Friday, July 10, 2020


Independence isn't just freedom from being governed or ruled by another country.  It can be in the form of financial, emotional, social, career, and personal.  Achieving independence can help increase your self-value and self-esteem.  It gives you a sense of control, confidence, accomplishment, importance, freedom, and self-sufficiency.
Some people are feeling the loss of freedom (independence) because of the pandemic restrictions placed on them, businesses, schools, etc.  They are refusing to follow the guidelines, and this is causing an increase in cases.

Independence allows you to fly solo when wanted, but finds joy in sharing.
It is the liberty to resist, or let go;
to receive, complement, grow; or not.
Independence is the freedom to choose,
whether it's the right choice or not.

This week our country celebrates its independence under great restrictions, strain, division, conflict, and disagreement.  😔

Friday 7/3 - Our drive to Courtney's was quick and easy.  I took this photo of her condo much later in the day.

We got busy with several chores and worked until after lunch time.  Courtney cooked us a great steak, mashed potato, and asparagus meal for a late lunch.

It was nice to just hang around with Courtney and the kitties, relaxing and chatting.  This yellow one is Wash.

Squeaky getting a belly rub.

I walked around Courtney's neighborhood complex, and some of the streets nearby, and felt like it was a nice, and a safe place to reside.

We watched the first half of Hamilton and then ordered a late dinner from Hibachi Grill.  After finishing Hamilton, it was late to bed, while neighborhood firecrackers were winding down.

Saturday 7/4 - Happy Independence Day!

A slow and relaxed morning occurred.  Joe and I went for a nice walk while Courtney was still sleeping.  This is the view from her back door and deck.

I fixed the Au-Gratin potatoes Dan had requested and soon Joe and I were on our way to his house.  Courtney was still feeling very low energy and had a prior commitment later in the day, so did not join us.

Valencia's parents, and sister with her family were all there visiting.  It was a typical hot day in July for a July 4th cook out.

Ricardo did all of the grilling; chicken, flank steaks, hamburgers, and hotdogs.  And as always, there was a ton of really good food.

During siesta/rest time to let our full belly's digest, I felt more the need to walk.  Val's niece Arielluah (Ari) went with me.  I had troubles keeping up with this energetic little four year old.  We were both quite warm after returning from our two mile walk in the 92 degree heat.

Tango was on board with nap time, but Dan's cat 'Kitty' was looking for trouble.

After a while, the games began.  Dan and Val's bonus room has become a game room of sorts.  They have a very nice pool table Val gave Dan for his birthday.

This other game, called Beat Saber is a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music as they fly towards you, surrounded by a futuristic world.  You also have to duck blocks that come at you.  It feels very real when you have the goggles on.

Joe and I left Dan's in time to hit Lowe's (before it closed at 8pm) on the way back to Courtney's.  I bought her some plants, including this rose that I actually planted as it got dark and fireworks started going off.  I finished up outside, just as a thunderstorm hit.

Sunday 7/5 - Our 40th anniversary. 
The 40 years together have sure flown by, and we have been so blessed through all of them.  There have been a lot of tough times, but together, with God, and with family and friends, we have been able to make it through the storms.  I am so glad that we have been able to maintain some of our independence, which has been helpful to keep the marriage going, and to keep ourselves happy.

Before the rains came and Courtney got up, I went out to finish planting flowers.  In the process of digging holes I unearthed some jelly bean size eggs.  I knew they were reptile, because they were leathery.  As I gently moved them over out of the way, I then unearthed this lizard.  It scurried off and I re-buried the eggs and got the flowers planted.

Once Courtney got up, she made us a wonderful brunch of French toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs.  It was delicious.

We hung out awhile longer, but eventually Courtney was ready to nap and Joe was anxious to hit the road.

We dropped by Daniel's to pick up my sunglasses I had left there and to drop off two wall hangings I had forgotten to leave.  They had all gone shopping, except Ricardo, who was out in the yard working on accent landscape lighting.  Later Val sent me a photo of how it looked at night.  Beautiful.  The whole front used to be dark except for flood lights up at the one corner.

It was another quick and easy drive home, even in one heavy downpour.  The cats were delighted to see us and Maggie was glad to be home too.

Monday 7/6 - My catery / office / sun room was hopping in the morning while I sat and worked on this blog.  It's no wonder it takes me so long, I get so distracted.

I rarely get a photo of all four of my feline in one picture.

Stevie was feeling her oats.  She is my oldest, but can be as playful as Babe (the ten month old).

Stevie was definitely looking for trouble, which soon showed up.  That is Babe on the long shelf looking at Stevie in the tire shelf.

Eventually Stevie settled down and took a short rest.

I spent a few hours working in the yard but didn't have much to show for my efforts.  I fertilized all my flowers and everything else got a good watering.

I did some spot weeding, but so many more weeds need to be removed.  I did get the area in the front ready for seeding, leveling it and removing lots of rocks from it.

I had not exerted myself really, but by the time I came in from the yard for a late lunch, I was exhausted.  It wasn't that hot at 84°, but the humidity was high and I guess that zapped me.

After a long nap I felt better, changed and packed up to go to Mirror Lake Blast.  Joe drove separate on his scooter and we met Patty, Mary, and Bonnie there.

There was a larger crowd than I expected, and it was almost like the good old days of summer, without Covid - 19.  Everyone seemed to do a good job of social distancing and several were up dancing by the second set.  What a great time I had with good music, fun dancing, and time with friends.

Tuesday 7/7 - I was at the barn by 7:30 and out on Amiga a little after 8am.  We rode around the gardens.  Look how nice most people keep their plots.

Then I took Amiga though four gates to get to the winter pasture which has recently been planted with beans.

The lily pond was full of the pretty flowers.

After riding a loop of the long trail at the top of the ridge we headed down the muddy hill to get down to Daddy's Creek.  What a wonderful trail it is along this beautiful creek and woodland (video).

Notice the Rhododendron were blooming.

We got sprinkled on once, but it didn't last long.  Sometimes the flies were quite annoying, but I thoroughly enjoyed our two hours out on the trail.

The day had heated up and gotten muggy by the time I returned home at 11am.  After a shower and lunch, I took a nap out on the porch swing with my kitties. 

Monita displays napping at it's best.

I saw this spare tire cover on my way into town and had to take a photo cause I liked it so much.

After shopping at several stores, I met up with friends at Vegas.  Joe came separately, from a doctors appointment.  From left, going clockwise, are Andy, Rita, Linnea, Ken, Chris, Brian, Joan and Joe.

I should have walked off my steak and potatoes once home, but chose to computerize and read instead.

Wednesday 7/8 - All four girls together again.  Babe (the blackest one) and Mama Styx were eating side by side, while Stevie looked down from above and Monita was trying to get their tails.

Everything got watered well before we headed to Dartmoor Marina for a mid -morning pontoon ride.

Joe, Mary and Bonnie sat in back in the shade, while Patty and I did some sunning out front.

It was a perfect day to be out on the water.

Just before heading to work, we got hit with a thunderstorm and torrential downpour.  We ended up getting 2½ inches of rain.  But, it only sprinkled at the pool.  However, there was thunder and lightening all around us, so I couldn't let people in the water.  Only four waited it out for the two hours.  Then, I was able to open the third shift early and let the four stay longer if they wanted.  I had nearly a full shift with 34 people.

Thursday 7/9 - Monita resuming her most recent sleeping position.  I guess it is preferable in the summertime.  I was back out at the pool for my morning shift, just before 9am.  Again it was strange that it rained another 2½ inches at our house and barely even sprinkled for a few minutes at the pool.  Both the swimming shifts I had were almost to capacity.

The sun and heat from working five hours had gotten to me so I showered and rested until our chat session with Britney, Courtney and Will (her new boyfriend, visiting her from Michigan).

Like two little boys, Stevie and Monita start out playing (or loving on each other) but it usually ends in a scuffle. 

It was good to meet Will and see and talk with the girls.

We ended the conversation in order to get to a party out at the barn.  Joe took his scooter, knowing he would want to get home before I was probably ready, because there was going to be a band, and you know what that means.

The Standing Tall program was celebrating their last class for the session and having a little party that was winding down, while the Living Room Concert series was just getting their party started.

Cash was out in the pony pen cooling off after a ride, so I stuck Amiga out with him because it was cooler, and they really seem to enjoy each other (video). 

Jan, Mike, Joe, and I sat together, enjoying a very tasty meal.  Then we went for a wagon ride.  John and Henry are Jason's two big draft horses and he owns a few different wagons and buggies that they pull.

He has taught Emily how to drive them, and she does a great job.

We went for a spin around the gardens and back to the barn (video).

I made an attempt at a selfie with these two big boys, and then Jason helped me out.

The band did a great job, and was quite enjoyable.  And yes, I did have fun dancing (video) sometimes by myself.  I prefer to be in the company of other dancers, but always dance like nobody is watching.  I am independent in that regards.

There were threatening storm clouds from the start of the evening, you can see them in the video of the wagon ride.  Luckily the rains missed us, but the thunder and lightning circled around us on two sides. 

The party did wind down a little early because it seemed as if it was going to pour at any minute towards the 8:00 ending time.  I had troubles falling asleep when I went to bed at 9:30.  I was still too full, and I guess too wound up.

Friday 7/10 - Joe got packed up and was on the road by 9:30, heading north for a fishing trip and other adventures, with family and Greg.

With my washing machine stuck on small load level, I ended up doing three loads to get all our laundry done.  I also did a little house cleaning.

Resting on the porch with Stevie and Maggie.

I made a trip to Food City to get items for our picnic, and then washed and cut up fruits and vegetables.  I did do some work in the yard for about an hour, but it was just too hot for me.  I am becoming soft in my old age. 

Shirley, Mary, Bonni, Patty and I had all brought food to share with each other, and had a lovely little picnic out under the big Sycamore tree.  There was a very nice cool breeze blowing.

Similar to the night before, we put Amiga and Zorro together in the pony pen.  They like each other too, although you can hear Amiga squeal in this (video).  She is a drama queen sometimes.

It was almost dark by the time I got home.  Maggie had been at the barn with us, so I didn't do our last walk until just before bed.  All four cats were ready for, I don't know what, but it wasn't bedtime.  I like my independence, and living 'alone' at times, and am glad Joe enjoys going off on adventures.

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