Friday, July 17, 2020

A Little's A Start

A little is better than nothing.  Just doing a little something is a lot better than doing a lot of nothing.  I need to keep the mind set that doing a small, short workout is better than none at all, and it's at least a start to getting back into shape.  A tiny donation, kind word, or small gesture can go a long way to helping someone.  All of the little things add up.

As far as Covid-19 goes, catching no viral particles is best.  However, retired surgeon Sam Laucks says it appears that the severity of Covid-19 infection is at least partially “dose-dependent.”  In other words, the more virus particles that enter your body, the sicker you are likely to become.  But who really knows or wants to take their chances?

A little is often better than a lot.  If a little is good, it doesn’t necessarily mean a lot is better, except maybe with cats, horses, tea, ice cream, and popcorn.  You will often hear, "all things in moderation," because it is a good rule of thumb.  Over fertilizing or over watering can be a problem for your plants, just like overindulging in food and drink is not wise for us, or any animal.  That being said, there are still exceptions.  A lot of God, love, peace, care, safety, compassion, etc. can never be too much.  (Although, can we be smothered in kindness?)

Saturday 7/11 - I was up in the middle of the night for three hours, so took a nap at sun up.  But I kept feeling like I needed more sleep much of the day.  Some days I managed to waste a lot of time doing lots of nothing.  Other days I seem to just keep going, making the use of every minute, like brushing my teeth while I go to the bathroom, or putting dishes away while I wait for the microwave, or making the bed while my toast browns, or doing a quick household chore for the few minutes I have before I have to go to work.

Karen had given me a bunch of iris bulbs I wanted to get planted, and this front bed still needed weeding, so I got to work.

The bulbs, well actually rhizomes, were placed in additional soil I put at the base of this tree, and then covered with mulch.  I do not expect them to grow this summer, they have already bloomed for the year.

I continued weeding, removed a bunch of leaves from under and around the evergreen shrub, and mulched as much as I had gotten weeded.

I had to hurry and clean up, walk the dog, pack a supper, and get to work.

I arrived in the middle of the middle shift, and it was packed.  The third shift was not near as crowded.  People tend to leave before the end of the third (last) shift so they can get home for dinner, so I was able to get all the cleaning done and arrive home by 6:30.

Sunday 7/12 - I had taken a sleep aid because I was tired of not getting a full night of sleep.  It did the trick, and I actually didn't wake up until 6:30.  It was a quick dog walk in a gentle rain, followed by several hours working a puzzle after my usual browsing the internet and blogging.

At one point I was feeling very sleepy, and it seemed to be nap time.  I had taken these five photos of each pet napping all within one minute of each other.

Stevie above, then Monita, and Mama Styx below.

I had troubles locating Babe at first, but then saw her in the hammock. 

I followed suit with all the critters, and took a nap on the couch near Maggie.

Upon waking, instead of thinking about a good exercise routine and what I could do to work out, I contemplated all of the different meals I could cook and enjoy eating on a cold, rainy summer day.  I made spaghetti for lunch.  Then I completed the puzzle as the sun finally came out from behind the clouds, mid-afternoon.

It was time to do a little something, so I went to the barn, caught and groomed Amiga, and took her for a 90 minute ride.  They had recently 'groomed' the trails so we went on the long trail ride path.  It was a tad muddy from the morning's rain, but with the heat and humidity, I hadn't planned to go faster than a walk or slow gait.

Amiga did a great job, except at one spot something greatly concerned her and she refused to continue down the trail.  When I nudged her to go, she would only back up.  I finally got off and led her past the 'scary' spot and then we continued with no other problems. 

It was a pretty day for a ride, the woods were beautiful and cool in temperature (video).
I was going to ride in the front yard with Jan and Polly when I got back to the barn, but because Amiga had returned at such a leisurely and relaxed pace, I decided to reward her and quit on a good note.  It was past her dinner time anyway.

After the cats, dog, and I had our dinner, Maggie and I went on a 75 minute walk.  I need to keep working at getting some exercise.

Monday 7/13 - I left my computer early and headed to the barn at 8:30.  Cheryl and I went for a ride, leaving the barn at 9:30.  We took the Holly trail into the Glade.  As the sun got higher in the sky, the day started heating up.  We had an enjoyable (95 minute) ride without any difficulties, except Amiga preferred to follow Velvet, than lead.  I wiped her down with a wet wash cloth after untacking, and then she enjoyed a good roll to complete the cooling process (video). 

I decided on an early lunch before going out to work in the yard, and then lost all motivation to do yard work.  It was hot and I was feeling tired, so read and then napped on the couch in the sun room.

Monita was with me in the first photo, and later Mama Styx came to lay by me.

I spent over an hour watering all of the landscape plants out front.  It was an easy and much needed job to do when I was lacking ambition.

I was headed to Mirror Lake Blast and saw this deer family sauntering across the road.  I took several photos while slowly approaching them.

I moved my chair to this section of parking lot to join Bob, Sherri, Joyce, Mary, and Brent.

Sherri and Connie up dancing with me, along with several others.

 This is Angie, who spends several weeks during the summer with her family here in the Glade.  She loves dancing, and does it like nobody is watching.

The concert ended at 8pm and I was still wound up when I got home, so walked (and jogged a little) with Maggie until after dark.
 Tuesday 7/14 - Our new mower was going to be delivered between 10 and 1, so by 9am I went out to make room in the garage.  I moved my car and everything but Joe's scooter out of the way and then swept the whole garage.

While putting corn down back, I had noticed this racoon, almost completely submerged in the creek.  So my next item of business was to get him buried.  I wondered what had killed him.

I needed to do some weed whacking just to clear a good spot to dig.  Once the racoon was buried, I weeded out in the front bed.  In the process, I pulled up several Rose of Sharon seedlings that came out, root and all.  I decided to transplant them, but first moved this one large one that was crowding other shrubs.  I put it down by the creek's edge and then put all the seedlings and some other little clusters of them in another bunch near this one large one.

The deer do nibble on these, especially the flowers, and will probably keep them 'pruned' back.  I hope the shrub will help with erosion of the bank. 

By 1:00 I was tired, hungry, and thirsty.  The day had really heated up.  This UPS delivery came, but no mower.  Joe was communicating with me from Minnesota, and said it wasn't coming until later in the day. 

Stevie, On top of the 'world' looking down on the other critters, until Monita came and bothered her.

Jan and I had planned to be ready to ride out from the barn at 3:45, so I had Joe leave instructions with the mower delivery man and I gave Brian a heads up.

The day had started to cool down, but it was still plenty warm out.  At least in the woods its was shady and cooler.

We went through the winter pasture to get to the long trail, and rode most of it.

Once back and untacked, I hosed Amiga off and put her out in the pony pen with Cash.

These two get along so well together and are so sweet with each other.

We sat and watched our horses, while allowing them time to cool off.  Polly joined us and it was nice under the big sycamore sitting and chatting.

The mower had arrived while I was gone, and was parked in the garage in front of Joe's scooter as instructed.  I moved all the other lawn and yard equipment back in place so I could get my car into the garage.

It was a quiet evening at home, with just the pets and I.

Wednesday 7/15 - These are the only two photos I took all day.  While Maggie was watching me water plants, somebody hit a golf ball into the front yard.  Man were they ever off course.  Maggie thought it was great to have another toy to play with.  I spent a little over two hours watering everything in back and potted plants in front.

I got to work early to enjoy a cool swim in the pool, and then worked 1:45 - 7pm.  It was not going to cool off, only getting down to 74° overnight, so I decided to sleep out on the screened porch.  It was lovely with the fan going and the choir of frogs and bugs singing me to sleep.

Thursday 7/16 - I probably would have slept better in my own bed, but enjoyed the night on the porch.

I worked at the pool, going in early to scrub all of the tile.  It was a hot day at the pool from 9-2 and I cooled off in the water a few more times during my shift.

I showered and took a nap on the lounge chair pad on the porch from the night before.  Maggie joined me, keeping a watchful eye on the cats who were frolicking nearby.
We all had an early dinner and then I went to the barn for an evening ride.  I started out in the mare pasture, looking for a fly mask Amiga had lost.  She gaited the whole time I rode back and forth, covering the length of the pasture.  On my second to the last pass, I found her fly mask.  Next we did one practice lap of the parade route, and she did so well, probably too hot and tired to act crazy, that I quit before I had planed to.  You can see how sweaty Amiga was (the dark hair) in this photo.  I chatted with Judy, Shirley, and Emily for quite awhile while Amiga cooled off in the pony pen.

It was nearly dark when I got home.  Heat and humidity hung in the air and I sat on the screened porch, under the breeze of the ceiling fan, and read for about an hour, before going to bed.  The cats were chasing moths and a choir of critters were singing away outside (video).

Friday 7/17 - I was up at 2am and unable to go back to sleep so got out of bed at 3am and started my morning routine.  I waited until 4:00 to walk Maggie.  I got all my computerizing done, so played a few games until daybreak.  Then I went back to bed. Uugghh!

I dinked around (According to Urban Dictionary this means when you spent all your free time doing a whole lot of nothing and you do not feel like explaining in detail what all you did.) in the yard for almost two hours but got too hot.

I cooled off under the porch fan while enjoying lunch, then went to work early and floated in the pool to cool off.  Work was busy, but that's how I like it.  Joe got home from his week away, and came out to the pool to cool off for a few minutes.

Joe had turned our air on, which felt nice (almost too cold) when I got home.  I wanted to have popcorn, but a little always leads to more and more, and soon too much.  So I opted for ice cream in a small mug, but was still able to get quite a bit served up for me.

I was short on sleep so went to bed at 8:30.

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