no direct sun making me hot, so I enjoyed being out there. 
All my cats would love to go outside, but would run off in all directions, so it's a no can do for them.

I finished my book and decided to go to the ranch early.  I did some neatening up in the coop, garage, and shop. 

While in the shop, we got another little pop-up shower.  So, I waited it out before heading to the barn to feed.  At one point, the sun was shining while it was pouring, but I didn't see a rainbow anywhere. 
You can't tell how hard it was raining unless you look at the blown-up copy of this first photo.

I was planning to hop on Amiga and go for a short little ride since there had been no rain in the forecast for the day, but after the morning shower, the early noon shower and then the little storm just before feeding, I was having second thoughts.  It didn’t help that as I was finishing up chores, it was thundering in the distance.  Also, the weatherman can not be trusted because he rarely gets his prediction correct!

I had to shoo Maggie out of the closet to feed her and we got in a quick little walk before the next rain shower.  It would have been a quiet evening at home, except for the wind, pelting rain, and occasional thunder.

Monday 5/6 - Our morning work session at Dorchester Pool was delayed over an hour because of rain.  Joe pulled in (from his weekend away) just before I left at 11:00.

At the pool, I helped set out lounge chairs and regular chairs, and worried about this toad whom
I noticed seeking refuge from the chlorinated water.

After 90 minutes of working, because more rain was forecasted, I ran to the ranch to muck for Patty, whom I had offered to help, so she wouldn't have to clean up manure in the morning rain. 

Since the horses were all in for their afternoon 'nap,' I decided to shut the gate to the pasture.  Some of the manure has been quite rich and a little 'ploppy' so I gave them hay, a better alternative to too much green grass.  
You can see Amiga and Zorro in their grazing muzzles which I took off to give them a break.

On my return back from the ranch, I saw that Sandy (our new manager) and Mike were still working, so I helped them out for another hour.  I also rescued the toad and three others from the skimmer baskets. 

I settled in at home,
with Babe on my lap, to continue work on the puzzle while more showers moved through the area. 

I needed a light on because it was dark and stormy out.  I was getting tired of all this rain, plus the creek and pond were quite flooded down back. 

Joe and I watched three episodes of Suits, finishing off season seven.

Thursday 5/9 - I was awake for a few hours in the middle of the night, trying to get back to sleep, but never getting out of bed.  I tossed and turned and thought, this is another way I spuddle - where I exert all sorts of mental energy but accomplishing nothing. 

Babe on my lap while I sat at the computer.
Left, Rose at my feet while I lounged outside.

More than too much time was spent sitting around today, at my desk, puzzle table, and out on the deck.  I did get in a great workout at the gym and also took the dog for an hour walk after dinner, but otherwise, not much was accomplished.  However, more horse shopping occurred as did progress on the puzzle, and I got a new book started. 

Wednesday 5/8 - I never made it to the gym because several hours had been spent on the computer and phone, talking/asking about horse sales.  Some horses I had marked earlier that I was interested in going to see/ride, had already sold.  I was also trying to figure out the auction process.  I guess a lot of people buy horses without 'meeting' them first.  I need to go see how it 'rides' and look in it's eyes, and get a feel of temperament and if there's a connection with me.  

It had been a rainy morning but finally cleared off early in the afternoon.  I went to the ranch to get the horses in off the field.  In the first photo, Banner, as often is the case, was out eating to his heart's content, totally unaware that the other three had come in to the paddock.  And of course, he was as far away from the gate as possible.  It gave me a little exercise to walk all the way out to get him.  I fed the horses early, with the plan to give them hay later.  


I took advantage of the clear skies and went for a short, slow ride (video) on Amiga.  She felt really good, I thought.  In the above photo, for some reason her mane was falling to both sides of her neck, which is not usual for her.  They call this 'double maned' on the sale adds.  I learn something new every day.

I don't know if you can tell from the photo above, but the tree across the road had sank even farther down and I had to lie along side Amiga's neck for us to fit under it.  Good thing I was riding bareback.

When we got back to the barn, I took my time caring for Amiga, tending to her hooves, checking for ticks, cleaning her where needed, and putting swat where bugs have been biting, and then giving her some lovin'. 

I returned Amiga to the paddock with the boys and put out plenty of hay.  Cowboy kept tabs on me and was watching me get a new bale out of the shop. 

Luckily I hadn't needed my rain jacket so Wanda found it a good spot to take a nap. 

The rains returned shortly after I had taken Maggie on our after dinner walk, and we were under a tornado watch.  When the alarm went off about 8:15 for a tornado warning, I went in the closet where Maggie was already hiding.  I read until the 'coast was clear' at 8:45.
I wasn't 'geared down' for bed until 9:30.

Thursday 5/9 - Rain persisted all night and didn't stop until 8am, which is when Maggie finally decided it was safe to come out of the closet and go for our morning walk.  The big potted plant had blown off our front porch, but otherwise our yard had minimal damage.  Down at the creek and pond it was a different story. 

The tops of three big trees had broken off and this section had been washed all the way to the dam when it got hung up at the bridge over the spillway. 

The water level of the pond (and creek) was at least a foot higher than normal.  The rock ledge where Maggie is standing, is usually above water and much wider and longer. 
Our rain gauge had 3½ inches in it and I had dumped out almost

This shows another tree top in the water at our end of the pond  (where the bench in our back yard is). 

And then the view from our side of the pond, standing on the oasis, the third tree top is more evident. 

Three of the trees on the other side of the pond have been dead for over a year and the leaning willow on the oasis has been dying.  In this photo, I put (in orange) an arrow and two circles, of where the three tree tops came from.  

I was trying to get a closer shot of the broken tree trunks, but notice in the bottom right of this photo, Maggie spotted two snapping turtles about to have an altercation.  Or maybe they were contemplating fornication.  LOL

When I moved in closer to get a better photo of the two turtles, they decided to go their separate ways.  As I walked upstream, I actually saw two more, smaller snappers. 

I spent too long at my computer, a little over two hours at the gym, and read a book out in the spotty sunlight for an hour. 

When I had moved the lounge chair on the deck, I discovered a dead chipmunk (thanks Rose).  This is the third one in four days, that I have had to bury.  Maggie had caught and killed one that was in the garage. 

Above, dog and cats watching birds and chipmunks.

I worked on my jigsaw puzzle, which has gotten tedious because all the remaining pieces are so similar in color.

After dinner, I took the dog for a long walk, since poker Joe
postponed our TV night.  He had decided to stay at the game longer because his odds of doing well were higher than usual.

Friday 5/10 - During my morning walk, I had discovered more damage from Wednesday night's storm, at our neighbor's side lot.

I went to the gym from 8-10, worked at the pool from 10:15-2:00, and was at the ranch from 2:10-3:30. 

I had to go to the ranch to fill the feed bin before Brook's evening chores.  So, while out there, I brought the horses in, removed grazing muzzles much to Amiga and Zorro's relief, and threw them all some hay.  I also saw this pair of geese with one gosling (video). 

I finished the wine jigsaw puzzle and after dinner, Joe and I watched Survivor and started season eight of Suits.

The more I think about spuddling, the more I wonder, do we really need to show something for our time?  I think not.  But as the days slip away and we are asked, 'what did you do?' "Nothing" is not really the correct answer.  When we spuddle, we can be having fun, relaxing, or re-grouping.  But honestly, every so often I have no recollection of what I did during some time periods.

Does spuddling mean I'm not living life to the fullest?  Probably, but we can't go full throttle 24/7. 

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