Friday, February 7, 2025

Energy Is Contagious

Have you ever noticed how someone else’s energy can impact how you feel (video)?  They can lift you up, or bring you down.  Certain people radiate positive energy, and others negative energy.  Grant it, we all feel negative at times, and that’s OK.  It’s how long we choose to stay there that matters.  I try to stay up-beat, positive, and energetic; not sitting for too long in a lower energy vibe.  There are strategies to help get the positive energy back.
Going to the gym energizes me, and if needed, helps burn off negative energyI have mentioned before that exercise is key to having high energy levels.  When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are chemicals that reduce stress and pain while increasing feelings of happiness.  This can give you an immediate boost in energy as well.

The energy of others boosts my energy level also.  When I see someone pushing themselves during a workout, it inspires me to do the same, creating a ripple effect of motivation.  On the internet, it talks about "contagious energy at the gym" referring to the phenomenon where the positive energy and enthusiasm of other gym-goers can influence your own mood and motivation to workout harder, essentially "catching" a positive vibe from those around you, making you feel more energized and excited to exercise.  A person's positive body language, like smiling or high-fives, can subconsciously transmit positive energy to others.  Good up-beat music helps also.

Unfortunately, there are a few negative folks at the gym, or ones who are so into their workout, they can be a tad rude or impolite.  (Not the same as someone who is concentrating during a weight set.)  I mostly stay away from them if my smile or hello hasn't pulled them out of their self absorbed state.  Because the emotions and attitudes people project can affect others around them, I try to smile, greet fellow gym members, encourage others with words like 'you got this' or 'doing great' or 'lookin' good' or a thumbs up.

It is good to reflect on how our energy affects others,
because it has immense power.  It ripples out into the world and into the lives of others.  I try to be conscious of how my energy and attitude impacts my work at the ranch or pool, my home life, and my relationships.  I try to add to the energy around me, or change it if needed.

Saturday 2/1 - Happy February!

Because I had been cleaning out some items at the Ranch house to make room for Charles, when I brought them home, I decided some of the stuff could go to the thrift store. This got me motivated to also clean out our bunk room a little bit. 

The above quote was so true today.  I drug myself to the gym, started out slowly, but by the time I put in two hours and showered, I felt much more lively.

I scurried home to do evening feeding before Patty picked me up at 4:50.  We went to Shirley's, meeting Judy there, and enjoyed a pot-luck dinner.  I had baked corn bread this morning, to take. 

After a great meal and reflecting on fun times, we headed into Shirley's office to check in for our upcoming cruise.  Above is the photo for my Sea Pass (to use on the ship and to get on and off board).  We were supposed to look serious, but the girls were making me laugh.

Sunday 2/2 - Happy Groundhog Day.  Depending which groundhog you watched, we may or may not have six more weeks of winter.  Illinois and Wisconsin rodents did not see their shadow, and the way our horses have started shedding, I'm thinking winter is winding down.  Plus today kicked off a warming trend (called a False Spring) that lasted all week. 

The sermon at church was over 1 Corinthians 13.  This well known verse on love was read at our wedding.  Love is definitely a positive, contagious force.

Patty had given me this 'blingy' pin of a cowgirl boot, which I decided to put on my hat.  I had Bonnie take this photo.  She was in the barn feeding while I was tacking up Rico. 

Betty and I enjoyed a wonderful 5½ mile ride in the warm sunshine with the temperature almost to 60°.  This photo was actually taken Monday, but I used it here because I only took one photo all day.

Monday 2/3 - During my mid-morning shopping trip in town, I dropped two boxes and a large bag of stuff off at a thrift store.  Once home, I unloaded everything I'd bought, grabbed a bite to eat and got to the ranch at 2pm. 

Betty had gotten to the ranch early to feed and then she, Patty and I headed out on a ride (video).

Betty and I wanted to see if our horses would be less sluggish if we fed first, and then rode.  Nope, they were still 'doggin' it.'

I did find that Rico goes slow and trips more when I ride with a loose neck rein.  When I gather up my reins and ride with direct reins (a rein in each hand held low over the horse's withers) and have Rico collected (Collection is when a horse shifts its weight from its front legs to its hind legs, which makes it more balanced and agile), he rarely trips and is much peppier.  A rider's energy is contagious to its horse.

I also found that kicking doesn't work to get Rico moving.  All I need to do is press my heels in around his belly and he picks up the pace.  We both have so much to learn about each other still.  We rode a little over an hour and went almost four miles.  The horses had gotten warm, with their winter coats and the 65° temperature.

Joe and I finished season six of Virgin River.  There were several cliff hangers, so we are waiting for season seven.

Tuesday 2/4 - I hit the gym from 8:30 - 11:00, but did not get as energized as usual.  Then I met Patty at the ranch and we hung some pictures, like this one over the couch which is Charles', that we put here in place of the futon. 

We had our 'meet and greet' with people starting to arrive at 12:30.  I forgot to take any photos, but it was a nice gathering with eleven of us total. 

The 'party' broke up a little after 2:00 with several going to the barn; and Joe and Charles helping Jem hang a gate.  Then Charles helped Joe move hay; a round bale out to the pasture and square bales to the feed room.  

Betty and I tacked up and headed out on the trail on our horses. 
They did better for us today, were more willing to go, and didn't seem to get as tired on the hills. 

We were out for 90 minutes and went five miles. 
After un-tacking Rico, while I was in the tack room, he opened Zorro's stall gate and went partway in.  The stinker. 

Charles came out of the house as I was walking to the upper paddock.  He had lost his new glasses (that he had in his shirt pocket) at sometime during the day.  So I helped him search where he and Joe and gone on the tractor and in the gator.  We never found them after an hour of searching, which was very disheartening. 

And then to farther add to Charles' discouragement, I had to remind him that we (Patty and Joe both agreed) did not want personal items in the main house.  He had started putting all his trinkets, family photos, etc. in the curio cabinet.  For a solution, we moved the cabinet into his bedroom.  But I could tell he was disappointed/
It was 7pm by the time I got home and I felt like my energy had been sucked out of me.

Wednesday 2/5 - I had slept (or not) fitfully, and was up from 1am to 4:30 before getting sleepy again.  I got back up at 7am with only five hours of shut eye.  I had decide to substitute the gym with yard work, wanting to do some neatening up before the coming rain.   

I went to the ranch to look (with Charles) around the base of the round bale of hay he had helped cut the twine off of yesterday.  We worked around it, moving lots of loose hay out of our way as we went.  Unfortunately, all our effort was without success.  While at the pond, we noticed a white thing floating in the water.  It was a dead catfish.  I used the pitch fork to pull it over to the bank where hopefully a scavenger will benefit from it and clean it up. 

I didn't have much time for yard work, but got the planters cleaned out and unloaded the wagon we pull behind the riding mower
that has been full of sticks and weeds all winter. 

Betty and I were out on the trail just before 1pm.  It was another beautiful, warm day; and our forth day, in a row, to ride!  Yeehaw!

We had both forgotten to start our riding app. until we were already out on Marmaduke, so we actually rode for an hour, going over 5½ miles.  We did some off trail riding (bushwhacking) on what looked to be old logging trails and were actually on the backside of the dam of Lake Kirkstone at one point (can see on the map of our ride). 

When we did get to the lake, we let the horses drink.  Rico played in the water a bit and got a big drink. 

These two boys are so good and really enjoy being together... almost too much, they get rather anxious when separated.  So we will be working on this. 

Between the ears. 

We split up on every circle at the ends of cul-de-sacs, and they both do well with that (video).

Betty got some photos of Rico and I.  Notice I was in just a T-shirt, and was quite comfortable. 

Rico did well today but was still rather sluggish much of the time.  I remain a little concern about his not wanting to move out (lazy nature?), but think it's partly being barn sour, and partly being out of shape.  He is much more willing to go when we are headed in the direction of the barn.  I did get a nice long canter out of him and some smooth gaiting. 

Patty had arrived and started the feeding process just as we got back.  After un-tacking, we usually let our boys have some of the taller grass in the barnyard. 

Once we had the boys back in the pasture, Patty and I went up to the house to do a few things. 

We decided on hanging this plaque in the guest bathroom.

And then we switched the trundle bed and futon, so if sitting on the futon, you can see the horses out the window.   

I had thought this was going to be a major project, taking the bed apart, but Patty had the great idea to just 'walk' them both around the room, in intervals, to get them to the opposite walls. 

Next we hung two photos and a mirror in the guest bedroom, which has helped it feel more cozy.

Last of all we moved the radio out from under the TV, to where the curio cabinet had been, and hung another one of Charles pictures above it.  Oh, and we had hung the metal horse picture (that had been above the futon in the living room) above the wall heater (safe there because it can't catch on fire).

The sun room is where Charles' oak table and big rocking recliner have ended up.  That's also his cute little lamp on the table.  I finally feel good about where we have put all his stuff in the main part of the house.  Many things are still left stored in the garage, but we have made room for more furnishings than originally planned on.  

Poker Joe was gone and I had a nice big salad using leftovers from our 'party' the day before.

Thursday 2/6 - 
Yesterday's predicted rain finally came overnight, driving Maggie to hide out in our closet.  It rained most of the morning and then quit before noon.  But more was coming, so I did chores early while it wasn't raining.  The only photos I took all day were of the four horses in the lower paddock. 

Cowboy (above) and Banner were the two cleanest horses.  They had been 'power washed' by the rain.

Zorro was a little muddier, and Amiga (seen last) won the prize for muddiest horse today.

It started sprinkling on my way home at 2:30 and was coming down steadier when I got to the gym at 3pm.

I was low energy when I got to the gym but soon perked right up, seeing and talking with several I know. 

After a late dinner, Joe and I watched two episodes of 'Cross' - a crime thriller television series based on the Alex Cross novel series written by James Patterson.  I have also been listening to a book from Patterson's same series on my new I-pad.  I set it to play for 15 minutes and usually fall asleep before the time is up.

Friday 2/7 - It was another poor night of sleep and I wondered how well I would hold up during the day.  Rose was workin' it, looking cute and meowing to get me to feed her, which I did.

I up-dated my to do list, made some phone calls, and then got in a good workout, followed by a trip to Food City.  
I stowed groceries, had a very late lunch, and left for the ranch at 3pm.  All was well and chores went quickly.   

I did find what was left of the catfish, and buried the remains in the manure pile.

Yup, I still have this one string of lights up in the office.  I love its soft, cheerful lighting.

Poker Joe was gone, so my evening entertainment was messing around here at my computer.  My energy was waning and I went to bed early.

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