Shirley, Judy, Patty, Teresa and I made up the Cruise Squad this year.
In the past, these have been our Cruise Squads:
Feb 2016 Shirley, Judy and I
Aug 2016 Shirley, Patty, Joe and I
Feb 2018 Shirley, Patty, Teresa and I
Feb 2019 Shirley, Rick and Darla, Patty, Marci, and I
Feb 2020 Shirley, Rick and Darla, Patty, Judy, Marci, Billy, Joe and I
Feb 2023 Shirley, Patty, Therese, Judy, and I
All of these were Caribbean cruises, except August, which was Alaskan.
Friday 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day
Whether I had it all packed, or not, I had zipped up my suitcase, and then hoisted the bag up into the truck bed, and climbed in for the two hour drive. First we (Joe driving) picked up Shirley, and then Patty and Judy, before heading to the Nashville airport.
This photo was taken from where I sat in the middle of the back seat. Early in the drive I'd gotten a text message from our neighbor Carol... Allen had passed away during the night. That explained the two police cars and ambulance in her drive seen very early this morning.
Here we are in the airport, waiting at our gate.
The lady in this costume was waiting for her friend to come off the plane we would be taking to Orlando.
It had been smooth sailing in the airport as we 'flew' through check-in and TSA because we had two ladies in wheelchairs and the people pushing the chairs walked fast.
Another rapidly moving wheel chair parade also occurred when we landed in Orlando. Here we are on the tram from the gate to the main terminal.
We met up with Teresa, who had landed an hour earlier (our Cruise Squad complete). We grabbed our luggage at baggage claim and then waited for our transportation to the hotel.
It was not too long of a bus ride to our evening accommodation. Other riders had been dropped off at other hotels as well.
Patty had found a great hotel where we stayed in a very clean and spacious suite. It had a kitchenette and sitting area with a couch that Shirley slept on, in addition to the bedroom with two queen beds.
We got settled in, freshened up, and walked to Hooters, just five minutes away. And yes, Teresa and I started out with a Hooter Shooter of Fireball and a beer.
Dinner was enjoyed by all, and my week of 'over eating' and consuming two drinks a day, had begun.
The walk back was not enough to aid my digestion or relieve my discomfort, so I went into the hotel 'gym' and did the elliptical (slowly) for fifteen minutes.
Bedtime and a sound sleep soon followed.
Saturday 2/15 - We all slowly arose, dressed and went to the breakfast buffet. We sat there for well over an hour, enjoying our coffee, tea and a variety of breakfast items while talking away. Teresa and I killed some time out at the pool before packing up and waiting in the lobby for the shuttle.
We took some photos during our hour + wait before catching the shuttle bus.
It was a little overcast and one short pop-up sprinkle drove us back inside the lobby for a bit.
The bus was quite full, having picked up 'boat people' at other hotels first. It took us to Port Cape Canaveral, which was nearly an hour long ride.
Our luggage was taken care of right off the bus so we didn’t even have to lug it through the loading process to get on the ship. Judy getting 'frisked' going through port security. She has metal knees, a shoulder and two forearms... one hell-of-a-tough cowgirl! Every scanner she goes through, she gets set aside for a pat-down.
Our Cruise Squad was on board and in our state rooms on deck nine (circled in red) by 2:30. Teresa and I had an inside room and right across the hall the other three had a room with a balcony and various views as we traveled by ship all week.
We hit the lunch buffet and afterwards, returned to our staterooms. Our bags were in the hallway outside our doors, so we all got unpacked and situated. Then we were off to explore the ship which we were well familiar with, but had to reacquaint ourselves with the location of our favorite spots in reference to where our rooms were. None of us took many ship photos since we have been on this vessel, so many times before.
The view from the girl's balcony.
We decorated our doors with magnetic decals Shirley had bought. This makes it easier to find when returning 'home' late at night.

We did select seating for dinner and quickly befriended our waiter Raj and his assistant. Also, it was announced that the ship was turning around to take a passenger (medical emergency) back to Port Cape Canaveral.
We thoroughly enjoyed our first dinner, but it took longer than expected so we missed the start of the comedian only catching the tail end of his show.
Coming out of the theater, we walked right into The Entertainment Court where they did a game each night. So we played True or False.
It started with a large group and you stepped to one side or the other to answer the question, getting eliminated if your group guessed wrong.
We then made our way mid-ship to the Grand Foyer for the Silent Disco. These are always a big crowd-pleaser and a lot of fun.
At the end of the silent disco, my four lady traveling companions went up to go to bed, and I proceeded to the sky lounge to get in a little more dancing. It was kind of a flop because the live band was already done and the DJ was playing music for all these young girls who were screaming and dancing (gyrating). I guess I should have been happy they were having a good time, but it wasn't my cup of tea, so I went to the room about 11:00. Teresa wasn’t there. The ladies across the hall didn’t know where she was, and so I was a bit worried.
I listen to more of my Alex Cross audiobook and just as I was turning out the lights Teresa got home from the casino having hit a jackpot and gaining $100 for the night.
For whatever reason, I was then unable to get to sleep. My brain was dancing in my head and I couldn't turn it off.
I got up at 2am, took a sleep aid and then slept till nearly 7:30am
Sunday 2/16 - Unlike all other cruises, I did not make a point to get up early and out on deck walking at sunrise. I usually ate first (with the Cruse Squad) and then walked.
Today was a sea day (as were Tuesday and Friday), so it was a slow relaxing breakfast with all my travel companions and then a walk on the track to digest. It had been a late breakfast and there were already tons of people out sunning and strolling around the track, so my walk was impeded by lots of pedestrian traffic. This internet photo, showing the darker orange track with people walking around, gives you an idea.

I proceeded up to the gym which was also quite crowded. I rowed and then did primarily an arm and leg workout. I had eaten too much to do a lot of abdominal work.
I was out on deck 14 just after noon, joining the rest of the Cruise Squad. It was a beautiful day at sea. When the 'dance session' started I went down to the deck 12 dance floor by the pool, and got my boggie on.
Yup, that's me in the center, wearing a white ball cap.
During the duration of this cruise, I did all of the line dance or exercise sessions they had by the pool, when I was out on deck.
My four travel companions had gone to lunch and then to shop/do a game, so I laid out by the pool, and enjoyed the different activities. I had grabbed a bit to eat (small salad and ice cream) at some point, but really wasn't that hungry.
was formal night and we were running a little late for dinner. Knowing
the evening show was one none of us were all that excited about, we
took our time eating. The french onion soup was available every night,
and a favorite of the Cruise Squad.
We watched the sun set from our dinner table every night.
Teresa got nice photos of them.
During 'down' time (especially after dinner) I walked around the ship, looking for action. I wanted to dance off my meal, but was a little frustrated because it was mostly couples during a good part of the evening, slow dancing. But it was a formal night, so I understood. There were very few independent ladies dancing.
Monday 2/17 - We had easily made up lost time at sea, and docked in Key West, FL right on time, 8am.
After our hearty breakfast, we disembarked from the ship, and made our way, walking to the 'Hop On & Off' trolley stop.
As we walked we took in the sights and even stopped by this street musician's stand and joined in, playing various percussion instruments with him.
This is what vacationing and traveling together with others is all about... the experiences and fun you have with the locals.
We hopped on the trolley for the 90 minute tour, deciding to do most of it before getting off because we had a schooner sailing excursion to get to by 1:00. The trolley tours the whole island with 13 stops. The conductor of each trolley narrates the tour with a fascinating and fun mix of trivia and humorous stories.
We saw lots of sights and photographed many.
This is the most decorated house in town, doing all the major holidays... just recently changed from Valentine's Day to St. Patrick's Day.
And below is the most decorated bicycle.
This guy used to drive the most decorated van around town, but it 'died' and couldn't be repaired, so now he pedals a bike all around.
People lined up to go see Ernest Hemingway's house and maybe see a six or seven toed cat.
I am not sure if this is the original Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. Apparently he spent time at several places in Key West, including the Chart Room Bar, Crazy Ophelia's, Howie's Lounge, and Shrimpboat Sound.
We saw numerous other places where famous people resided: Mel Fisher - The Treasure Hunter, Tennessee Williams - The playwright, and other actors and singers. According to our tour guide, there were loads of people, from literary giants like Tennessee Williams, to music
legends like Kenny Chesney. The roster of famous Key
West residents is as diverse as the island itself.
We saw and heard about other interesting things (not just famous people) while riding the trolley.
I wasn't quick enough to take this photo, but we went past Mile marker 0 of Highway One, that starts at Ft. Kent Maine. We did get the fascinating history of the building of the bridges which was originally the Over-Sea Railroad, built by Henry Flagler, connecting the Florida Keys to the rest of the country.
We hopped off the trolley at stop 11 and walked to the famous 1400 Whitehead Street, the Southernmost Point of the Continental US, just 90 miles from Cuba.
And of course we all had to get our photo there.
The line to get a photo right by the marker was way too long. So we, along with many others, walked down the street past the line, and got our photo shots form the wall keeping us at a distance from the marker.
There were tons, and I mean tons, of chickens walking the streets, in the open air restaurants, and all over the place.
Our trolley driver said many Cubans migrated to Key West bringing with them the sport of cockfighting, which was later outlawed in the late
1970s. So breeders abandoned their hens and roosters, and it is now illegal to kill any of the island birds. So the rooster has become a symbol of good luck, wealth, good fortune, and hope, thus becoming an unofficial mascot for Key West.
While eating an early lunch so we'd be ready to sail, we got notification from the schooner folks that our sailing cruise had been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. Well shoot, but it might’ve been just as well because Shirley had gotten sick overnight and Judy had a close call on board the ship before taking her next dose of Dramamine.
Since there would be no sailing, I ordered a local beer and really enjoyed it. Lunch was very tasty, and a relaxing time.
We hopped on the trolley and returned to the first stop where we did a little more sightseeing and junk shopping before heading back to our ship.
It was another night of fine dining, and again I ate too much. But every night, whenever possible, I was in the grand foyer, listening to music and dancing. I always danced when a live band was playing lively music.
I had a fun night of dancing and was happy the ladies joined me for awhile down in the grand foyer after the hour show at the theatre.
Once the band completed their set (usually only 45 min to an hour long each time), the ladies headed up to the rooms but I went in search of more dancing. There was another band and later some DJ music up in the Sky Observation Lounge. I also meet several fun fellow dance loving ladies
whom I hit the dance floor with several different remaining nights of
our cruise.
Tuesday 2/18 - It was another sea day and very similar to our first day at sea. I walked the track before it got busy, then met the ladies down for breakfast, then hit the gym after digesting for a bit. I did arms, abs, and aerobic work. By noon I was in my suit sitting out at the poolside deck, listening to Caribbean vibes, Jimmy Buffett music, dancing and singing along with others. I dunked in the pool several times, sat in the hot tub, and again got a little more sun than I probably should have.
Each afternoon I got back to the room before Teresa, showered and dressed for dinner and then would go to the Passport Bar for a beer and to listen to the band in the grand foyer. Occasionally there was music I could dance to. Then I'd meet the girls for dinner.
We watched another beautiful sunset from our dinner table while enjoy more fine dinning. Sitting around the table each evening was always a time of chatter and laughter.
Wednesday 2/19 - We docked at Perfect Day at CocoCay, a private island owned by Celebrity Cruises, located in the Berry Islands of the Bahamas, measuring less than 1 mile long by 1/3-mile wide. There is an island tram that runs all day, leaving from the Arrivals Plaza and stopping every 15 minutes at four different beaches or water parks.
A second ship (Odyssey of the Sea) had also docked for a day on the island. Looking back at the dock as we waited for the tram.
We took the tram to South Beach to set up camp there because it was supposed to be the quieter beach. But so many people must have got the same message, that it was actually fairly crowded.
The first order of business was to take our Iowa Hawkeye photo.
There is a University site that post photos of Hawkeye fans vacationing from all over the world.
Of course we had to get a photo in the water...
Yikes, was the water cold!
And so... Here are three Hawkeye fans on South Beach at Perfect Day CocoCay.
I walked the beach and saw some cool sights, including a ray out in the water, which I couldn’t get a picture of. I tried to be 'artsy' with this photo of these gulls, but it just doesn't look as picturesque as the real thing.

We took the tram and got off at Breezy Bay at Chill Island, and walked over to the Skipper’s Grill for lunch. It was a complimentary all you could eat buffet like the Ocean View Café on the ship, and actually the food all came from the ship. We ate at a picnic table in the shade.
I went for a long walk after lunch while the ladies hit the straw market. We met up at Harbor Beach to relax on lounges, get a little more sunshine, and maybe nap.
I swam in the nearby Oasis Lagoon - Caribbean’s largest freshwater pool, while the ladies went into the salt water (sand between your toes) of the harbor.
I did not have my camera/phone with me, but this internet photo shows the swim-up bar that was this crowded when I went into the water to cool off.
We got back on board before 4pm. I showered and dressed for dinner and then went up to the Sunset Bar to listen to the steel drum performer (video).
I took these photos looking back at where we had spent the day. It had been a perfect day at CocoCay.
The ladies from their state room balcony, waving to the passengers on Odyssey of the Sea, that was still at dock as we backed out.
This is the before dinner band playing slower music during my 'cocktail' hour (actually 30 minutes and one beer).
It was another nice night of fine dinning and some dancing. I think we might have even made it to the show, but don't remember for sure.
Thursday 2/20 - Our ship docked at Nassau in the Bahamas at 8am. We had breakfast together and left the ship at 9:30. We spent our day at the Finns Up Water Park at the Margaritaville Beach Resort.
We arrived at the resort a little after 10am because the water park didn't open until ten. It was already quite full, (no group of five lounge chairs available) so one of the pool/beach workers (Lakeisha) gave us an up-grade. She escorted us to the beach and gave us our own private cabana.
(Lakeisha) brought towels and pillows and got us all set up. And then took this (video) and tons of photos.
Here is just a few of the photos our lady attendant took.
Lakeisha also brought over the cabana boy and made sure he kept a good watch on us. He too was very good, bringing us food and drink as needed.
My view that morning.

Notice what menu (beside Teresa's leg) we had been pursuing.
And yes, we all had a before noon (it's 5:00 somewhere) Margarita, or two.
Some extra photos of Teresa, the only non-retired, hard working Cruise Squad member, who really needed this vacation.
It was such a relaxing time laying in our cabana, watching people and looking out at the beach and ocean.
We even had beach chickens...
were they here vacationing from Key West?
And like the sea gulls, it wasn't a wise idea to feed them.
As I recall, we all took a nap after lunch. Then I went to try out the lazy river, one of the main reasons we chose this destination. Eventually most of the ladies joined me. We had a fun time. The 'river' got quite exciting in some spots with various things squirting water at us and getting drenched going under (through) water falls. There was no way anyone was going to keep their head dry.
None of us took our cameras, not worth the risk, so these are internet photos of the 'lazy' river we enjoyed.
Teresa, Judy and I also gave the water slides a try. The blue tunnel one was the most fun.
By the time we got out of the water, I was freezing. Lakeisha brought me two dry, warm towels and wrapped me up in them. So nice.
After a rest and recovery time, and another drink, some went to swim in the ocean, but I went to the pool to relax and cool off while watching music videos of Jimmy Buffett on the big screen.
Then I took a walk around and found some dancing that was even too wild for me... teenage drunks.
My walk continued out onto the pier where I took some photos and then up and down the beach.
Look at all the cruise ships in port.
Alas, our time was nearing its end and we were tuckered out from sun, swim, drinks etc.
But we still had it in us to be silly and pose for photos on our way back to the ship.
Our trip to and from the ship did include a quick taxi ride.
Too exhausted to dress for dinner, we chose casual and went to the Oceanview Café. It was nice to be able to go whenever we wanted (were cleaned up, dressed, and ready) and to pick whatever food and quantity we wanted to eat.
To end my day, I hit the dance scene as usual and the full moon dance party up on the pool deck.
Friday 2/21 - It was a very windy and much cooler, overcast last day at sea. Very few people were at poolside when I got there after a good gym workout. I sat out for a little bit, watched the volleyball tournament of the guests versus the officers, and tried to hold on to my hat and towel.
I didn't make it to lunch, but the ladies reported they had a bunch of food art. Here is an example of the flowers done with fruits & veggies.
We all had to pack our bags and get them ready to put out in the hall right after dinner. Raj took photos of our Cruise Squad, both serious and goofy.
I had wanted to try to get a photo like this of us five while on a beach, but totally forgot. I can just imagine this as us, the 2025 Cruise Squad. I took this photo while crossing deck 14 while out and about on my own. The distant ship was heading the same direction we were.
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