Friday, February 28, 2025

Easing Back In

It is never easy getting back into the usual routine after a vacation, but slowly easing back in helps.

Saturday 2/22 - At 8:30, we exited the Celebrity Equinox cruise ship that had been eased back in to dock at Port Cape Canaveral earlier this morning (internet photo).  We caught a bus to the Orlando airport which was 45 minutes away, got our bags checked, went through TSA and were at our gate by 11am.  Our flight was on time and uneventful.  Joe picked us and all our luggage up outside the Nashville airport and quickly drove us home.

Dorothy is right, there is NO PLACE like home.  I was so glad to be done traveling but not quite ready to ease back into my usual routine.  I was exhausted from travels and late night dancing the last seven nights

Joe went to poker and thankfully Karen had done cat care.  After feeding the dogs (Tango is with us while Dan's family is in Chicago) I walked them, got in my winter PJs, and downloaded cruise photos (the other four girl's and mine).  But I was too tired to do anything else, so read in bed for a short while before conking out.

Sunday 2/23 - Shirley and I had agreed we were too tired for Church, and I, in fact, stayed in my PJs all day long. 

My only two photos today were of these two canine characters.  Their laziness was exactly how I felt.  
I walked the dogs at 4am because Tango had had an accident both nights Joe was in charge.  Later in the morning, I took a nap.

I spent time cleaning up the kitchen... it looked like a bachelor's pad with just Joe here all week.  I took care of a bunch of e-mails, reading and answering them and then started working
on my cruise blog and also got this blog started.  I later took a long two hour nap in the afternoon.  I still had a lot to do to complete the cruise blog, and needed to unpack and do laundry.

Monday 2/24 - Tango had yet another accident (stained carpet in photo) overnight, even though I took the dog water bowl away at 6:30pm just before walking them both, and then Joe had walked them after poker at nearly 11pm.  By 6am when I got up, the deed had been done. 

Tango was also proving to be a challenge in other ways.  A couple of times
I caught him stealing cat food in just seconds after I left the room thinking he was nearly asleep.

I blogged a few hours and then went to the gym.  I had gained three pounds during the cruise week, not bad.  My knees and hips were sore from dancing, so I went easy on them, but actually my arm strength had not decreased, although the usual pull-ups with the extra weight was not accomplished.   

I showered at the gym, hit Food City, unloaded groceries at home, grabbed a quick sandwich and was off to the ranch.

I fed the four horses from the lower paddock.  Planning to ride Amiga, I then set to the task of cleaning her up.  She had been in the pond so was wet and muddy, and had a scummy smell about her. 

I toiled for quite awhile, getting the dry dirt and a lot of shedding hair off of her.  She cleaned up some, except her sides and belly which were still wet. 

The cleaning job I did on Amiga was acceptable enough for riding her bareback.  I decided to throw on a saddle pad to help keep my jeans clean.  We went on a nice, slow relaxing ride since I was easing Amiga and I both back in to riding again (video).  She stayed at a calm quiet walk the entire time, notwithstanding the need to be reminded to just walk, as we headed back home and neared the barn.

I had taken the trail through the woods, but had to turn back because this big tree had fallen down and its branches were completely blocking the way. 

I got back to the ranch on Amiga, just in time for a planned meeting Charles had wanted with Joe and I.  His health has taken a 'turn for the worse' and since a subsidized housing unit was just opening up in Cookevlle (where his heart doctors are) he decided he needed to move there to be closer to them and take advantage of the lower cost housing.  He was very regretful and apologetic.  We accepted his termination of the rental contract and gave him our blessings.

Wanda loves Maggie.
I finished up chores in the upper paddock and scooted on home to feed cats and dog. 
Joe had stayed at the ranch to wait for, and take care of an overnighter who ended up being two hours late.  She was traveling with a horse, two goats, and two dogs.  And, it turned out she had to put the three ungulates in Zorro's stall because the goats went ballistic being left in the trailer without the horse.
Daniel picked up Tango just as I was going to bed. 

Tuesday 2/25 - It had been early to bed, and was way to early to rise, although I did take a predawn nap.  I  was so happy to be back to my woodland view and even my annoying cat Monita. 
By 9am, Joe and I were moving all 'movable' furniture off the carpet in preparation for the carpet cleaner, who arrived at 10:30.  Which was when I left for the ranch.

Rico was enjoying a nap in the sun when I arrived. 
I stripped the guest bed in the house and cleaned the bathroom and bedroom. 
Then I headed down to the barn to clean up in Zorro's stall.  I disinfected the two buckets and wiped down the metal gate.  Joe would do the mucking. 

As soon as Joe arrived, I helped him re-install a board that had popped off the coral fence (not because of the overnighter's horse, which was never put in the coral).  Then I headed out on the trail with big lopping shears in hand.  I cleared all the big branches from the downed tree, breaking off many and cutting several.  I also picked up a lot of sticks and branches from off the whole (almost ¾ mile long) trail. 

Karen was doing chores when I got back to the barn so I chatted with her and did some stuff around the barn yard.  Up at the house, I stretched an extra hose to the stock tank and filled it while Karen fed Rico and Dorado.  Then we
sat and chatted while drinking a beer we had split (it was warm out and we had both gotten hot).  Besides, I was in no hurry to get home because the carpet needed until 8pm to dry. 

I finally loaded up Maggie and we got home close to 5:00 dinner time.  The carpet was indeed still wet.  And the dinning room and my office were a mess, filled with furniture from the living room, mancave, and bedroom.  I kept Maggie closed in the laundry room during dinner. 

I moved the dog to my office for the rest of the night.  She was a bit confused, but settled on her bed while I was here at my computer and eventually figured out this was her new hangout.  
Joe got home from poker just before I was fixin' to hit the hay, at 7pm.  I couldn't keep awake at my computer and then was too sleepy to read my book.

Wednesday 2/26 - Just a cowgirl on her horse, setting her riding app. before we headed out on a ride.

Before meeting Patty and Betty at the ranch to go for a ride, I went to the 8:30 FFG board meeting at The Center and then did mostly an aerobic workout at the gym. 

I like this photo and wanted to use it, but for some reason it appeared real bright and very yellowy.  The only way I could fix it (edit it) was to change it to a black and white and reduce the brightness.

The three of us ladies had a nice ride on a beautiful day (video).  We took the Lake Kirkstone loop, the road we're on below being part of the hiking trail. 

However, about 40 minutes into the ride, Zorro made up his mind to turn around and head home.  He was giving Patty so much attitude, spinning and throwing little bucks when she tried to turn him back around, that she decided to head home with him.  We escorted her part of the way because he was being such a stinker. 

Betty and I then turned back around and rode all the dirt roads in the the center of the Lake Kirkstone hiking loop.  By the time we got back, 2½ hours after leaving the ranch, we had gone 7.4 miles.  Betty and I were very pleased with the willingness and effort of our horses.  
We feed Rico and Dorado after un-tacking and let them graze in the barnyard for a little bit.  Then I took clean towels and sheets into the ranch house and made the guest bed, so it would be ready to go when needed. 

Poker Joe has been on a winning streak, so wasn't home when I arrived at 5:30 and went to bed at 8:30.

Thursday 2/27 - I was up at 1:30 and unable to get back to sleep.  I was thinking about Monique (Moe) a potential new lessee for the room at the ranch house.  She works at the gym but is living in a women's homeless shelter due to unfortunate circumstances mostly out of her control.  I learned of her 'predicament' the day after we had made the rental agreement with Charles.  So I inquired about her situation and found out she was still looking for suitable housing and that her 'stay' at the Avelon Center was up March 3rd (they have a one month limit to emergency shelter).  Moe has a border collie (makes renting difficult) that sleeps in her car at night (not allowed in the shelter) and goes to work with her every day.  My mind was mulling over the logistics of renting to Moe (and her dog) and whether this was a judicious choice.  Yet, I couldn't help but wonder if the timing of all this was an intervention from God and a sign to us, to help Moe out.

Anyway, I never did get back to sleep (although I tried napping on the couch before sunrise).  So I felt tired or “off” all day long.  I worked on my cruise blog much of the time, finally unpacked my suitcase and did two loads of laundry, and wiped down and cleaned some furnishings to put back out on the well dried carpet.  Photo of what my office still looked like.

I see all kinds of 'wild life' down back.  This guy comes every two or three weeks, with his border collie, and 'hunts' for golf balls.

I did finally get to the gym at 1:00, but my workout was kind of punkie.  And I also briefly talked with Moe while there, giving her a copy of our ranch rules and what the rental contract would be. 

Moe's excitement to have a place to live was contagious so it was hard to remind her that we hadn't yet totally decided on renting to her.  Joe needs to meet her and has several questions.  Plus, she hasn't even seen what the room she'd be renting (or even the house) looks like.

I had showered at the gym.  After an early dinner, when changing into my PJs, I found a tick (that had just bit me) under my sock on my leg.  WTHeck?  I wasn't even in the woods today, and had showered.  So packing tape will now be on the bathroom vanity until 'tick season' is over.  Ugh!  Also notice all the clear bags of toiletries and jewelry I still need to unpack.  I guess taking all week to unpack is my way of slowly easing back in to home life. 

I was falling asleep at my computer, so told Joe TV time had to happen early.  We started the two hour episode of season 48 of Survivor.  I was in bed with lights out by 9pm. 

Friday 2/28 - Wow, the last day of February! 
I dedicated all morning to working on my cruise blog.  I made great progress but still had a few more days to complete before I could get it posted.  I wanted to post it before this one so that they would be in order chronologically as they were read. 

By 11:30 I was getting lunch and soon out the door, headed for the ranch.  Today Judy joined Betty and I and it was such a pleasure to have her along.  I put her on Rico thinking I could turn back early with Zorro if needed. 

It was a pleasure riding with the best Cowgirl (Judy) I know.  Her knowledge and experience are tremendous.  I also always enjoy riding with Betty, my usual riding buddy, and one fun Cowgirl.  Actually, I love all the ladies at the ranch, and riding with them.

Judy gave me several good tips and pointers and was quicker to figure out Rico than I have been. 

The weather and horses were fantastic.

We did a lot of gaiting, and even Zorro kept up fine.  He did
cop an attitude two times, but quickly calmed down for me.  We ended up going 3½ miles in about 90 minutes.  Betty shutting & locking the back gate. 

Once back I fed the four in the lower paddock.  Betty took care of Rico and Dorado, which helped speed things up for me and I got home by 3:30.

After evening chores, including dinner, I sat back at my computer to try to get more blogging done.  I am still not back into my usual routine and it hasn't been easy for me, but I'll get there.

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